27 research outputs found

    Proteasome-associated HECT-type ubiquitin ligase activity is required for plant immunity

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    <div><p>Regulated degradation of proteins by the 26S proteasome plays important roles in maintenance and signalling in eukaryotic cells. Proteins are marked for degradation by the action of E3 ligases that site-specifically modify their substrates by adding chains of ubiquitin. Innate immune signalling in plants is deeply reliant on the ubiquitin-26S proteasome system. While progress has been made in understanding substrate ubiquitination during plant immunity, how these substrates are processed upon arrival at the proteasome remains unclear. Here we show that specific members of the HECT domain-containing family of ubiquitin protein ligases (UPL) play important roles in proteasomal substrate processing during plant immunity. Mutations in <i>UPL1</i>, <i>UPL3</i> and <i>UPL5</i> significantly diminished immune responses activated by the immune hormone salicylic acid (SA). In depth analyses of <i>upl3</i> mutants indicated that these plants were impaired in reprogramming of nearly the entire SA-induced transcriptome and failed to establish immunity against a hemi-biotrophic pathogen. UPL3 was found to physically interact with the regulatory particle of the proteasome and with other ubiquitin-26S proteasome pathway components. In agreement, we demonstrate that UPL3 enabled proteasomes to form polyubiquitin chains, thereby regulating total cellular polyubiquitination levels. Taken together, our findings suggest that proteasome-associated ubiquitin ligase activity of UPL3 promotes proteasomal processivity and is indispensable for development of plant immunity.</p></div

    Proteasome-associated ubiquitin ligase relays target plant hormone-specific transcriptional activators

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    The ubiquitin-proteasome system is vital to hormone-mediated developmental and stress responses in plants. Ubiquitin ligases target hormone-specific transcriptional activators (TAs) for degradation, but how TAs are processed by proteasomes remains unknown. We report that in Arabidopsis, the salicylic acid– and ethylene-responsive TAs, NPR1 and EIN3, are relayed from pathway-specific ubiquitin ligases to proteasome-associated HECT-type UPL3/4 ligases. Activity and stability of NPR1 were regulated by sequential action of three ubiquitin ligases, including UPL3/4, while proteasome processing of EIN3 required physical handover between ethylene-responsive SCF(EBF2) and UPL3/4 ligases. Consequently, UPL3/4 controlled extensive hormone-induced developmental and stress-responsive transcriptional programs. Thus, our findings identify unknown ubiquitin ligase relays that terminate with proteasome-associated HECT-type ligases, which may be a universal mechanism for processive degradation of proteasome-targeted TAs and other substrates

    Mechanosensory trichome cells evoke a mechanical stimuli–induced immune response in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    Perception of pathogen-derived ligands by corresponding host receptors is a pivotal strategy in eukaryotic innate immunity. In plants, this is complemented by circadian anticipation of infection timing, promoting basal resistance even in the absence of pathogen threat. Here, we report that trichomes, hair-like structures on the epidermis, directly sense external mechanical forces, including raindrops, to anticipate pathogen infections in Arabidopsis thaliana. Exposure of leaf surfaces to mechanical stimuli initiates the concentric propagation of intercellular calcium waves away from trichomes to induce defence-related genes. Propagating calcium waves enable effective immunity against pathogenic microbes through the CALMODULIN-BINDING TRANSCRIPTION ACTIVATOR 3 (CAMTA3) and mitogen-activated protein kinases. We propose an early layer of plant immunity in which trichomes function as mechanosensory cells that detect potential risks

    Transcriptional repression by MYB3R proteins regulates plant organ growth

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    In multicellular organisms, temporal and spatial regulation of cell proliferation is central for generating organs with defined sizes and morphologies. For establishing and maintaining the post-mitotic quiescent state during cell differentiation, it is important to repress genes with mitotic functions. We found that three of the Arabidopsis MYB3R transcription factors synergistically maintain G2/M-specific genes repressed in post-mitotic cells and restrict the time window of mitotic gene expression in proliferating cells. The combined mutants of the three repressor-type MYB3R genes displayed long roots, enlarged leaves, embryos, and seeds. Genome-wide chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed that MYB3R3 binds to the promoters of G2/M-specific genes and to E2F target genes. MYB3R3 associates with the repressor-type E2F, E2FC, and the RETINOBLASTOMA RELATED proteins. In contrast, the activator MYB3R4 was in complex with E2FB in proliferating cells. With mass spectrometry and pairwise interaction assays, we identified some of the other conserved components of the multiprotein complexes, known as DREAM/dREAM in human and flies. In plants, these repressor complexes are important for periodic expression during cell cycle and to establish a post-mitotic quiescent state determining organ size

    Pharmacokinetic aspects of retinal drug delivery

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    Drug delivery to the posterior eye segment is an important challenge in ophthalmology, because many diseases affect the retina and choroid leading to impaired vision or blindness. Currently, intravitreal injections are the method of choice to administer drugs to the retina, but this approach is applicable only in selected cases (e.g. anti-VEGF antibodies and soluble receptors). There are two basic approaches that can be adopted to improve retinal drug delivery: prolonged and/or retina targeted delivery of intravitreal drugs and use of other routes of drug administration, such as periocular, suprachoroidal, sub-retinal, systemic, or topical. Properties of the administration route, drug and delivery system determine the efficacy and safety of these approaches. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic factors determine the required dosing rates and doses that are needed for drug action. In addition, tolerability factors limit the use of many materials in ocular drug delivery. This review article provides a critical discussion of retinal drug delivery, particularly from the pharmacokinetic point of view. This article does not include an extensive review of drug delivery technologies, because they have already been reviewed several times recently. Instead, we aim to provide a systematic and quantitative view on the pharmacokinetic factors in drug delivery to the posterior eye segment. This review is based on the literature and unpublished data from the authors' laboratory.Peer reviewe

    LSD1-LIKE1-Mediated H3K4me2 Demethylation Is Required for Homologous Recombination Repair

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    International audienceHomologous recombination is a key process for maintaining genome integrity and diversity. In eukaryotes, the nucleosome structure of chromatin inhibits the progression of homologous recombination. The DNA repair and recombination protein RAD54 alters the chromatin structure via nucleosome sliding to enable homology searches. For homologous recombination to progress, appropriate recruitment and dissociation of RAD54 is required at the site of homologous recombination; however, little is known about the mechanism regulating RAD54 dynamics in chromatin. Here, we reveal that the histone demethylase LYSINE-SPECIFIC DEMETHYLASE1-LIKE 1 (LDL1) regulates the dissociation of RAD54 at damaged sites during homologous recombination repair in the somatic cells of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana). Depletion of LDL1 leads to an overaccumulation of RAD54 at damaged sites with DNA double-strand breaks. Moreover, RAD54 accumulates at damaged sites by recognizing histone H3 Lys 4 di-methylation (H3K4me2); the frequency of the interaction between RAD54 and H3K4me2 increased in the ldl1 mutant with DNA double-strand breaks. We propose that LDL1 removes RAD54 at damaged sites by demethylating H3K4me2 during homologous recombination repair and thereby maintains genome stability in Arabidopsis