150 research outputs found

    Chemoinformatics Research at the University of Sheffield: A History and Citation Analysis

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    This paper reviews the work of the Chemoinformatics Research Group in the Department of Information Studies at the University of Sheffield, focusing particularly on the work carried out in the period 1985-2002. Four major research areas are discussed, these involving the development of methods for: substructure searching in databases of three-dimensional structures, including both rigid and flexible molecules; the representation and searching of the Markush structures that occur in chemical patents; similarity searching in databases of both two-dimensional and three-dimensional structures; and compound selection and the design of combinatorial libraries. An analysis of citations to 321 publications from the Group shows that it attracted a total of 3725 residual citations during the period 1980-2002. These citations appeared in 411 different journals, and involved 910 different citing organizations from 54 different countries, thus demonstrating the widespread impact of the Group's work

    The computer storage, retrieval and searching of generic structures in chemical patents : the machine-readable representation of generic structures.

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    The nature of the generic chemical structures found in patents is described, with a discussion of the types of statement commonly found in them. The available representations for such structures are reviewed, with particular note being given to the suitability of the representation for searching files of such structures. Requirements for the unambiguous representation of generic structures in an "ideal" storage and retrieval system are discussed. The basic principles of the theory of formal languages are reviewed, with particular consideration being given to parsing methods for context-free languages. The Grammar and parsing of computer programming languages, as an example of artificial formal languages, is discussed. Applications of formal language theory to chemistry and information work are briefly reviewed. GENSAL, a formal language for the unambiguous description of generic structures from patents, is presented. It is designed to be intelligible to a chemist or patent agent, yet sufficiently ABSTRACT formaLised to be amenabLe to computer anaLysis. DetaiLed description is given of the facilities it provides for generic structure representation, and there is discussion of its Limitations and the principLes behind its design. A connection-tabLe-based internaL representation for generic structures, caLLed an ECTR <Extended Connection TabLe Representation) is presented. It is designed to represent generic structures unambiguousLy, and to be generated automatically from structures encoded in GENSAL. It is compared to other proposed representations, and its implementation using data types of the programming Language PascaL described. An interpreter program which generates an ECTR from structures encoded in a subset of the GENSAL Language is presented. The principles of its operation are described. Possible applications of GENSAL outside the area of patent documentation are discussed, and suggestions made for further work on the development of a generic structure storage and retrieval system based on GENSAL and ECTRs

    A survey of chemical information systems

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    A survey of the features, functions, and characteristics of a fairly wide variety of chemical information storage and retrieval systems currently in operation is given. The types of systems (together with an identification of the specific systems) addressed within this survey are as follows: patents and bibliographies (Derwent's Patent System; IFI Comprehensive Database; PULSAR); pharmacology and toxicology (Chemfile; PAGODE; CBF; HEEDA; NAPRALERT; MAACS); the chemical information system (CAS Chemical Registry System; SANSS; MSSS; CSEARCH; GINA; NMRLIT; CRYST; XTAL; PDSM; CAISF; RTECS Search System; AQUATOX; WDROP; OHMTADS; MLAB; Chemlab); spectra (OCETH; ASTM); crystals (CRYSRC); and physical properties (DETHERM). Summary characteristics and current trends in chemical information systems development are also examined

    Similarity Methods in Chemoinformatics

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    promoting access to White Rose research paper

    Enhancing Reaction-based de novo Design using Machine Learning

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    De novo design is a branch of chemoinformatics that is concerned with the rational design of molecular structures with desired properties, which specifically aims at achieving suitable pharmacological and safety profiles when applied to drug design. Scoring, construction, and search methods are the main components that are exploited by de novo design programs to explore the chemical space to encourage the cost-effective design of new chemical entities. In particular, construction methods are concerned with providing strategies for compound generation to address issues such as drug-likeness and synthetic accessibility. Reaction-based de novo design consists of combining building blocks according to transformation rules that are extracted from collections of known reactions, intending to restrict the enumerated chemical space into a manageable number of synthetically accessible structures. The reaction vector is an example of a representation that encodes topological changes occurring in reactions, which has been integrated within a structure generation algorithm to increase the chances of generating molecules that are synthesisable. The general aim of this study was to enhance reaction-based de novo design by developing machine learning approaches that exploit publicly available data on reactions. A series of algorithms for reaction standardisation, fingerprinting, and reaction vector database validation were introduced and applied to generate new data on which the entirety of this work relies. First, these collections were applied to the validation of a new ligand-based design tool. The tool was then used in a case study to design compounds which were eventually synthesised using very similar procedures to those suggested by the structure generator. A reaction classification model and a novel hierarchical labelling system were then developed to introduce the possibility of applying transformations by class. The model was augmented with an algorithm for confidence estimation, and was used to classify two datasets from industry and the literature. Results from the classification suggest that the model can be used effectively to gain insights on the nature of reaction collections. Classified reactions were further processed to build a reaction class recommendation model capable of suggesting appropriate reaction classes to apply to molecules according to their fingerprints. The model was validated, then integrated within the reaction vector-based design framework, which was assessed on its performance against the baseline algorithm. Results from the de novo design experiments indicate that the use of the recommendation model leads to a higher synthetic accessibility and a more efficient management of computational resources

    Open Source Workflow Engine for Cheminformatics: From Data Curation to Data Analysis

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    The recent release of large open access chemistry databases into the public domain generates a demand for flexible tools to process them so as to discover new knowledge. To support Open Drug Discovery and Open Notebook Science on top of these data resources, is it desirable for the processing tools to be Open Source and available to everyone. The aim of this project was the development of an Open Source workflow engine to solve crucial cheminformatics problems. As a consequence, the CDK-Taverna project developed in the course of this thesis builds a cheminformatics workflow solution through the combination of different Open Source projects such as Taverna (workflow engine), the Chemistry Development Kit (CDK, cheminformatics library) and Pgchem::Tigress (chemistry database cartridge). The work on this project includes the implementation of over 160 different workers, which focus on cheminformatics tasks. The application of the developed methods to real world problems was the final objective of the project. The validation of Open Source software libraries and of chemical data derived from different databases is mandatory to all cheminformatics workflows. Methods to detect the atom types of chemical structures were used to validate the atom typing of the Chemistry Development Kit and to identify curation problems while processing different public databases, including the EBI drug databases ChEBI and ChEMBL as well as the natural products Chapman & Hall Chemical Database. The CDK atom typing shows a lack on atom types of heavier atoms but fits the need of databases containing organic substances including natural products. To support combinatorial chemistry an implementation of a reaction enumeration workflow was realized. It is based on generic reactions with lists of reactants and allows the generation of chemical libraries up to O(1000) molecules. Supervised machine learning techniques (perceptron-type artificial neural networks and support vector machines) were used as a proof of concept for quantitative modelling of adhesive polymer kinetics with the Mathematica GNWI.CIP package. This opens the perspective of an integration of high-level "experimental mathematics" into the CDK-Taverna based scientific pipelining. A chemical diversity analysis based on two different public and one proprietary databases including over 200,000 molecules was a large-scale application of the methods developed. For the chemical diversity analysis different molecular properties are calculated using the Chemistry Development Kit. The analysis of these properties was performed with Adaptive-Resonance-Theory (ART 2-A algorithm) for an automatic unsupervised classification of open categorical problems. The result shows a similar coverage of the chemical space of the two databases containing natural products (one public, one proprietary) whereas the ChEBI database covers a distinctly different chemical space. As a consequence these comparisons reveal interesting white-spots in the proprietary database. The combination of these results with pharmacological annotations of the molecules leads to further research and modelling activities