53 research outputs found

    Efetividade do drop na prevenção de lesão em corredores: revisão sistemåtica com metanålise

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    Introdução: a altura do salto (drop) do tĂȘnis de corrida Ă© um dos principais temas que vem recebendo atenção de corredores e da indĂșstria ligada Ă  corrida. De um lado, temos tĂȘnis tradicionais com mais estrutura e foco no amortecimento e, do outro, os tĂȘnis minimalistas mais leves e flexĂ­veis, que procuram deixar a corrida mais prĂłxima dos pĂ©s descalços. A busca por uma corrida mais natural e com mĂ­nima influĂȘncia do tĂȘnis tem disparado interesse cada vez mais frequente nos minimalistas. Entretanto, essa mudança de paradigma tende a alterar o padrĂŁo de corrida e influenciar no surgimento de lesĂŁo. Dessa maneira, o objetivo deste estudo Ă© verificar o efeito do drop dos tĂȘnis de corrida na cinemĂĄtica e na incidĂȘncia de lesĂŁo. Metodologia: tendo como base o modelo PRISMA, foi realizada uma revisĂŁo sistemĂĄtica com metanĂĄlise com busca de ensaios clĂ­nicos nos principais bancos de dados: Pubmed, EMBASE, CIHNAL e Cochrane. Resultados: 117 artigos foram encontrados, e 16 atenderam aos critĂ©rios de inclusĂŁo e foram incluĂ­dos nesta revisĂŁo. Todos os artigos foram submetidos Ă  avaliação da qualidade metodolĂłgica pela escala PEDro. O uso dos tĂȘnis minimalistas aumenta a incidĂȘncia de lesĂŁo em corredores (RR 2,59, 95% CI 1.93 - 3.27), reduz o comprimento do passo e aumenta a cadĂȘncia. ConclusĂŁo: o uso do tĂȘnis minimalista, parece reduzir a capacidade dos tĂȘnis em mitigar as cargas, influencia no aumento da cadĂȘncia e, aumenta a incidĂȘncia de lesĂŁo em corredores

    Human Robot Motion: A Shared Effort Approach

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    International audienceThis paper is about Human Robot Motion (HRM), i.e. the study of how a robot should move among humans. This problem has often been solved by considering persons as moving obstacles, predicting their future trajectories and avoiding these trajectories. In contrast with such an approach, recent works have showed benefits of robots that can move and avoid collisions in a manner similar to persons, what we call human-like motion. One such benefit is that human-like motion was shown to reduce the planning effort for all persons in the environment, given that they tend to solve collision avoidance problems in similar ways. The effort required for avoiding a collision, however, is not shared equally between agents as it varies depending on factors such as visibility and crossing order. Thus, this work tackles HRM using the notion of motion effort and how it should be shared between the robot and the person in order to avoid collisions. To that end our approach learns a robot behavior using Reinforcement Learning that enables it to mutually solve the collision avoidance problem during our simulated trials

    Protein Short-Time Diffusion in a Naturally Crowded Environment.

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    The interior of living cells is a dense and polydisperse suspension of macromolecules. Such a complex system challenges an understanding in terms of colloidal suspensions. As a fundamental test we employ neutron spectroscopy to measure the diffusion of tracer proteins (immunoglobulins) in a cell-like environment (cell lysate) with explicit control over crowding conditions. In combination with Stokesian dynamics simulation, we address protein diffusion on nanosecond time scales where hydrodynamic interactions dominate over negligible protein collisions. We successfully link the experimental results on these complex, flexible molecules with coarse-grained simulations providing a consistent understanding by colloid theories. Both experiments and simulations show that tracers in polydisperse solutions close to the effective particle radius Reff = ⟹ Ri3⟩1/3 diffuse approximately as if the suspension was monodisperse. The simulations further show that macromolecules of sizes R > Reff ( R < Reff) are slowed more (less) effectively even at nanosecond time scales, which is highly relevant for a quantitative understanding of cellular processes


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    The high mortality rate from lung cancer, the leading cause of cancer death in Brazil, highlights the urgent need for effective screening and early diagnosis policies. Late detection, often in advanced stages, compromises treatment options. The aim of this study was to reflect on the importance of recent advances in the early diagnosis of lung cancer. A systematic literature review was carried out using the Scielo, Lilacs and Medline databases. After a qualitative analysis of the results, it was concluded that early identification of the disease allows for more effective therapeutic interventions, resulting in greater survival and better clinical outcomes for patients.A alta taxa de mortalidade pelo cĂąncer de pulmĂŁo, principal causa de Ăłbito por cĂąncer no Brasil, ressalta a urgĂȘncia de polĂ­ticas efetivas de rastreamento e diagnĂłstico precoce. A detecção tardia, frequentemente nos estĂĄgios avançados, compromete as opçÔes de tratamento. Este estudo teve como objetivo refletir sobre a importĂąncia do avanços recentes no diagnĂłstico precoce do cĂąncer de pulmĂŁo. Para isso, foi desenvolvida uma revisĂŁo sistemĂĄtica da literatura, utilizando as bases de dados Scielo, Lilacs e Medline. ApĂłs anĂĄlise qualitativa dos resultados, concluiu-se que a identificação precoce da doença permite intervençÔes terapĂȘuticas mais eficazes, resultando em maior sobrevida e melhores resultados clĂ­nicos para os pacientes

    Transtornos psiquiåtricos na infùncia: diagnóstico precoce, intervençÔes eficazes e consideraçÔes éticas

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    Reconhecer e abordar precocemente transtornos psiquiåtricos na infùncia é vital, pois cerca de 20% das crianças enfrentam desafios que impactam emocionalmente. Com raízes genéticas evidentes desde o segundo trimestre fetal, a intervenção eficaz pode não apenas melhorar a qualidade de vida imediata, mas também reduzir o risco de complicaçÔes psiquiåtricas ao longo da vida, exigindo uma gestão completa que leve em conta sintomas, contexto de desenvolvimento, ambiente familiar e estressores externos. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar estratégias para o diagnóstico precoce, implementação de intervençÔes eficazes e consideraçÔes éticas no manejo de transtornos psiquiåtricos na infùncia. Para o alcance desse propósito, realizou-se uma revisão sistemåtica da literatura, utilizando as base de dados Scielo, Lilacs e Medline. Com a anålise dos resultados, concluiu-se que são indispensåveis avaliaçÔes clínicas extensas, aplicação de instrumentos psicométricos validados e investigação de fatores desencadeantes para garantir uma avaliação precisa. A participação ativa dos pais, especialmente na terapia cognitivo-comportamental (TCC), é destacada, assim como a necessidade de estratégias personalizadas de manejo. Além disso, a reflexão ética sobre fatores socioculturais e a consideração da criança como um sujeito de direitos são elementos cruciais para uma abordagem integral e contextualizada no cuidado de transtornos psiquiåtricos na infùncia, visando promover o bem-estar duradouro

    Abordagens farmacológicas para a prevenção de recaídas em Depressão

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    As abordagens farmacolĂłgicas para a prevenção de recaĂ­das em depressĂŁo desempenham um papel crucial na gestĂŁo contĂ­nua do transtorno. A personalização do tratamento, monitoramento atento e colaboração entre profissionais de saĂșde mental sĂŁo elementos essenciais para otimizar os resultados e melhorar a qualidade de vida dos pacientes que enfrentam esse desafio persistente. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o papel das abordagens farmacolĂłgica para a prevenção de recaĂ­das em depressĂŁo. Para isso, se realizou uma revisĂŁo sistemĂĄtica da literatura, utilizando as bases de dados Scielo, Lilacs e Medline. Com a anĂĄlise qualitativa dos resultados, concluiu-se que as intervençÔes farmacolĂłgicas desempenham um papel significativo no cuidado mental, proporcionando benefĂ­cios em diversas situaçÔes. Contudo, o limite reside na necessidade de abordar cuidadosamente os desafios associados a essas intervençÔes e reconhecer a diversidade de respostas individuais Ă  terapia farmacolĂłgica

    Geolocation with respect to persona privacy for the Allergy Diary app - a MASK study

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    Background: Collecting data on the localization of users is a key issue for the MASK (Mobile Airways Sentinel network: the Allergy Diary) App. Data anonymization is a method of sanitization for privacy. The European Commission's Article 29 Working Party stated that geolocation information is personal data. To assess geolocation using the MASK method and to compare two anonymization methods in the MASK database to find an optimal privacy method. Methods: Geolocation was studied for all people who used the Allergy Diary App from December 2015 to November 2017 and who reported medical outcomes. Two different anonymization methods have been evaluated: Noise addition (randomization) and k-anonymity (generalization). Results: Ninety-three thousand one hundred and sixteen days of VAS were collected from 8535 users and 54,500 (58. 5%) were geolocalized, corresponding to 5428 users. Noise addition was found to be less accurate than k-anonymity using MASK data to protect the users' life privacy. Discussion: k-anonymity is an acceptable method for the anonymization of MASK data and results can be used for other databases.Peer reviewe

    Guidance to 2018 good practice : ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis and asthma

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    AimsMobile Airways Sentinel NetworK (MASK) belongs to the Fondation Partenariale MACVIA-LR of Montpellier, France and aims to provide an active and healthy life to rhinitis sufferers and to those with asthma multimorbidity across the life cycle, whatever their gender or socio-economic status, in order to reduce health and social inequities incurred by the disease and to improve the digital transformation of health and care. The ultimate goal is to change the management strategy in chronic diseases.MethodsMASK implements ICT technologies for individualized and predictive medicine to develop novel care pathways by a multi-disciplinary group centred around the patients.StakeholdersInclude patients, health care professionals (pharmacists and physicians), authorities, patient's associations, private and public sectors.ResultsMASK is deployed in 23 countries and 17 languages. 26,000 users have registered.EU grants (2018)MASK is participating in EU projects (POLLAR: impact of air POLLution in Asthma and Rhinitis, EIT Health, DigitalHealthEurope, Euriphi and Vigour).Lessons learnt(i) Adherence to treatment is the major problem of allergic disease, (ii) Self-management strategies should be considerably expanded (behavioural), (iii) Change management is essential in allergic diseases, (iv) Education strategies should be reconsidered using a patient-centred approach and (v) Lessons learnt for allergic diseases can be expanded to chronic diseases.Peer reviewe

    Correlation between work impairment, scores of rhinitis severity and asthma using the MASK-air (R) App

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    Background In allergic rhinitis, a relevant outcome providing information on the effectiveness of interventions is needed. In MASK-air (Mobile Airways Sentinel Network), a visual analogue scale (VAS) for work is used as a relevant outcome. This study aimed to assess the performance of the work VAS work by comparing VAS work with other VAS measurements and symptom-medication scores obtained concurrently. Methods All consecutive MASK-air users in 23 countries from 1 June 2016 to 31 October 2018 were included (14 189 users; 205 904 days). Geolocalized users self-assessed daily symptom control using the touchscreen functionality on their smart phone to click on VAS scores (ranging from 0 to 100) for overall symptoms (global), nose, eyes, asthma and work. Two symptom-medication scores were used: the modified EAACI CSMS score and the MASK control score for rhinitis. To assess data quality, the intra-individual response variability (IRV) index was calculated. Results A strong correlation was observed between VAS work and other VAS. The highest levels for correlation with VAS work and variance explained in VAS work were found with VAS global, followed by VAS nose, eye and asthma. In comparison with VAS global, the mCSMS and MASK control score showed a lower correlation with VAS work. Results are unlikely to be explained by a low quality of data arising from repeated VAS measures. Conclusions VAS work correlates with other outcomes (VAS global, nose, eye and asthma) but less well with a symptom-medication score. VAS work should be considered as a potentially useful AR outcome in intervention studies.Peer reviewe
