8,991 research outputs found

    The 'black box' problem in the study of participation

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    Research on citizen participation has been guided by two core issues: first, the observation of a widening repertory of modes of participation, and second, the argument that participation is not an undifferentiated phenomenon, but must be conceived as an inherently multidimensional reality. In this article, we argue that conventional participation research has focused too one-sidedly on quantitatively expanding the range of types of activities, while the complex dimensionality is not reflected in the measures used. We formulate a methodological critique by using the metaphor of the 'black box', which refers to the implicit and unquestioned assumption that distinct types of activities and associations represent homogeneous and consistent realities that do not warrant further analytical decomposition. Surveys of participation allocate individuals to different 'participation boxes' by means of a binary logic, leaving a void of what is actually happening inside the boxes. To conclude, we reflect upon the fundamental dilemmas the black box of participation raises for theory and research, and offer conceptual and methodological keys to unlock the participation box

    An elliptic boundary problem acting on generalized Sobolev spaces

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    We consider an elliptic boundary problem over a bounded region Ω\Omega in Rn\mathbb{R}^n and acting on the generalized Sobolev space Wp0,χ(Ω)W^{0,\chi}_p(\Omega) for 1<p<∞1 < p < \infty. We note that similar problems for Ω\Omega either a bounded region in Rn\mathbb{R}^n or a closed manifold acting on W20,χ(Ω)W^{0,\chi}_2(\Omega), called H\"{o}rmander space, have been the subject of investigation by various authors. Then in this paper we will, under the assumption of parameter-ellipticity, establish results pertaining to the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the boundary problem. Furthermore, under the further assumption that the boundary conditions are null, we will establish results pertaining to the spectral properties of the Banach space operator induced by the boundary problem, and in particular, to the angular and asymptotic distribution of its eigenvalues

    Time ordered perturbation theory for non-local interactions; applications to NCQFT

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    In the past decades, time ordered perturbation theory was very successful in describing relativistic scattering processes. It was developed for local quantum field theories. However, there are field theories which are governed by non-local interactions, for example non-commutative quantum field theory (NCQFT). Filk (Phys. Lett. B 376 (1996) 53) first studied NCQFT perturbatively obtaining the usual Feynman propagator and additional phase factors as the basic elements of perturbation theory. However, this treatment is only applicable for cases, where the deformation of space-time does not involve time. Thus, we generalize Filk's approach in two ways: First, we study non-local interactions of a very general type able to embed NCQFT. And second, we also include the case, where non-locality involves time. A few applications of the obtained formalism will also be discussed.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figure

    R-boundedness, pseudodifferential operators, and maximal regularity for some classes of partial differential operators

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    It is shown that an elliptic scattering operator AA on a compact manifold with boundary with coefficients in the bounded operators of a bundle of Banach spaces of class (HT) and Pisier's property (α)(\alpha) has maximal regularity (up to a spectral shift), provided that the spectrum of the principal symbol of AA on the scattering cotangent bundle of the manifold avoids the right half-plane. This is deduced directly from a Seeley theorem, i.e. the resolvent is represented in terms of pseudodifferential operators with R-bounded symbols, thus showing by an iteration argument the R-boundedness of λ(A−λ)−1\lambda(A-\lambda)^{-1} for ℜ(λ)≥0\Re(\lambda) \geq 0. To this end, elements of a symbolic and operator calculus of pseudodifferential operators with R-bounded symbols are introduced. The significance of this method for proving maximal regularity results for partial differential operators is underscored by considering also a more elementary situation of anisotropic elliptic operators on RdR^d with operator valued coefficients.Comment: 21 page

    Consistent Construction of Perturbation Theory on Noncommutative Spaces

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    We examine the effect of non-local deformations on the applicability of interaction point time ordered perturbation theory (IPTOPT) based on the free Hamiltonian of local theories. The usual argument for the case of quantum field theory (QFT) on a noncommutative (NC) space (based on the fact that the introduction of star products in bilinear terms does not alter the action) is not applicable to IPTOPT due to several discrepancies compared to the naive path integral approach when noncommutativity involves time. These discrepancies are explained in detail. Besides scalar models, gauge fields are also studied. For both cases, we discuss the free Hamiltonian with respect to non-local deformations.Comment: 22 pages; major changes in Section 3; minor changes in the Introduction and Conclusio

    Twin-Photon Confocal Microscopy

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    A recently introduced two-channel confocal microscope with correlated detection promises up to 50% improvement in transverse spatial resolution [Simon, Sergienko, Optics Express {\bf 18}, 9765 (2010)] via the use of photon correlations. Here we achieve similar results in a different manner, introducing a triple-confocal correlated microscope which exploits the correlations present in optical parametric amplifiers. It is based on tight focusing of pump radiation onto a thin sample positioned in front of a nonlinear crystal, followed by coincidence detection of signal and idler photons, each focused onto a pinhole. This approach offers further resolution enhancement in confocal microscopy
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