208 research outputs found

    Field-Theoretic Techniques in the Study of Critical Phenomena

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    We shortly illustrate how the field-theoretic approach to critical phenomena takes place in the more complete Wilson theory of renormalization and qualitatively discuss its domain of validity. By the way, we suggest that the differential renormalization functions (like the beta-function) of the perturbative scalar theory in four dimensions should be Borel summable provided they are calculated within a minimal subtraction scheme.Comment: 32 pages, LaTeX, 9 figures, to appear in Journal of Physical Studie

    Universality and quantum effects in one-component critical fluids

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    Non-universal scale transformations of the physical fields are extended to pure quantum fluids and used to calculate susceptibility, specific heat and the order parameter along the critical isochore of He3 near its liquid-vapor critical point. Within the so-called preasymptotic domain, where the Wegner expansion restricted to the first term of confluent corrections to scaling is expected valid, the results show agreement with the experimental measurements and recent predictions, either based on the minimal-substraction renormalization and the massive renormalization schemes within the Φ_d=34(n=1)\Phi\_{d=3}^{4}(n=1)-model, or based on the crossover parametric equation of state for Ising-like systems

    Nonasymptotic critical behavior from field theory

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    The obtention (up to five or six loop orders) of nonasymptotic critical behavior, above and below Tc, from the field theoretical framework is presented and discussed.Comment: 9 page

    Renormalization group domains of the scalar Hamiltonian

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    Using the local potential approximation of the exact renormalization group (RG) equation, we show the various domains of values of the parameters of the O(1)-symmetric scalar Hamiltonian. In three dimensions, in addition to the usual critical surface ScS_{c} (attraction domain of the Wilson-Fisher fixed point), we explicitly show the existence of a first-order phase transition domain SfS_{f} separated from ScS_{c} by the tricritical surface StS_{t} (attraction domain of the Gaussian fixed point). SfS_{f} and ScS_{c} are two distinct domains of repulsion for the Gaussian fixed point, but SfS_{f} is not the basin of attraction of a fixed point. SfS_{f} is characterized by an endless renormalized trajectory lying entirely in the domain of negative values of the ϕ4\phi ^{4}-coupling. This renormalized trajectory exists also in four dimensions making the Gaussian fixed point ultra-violet stable (and the ϕ44\phi_{4}^{4} renormalized field theory asymptotically free but with a wrong sign of the perfect action). We also show that very retarded classical-to-Ising crossover may exist in three dimensions (in fact below four dimensions). This could be an explanation of the unexpected classical critical behavior observed in some ionic systems.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Cond. Matt. Phys, some minor correction

    Large-N_f chiral transition in the Yukawa model

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    We investigate the finite-temperature behavior of the Yukawa model in which NfN_{f} fermions are coupled with a scalar field ϕ\phi in the limit NfN_f \to \infty. Close to the chiral transition the model shows a crossover between mean-field behavior (observed for Nf=N_f = \infty) and Ising behavior (observed for any finite NfN_f). We show that this crossover is universal and related to that observed in the weakly-coupled ϕ4\phi^4 theory. It corresponds to the renormalization-group flow from the unstable Gaussian fixed point to the stable Ising fixed point. This equivalence allows us to use results obtained in field theory and in medium-range spin models to compute Yukawa correlation functions in the crossover regime

    Classical-to-critical crossovers from field theory

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    We extent the previous determinations of nonasymptotic critical behavior of Phys. Rev B32, 7209 (1985) and B35, 3585 (1987) to accurate expressions of the complete classical-to-critical crossover (in the 3-d field theory) in terms of the temperature-like scaling field (i.e., along the critical isochore) for : 1) the correlation length, the susceptibility and the specific heat in the homogeneous phase for the n-vector model (n=1 to 3) and 2) for the spontaneous magnetization (coexistence curve), the susceptibility and the specific heat in the inhomogeneous phase for the Ising model (n=1). The present calculations include the seventh loop order of Murray and Nickel (1991) and closely account for the up-to-date estimates of universal asymptotic critical quantities (exponents and amplitude combinations) provided by Guida and Zinn-Justin [J. Phys. A31, 8103 (1998)].Comment: 4 figs, 4 program documents in appendix, some corrections adde

    Antisymmetric and other subleading corrections to scaling in the local potential approximation

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    For systems in the universality class of the three-dimensional Ising model we compute the critical exponents in the local potential approximation (LPA), that is, in the framework of the Wegner-Houghton equation. We are mostly interested in antisymmetric corrections to scaling, which are relatively poorly studied. We find the exponent for the leading antisymmetric correction to scaling ωA1.691\omega_A \approx 1.691 in the LPA. This high value implies that such corrections cannot explain asymmetries observed in some Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 12 pages, 3 Postscript figures, uses eps

    Field Theoretic Calculation of the Universal Amplitude Ratio of Correlation Lengths in 3D-Ising Systems

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    In three-dimensional systems of the Ising universality class the ratio of correlation length amplitudes for the high- and low-temperature phases is a universal quantity. Its field theoretic determination apart from the ϵ\epsilon-expansion represents a gap in the existing literature. In this article we present a method, which allows to calculate this ratio by renormalized perturbation theory in the phases with unbroken and broken symmetry of a one-component ϕ4\phi^4-theory in fixed dimensions D=3D=3. The results can be expressed as power series in the renormalized coupling constant of either of the two phases, and with the knowledge of their fixed point values numerical estimates are obtainable. These are given for the case of a two-loop calculation.Comment: 14 pages, MS-TPI-94-0

    Crossover scaling from classical to nonclassical critical behavior

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    We study the crossover between classical and nonclassical critical behaviors. The critical crossover limit is driven by the Ginzburg number G. The corresponding scaling functions are universal with respect to any possible microscopic mechanism which can vary G, such as changing the range or the strength of the interactions. The critical crossover describes the unique flow from the unstable Gaussian to the stable nonclassical fixed point. The scaling functions are related to the continuum renormalization-group functions. We show these features explicitly in the large-N limit of the O(N) phi^4 model. We also show that the effective susceptibility exponent is nonmonotonic in the low-temperature phase of the three-dimensional Ising model.Comment: 5 pages, final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Universal sextic effective interaction at criticality

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    The renormalization group approach in three dimensions is used to estimate the universal critical value g_6^* of the dimensionless sextic effective coupling constant for the Ising model. The four-loop RG expansion for g_6 is calculated and resummed by means of the Pade-Borel and Pade-Borel-Leroy procedures resulting in g_6^* = 1.596, while the most accurate estimate for g_6^* is argued to be equal to 1.61.Comment: 6 pages, TeX, no figure