338 research outputs found

    Computational anatomy for studying use-dependant brain plasticity.

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    In this article we provide a comprehensive literature review on the in vivo assessment of use-dependant brain structure changes in humans using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computational anatomy. We highlight the recent findings in this field that allow the uncovering of the basic principles behind brain plasticity in light of the existing theoretical models at various scales of observation. Given the current lack of in-depth understanding of the neurobiological basis of brain structure changes we emphasize the necessity of a paradigm shift in the investigation and interpretation of use-dependent brain plasticity. Novel quantitative MRI acquisition techniques provide access to brain tissue microstructural properties (e.g., myelin, iron, and water content) in-vivo, thereby allowing unprecedented specific insights into the mechanisms underlying brain plasticity. These quantitative MRI techniques require novel methods for image processing and analysis of longitudinal data allowing for straightforward interpretation and causality inferences

    In vivo functional and myeloarchitectonic mapping of human primary auditory areas

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    In contrast to vision, where retinotopic mapping alone can define areal borders, primary auditory areas such as A1 are best delineated by combining in vivo tonotopic mapping with postmortem cyto- or myeloarchitectonics from the same individual. We combined high-resolution (800 μm) quantitative T(1) mapping with phase-encoded tonotopic methods to map primary auditory areas (A1 and R) within the "auditory core" of human volunteers. We first quantitatively characterize the highly myelinated auditory core in terms of shape, area, cortical depth profile, and position, with our data showing considerable correspondence to postmortem myeloarchitectonic studies, both in cross-participant averages and in individuals. The core region contains two "mirror-image" tonotopic maps oriented along the same axis as observed in macaque and owl monkey. We suggest that these two maps within the core are the human analogs of primate auditory areas A1 and R. The core occupies a much smaller portion of tonotopically organized cortex on the superior temporal plane and gyrus than is generally supposed. The multimodal approach to defining the auditory core will facilitate investigations of structure-function relationships, comparative neuroanatomical studies, and promises new biomarkers for diagnosis and clinical studies

    Correction of FLASH-based MT saturation in human brain for residual bias of B1-inhomogeneity at 3T

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    Background: Magnetization transfer (MT) saturation reflects the additionalsaturation of the MRI signal imposed by an MT pulse and is largely driven bythe saturation of the bound pool. This reduction of the bound polarization bythe MT pulse is less efficient than predicted by the differential B1-square lawof absorption. Thus, B1 inhomogeneities lead to a residual bias in the MTsaturation maps. We derive a heuristic correction to reduce this bias for awidely used multi-parameter mapping protocol at 3T. Methods: The amplitude ofthe MT pulse was varied via the nominal flip angle to mimic variations in B1.The MT saturation's dependence on the actual flip angle features a linearcorrection term, which was determined separately for gray and white matter.Results: The deviation of MT saturation from differential B1-square law is welldescribed by a linear decrease with the actual flip angle of the MT pulse. Thisdecrease showed no significant differences between gray and white matter. Thus,the post hoc correction does not need to take different tissue types intoaccount. Bias-corrected MT saturation maps appeared more symmetric andhighlighted highly myelinated tracts. Discussion: Our correction involves acalibration that is specific for the MT pulse. While it can also be used torescale nominal flip angles, different MT pulses and/or protocols will requireindividual calibration. Conclusion: The suggested B1 correction of the MT mapscan be applied post hoc using an independently acquired flip angle map.<br

    Investigating the functions of subregions within anterior hippocampus.

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    Previous functional MRI (fMRI) studies have associated anterior hippocampus with imagining and recalling scenes, imagining the future, recalling autobiographical memories and visual scene perception. We have observed that this typically involves the medial rather than the lateral portion of the anterior hippocampus. Here, we investigated which specific structures of the hippocampus underpin this observation. We had participants imagine novel scenes during fMRI scanning, as well as recall previously learned scenes from two different time periods (one week and 30 min prior to scanning), with analogous single object conditions as baselines. Using an extended segmentation protocol focussing on anterior hippocampus, we first investigated which substructures of the hippocampus respond to scenes, and found both imagination and recall of scenes to be associated with activity in presubiculum/parasubiculum, a region associated with spatial representation in rodents. Next, we compared imagining novel scenes to recall from one week or 30 min before scanning. We expected a strong response to imagining novel scenes and 1-week recall, as both involve constructing scene representations from elements stored across cortex. By contrast, we expected a weaker response to 30-min recall, as representations of these scenes had already been constructed but not yet consolidated. Both imagination and 1-week recall of scenes engaged anterior hippocampal structures (anterior subiculum and uncus respectively), indicating possible roles in scene construction. By contrast, 30-min recall of scenes elicited significantly less activation of anterior hippocampus but did engage posterior CA3. Together, these results elucidate the functions of different parts of the anterior hippocampus, a key brain area about which little is definitely known

    Correction of FLASH-based MT saturation in human brain for residual bias of B1-inhomogeneity at 3T

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    Background: Magnetization transfer (MT) saturation reflects the additional saturation of the MRI signal imposed by an MT pulse and is largely driven by the saturation of the bound pool. This reduction of the bound polarization by the MT pulse is less efficient than predicted by the differential B1-square law of absorption. Thus, B1 inhomogeneities lead to a residual bias in the MT saturation maps. We derive a heuristic correction to reduce this bias for a widely used multi-parameter mapping protocol at 3T. Methods: The amplitude of the MT pulse was varied via the nominal flip angle to mimic variations in B1. The MT saturation's dependence on the actual flip angle features a linear correction term, which was determined separately for gray and white matter. Results: The deviation of MT saturation from differential B1-square law is well described by a linear decrease with the actual flip angle of the MT pulse. This decrease showed no significant differences between gray and white matter. Thus, the post hoc correction does not need to take different tissue types into account. Bias-corrected MT saturation maps appeared more symmetric and highlighted highly myelinated tracts. Discussion:Our correction involves a calibration that is specific for the MT pulse. While it can also be used to rescale nominal flip angles, different MT pulses and/or protocols will require individual calibration. Conclusion: The suggested B1 correction of the MT maps can be applied post hoc using an independently acquired flip angle map

    Mapping the human cortical surface by combining quantitative T(1) with retinotopy

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    We combined quantitative relaxation rate (R1= 1/T1) mapping-to measure local myelination-with fMRI-based retinotopy. Gray-white and pial surfaces were reconstructed and used to sample R1 at different cortical depths. Like myelination, R1 decreased from deeper to superficial layers. R1 decreased passing from V1 and MT, to immediately surrounding areas, then to the angular gyrus. High R1 was correlated across the cortex with convex local curvature so the data was first "de-curved". By overlaying R1 and retinotopic maps, we found that many visual area borders were associated with significant R1 increases including V1, V3A, MT, V6, V6A, V8/VO1, FST, and VIP. Surprisingly, retinotopic MT occupied only the posterior portion of an oval-shaped lateral occipital R1 maximum. R1 maps were reproducible within individuals and comparable between subjects without intensity normalization, enabling multi-center studies of development, aging, and disease progression, and structure/function mapping in other modalities

    Optical properties of InP/AlGaInP quantum dot laser heterostructures

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    Optical characterisation of InP/AlGaInP quantum dot laser structures, involving laser threshold and wavelength, optical modal gain and absorption spectra, and radiative efficiency are presented. The samples were grown by MOVPE in Sheffield University on (100) 10 off and (211)B GaAs substrates, and consist of 5 layers of self-assembled InP dots, with each layer grown on Alo.3Gao.7InP and placed in a GaInP quantum well. A record low threshold current density of 290A/cm2 at a wavelength of 740nm for a 1.6 mm-long device with uncoated facets is obtained from one of the sample grown on (100) 10 off substrate at 690 C. This sample has an internal optical mode loss of 4 1 cm"1 and an internal quantum spontaneous emission efficiency of 30% for current densities corresponding to the threshold. The ground state modal gain is shown to saturate at 17cm"1 at room temperature, which is about lA of the full population inversion limit, and the saturation level increases with decreasing temperature. A sample grown at a lower temperature of 650 C has higher optical mode loss (7.5 1 cm"1) and quantum efficiency under 15%. A sample grown on (211)B substrate exhibits optical transitions at higher photon energies, consistent with smaller dot sizes. The thesis also presents an analysis of the segmented contact technique used to measure gain and absorption spectra, determining criteria for the excitation and detection geometries required to ensure accurate measurement. It is shown that the collection angle and device nearfield should be limited so that rays that intercept the stripe edges are not collected. If this is not satisfied, the measurement underestimates the modal gain. An exponential variation of the measured ASE upon stripe length cannot be taken as evidence for a correct collection geometry.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Adorno e a pesquisa empírica no contexto norte-americano

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    The article’s aim is to show the way in which the emmigration experience in the USA fundamentally marked Adorno’s opinion and conception regarding the relation between social theory and empirical research. Beginning in the author’s envolvement with the Princeton Radio Research Project, we intend to indicate how Adorno contrasted his german sociological and philosophical background, as well as the conception of social theory developed in the interior of the Institut of Social Research, with the administrative research fostered in the Radio Project. Above all, our objective is to emphasise the necessary bond between theory and research such as Adorno formulated in answer to the american empirical sociology.O artigo tem como intuito mostrar de que maneira a experiência da emigração para os EUA marcou indelevelmente a opinião e a concepção adorniana acerca da relação entre teoria social e pesquisa empírica. A partir da análise do envolvimento de Adorno com o Princeton Radio Research Project, pretendemos indicar de que maneira Adorno contrastou sua formação sociológica e filosófica alemã, como também a concepção de teoria social desenvolvida no seio do Instituto de Pesquisa Social, com a administrative research promovida no Radio Project. Trata-se assim, sobretudo, de salientar o vínculo necessário entre teoria e pesquisa tal como Adorno o formulou em resposta à sociologia empírica norte-americana

    The quest for the best: The impact of different EPI sequences on the sensitivity of random effect fMRI group analyses.

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    We compared the sensitivity of standard single-shot 2D echo planar imaging (EPI) to three advanced EPI sequences, i.e., 2D multi-echo EPI, 3D high resolution EPI and 3D dual-echo fast EPI in fixed effect and random effects group level fMRI analyses at 3T. The study focused on how well the variance reduction in fixed effect analyses achieved by advanced EPI sequences translates into increased sensitivity in the random effects group level analysis. The sensitivity was estimated in a functional MRI experiment of an emotional learning and a reward based learning tasks in a group of 24 volunteers. Each experiment was acquired with the four different sequences. The task-related response amplitude, contrast level and respective t-value were proxies for the functional sensitivity across the brain. All three advanced EPI methods increased the sensitivity in the fixed effects analyses, but standard single-shot 2D EPI provided a comparable performance in random effects group analysis when whole brain coverage and moderate resolution are required. In this experiment inter-subject variability determined the sensitivity of the random effects analysis for most brain regions, making the impact of EPI pulse sequence improvements less relevant or even negligible for random effects analyses. An exception concerns the optimization of EPI reducing susceptibility-related signal loss that translates into an enhanced sensitivity e.g. in the orbitofrontal cortex for multi-echo EPI. Thus, future optimization strategies may best aim at reducing inter-subject variability for higher sensitivity in standard fMRI group studies at moderate spatial resolution

    A general linear relaxometry model of R1 using imaging data.

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    PURPOSE: The longitudinal relaxation rate (R1 ) measured in vivo depends on the local microstructural properties of the tissue, such as macromolecular, iron, and water content. Here, we use whole brain multiparametric in vivo data and a general linear relaxometry model to describe the dependence of R1 on these components. We explore a) the validity of having a single fixed set of model coefficients for the whole brain and b) the stability of the model coefficients in a large cohort. METHODS: Maps of magnetization transfer (MT) and effective transverse relaxation rate (R2 *) were used as surrogates for macromolecular and iron content, respectively. Spatial variations in these parameters reflected variations in underlying tissue microstructure. A linear model was applied to the whole brain, including gray/white matter and deep brain structures, to determine the global model coefficients. Synthetic R1 values were then calculated using these coefficients and compared with the measured R1 maps. RESULTS: The model's validity was demonstrated by correspondence between the synthetic and measured R1 values and by high stability of the model coefficients across a large cohort. CONCLUSION: A single set of global coefficients can be used to relate R1 , MT, and R2 * across the whole brain. Our population study demonstrates the robustness and stability of the model. Magn Reson Med, 2014. © 2014 The Authors. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Magn Reson Med 73:1309-1314, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc