23 research outputs found

    Trends in the German income distribution : 2005/06 to 2010/11

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    We analyze the potential influence of a number of factors on the distribution of equivalized net incomes in Germany over the period 2005/2006 to 2010/11. While income inequality considerably increased in the years before 2005/2006, this trend was stopped after 2005/2006. Among many other factors, we consider the role of the employment boom and the development of inequality in wage incomes after 2005/2006. Our results suggest that, despite further increases in wage inequality, inequality in equivalized net incomes did not increase further after 2005/2006 because increased within-year employment opportunities compensated otherwise rising inequality in annual labour incomes. On the other hand, income inequality did not fall in a more marked way after 2005/2006 because also the middle and the upper part of the distribution benefitted from the employment boom. Other factors, such as changing household structures, population aging and changes in the tax and transfer system had no important effects on the distribution. Finally, we find little evidence that the distribution of equivalized net incomes was affected in any important way by the financial crisis and the subsequent great recession

    Machbarkeitsstudie und Ableitung von Forschungsfragen zu Bedeutung, Inanspruchnahme und Verteilungswirkungen von gesellschaftlich notwendigen Dienstleistungen: Endbericht

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    Dienstleistungen der öffentlichen Hand machten Mitte der 2000er Jahre im Durchschnitt 13% des Bruttoinlandsprodukts aus und damit leicht mehr als die Geldleistungen mit 11% und die kostenfreie oder vergünstigte Versorgung mit Gütern und Dienstleistungen durch die öffentliche Hand hat einen beträchtlichen Einfluss auf das Niveau und die Verteilung von Wohlstand. Dieser Expertise arbeitet den aktuellen wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Forschungsstands zur Inanspruchnahme und den Verteilungswirkungen gesellschaftlich notwendiger Dienstleistungen auf. Davon ausgehend werden weitergehende Forschungsbedarfe aufgezeigt und die für Deutschland zur Durchführung weitergehender Forschung potentiell geeigneten Datenquellen vorgestellt und beschrieben

    The Influence of Manga on the Graphic Novel

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    This material has been published in The Cambridge History of the Graphic Novel edited by Jan Baetens, Hugo Frey, Stephen E. Tabachnick. This version is free to view and download for personal use only. Not for re-distribution, re-sale or use in derivative works. © Cambridge University PressProviding a range of cogent examples, this chapter describes the influences of the Manga genre of comics strip on the Graphic Novel genre, over the last 35 years, considering the functions of domestication, foreignisation and transmedia on readers, markets and forms

    Trends in the German income distribution : 2005/06 to 2010/11

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    We analyze the potential influence of a number of factors on the distribution of equivalized net incomes in Germany over the period 2005/2006 to 2010/11. While income inequality considerably increased in the years before 2005/2006, this trend was stopped after 2005/2006. Among many other factors, we consider the role of the employment boom and the development of inequality in wage incomes after 2005/2006. Our results suggest that, despite further increases in wage inequality, inequality in equivalized net incomes did not increase further after 2005/2006 because increased within-year employment opportunities compensated otherwise rising inequality in annual labour incomes. On the other hand, income inequality did not fall in a more marked way after 2005/2006 because also the middle and the upper part of the distribution benefitted from the employment boom. Other factors, such as changing household structures, population aging and changes in the tax and transfer system had no important effects on the distribution. Finally, we find little evidence that the distribution of equivalized net incomes was affected in any important way by the financial crisis and the subsequent great recession

    Why Did Income Inequality in Germany Not Increase Further After 2005?

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    While income inequality in Germany considerably increased in the years before 2005, this trend stopped after 2005. We address the question of what factors were responsible for the break in the inequality trend after 2005. Our analysis suggests that income inequality in Germany did not continue to rise after 2005 for the following reasons. First, we observe that the general rise in wage inequality that explained a lot of the inequality increase before 2005, became less steep (but did not stop) after 2005. Second, despite further increases in wage inequality after 2005, inequality in annual labour incomes did not increase further after 2005 because increased within-year employment opportunities compensated otherwise rising inequality in annual labour incomes. Third, income inequality did not fall in a more marked way after 2005 because also the middle and the upper part of the distribution benefited from the employment boom after 2006. Finally, we provide evidence that the effect of a wide range of other factors that are often suspected to have influenced the distribution such as capital incomes, household structures, population ageing, changes in the tax and transfer system and the financial crisis of 2008 did not significantly alter the distribution after 2005

    Darstellung von Design-Objekten in relationalen Datenbanken

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    Design-Objekte werden durch eine beliebig komplexe interne Struktur und durch eine explizite Zusammensetzbarkeit aus anderen Objekten beschrieben. Es werden Mechanismen dargestellt, komplexe Objekte in einer rationalen Datenbank abzulegen und konsistenz-erhaltend zu manipulieren. Durch Beispiel Schemata u.a. fuer EDIF wird gezeigt, dass sich VLSI-spezifische Datenstrukturen auf das Modell abbilden lassen. (AGD