1,223 research outputs found

    Type IIA D-Branes, K-Theory, and Matrix Theory

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    We show that all supersymmetric Type IIA D-branes can be constructed as bound states of a certain number of unstable non-supersymmetric Type IIA D9-branes. This string-theoretical construction demonstrates that D-brane charges in Type IIA theory on spacetime manifold XX are classified by the higher K-theory group K−1(X)K^{-1}(X), as suggested recently by Witten. In particular, the system of NN D0-branes can be obtained, for any NN, in terms of sixteen Type IIA D9-branes. This suggests that the dynamics of Matrix theory is contained in the physics of magnetic vortices on the worldvolume of sixteen unstable D9-branes, described at low energies by a U(16) gauge theory.Comment: 32 pages (published version

    On QCD String Theory and AdS Dynamics

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    The AdS/CFT correspondence of elementary string theory has been recently suggested as a ``microscopic'' approach to QCD string theory in various dimensions. We use the microscopic theory to show that the ultraviolet regime on the string world-sheet is mapped to the ultraviolet effects in QCD. In the case of QCD_2, a world-sheet path integral representation of QCD strings is known, in terms of a topological rigid string theory whose world-sheet supersymmetry is reminiscent of Parisi-Sourlas supersymmetry. We conjecture that the supersymmetric rigid string theory is dual to the elementary Type IIB string theory in the singular AdS background that corresponds to the large-N limit of QCD_2. We also generalize the rigid string with world-sheet Parisi-Sourlas supersymmetry to dimensions greater than two, and argue that the theory is asymptotically free, a non-zero string tension is generated dynamically through dimensional transmutation, and the theory is topological only asymptotically in the ultraviolet.Comment: 29pp. v2: typos corrected, final version to appear in JHE

    Strings on Orientifolds

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    We construct several examples of compactification of Type IIB theory on orientifolds and discuss their duals. In six dimensions we obtain models with N=1N=1 supersymmetry, multiple tensor multiplets, and different gauge groups. In nine dimensions we obtain a model that is dual to M-theory compactified on a Klein bottle.Comment: 19 pages, harvma

    Classification and a toolbox for orientifold models

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    We provide the general tadpole conditions for a class of supersymmetric orientifold models by studing the general properties of the elements included in the orientifold group. In this talk, we concentrate on orientifold models of the type T6/ZM×ZNT^6/Z_M\times Z_N.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure, Latex2e. Proceedings of RTN Workshop on the Quantum Structure of Space-time and the Geometric Nature of Fundamental Interactions and EXT Workshop on Fundamental Interactions and the Structure of Spacetime, Kolymbari, Crete, Greece, 5-10 Sep 200

    Probable Values of the Cosmological Constant in a Holographic Theory

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    We point out that for a large class of universes, holography implies that the most probable value of the cosmological constant is zero. In four spacetime dimensions, the probability distribution takes the Baum-Hawking form, dP∌exp⁥(cMp2/Λ)dΛdP\sim\exp(cM_p^2/\Lambda)d\Lambda.Comment: 8 pages, harvmac (b

    Emergent Gravity at a Lifshitz Point from a Bose Liquid on the Lattice

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    We propose a model with quantum bosons on the fcc lattice, which has a stable algebraic Bose liquid phase at low energy. We show that this phase is described by emergent quantum gravity at the Gaussian z = 3 Lifshitz fixed point in 3+1 dimensions. The stability of this algebraic Bose liquid phase is guaranteed by the gauge symmetry of gravitons and self-duality of the low energy field theory. By tuning one parameter in the lattice boson model we can drive a phase transition between the z = 3 Lifshitz gravity and another algebraic Bose liquid phase, described by gravity at the z = 2 Lifshitz point.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    Charged Open Membrane Solutions On A Manifold With Boundary

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    Explicit open single and multi-membrane solutions of the low energy limit of M-theory on the orbifold R10×S1/Z2R^{10}\times S^1/Z_2 are presented. This low energy action is described by an 11-dimensional supergravity action coupled to two E8E_8 super Yang-Mills fields, which propagate only on the 10-dimensional boundaries of the target space. The membrane solutions we construct preserve half the supersymmetries. They carry electric charge and current with respect to the gauge fields, whose generators are in the Cartan subalgebra of the two E8E_8 gauge groups present at the boundaries.Comment: 14 pages, Late
