7 research outputs found

    Стереотипные модели вербальной агрессии русскоязычной молодежи

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    Комалова Л. Р. Стереотипные модели вербальной агрессии русскоязычной молодежи / Л. Р. Комалова // Національний університет «Одеська юридична академія». – Вип. 2. – Одеса : Фенікс, 2013. – С. 46-58.Статья посвящена исследованию вербальной реализации состояния ответной агрессии русскоязычной молодежи в ситуации социально-ролевой асимметрии в условиях фрустрирующего общения. Анализируются формы вербальной ответной агрессии, её связь с условиями коммуникации, а также проверяется возможность воздействия социально-ролевой позиции фрустратора на ответную вербальную агрессивную реакцию

    Representation of the Verbal Image of Aggression in the Informational Universe of the English-Language Mass Media

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    This contribution explores the representation of the verbal image of aggression in the texts of the English-language digital mass media. The research is based on the quantitative and qualitative semantic analyses of 174 authentic English texts (journalistic reports and newspaper articles) produced during the period of 2013-2015 and selected on the basis of special criteria, which were elaborated in our previous works on detecting descriptors of aggression in written texts. The aim of the research is to reveal the structural components of the verbal image of aggression reproduced in the worldview of Russian native speakers after reading English texts (British and American digital newspapers articles) and to find out if the resulting cognitive model refers to the real act of aggression. The paper contributes to the research field of psycholinguistics, emphasizing the need to support people’s psychological health in the context of an aggressive media environment, which produces high psychological tension. The research methodology is based on a modified associative experiment procedure, which involves 98 native speakers of Russian (university students majoring in linguistics and translation). The obtained results demonstrate a great variability of the structural elements of aggression verbalized in mass media texts. They also indicate that the focus of the reader’s attention is deliberately shifted towards the formation of a hostile cognitive model of the world, with the aggressor and the third party involved in the aggressive act in the center of the battlefield, and the victim of aggression on the periphery. The findings are illustrated by textual examples from authentic British and American newspaper articles and supplied with the author’s commentaries

    Pragmatic Vector of Verbalized Aggression Within Internet Mediated Communication: Textual Context Dimension

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    Research on aggressive speech behavior, realized through Internet mediated communication, faces with the problem of highlighting messages that are truly aggressive, that means a person has intention of doing harm to other person (in case of written communication on social network sites, it is psychological harm). The task of identifying a real aggressor turns even more difficult once a response to speech provocation is presented in form of responsive aggression. In this case the respondent's intention differs from the desire to do harm. Since speech provocation and speech response are given in the same form, from a bystander's perspective, both actions are perceived as aggressive. It may seem that the attacker and the victim alternately play the role of the aggressor. To solve the problem of identifying the true aggressor by speech production, it becomes significant to reconstruct the framework of a particular communicative situation. The present research project focuses on the distinction between verbalization of offensive (provocative) and defensive (responsive) types of aggression, which makes it possible to fix the scheme of interaction between interlocutors while switching the roles of the aggressor and the victim. In the course of an experiment on written verbalization of aggression realized on the social network site VKontakte, based on perceptual method and linguistic pragmatics approaches, 20 respondents evaluate stimuli material (10 samples in Russian language without textual context and with pre- and post-textual contexts). It was revealed that the narrow context surrounding a speech message is significant in defining the aggressor: namely, the presence of textual pre- and post-contexts in the form of messages provoking the verbalization of defensive aggression

    Гетерогенность лексем "русский" / "российский"

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    The paper presents a psycholinguistic study on words-stimulus “Russian (русский)” / “Russian (российский)”. Definitions given in dictionaries are compared with actual meanings in contexts of mass media “Russian Newspaper”. Verbal reactions to words-stimulus given in “Russian Associative Dictionary” are grouped according the contexts they are functioning in.В статье представлено психолингвистическое исследование слов-стимулов «русский» / «российский». Словарные значения данных лексем сопоставляются со значениями, актуализирующимися в текстах «Российской газеты». Словесные реакции (представленные в «Русском ассоциативном словаре») на исследуемые стимулы группируются в соответствии с контекстами, в которых они функционируют.Ключевые слова: семантика, языковое сознание, ассоциация, средства массовой информации, психолингвистика, корпусная лингвистика

    EMA and EFSA Joint Scientific Opinion on measures to reduce the need to use antimicrobial agents in animal husbandry in the European Union, and the resulting impacts on food safety (RONAFA)

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    EFSA and EMA have jointly reviewed measures taken in the EU to reduce the need for and use of antimicrobials in food-producing animals, and the resultant impacts on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Reduction strategies have been implemented successfully in some Member States. Such strategies include national reduction targets, benchmarking of antimicrobial use, controls on prescribing and restrictions on use of specific critically important antimicrobials, together with improvements to animal husbandry and disease prevention and control measures. Due to the multiplicity of factors contributing to AMR, the impact of any single measure is difficult to quantify, although there is evidence of an association between reduction in antimicrobial use and reduced AMR. To minimise antimicrobial use, a multifaceted integrated approach should be implemented, adapted to local circumstances. Recommended options (non-prioritised) include: development of national strategies; harmonised systems for monitoring antimicrobial use and AMR development; establishing national targets for antimicrobial use reduction; use of on-farm health plans; increasing the responsibility of veterinarians for antimicrobial prescribing; training, education and raising public awareness; increasing the availability of rapid and reliable diagnostics; improving husbandry and management procedures for disease prevention and control; rethinking livestock production systems to reduce inherent disease risk. A limited number of studies provide robust evidence of alternatives to antimicrobials that positively influence health parameters. Possible alternatives include probiotics and prebiotics, competitive exclusion, bacteriophages, immunomodulators, organic acids and teat sealants. Development of a legislative framework that permits the use of specific products as alternatives should be considered. Further research to evaluate the potential of alternative farming systems on reducing AMR is also recommended. Animals suffering from bacterial infections should only be treated with antimicrobials based on veterinary diagnosis and prescription. Options should be reviewed to phase out most preventive use of antimicrobials and to reduce and refine metaphylaxis by applying recognised alternative measures

    EMA and EFSA Joint Scientific Opinion on measures to reduce the need to use antimicrobial agents in animal husbandry in the European Union, and the resulting impacts on food safety (RONAFA)

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