2,077 research outputs found

    Russian perspectives of online learning technologies in higher education: An empirical study of a MOOC

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    There has been a rapid growth of massive open online courses (MOOCs) in the global education market in the last decade. Online learning technologies are becoming increasingly widespread in the non-formal education sector and in higher and supplementary vocational education. The use of MOOCs in Russia to support the delivery of educational programmes at university level opens opportunities in terms of expanding the educational choice for students, the development of virtual academic mobility, reduction in the cost of educational services, and improvement in the accessibility of education. However, the effectiveness of using different online learning technologies at university level, and the consequences of their widespread adoption, has not been sufficiently explored. In this research study, a comparative analysis is made of the effects of different online learning models on student educational outcomes in a university setting. A study was undertaken in which different groups of students at the Ural Federal University, Russia, were encouraged to study technical and humanities disciplines using a framework of blended learning, and online learning with tutoring support. The results of the study were compared with the results of a reference (control) group of students who studied the same disciplines in a traditionally taught model. It was found that both models (blended and online) of MOOC implementation demonstrated greater learning gains, in comparison with the traditional model. For engineering and technical disciplines, there was no statistically significant difference between blended or online learning technologies. For the humanities discipline, where the communicative component of the learning process was significant, the blended learning technology produced better results. Conclusions of this empirical research may be useful for heads of educational organizations and teachers in helping them to make strategic decisions about the modernization of university courses by increasing the effectiveness of the implementation of new educational technologies. The results of this research project will be used for implementing the State Priority Project, ‘The Modern Digital Educational Environment of the Russian Federation’

    Hormonal Regulation of Weight

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    A brochure on the hormonal regulation of weight.https://dune.une.edu/an_studedres/1201/thumbnail.jp

    Consequence modelling of a hydrogen explosion in a compressor shelter

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    Abstract. The aim of this study was to model the overpressure effects of a vapour cloud explosion from a significant hydrogen leakage in a compressor shelter. Modelling was performed with the FLACS software for three different cases: Model1, Model2 and Model3. Model1 covered only the compressor shelter, and its surroundings without process equipment and buildings. Model2 included the compressor shelter, surrounding diesel producing unit and a control building. Model3 included the process area with a radius of 100 metres from the compressor shelter. Each model had the same modelling area, computational mesh (grid), and scenario settings in FLACS. The hydrogen leakage was modelled (dispersion simulation) to examine the effects of two Pasquill weather conditions (2F and 5D) and three different wind directions on the formation and dispersion of a vapour cloud. Based on the results, the worst case dispersion scenario was chosen for each model. The dispersion scenario with the largest flammable vapour cloud (volume and mass) was chosen. Explosion simulations were performed with an equivalent stoichiometric gas cloud based on the volume of the conservative Q8 cloud. Explosion simulations were also run with Q9 clouds which are less conservative than Q8 clouds. The worst case scenario was selected for each case based on the highest overpressure and pressure impulse. Build up overpressures and pressure impulses were measured with monitor points located at several places throughout the model (e.g. nearby process area and control building). The locations of the monitor points remained the same in each model. The FLACS software used in this study showed that not only the location of the ignition points and volume of the blockage ratio but also the mass of a flammable vapour cloud have a significant effect on the magnitude of the explosion overpressures and pressure impulses. The maximum overpressures were measured in the compressor shelter in Model2 (4.4 bar(g)) and Model3 (3.7 bar(g)) with pressure impulses of 4770 Pas (Model2) and 4400 Pas (Model3). The masses of the flammable vapour clouds were 140 kg in Model2 (cloud volume 7500 m³) and 138 kg in Model3 (cloud volume 7400 m³). The maximum values measured at the control building were in Model1 (0.5 bar(g) and 1650 Pas) where the mass and volume of the flammable vapour cloud were 160 kg and 8200 m³. This work also showed that the choice of an equivalent stoichiometric gas cloud has a very significant influence on worst case scenario selection since overpressures and pressure impulses varied according to the cloud volume (significantly higher overpressure effects in Q8 cloud than in Q9 cloud). A hydrogen vapour cloud explosion in a compressor shelter can cause a major accident with severe personal injuries, major equipment and structural damage, production interruption and significant financial damage.Tiivistelmä. Tämän työn tarkoituksena oli mallintaa FLACS-ohjelmistolla kompressorihallissa tapahtuva merkittävä vetyvuoto ja sen jälkisyttymisestä aiheutuvat ylipainevaikutukset. Mallintaminen suoritettiin yhteensä kolmelle eri tapaukselle: Model1 mallinnusalue kattoi kompressorihallin ja ympäröivän ympäristön ilman prosessilaitteita ja rakennuksia, Model2 mallinnusalue kattoi kompressorihallin lisäksi dieseltuotetta tuottavan yksikön sekä keskusvalvomorakennuksen ja Model3 alue kattoi kompressorihallista 100 metrin säteen sisällä olevan prosessialueen. Jokaisessa tapauksessa oli sama mallinnuspinta-ala, laskentaverkko sekä lähtötiedot/parametrit. Ensiksi mallinnettiin vetyvuoto (dispersiosimulointi), jossa tarkasteltiin kahden eri Pasquill sääolosuhteen (2F ja 5D) ja kolmen eri tuulensuunnan vaikutusta kaasupilven muodostukseen ja leviämiseen kompressorihallissa ja sen ympäristössä. Saatujen tulosten perusteella valittiin jokaisen mallin kohdalla se dispersioskenaario, jossa muodostui suurin (syttymiskelpoisen pilven massa ja tilavuus) syttymiskelpoinen kaasupilvi. Seuraavaksi tälle kaasupilvelle simuloitiin vetykaasun räjähdysskenaario. Räjähdyssimuloinnissa selvitettiin merkittävimmät ylipainevaikutukset sekä paineimpulssit ja syttymispisteiden vaikutusta muodostuviin ylipaineisiin. Räjähdyksen ylipainevaikutuksia ja impulssia monitoroitiin mallinnusalueen eri kohdissa (mm. läheinen prosessialue ja keskusvalvomorakennus). Näissä määritettiin maksimiylipaineet ja paineimpulssit, joita mitattiin eri kohdin mallinnusaluetta. Räjähdyssimuloinnissa käytettiin stoikiometrista kaasupilveä, joka perustui konservatiiviseen Q8 pilven tilavuuteen. Räjähdyssimulointeja tehtiin myös Q9-pilvillä, joka on vähemmän konservatiivinen pilvityyppi FLACS työkalussa. Räjähdyssimuloinneista kunkin tapauksen kohdalla ääritapausskenaarioksi valittiin se tapaus, jossa muodostui suurimmat ylipainevaikutukset sekä paineimpulssit. Työssä käytetyn FLACS-ohjelman avulla osoitettiin, että syttymispisteiden sijainnin ja estetiheyden lisäksi myös syttymiskelpoisen pilven massalla on merkittävä vaikutus kaasupilviräjähdyksen ylipainevaikutuksen suuruuteen. Maksimiylipaineet mitattiin kompressorihallissa mallinnusskenaarioissa Model2 (4.4 bar(g)) ja Model3 (3.7 bar(g)). Paineimpulssit olivat näissä tapauksissa 4770 Pas (Model2) ja 4400 Pas (Model3). Syttymiskelpoisen pilven massa ja tilavuus olivat 140 kg ja 7500 m³ (Model2) sekä 138 kg ja 7400 m³ (Model3). Valvomorakennukseen kohdistuvat maksimiarvot mitattiin mallinnusskenaariossa Model1 (0.5 bar(g) ja 1650 Pas), jossa syttymiskelpoisen pilven massa ja tilavuus olivat 160 kg ja 8200 m³. Tämä työ osoitti, että ekvivalenttisen stoikiometrisen pilven valinnalla (Q8 ja Q9) on erittäin merkittävä vaikutus ääritapausskenaarion valinnassa, sillä ääritapausskenaario vaihteli pilvestä riippuen. Vetykaasupilviräjähdys kompressorihallissa voi aiheuttaa suuronnettomuuden, joka aiheuttaa vakavia henkilövahinkoja, merkittäviä laite- ja rakennevaurioita, tuotannon keskeytymisen sekä huomattavia taloudellisia tappioita

    Behaviour of the Blazar CTA 102 during two giant outbursts

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    Blazar CTA 102 underwent exceptional optical and high-energy outbursts in 2012 and 2016-2017. We analyze its behaviour during these events, focusing on polarimetry as a tool that allows us to trace changes in the physical conditions and geometric configuration of the emission source close to the central black hole. We also use Fermi gamma-ray data in conjunction with optical photometry in an effort to localize the origin of the outbursts.AST-1615796 - Boston Universit

    Perceptions, Beliefs, and Attitudes of First Year Third-Level Students: An Empirical Study of Portuguese, Russian, Polish, Finnish, and Irish Students

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    The contemporary skillset of undergraduates includes a degree of sophistication in the application of ICT within their daily lives as well as within the higher education environment. The assumption of the student as a digital native, with the ability to cognitively process information in an ICT focused educational environment, is omnipresent in higher education. It has been suggested this assumption does not aid learning and adds an additional burden on the student. This study investigated whether experiences and perceptions, of mathematics and online assessment, are common to students studying in different countries and their respective higher education systems. The purpose of the investigation was to determine what issues influence the attitudes of students in the application of ICT for the online assessment of mathematics in the first year of undergraduate programmes. The investigation was conducted online by means of a quantitative questionnaire, consisting of 16 survey items, using Google Forms to self-selecting students (n=374) across several academic disciplines including engineering, business studies, media, and tourism. The survey was delivered in English to the majority students and translated to Russian for the Russian students to enable each group to reply in their own native language. The questionnaire design utilized a 6-point Likert scale where students were asked to express their experiences and perceptions of mathematics and online assessment in their chosen programme of study. The data was exported to IBM SPSSv24 and regression analyses were conducted to ascertain possible associations and relationships between the two student groups in the case study. The results of the investigation reveal some peculiar features and the respective investigation outcomes of the investigation will be utilized in the design of learner-centered assessments and shared with international partners

    Creation of interactive learning environment by means of simuation «Management in real estate development»

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    An imitation game simulating a process of management in a real estate development is a mathematical model that is implemented as a computer game, which is based on a branched tree of management decisions in a real estate development at all stages of a life cycle, starting from an idea up to a reversion of the property at the end of the life cycle. Depending on the management decisions taken various scenarios of the real estate development are simulated.Имитационная игра - симулятор управления девелоперским проектом это математическая модель, реализованная в виде компьютерной игры, в основе которой лежит разветвленное дерево решений при управлении недвижимостью на всех стадиях жизненного цикла, начиная с идеи создания объекта до его реверсии в конце жизненного цикла. В зависимости от принятых управленческих решений реализуются различные сценарии развития недвижимости

    Periderm invasion contributes to epithelial formation in the teleost pharynx

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    The gnathostome pharyngeal cavity functions in food transport and respiration. In amniotes the mouth and nares are the only channels allowing direct contact between internal and external epithelia. In teleost fish, gill slits arise through opening of endodermal pouches and connect the pharynx to the exterior. Using transgenic zebrafish lines, cell tracing, live imaging and different markers, we investigated if pharyngeal openings enable epithelial invasion and how this modifies the pharyngeal epithelium. We conclude that in zebrafish the pharyngeal endoderm becomes overlain by cells with a peridermal phenotype. In a wave starting from pouch 2, peridermal cells from the outer skin layer invade the successive pouches until halfway their depth. Here the peridermal cells connect to a population of cells inside the pharyngeal cavity that express periderm markers, yet do not invade from outside. The latter population expands along the midline from anterior to posterior until the esophagus-gut boundary. Together, our results show a novel role for the periderm as an internal epithelium becomes adapted to function as an external surface.Agência financiadora Ghent University Research Fund - BOF24J2015001401 Cancer Prevention Research Institute of Texas - RR140077info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Simulation of the development project yeld throughout the real estate life cycle

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    В работе предложена экономико-математическая модель для исследования полной доходности девелоперского проекта с учетом текущих доходов и стоимости реверсии при выходе из проекта на разных стадиях жизненного цикла. В результате расчетов обнаружены качественно различные зависимости полной доходности от срока владения недвижимостью для различных типов недвижимости, отличающихся текущей доходностью. Имитационная модель может быть использована как практический инструмент для формирования стратегии управления недвижимостью и определения наиболее благоприятного момента выхода из проекта с целью достижения максимального финансового результата.The paper presents the economic-mathematical model for the study of the full yield of a development project based on current income and a cost of real estate reversion when a developer exits the project at different stages of the life cycle. The calculations have revealed qualitatively different dependences between the total yield and the life of the project for different types of real estate with different current yield. The simulation model can be used as a practical tool for developing the strategy of management of real estate to determine the most favorable moment for the exit from the project in order to maximize the financial results