581 research outputs found

    The Tensor Theory Space

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    The tensor track is a background-independent discretization of quantum gravity which includes a sum over all topologies. We discuss how to define a functional renormalization group flow and the Wetterich equation in the corresponding theory space. This space is different from the Einsteinian theory space of asymptotic safety. It includes all fixed-rank tensor-invariant interactions, hence generalizes matrix models and the (Moyal) non-commutative field theory space.Comment: This short note is intended as a complement to arXiv:1311.1461, to appear in the Proceedings of the Workshop on Noncommutative Field Theory and Gravity in Corfu September 2013, Fortshritt. Phys. 201

    The Tensor Track, III

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    We provide an informal up-to-date review of the tensor track approach to quantum gravity. In a long introduction we describe in simple terms the motivations for this approach. Then the many recent advances are summarized, with emphasis on some points (Gromov-Hausdorff limit, Loop vertex expansion, Osterwalder-Schrader positivity...) which, while important for the tensor track program, are not detailed in the usual quantum gravity literature. We list open questions in the conclusion and provide a rather extended bibliography.Comment: 53 pages, 6 figure

    Loop Vertex Expansion for Higher Order Interactions

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    This note provides an extension of the constructive loop vertex expansion to stable interactions of arbitrarily high order, opening the way to many applications. We treat in detail the example of the (ϕˉϕ)p(\bar \phi \phi)^p field theory in zero dimension. We find that the important feature to extend the loop vertex expansion is not to use an intermediate field representation, but rather to force integration of exactly one particular field per vertex of the initial action.Comment: 16 pages, 2 figures, V2, minor modification

    Random Tensors and Quantum Gravity

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    We provide an informal introduction to tensor field theories and to their associated renormalization group. We focus more on the general motivations coming from quantum gravity than on the technical details. In particular we discuss how asymptotic freedom of such tensor field theories gives a concrete example of a natural "quantum relativity" postulate: physics in the deep ultraviolet regime becomes asymptotically more and more independent of any particular choice of Hilbert basis in the space of states of the universe.Comment: Section 6 is essentially reproduced from author's arXiv:1507.04190 for self-contained purpose of the revie

    The Tensor Track: an Update

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    The tensor track approach to quantum gravity is based on a new class of quantum field theories, called tensor group field theories (TGFTs). We provide a brief review of recent progress and list some desirable properties of TGFTs. In order to narrow the search for interesting models, we also propose a set of guidelines for TGFT's loosely inspired by the Osterwalder-Schrader axioms of ordinary Euclidean QFT.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure. This paper is based on a talk given at the XXIX International Colloquium on Group-Theoretical Methods in Physics in Tian-Jin (China), very minor change

    Spheres are rare

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    We prove that triangulations of homology spheres in any dimension grow much slower than general triangulations. Our bound states in particular that the number of triangulations of homology spheres in 3 dimensions grows at most like the power 1/3 of the number of general triangulations.Comment: 14 pages, 1 figur

    Constructive Field Theory in Zero Dimension

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    In this pedagogical note we propose to wander through five different methods to compute the number of connected graphs of the zero-dimensional ϕ4\phi^4 field theory,in increasing order of sophistication. The note does not contain any new result but may be helpful to summarize the heart of constructive resummations, namely a replica trick and a forest formula.Comment: 12 pages,one figur

    The two dimensional Hubbard Model at half-filling: I. Convergent Contributions

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    We prove analyticity theorems in the coupling constant for the Hubbard model at half-filling. The model in a single renormalization group slice of index ii is proved to be analytic in λ\lambda for λc/i|\lambda| \le c/i for some constant cc, and the skeleton part of the model at temperature TT (the sum of all graphs without two point insertions) is proved to be analytic in λ\lambda for λc/logT2|\lambda| \le c/|\log T|^{2}. These theorems are necessary steps towards proving that the Hubbard model at half-filling is {\it not} a Fermi liquid (in the mathematically precise sense of Salmhofer).Comment: 31 pages, 2 figure