1,167 research outputs found

    World reference base for soil resources 2006 - A framework for international classification, correlation and communication

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    This publication os a revised and updated version of report no. 84, a technical manual for soil scientists and correlators, designed to facilitate the exchange of information and experience related to soil resources, their use and managemen

    Soil quality assessment based on soil organic matter pools under long‐term tillage systems and following tillage conversion in a semi‐humid region

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    A field study was conducted to assess the long-term effects of no-tillage (NT) and conventional tillage (CT), and the short-term effects following tillage conversion -from CT to NT (NTn) and from NT to CT (CTn) on soil quality (SQ) indicators in a semi-humid climate. First, plots of a long-term tillage experiment on a Luvic Phaeozem initiated in 1986, were split into two subplots in 2012, yielding four treatments: NT, CT, NTn and CTn. In 2015, composite soil samples were collected from each treatment and from a natural site (Ref) at depths 0-5, 5-10, 10-20 and 0-20 cm. Several indicators were determined: soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (SON); particulate organic C (POM-C) and N (POM-N); potential N mineralization (PMN) and soil respiration (Rs). Moreover, bulk density was determined in long-term tillage systems. Different ratios between indicators were calculated, with emphasis on its function in the agroecosystem, i.e. functional indicators. Significant differences in SOC, SON and PMN were found between CT and NT at most depths. In contrast, three years after tillage conversion, only a part of the SQ indicators studied were modified mainly at the 0-10 cm depth. The functional indicators showed differences between tillage systems in the long-term and after short-term tillage conversion depending on the depth; however, the PMN/SON ratio demonstrated differences at all depths. Under these conditions, this ratio -related to easily mineralizable N fraction- proved to be a promising indicator for assessing SQ under contrasting tillage systems regardless of the sampling depth.Fil: Martinez, Juan Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; ArgentinaFil: Galantini, Juan Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Duval, Matias Ezequiel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de Agronomía; ArgentinaFil: López, Fernando Manuel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Bahía Blanca. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Centro de Recursos Naturales Renovables de la Zona Semiárida; Argentin

    Prediction of water retention of soils from the humid tropics by the nonparametric k-nearest neighbor approach

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    Nonparametric approaches such as the k-nearest neighbor (k-NN) approach are considered attractive for pedotransfer modeling in hydrology; however, they have not been applied to predict water retention of highly weathered soils in the humid tropics. Therefore, the objectives of this study were: to apply the k-NN approach to predict soil water retention in a humid tropical region; to test its ability to predict soil water content at eight different matric potentials; to test the benefit of using more input attributes than most previous studies and their combinations; to discuss the importance of particular input attributes in the prediction of soil water retention at low, intermediate, and high matric potentials; and to compare this approach with two published tropical pedotransfer functions (PTFs) based on multiple linear regression (MLR). The overall estimation error ranges generated by the k-NN approach were statistically different but comparable to the two examined MLR PTFs. When the best combination of input variables (sand + silt + clay + bulk density + cation exchange capacity) was used, the overall error was remarkably low: 0.0360 to 0.0390 m(3) m(-3) in the dry and very wet ranges and 0.0490 to 0.0510 m(3) m(-3) in the intermediate range (i.e., -3 to -50 kPa) of the soil water retention curve. This k-NN variant can be considered as a competitive alternative to more classical, equation-based PTFs due to the accuracy of the water retention estimation and, as an added benefit, its flexibility to incorporate new data without the need to redevelop new equations. This is highly beneficial in developing countries where soil databases for agricultural planning are at present sparse, though slowly developing

    Climate and soil micro‐organisms drive soil phosphorus fractions in coastal dune systems

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    1. The importance of soil phosphorus (P) is likely to increase in coming decades due to the growing atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition originated by industrial and agricultural activities. We currently lack a proper understanding of the main drivers of soil P pools in coastal dunes, which rank among the most valued priority conservation areas worldwide. 2. Here, we evaluated the joint effects of biotic (i.e. microbial abundance and richness, vegetation and cryptogams cover) and abiotic (i.e. pH and aridity) factors on labile, medium‐lability and recalcitrant soil P pools across a wide aridity gradient in the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula. 3. Climate determined the availability of medium‐lability, recalcitrant and total P, but had a minor net effect on labile P, which was positively and significantly related to the presence of plants, mosses and lichens. Medium‐lability P was significantly influenced by soil bacterial richness and abundance (positively and negatively, respectively). 4. Our results suggest that micro‐organisms transfer P from medium‐lability pool to more labile one. At the same time, increases in bacterial richness associated to biofilms might be involved in the thickening of the medium‐lability P pool in our climosequence. 5. These bacterial‐mediated transfers would confer resistance to the labile P pool under future climate change and uncover an important role of soil micro‐organisms as modulators of the geochemical P cycle.This project was financed by FEDER/Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades-Agencia Estatal de Investigación/Proyect (CGL2017-88124-R), European Research Council (ERC Grant Agreement 647038 [BIODESERT]) and the Fundaçã o para Ciência e Tecnologia (IF/00950/2014) and the FEDER, within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and COMPETE 2020 (UID/BIA/04004/2013). F.T.M. acknowledges support from Generalitat Valenciana (CIDEGENT/2018/041). B.K.S. acknowledge research support on microbes and ecosystem functions from the Australian Research Council (DP170104634) and Research Award from the Humboldt Foundation

    Contrasting mechanisms underlie short‐ and longer‐term soil respiration responses to experimental warming in a dryland ecosystem

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    Soil carbon losses to the atmosphere through soil respiration are expected to rise with ongoing temperature increases, but available evidence from mesic biomes suggests that such response disappears after a few years of experimental warming. However, there is lack of empirical basis for these temporal dynamics in soil respiration responses, and for the mechanisms underlying them, in drylands, which collectively form the largest biome on Earth and store 32% of the global soil organic carbon pool. We coupled data from a 10 year warming experiment in a biocrust‐dominated dryland ecosystem with laboratory incubations to confront 0–2 years (short‐term hereafter) versus 8–10 years (longer‐term hereafter) soil respiration responses to warming. Our results showed that increased soil respiration rates with short‐term warming observed in areas with high biocrust cover returned to control levels in the longer‐term. Warming‐induced increases in soil temperature were the main drivers of the short‐term soil respiration responses, whereas longer‐term soil respiration responses to warming were primarily driven by thermal acclimation and warming‐induced reductions in biocrust cover. Our results highlight the importance of evaluating short‐ and longer‐term soil respiration responses to warming as a mean to reduce the uncertainty in predicting the soil carbon–climate feedback in drylands.This research was funded by the European Research Council (ERC Grant agreements 242658 [BIOCOM] and 647038 [BIODESERT]). M.D. is supported by an FPU fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (FPU-15/00392). P.G.-P. is supported by a Ramón y Cajal grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC2018-024766-I). S.A. acknowledges the Spanish MINECO for financial support via the DIGGING_DEEPER project through the 2015–2016 BiodivERsA3/FACCE-JPI joint call for research proposals. F.T.M. and S.A. acknowledge support from the Generalitat Valenciana (CIDEGENT/2018/041). C.C.-D. acknowledges support from the European Research Council (ERC Grant 647038 [BIODESERT])

    Patterns of soil water repellency change with wetting and drying: the influence of cracks, roots and drainage conditions

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    The influence of simulated cracks and roots on soil water repellency (SWR) dynamics with and without basal drainage impedance in wetting–drying cycles was investigated in the laboratory experiments. Observations and measurements were taken following water application equivalent to 9.2-mm rainfall and then periodically during 80 h of drying. In total, 180 experiments were carried out using 60 samples of three homogeneous, reconstituted soils with different organic matter contents and textures, but of similar initial severity of SWR [18% molarity of an ethanol droplet (MED)]. Water flowing down the cracks and roots left the soil matrix largely dry and water repellent except for vertical zones adjacent to them and a shallow surface layer. A hydrophilic shallow basal layer was produced in experiments where basal drainage was impeded. During drying, changes in SWR were largely confined to the zones that had been wetted. Soil that had remained dry retained the initial severity of SWR, while wetted soil re-established either the same or slightly lower severity of SWR. In organic-rich soil, the scale of recovery to pre-wetting MED levels was much higher, perhaps associated with temporarily raised levels (up to 36% MED) of SWR recorded during drying of these soils. With all three soils, the re-establishment of the original SWR level was less widespread for surface than subsurface soil and with impeded than unimpeded basal drainage.Key findings are that as follows: (1) with unimpeded basal drainage, the soils remained at pre-wetting repellency levels except for a wettable thin surface layer and zones close to roots and cracks, (2) basal drainage impedance produced hydrophilic basal and surface layers, (3) thorough wetting delayed a return to water-repellent conditions on drying, and (4) temporarily enhanced SWR occurred in organic-rich soils at intermediate moisture levels during drying. Hydrological implications are discussed, and the roles of cracks and roots are placed into context with other influences on preferential flow and SWR under field conditions

    A Bayesian belief network framework to predict SOC dynamics of alternative management scenarios

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    Understanding the key drivers that affect a decline of soil organic carbon (SOC) stock in agricultural areas is of major concern since leading to a decline in service provision from soils and potentially carbon release into the atmosphere. Despite an increasing attention is given to SOC depletion and degradation processes, SOC dynamics are far from being completely understood because they occur in the long term and are the result of a complex interaction between management and pedo-climatic factors. In order to improve our understanding of SOC reduction phenomena in the mineral soils of Veneto region, this study aimed to adopt an innovative probabilistic Bayesian belief network (BBN) framework to model SOC dynamics and identify management scenarios that maximise its accumulation and minimise GHG emissions. Results showed that the constructed BBN framework was able to describe SOC dynamics of the Veneto region, predicting probabilities of general accumulation (11.0%) and depletion (55.0%), similar to those already measured in field studies (15.3% and 50%, respectively). A general enhancement in the SOC content was observed where a minimum soil disturbance was adopted. This outcome suggested that management strategies of conversion from croplands to grasslands, no tillage and conservation agriculture are the most promising management strategies to reverse existing SOC reduction dynamics. Moreover, measures implying SOC stocks were also those providing major benefits in terms of GHGs reduction emissions. Finally, climate change scenarios slightly affected management practice. Advancements in our BBN framework might include more detailed classes at higher resolution as well as any socio-cultural or economic aspect that should improve the evaluation of prediction scenarios

    Influence of soil and climate heterogeneity on the performance of economic instruments for reducing nitrate leaching from agriculture

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    Economic instruments can be used to control groundwater nitrate pollution due to the intensive use of fertilizers in agriculture. In order to test their efficiency on the reduction of nitrate leaching, we propose an approach based on the combined use of production and pollution functions to derive the impacts on the expected farmer response of these instruments. Some of the most important factors influencing nitrate leaching and crop yield are the type of soil and the climatic conditions. Crop yield and nitrate leaching responses to different soil and climaticconditions were classified by means of a cluster analysis, and crops located in different areas but with similar response were grouped for the analysis. We use a spatial economic optimization model to evaluate the potential of taxes on nitrogen fertilizers, water prices, and taxes on nitrate emissions to reduce nitrate pollution, as well as their economic impact in terms of social welfare and farmers' net benefits. Themethod was applied to theMancha Oriental System(MOS) in Spain, a large area with different soil types and climatic conditions.We divided the study area into zones of homogeneous crop production and nitrate leaching properties. Results how spatially different responses of crop growth and nitrate leaching, proving howthe cost-effectiveness of pollution control instruments is contingent upon the spatial heterogeneities of the problem.The study has been supported by the European Community 7th Framework Project GENESIS (226536) on groundwater.Peña Haro, S.; García Prats, A.; Pulido-Velazquez, M. (2014). Influence of soil and climate heterogeneity on the performance of economic instruments for reducing nitrate leaching from agriculture. Science of the Total Environment. 499:510-519. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.07.029S51051949

    Determining the effect of drying time on phosphorus solubilization from three agricultural soils under climate change scenarios

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    Climate projections for the future indicate that the United Kingdom will experience hotter, drier summers and warmer, wetter winters, bringing longer dry periods followed by rewetting. This will result in changes in phosphorus (P) mobilization patterns that will influence the transfer of P from land to water. We tested the hypothesis that changes in the future patterns of drying–rewetting will affect the amount of soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) solubilized from soil. Estimations of dry period characteristics (duration and temperature) under current and predicted climate were determined using data from the UK Climate Projections (UKCP09) Weather Generator tool. Three soils (sieved 25°C are predicted in some places and dry periods of 30 to 90 d extremes are predicted. Combining the frequency of projected dry periods with the SRP concentration in leachate suggests that this may result overall in increased mobilization of P; however, critical breakpoints of 6.9 to 14.5 d dry occur wherein up to 28% more SRP can be solubilized following a rapid rewetting event. The precise cause of this increase could not be identified and warrants further investigation as the process is not currently included in P transfer models

    Soil faunal and structural responses to the settlement of a semi- sedentary earthworm Lumbricus terrestris in an arable clay field

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    We studied the soil community and habitat consequences of introducing a deep-burrowing, sedentary life-style earthworm, Lumbricus terrestris (dew-worm) into arable zero-till clay. Seventeen years after introduction, which was originally aimed at improving the macroporosity and permeability of the heavy clay soil, we returned to the gradient of L. terrestris dispersal (well established, more recent and no settlement) and investigated the temporal development of the ecosystem engineering impacts on different faunal groups (earthworms, enchytraeids and nematodes) and soil porosity. The faunal re- sponses were examined both at L. terrestris midden scale (individual living site) and field scale. We found that L. terrestris middens sustained elevated densities of all three faunal groups. In the case of earth- worms, there was evidence for temporal development of the engineering impact as the difference be- tween the midden and non-midden areas was more pronounced in the well-established areas than close to the leading edge of dispersal. The earthworm community composition was not altered at L. terrestris midden sites. The settlement of L. terrestris had no discernible effects on field-scale earthworm and nematode abundances, but enchytraeids were practically absent beyond the leading edge of the dispersal. This effect might, however, be partly explained by a gradient of increasing clay content. Soil macroporosity at L. terrestris midden sites did not increase with the age of L. terrestris settlement. Our results suggest that L. terrestris settlement in a clay soil can significantly increase the spatial patchiness of soil fauna, but may not, except in the case of enchytraeids, affect their field-scale abundances or the macroporosity of the soil in the vicinity of L. terrestris living sites