13 research outputs found

    Probing dynamics of an electron-spin ensemble via a superconducting resonator

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    We study spin relaxation and diffusion in an electron-spin ensemble of nitrogen impurities in diamond at low temperature (0.25-1.2 K) and polarizing magnetic field (80-300 mT). Measurements exploit mode- and temperature-dependent coupling of hyperfine-split sub-ensembles to the resonator. Temperature-independent spin linewidth and relaxation time suggest that spin diffusion limits spin relaxation. Depolarization of one sub-ensemble by resonant pumping of another indicates fast cross-relaxation compared to spin diffusion, with implications on use of sub-ensembles as independent quantum memories.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, and Supplementary Information (2 figures

    The nonperturbative functional renormalization group and its applications

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    The renormalization group plays an essential role in many areas of physics, both conceptually and as a practical tool to determine the long-distance low-energy properties of many systems on the one hand and on the other hand search for viable ultraviolet completions in fundamental physics. It provides us with a natural framework to study theoretical models where degrees of freedom are correlated over long distances and that may exhibit very distinct behavior on different energy scales. The nonperturbative functional renormalization-group (FRG) approach is a modern implementation of Wilson's RG, which allows one to set up nonperturbative approximation schemes that go beyond the standard perturbative RG approaches. The FRG is based on an exact functional flow equation of a coarse-grained effective action (or Gibbs free energy in the language of statistical mechanics). We review the main approximation schemes that are commonly used to solve this flow equation and discuss applications in equilibrium and out-of-equilibrium statistical physics, quantum many-particle systems, high-energy physics and quantum gravity.Comment: v2) Review article, 93 pages + bibliography, 35 figure

    Phase transitions in spin-1 bose gases and frustrated magnetic systems

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    Cette thèse porte sur l'étude des gaz tridimensionnels de bosons de spin 1 avec interaction ferromagnétique. Nous montrons que la transition superfluide à température finie peut être étudiée par une théorie des champs classique de symétrie O(3)*O(2). Ce type de modèle est utilisé pour décrire le magnétisme frustré dans de nombreux matériaux, en particulier les antiferroaimants sur réseau triangulaire. La nature de la transition de phase dans le modèle O(3)*O(2) (premier ou second ordre) fait l'objet d'une controverse d'ordre à la fois expérimental, numérique et théorique. Notre approche théorique est basée sur le groupe de renormalisation non-perturbatif et prédit une transition faiblement du premier ordre avec un comportement "pseudo-critique". Nous relions ce dernier au comportement critique observé dans le modèle O(N)*O(2) lorsque N est supérieur ou égal à 5.3. Dans les gaz de bosons de spin 1 (87Rb, 41K et 7Li), la longueur de corrélation à la transition est grande devant la taille typique des gaz dans les expériences actuelles. Néanmoins les comportements en loi de puissance observés près de la transition permettent de définir des exposants "pseudo-critiques" non-universels. La valeur de ces exposants varie d'un gaz à l'autre. Nous discutons dans quelle mesure la détermination expérimentale de ces exposants permettrait d'apporter des éléments concrets en faveur d'une transition du premier ordre dans le modèle O(3)*O(2).We study tridimensional spin-1 Bose gases with ferromagnetic interaction. The superfluid transition at finite temperature can be studied by a classical field theory with O(3)*O(2) symmetry. This kind of model has been used to describe frustrated magnetism in several materials, in particular antiferromagnets on a triangular lattice. The nature of the phase transition in the O(3)*O(2) model (first or second-order) has been the subject of experimental, numerical and theoretical controversy. Our theoretical approach is based on the nonperturbative renormalization group and predicts a weakly first-order transition with "pseudo-critical'' behavior. We relate the latter to the critical behavior observed in the O(N)*O(2) model when N is greater than or equal to 5.3. In spin-1 Bose gases (87Rb, 41K and 7Li), the correlation length at the transition is larger than the typical size of the system in current experiments. However the power-law behavior observed near the transition allows one to define nonuniversal "pseudo-critical" exponents. The value of these exponents varies from one gas to the other. We discuss to what extent the experimental determination of these exponents could support the claim of a first order transition in the O(3)*O(2) model

    Transitions de phase dans les gaz de bosons de spin 1 et les systèmes magnétiques frustrés

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    We study tridimensional spin-1 Bose gases with ferromagnetic interaction. The superfluid transition at finite temperature can be studied by a classical field theory with O(3)*O(2) symmetry. This kind of model has been used to describe frustrated magnetism in several materials, in particular antiferromagnets on a triangular lattice. The nature of the phase transition in the O(3)*O(2) model (first or second-order) has been the subject of experimental, numerical and theoretical controversy. Our theoretical approach is based on the nonperturbative renormalization group and predicts a weakly first-order transition with "pseudo-critical'' behavior. We relate the latter to the critical behavior observed in the O(N)*O(2) model when N is greater than or equal to 5.3. In spin-1 Bose gases (87Rb, 41K and 7Li), the correlation length at the transition is larger than the typical size of the system in current experiments. However the power-law behavior observed near the transition allows one to define nonuniversal "pseudo-critical" exponents. The value of these exponents varies from one gas to the other. We discuss to what extent the experimental determination of these exponents could support the claim of a first order transition in the O(3)*O(2) model.Cette thèse porte sur l'étude des gaz tridimensionnels de bosons de spin 1 avec interaction ferromagnétique. Nous montrons que la transition superfluide à température finie peut être étudiée par une théorie des champs classique de symétrie O(3)*O(2). Ce type de modèle est utilisé pour décrire le magnétisme frustré dans de nombreux matériaux, en particulier les antiferroaimants sur réseau triangulaire. La nature de la transition de phase dans le modèle O(3)*O(2) (premier ou second ordre) fait l'objet d'une controverse d'ordre à la fois expérimental, numérique et théorique. Notre approche théorique est basée sur le groupe de renormalisation non-perturbatif et prédit une transition faiblement du premier ordre avec un comportement "pseudo-critique". Nous relions ce dernier au comportement critique observé dans le modèle O(N)*O(2) lorsque N est supérieur ou égal à 5.3. Dans les gaz de bosons de spin 1 (87Rb, 41K et 7Li), la longueur de corrélation à la transition est grande devant la taille typique des gaz dans les expériences actuelles. Néanmoins les comportements en loi de puissance observés près de la transition permettent de définir des exposants "pseudo-critiques" non-universels. La valeur de ces exposants varie d'un gaz à l'autre. Nous discutons dans quelle mesure la détermination expérimentale de ces exposants permettrait d'apporter des éléments concrets en faveur d'une transition du premier ordre dans le modèle O(3)*O(2)

    First-order phase transitions in spinor Bose gases and frustrated magnets

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    International audienceWe show that phase transitions in spin-1 Bose gases and stacked triangular Heisenberg antiferromagnets—an example of frustrated magnets with competing interactions—are described by the same Landau-Ginzburg-Wilson Hamiltonian with O(3)×O(2) symmetry. In agreement with previous nonperturbative-renormalization-group studies of the three-dimensional O(3)×O(2) model, we find that the transition from the normal phase to the superfluid ferromagnetic phase in a spin-1 Bose gas is weakly first order and shows pseudoscaling behavior. The (nonuniversal) pseudoscaling exponent ν is fully determined by the scattering lengths a0 and a2. We provide estimates of ν in Rb87,K41, and Li7 atom gases which can be tested experimentally. We argue that pseudoscaling comes from either a crossover phenomenon due to proximity of the O(6) Wilson-Fisher fixed point (Rb87 and K41) or the existence of two unphysical fixed points (with complex coordinates) which slow down the RG flow (Li7). These unphysical fixed points are a remnant of the chiral and antichiral fixed points that exist in the O(N)×O(2) model when N is larger than Nc≃5.3 (the transition being then second order and controlled by the chiral fixed point). Finally, we discuss a O(2)×O(2) lattice model and show that our results, even though we find the transition to be first order, are compatible with Monte Carlo simulations yielding an apparent second-order transition

    Simulating frustrated magnetism with spinor Bose gases

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