1,552 research outputs found

    A quantitative approximation scheme for the traveling wave solutions in the Hodgkin-Huxley model

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    We introduce an approximation scheme for the Hodgkin-Huxley model of nerve conductance which allows to calculate both the speed of the traveling pulses and their shape in quantitative agreement with the solutions of the model. We demonstrate that the reduced problem for the front of the traveling pulse admits a unique solution. We obtain an explicit analytical expression for the speed of the pulses which is valid with good accuracy in a wide range of the parameters.Comment: 22 pages (Latex), 9 figures (postscript

    Theory of domain patterns in systems with long-range interactions of Coulomb type

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    We develop a theory of the domain patterns in systems with competing short-range attractive interactions and long range repulsive Coulomb interactions. We take an energetic approach, in which patterns are considered as critical points of a mean-field free energy functional. Close to the microphase separation transition, this functional takes on a universal form, allowing to treat a number of diverse physical situations within a unified framework. We use asymptotic analysis to study domain patterns with sharp interfaces. We derived an interfacial representation of the pattern's free energy which remains valid in the fluctuating system, with a suitable renormalization of the Coulomb interaction's coupling constant. We also derived integrodifferential equations describing the stationary domain patterns of arbitrary shapes and their thermodynamic stability, coming from the first and second variation of the interfacial free energy. We showed that the length scale of a stable domain pattern must obey a certain scaling law with the strength of the Coulomb interaction. We analyzed existence and stability of localized (spots, stripes, annuli) and periodic (lamellar, hexagonal) patterns in two dimensions. We showed that these patterns are metastable in certain ranges of the parameters and that they can undergo morphological instabilities leading to the formation of more complex patterns. We discuss nucleation of the domain patterns by thermal fluctuations and pattern formation scenarios for various thermal quenches. We argue that self-induced disorder is an intrinsic property of the domain patterns in the systems under consideration.Comment: 59 pages (RevTeX 4), 9 figures (postscript), to be published in the Phys. Rev.

    Bit flipping and time to recover

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    We call `bits' a sequence of devices indexed by positive integers, where every device can be in two states: 00 (idle) and 11 (active). Start from the `ground state' of the system when all bits are in 00-state. In our first Binary Flipping (BF) model, the evolution of the system is the following: at each time step choose one bit from a given distribution P\mathcal{P} on the integers independently of anything else, then flip the state of this bit to the opposite. In our second Damaged Bits (DB) model a `damaged' state is added: each selected idling bit changes to active, but selecting an active bit changes its state to damaged in which it then stays forever. In both models we analyse the recurrence of the system's ground state when no bits are active. We present sufficient conditions for both BF and DB models to show recurrent or transient behaviour, depending on the properties of P\mathcal{P}. We provide a bound for fractional moments of the return time to the ground state for the BF model, and prove a Central Limit Theorem for the number of active bits for both models

    On well-posedness of variational models of charged drops

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    Electrified liquids are well known to be prone to a variety of interfacial instabilities that result in the onset of apparent interfacial singularities and liquid fragmentation. In the case of electrically conducting liquids, one of the basic models describing the equilibrium interfacial configurations and the onset of instability assumes the liquid to be equipotential and interprets those configurations as local minimizers of the energy consisting of the sum of the surface energy and the electrostatic energy. Here we show that, surprisingly, this classical geometric variational model is mathematically ill-posed irrespectively of the degree to which the liquid is electrified. Specifically, we demonstrate that an isolated spherical droplet is never a local minimizer, no matter how small is the total charge on the droplet, since the energy can always be lowered by a smooth, arbitrarily small distortion of the droplet's surface. This is in sharp contrast with the experimental observations that a critical amount of charge is needed in order to destabilize a spherical droplet. We discuss several possible regularization mechanisms for the considered free boundary problem and argue that well-posedness can be restored by the inclusion of the entropic effects resulting in finite screening of free charges.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    One-dimensional Neel walls under applied external fields

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    We present a detailed analysis of one-dimensional N\'eel walls in thin uniaxial ferromagnetic films in the presence of an in-plane applied external field in the direction normal to the easy axis. Within the reduced one-dimensional thin film model, we formulate a non-local variational problem whose minimizers are given by one-dimensional N\'eel wall profiles. We prove existence, uniqueness (up to translations and reflections), regularity, strict monotonicity and the precise asymptotics of the decay of the minimizers in the considered variational problem

    Asymptotic properties of ground states of scalar field equations with a vanishing parameter

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    We study the leading order behaviour of positive solutions of the equation -\Delta u +\varepsilon u-|u|^{p-2}u+|u|^{q-2}u=0,\qquad x\in\R^N, where N≥3N\ge 3, q>p>2q>p>2 and when ε>0\varepsilon>0 is a small parameter. We give a complete characterization of all possible asymptotic regimes as a function of pp, qq and NN. The behavior of solutions depends sensitively on whether pp is less, equal or bigger than the critical Sobolev exponent p∗=2NN−2p^\ast=\frac{2N}{N-2}. For p<p∗p<p^\ast the solution asymptotically coincides with the solution of the equation in which the last term is absent. For p>p∗p>p^\ast the solution asymptotically coincides with the solution of the equation with ε=0\varepsilon=0. In the most delicate case p=p∗p=p^\ast the asymptotic behaviour of the solutions is given by a particular solution of the critical Emden--Fowler equation, whose choice depends on ε\varepsilon in a nontrivial way
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