2,952 research outputs found

    The Bar Pattern Speed of NGC 1433 Estimated Via Sticky-Particle Simulations

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    We present detailed numerical simulations of NGC 1433, an intermediate-type barred spiral showing strong morphological features including a secondary bar, nuclear ring, inner ring, outer pseudoring, and two striking, detached spiral arcs known as ``plumes.'' This galaxy is an ideal candidate for recreating the observed morphology through dynamical models and determining the pattern speed. We derived a gravitational potential from an HH-band image of the galaxy and simulated the behavior of a two-dimensional disk of 100,000 inelastically colliding gas particles. We find that the closest matching morphology between a BB-band image and a simulation occurs with a pattern speed of 0.89 km s1^{-1} arcsec1^{-1} ±\pm 5-10%. We also determine that the ratio of corotation radius to the average published bar radius is 1.7 ±\pm 0.3, with the ambiguity in the bar radius being the largest contributor to the error.Comment: Accepted for publication by The Astronomical Journal. 34 pages, 13 figures, 2 table

    Dynamical Simulations of NGC 2523 and NGC 4245

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    We present dynamical simulations of NGC 2523 and NGC 4245, two barred galaxies (types SB(r)b and SB(r)0/a, respectively) with prominent inner rings. Our goal is to estimate the bar pattern speeds in these galaxies by matching a sticky-particle simulation to the BB-band morphology, using near-infrared KsK_s-band images to define the gravitational potentials. We compare the pattern speeds derived by this method with those derived in our previous paper using the well-known Tremaine-Weinberg continuity equation method. The inner rings in these galaxies, which are likely to be resonance features, help to constrain the dynamical models. We find that both methods give the same pattern speeds within the errors.Comment: 29 pages, 3 tables, 13 figures. Accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Ohjattu harjoittelu koululaivalla : Selainpohjainen ohjelma harjoitteluajan varaamiseen koululaivalta

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    Ohjattu harjoittelu käsitteenä tulee tutuksi jokaiselle suomessa merenkulkua opiskelevalle. Valitettavasti harjoittelupaikkojen saaminen on hankalaa, suomalaisia aluksia on vähän ja jokaisesta paikasta kilpailee neljän koulun oppilaat. Aboa Maren päätös käyttää kaupallisessa liikenteessä olevia aluksia koululaivoina tuo tähän ongelmaan helpotusta. Haasteena tämän lopputyön tekemisessä oli se että liikkeelle lähdettiin käänteisessä järjestyksessä. Ensin tehtiin ohjelma ja tämän jälkeen aloitettiin teorian kirjoittaminen siten että se tukee lopputulosta. Työn lopputuloksena on syntynyt web-pohjainen ohjelma, jonka avulla oppilaat voivat varata itselleen harjoittelupaikan koulualuksilta.Som koncept blir handledd praktik bekant för alla sjöfartsstuderande i Finland. Tyvärr är det svårt att få praktikplats på finska fartyg pga. att det finns så få finska fartyg och om varje plats tävlar fyra skolors studerande. Aboa Mares använder fartyg, som är i kommersiell trafik som skolfartyg, underlättar problemet. Utmaningen i examensarbetet var att jag startade i omvänd ordning. Först gjorde jag programmet och efter det skrev jag teorin så att den stöder det slutliga resultatet. Resultatet var ett webbaserat program med vilket de studerande kan själva reservera praktikplats på skolningsfartygen.Onboard training as concept will be familiar to all maritime students in Finland. Unfortunately, it's hard to get practice place on Finnish ships due that there are not many Finnish vessels and students from four different schools compete for every place. Aboa Mares uses commercial vessels as training vessels to provide relief to this problem. One challenge in completeing this thesis was that I started in reverse order. FirstI made the program and after that I wrote the theory, to support the final result. As a result I have created a web-based program that allows students to book onboad training place on a school vessel

    Accounting for Forest Degradation in the Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM)

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    Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (REDD) is a hot political and scientific topic. Deforestation is largely driven by the competition for land. Forest degradation is often attributable to the way forest resources are managed and utilized. The Global Biosphere Management Model (GLOBIOM), developed at IIASA, is a tool for assessing the carbon impacts of the land use competition of major land-based production sectors and different policy options influencing it. Currently the model can identify deforestation risks, but cannot account for degradation processes within forests. Here, I propose a solution to how forest degradation could be integrated into the GLOBIOM, especially in the context of the Congo Basin region where the economic activities of the informal sector are an important driver of forest degradation. The solution is based on two interacting modules that simulate the processes of forest degradation. The Informal Sector Module (ISM) simulates the procurement of fuel wood and timber by the informal sector, and the allocation of its harvests into forests based on a cost-minimization principle. The Forest Structure Module (FSM) simulates the development of forest structure over time in unsustainably managed forests and accounts for the impacts of the Informal Sectors harvests and rotating subsistence agriculture

    Fysikaaliset menetelmät metsien kaukokartoituksessa

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    Tieteen tori: Tavoitteena metsien monet hyödy

    NUOREN PSYKIATRINEN OSASTOHOITO : Kirjallinen ohjaaminen tuotekehittelyprojektina

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    Opinnäytetyö on toteutettu tuotekehittelyprojektina, jonka tarkoituksena oli kehittää ja tuottaa osastohoidon käytänteistä kertova opas nuorille ja esite heidän huoltajilleen. Tuotteiden tavoitteena on auttaa nuoren ja hänen huoltajiensa sopeutumista nuorisopsykiatrisen osastohoidon aloittamiseen. Niiden tavoitteena on olla hoitohenkilökunnan apuna ohjauksessa, poistamatta kuitenkaan henkilöstön vastuuta suullisesta ohjauksesta. Tuotteiden luonnosteluvaiheessa nuorille, heidän huoltajilleen ja osaston hoitohenkilökunnalle toteutettiin alkukartoituskysely liittyen tuotettavien tuotteiden sisältöön. Alkukartoituskyselyn vastausten avulla tuotteista saatiin mahdollisimman tarkoituksenmukaiset. Tuotteet olivat osastolla koekäytössä noin kolmen viikon ajan. Koekäytön yhteydessä tuotteista kerättiin palautetta nuorilta, huoltajilta ja hoitohenkilökunnalta. Palautteen perusteella molemmat tuotteet viimeisteltiin. Tämän kehittämisprojektin jatkotutkimuksena voisi tutkia sitä, minkälaista apua nuoret ja heidän vanhempansa ovat tuotteista saaneet osastohoidon sopeutumiseen.This thesis is a product development project. The purpose of the thesis was to develop and to produce a guide books to adolecents and their guardians. The target of the products was to help the adolescent and guardians to adapt to the beginning of the adolescent psychiatris inpatient care. The target is also to be a help to medical staff directly, without remowing the responsibility of verbal counselling. The initial mapping survey was executed to adolescents, guardians and medical staff at the drafting phase. Replies of the initial mapping survey helped to develop producs to be functional. Products were trialled at the inpatient care for about three weeks. At the same time feedback were collected of the products. Products were finalized in accordance with the replies of the initial mapping survey. As a further study, research could be contucted on what kind of help adolescent and guardians have got of the products

    Determining factors contributing to software adoption on a personal level: testing TAM and UTAUT and a new combined model based on the two models

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    This study uses UTAUT and TAM and a combined model based on them to test, which factors contribute to the adoption of a new software on an employee’s personal level. The data is gathered in a company-wide survey that uses a 7-point Likert scale. Structural equation modeling using partial least squares is applied to the data to find out the causalities between the constructs and to test how well UTAUT and TAM perform. The combined model is created to test how well the two models perform together and whether there are new causalities between the variables. Based on the results, the models partially succeeded to find significant relations between constructs. All the relations in TAM were found significant, whereas half of the relations in UTAUT were not found to be significant. The majority of the relations presented in the combined model we found significant. This study suggests that UTAUT and TAM can be used to assess the adoption process of a new technology, but using new variables and different frameworks would be in the benefit of the field of technology adoption research