8 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan panjang lengan dan kekuatan otot lengan dengan kecepatan bola pada pukulan forehand smash pada anggota klub Tenis Meja Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Dilaksanakan di lapangan GOR bulutangkis dan tenis meja yang beralamat di Jalan Tebet Timur I A Jakarta Selatan, pada hari Sabtu tanggal 24 Oktober - 7 November 2015. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan menggunakan teknik studi korelasi, dengan teknik pengambilan sampel dengan menggunakan purposive sampling yang berjumlah 16 orang dari populasi 35 orang. Instrumen penelitian digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan melakukan pengukuran terhadap variabel-variabel yang terdapat dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari tiga tes, yaitu tes panjang lengan menggunakan meteran, tes push untuk mengetahui kekuatan otot lengan, tes kecepatan bola pada pukulan forehand smash dengan menggunakan radar untuk mendapatkan data. Teknik analisis yang digunakan adalah mencari regresi lalu menghitung korelasi dari variabel dengan membandingkan dengan f-tabel pada taraf signifikan 0,05. Hasil penelitian : 1) terdapat hubungan yang berarti panjang lengan (X1) dengan kecepatan bola pada pukulan forehand smash tenis meja (Y) dengan uji keberartian koefisien korelasi antara variabel X1 dan variabel Y bahwa thitung = 2,45 lebih besar dari ttabel = 1,76 dan koefisien korelasi ry1 = 0,55 adalah berarti. 2) tidak terdapat hubungan yang berarti kekuatan otot lengan (X2) dengan kecepatan bola pada pukulan forehand smash tenis meja ii (Y) dengan uji keberartian koefisien korelasi antara variabel X2 dan variabel Y, bahwa thitung = 1,74 lebih kecil dari ttabel = 1,76, yang berarti koefisien korelasi ry2 = 0,42 adalah tidak berarti dikarnakan dalam penelitian ini peneliti hanya mengambil tes push saja, sedangkan tes pull tidak dilakukan. 3) terdapat hubungan yang berarti secara bersama-sama antara panjang lengan (X1) dan kekuatan otot lengan (X2) dengan kecepatan bola pada pukulan forehand smash tenis meja dengan uji keberartian koefisien korelasi antara variabel X1, X2 dan variabel Y, bahwa Fhitung = 3,9 lebih besar dari Ftabel = 3,81, yang berarti koefisien korelasi ganda Ry1-2 = 0,62 adalah berart

    Analisis Penerapan Akuntansi Pada Usaha Jual Beli Karet Di Kecamatan Seberida Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu

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    This research was conducted in Seberida Subdistrict, Indragiri Hulu Regency. With regard to this research, the object is a rubber buying and selling entrepreneur. The problems discussed in this study are how the application of accounting in the buying and selling business of rubber in Seberida District, Indragiri Hulu Regency is in accordance with the basic concepts of accounting. The purpose of this study is to find out the accounting application carried out by rubber buying and selling entrepreneurs has fulfilled the basic accounting concepts in running their business. Data collection methods that the authors need for this writing material are: structured interviews, and documentation. While the data analysis used is descriptive method. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the application of accounting in the buying and selling business of rubber in the Seberida District, Indragiri Hulu Regency is not in accordance with the basic accounting concepts currently in force

    Penurunan Kandungan Ca Pada Air Sumur Setelah Melalui Demineralisasi Water (Decrease Well Water Content of Ca On After Through Demineralization Water)

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    Water is a vital requirement for human life. Humans need it for various purposes ranging from drinking water, washing, bathing and others. Water sources include surface water, rainwater, well water (ground water). Well water is more widely used to meet these needs because it is better than the quality of water resources in a manner lain.Pengolahan well water demineralization already done diindustri-chemical industries but is still rare among the general public. Common processing method is simple water filtration with gravel, fibers and sand. The processing method is less efficient for water with a little Ca content, so that other methods are needed in the well water treatment is the method of demineralized water so produced has a low Ca content. The basic principle of the method is the exchange demineralization of mineral ions in water such as Ca using ion excange resins. Keywords: water demineralization, hardness, ion exchang


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    Children in his capacity as the next generation and is a human resources for national development in the future to lead and maintain the integrity of the nation require ongoing coaching for survival, growth and development of the physical, mental, and social as well as protection from things that endanger the lives and future of children. Countries through various legislation has established various forms of protection of child victims of violence, but a direct form of protection, either from the state or from the perpetrators of the violence that the parents have not seen clearly. Therefore, the model should be established to protection of child victims of violence. Determination act of child abuse as a crime through legislation, both general criminal laws, as well as sectoral basically sufficient. Determination is already a form of indirect protection (abstract) of child victims of violence. Protection is certainly still need another form of protection that can be felt more directly by the child victims of violence. In addition, the determination of acts of violence as a crime prevention efforts also contained the criminal law. Efforts to combat violence with non-criminal law also stipulated by lawmakers, although not explicitly defined as a comprehensive prevention efforts. In criminal law, the police are the law enforcement officials dealing with the public in relation to law enforcement. Police who do their job decisions of law are evident in the field. Related to the occurrence of an event that should be a criminal offense is suspected in the case of children as victims of violence then the investigator or the police can do immediate action in the form of acts of investigation. In the process of police investigation against the parents as suspects in the case of children as victims of parental violence in Yogyakarta Police carried out in accordance with the Code of Criminal Procedure Code (Criminal Code) and child victims of violence against the police to coordinate with the ministry. Women and Children's Services Unit ( Unit PPA) to provide protection to the child law as elderly victims to differentiate into (two), namely: (a) Preventive Efforts (Prevention) in the form of provision of counseling or an appeal to the public, increase awareness in the community to prevent crimes of violence against children, raise awareness, and provide an appeal to the public to immediately report to the authorities in case of a crime of violence against children. (B) Efforts Repressive (Enforcement). For those victims who suffered depression / trauma, For victims who are afraid to report, for the victim's family, and for the lack of role communities around the victim. For this unit for women and children will take actions

    Desain Ulang Struktur Bangunan Gedung Hotel Ibis Padang Dengan Tinjauan Fixed Base

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    Reinforced concrete structure is a structural forming material that is still widely used. Concrete structure has advantages in the ease of materials and also the workmanship. Reinforced concrete is also more effectively used for structures that have a less long span. Ibis Padang Hotel building planning uses reinforced concrete structures with reference to SNI 2847:2013 on Structural Concrete Requirements for Buildings and SNI 1726:2012 on Earthquake Resilience Planning Procedures for Building And Non-Building Structures. The burdens that occurred were reviewed in SNI 1727:2013 on The Indonesian Demolition Regulation for Buildings and Other Buildings. This planning uses a dual system of SRPMK and sliding walls in terms of earthquake anchoring. The concept of this plan is based on the ultimate design that occurs, where the ultimate value must be smaller than the cross-sectional strength of the structural components. Style calculation – style in using the ETABS 2013 program. In addition, there is also a calculation of the Cost Budget Plan. This writing aims to find out the comparison of the structural components of the Ibis Padang Hotel building using Base Isolator with the results of planning using Fixed Base. The beam component comparison obtained a smaller yield of 15.17% for casting volume and 23.64% for repeat weight. The comparison of column components obtained smaller results of 29.17% for casting volume and 24.32% for repeat weight. Comparison of plate components obtained a smaller result of 16.58% for the repeating weight. The comparison of pile cap components obtained a smaller result of 45.98% for casting volume and 2.54% of repeating weight

    New materials for micro-scale sensors and actuators:an engineering review

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    This paper provides a detailed overview of developments in transducer materials technology relating to their current and future applications in micro-scale devices. Recent advances in piezoelectric, magnetostrictive and shape-memory alloy systems are discussed and emerging transducer materials such as magnetic nanoparticles, expandable micro-spheres and conductive polymers are introduced. Materials properties, transducer mechanisms and end applications are described and the potential for integration of the materials with ancillary systems components is viewed as an essential consideration. The review concludes with a short discussion of structural polymers that are extending the range of micro-fabrication techniques available to designers and production engineers beyond the limitations of silicon fabrication technology.Original Publication:S.A. Wilson, R.P.-J. Jourdain, Q. Zhang, R.A. Dorey, C.R. Bowen, Magnus Willander, Qamar Ul Wahab, M. Willander, S.M. Al-hilli, O. Nur, E. Quandt, C. Johansson, E. Pagounis, M. Kohl, J. Matovic, B. Samel, der Wijngaart W. van, Edwin Jager, D. Carlsson, Z. Djinovic, M. Wegener, C. Moldovan, E. Abad, M. Wendlandt, C. Rusu and K. Persson, New materials for micro-scale sensors and actuators. An engineering review, 2007, Materials science & engineering. R, Reports, (56), 1-129.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mser.2007.03.001Copyright: Elsevierhttp://www.elsevier.com