11 research outputs found

    I Pacta Conventa nella storia e nella tradizione giuridica e politica croato-ungherese.

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    I Pacta Conventa, ampiamente conosciuti e studiati dalla storiografia croato – ungherese, rappresentano un’importante testimonianza documentale di come i due paesi siano entrati in un’unione nel 1102, che durerĂ  fino a 1918. Gran parte di questi studi, tuttavia, hanno il limite di presentarsi come letture in chiave ‘nazionalistica’ del testo diplomatico e si concentrano a raccogliere prove sulla veridicitĂ  o meno del documento. Scopo di questo lavoro invece, Ăš studiare i concetti giuridici contenuti nei Pacta Conventa, ricostruendo la situazione politica-istituzionale a cui appartengono. Cercare, dunque, di contestualizzarlo nel tempo, precisamente nel Medioevo centrale, preirneriano e proto feudale, nonchĂ© nel territorio, ovvero in Europa, centrale e balcanica, slava e magiara. Si mette in evidenza che l’esperienza giuridica croata di questo periodo Ăš basata su un diritto fondamentalmente non scritto e misto di influenze ove i Pacta occupano un ruolo importantissimo.\ud La prima parte del lavoro, dopo aver analizzato le principali teorie storiografiche, ricostruisce l’ambiente storico, politico ma soprattutto istituzionale dei regnum croato e ungherese. \ud La parte centrale del lavoro (seconda) Ăš dedicata all’analisi dei concetti giuridici come, quelli facenti parte della risoluzione dei conflitti nonchĂ© gli iura imperia (privilegium, homagium, fiscus e servitium). \ud Infine, la terza e ultima parte, intitolata Oltre i Pacta Conventa, Ăš un’analisi comparatistica di altri privilegi (dalmati – i privilegi del tipo di TraĂč- ed europei) riconducibili in qualche modo al documento di nostro interesse. \u

    L'unification allemande à la lumiÚre de la théorie des zones monétaires optimales

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    Through the case of Germany's economic and monetary reunification, the purpose of this thesis is to attempt to identify a criterion in order to link the field of analysis of optimum currency areas to the realm of political choices, which were the main drivers of Germany's reunification. It is comprised of three parts. A first part shows how the strategy of reunification through the immediate introduction of the deutsche Mark in East Germany partook of Germany's tradition of initiating a political unification by resorting to monetary instruments. A second part intends to explain Germany's currency reunification in the light of the theory of optimum currency areas developped by Mundell [1961], Mc Kinnon [1963], Kennen [1969] and Ingram [1969]. It shows that, although the region formed by the two Germanys did not meet the classic criteria of an optimum currency area, it did fulfil the homogeneity of preferences condition as set by Cooper [1977] and Kindleberger [1986]. A third part overturns the classic conception of optimum currency areas. Based on Germany's experience of monetary unification, it enriches the notion of praticable monetary areas. Whereas the Bourguinat [1992] the homogeneity of preferences is a sufficient condition for the developement of a monetary union, the criteria set by Mundelle [1961] and his successors are the necessary conditions. For the monetary union built upon preferences common to the union's member to the praticable, economic policies must drive it to meet the traditionnal criteria set in the theory of optimum currency areas.L’objet de cette thĂšse est de tenter d’identifier, Ă  travers le cas de l’unification Ă©conomique et monĂ©taire allemande, un critĂšre permettant d’établir un lien entre le champ de l’analyse des zones monĂ©taires optimales et le registre des choix politiques dont relĂšve au premier chef l’unification allemande. La thĂšse est composĂ©e de trois parties. Une premiĂšrepartie montre en quoi la stratĂ©gie d’unification par l’introduction immĂ©diate du deutsche Mark Ă  l’Est de l’Allemagne s’inscrivait dans la tradition allemande d’initiation de l’unification politique par le recours Ă  l’instrument monĂ©taire. Une deuxiĂšme partie est destinĂ©e Ă  examiner les modalitĂ©s de l’unification monĂ©taire allemande Ă  la lumiĂšre de la thĂ©orie des zones monĂ©taires optimales initiĂ©e par Mundell [1961], McKinnon [1963], Kennen [1969] et Ingram [1969] ; elle montre que si la rĂ©gion composĂ©e des deux Allemagnes ne satisfaisait pas aux critĂšres classiques d’existence d’une zone monĂ©taire optimale, elle remplissait par contre la condition d’homogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des prĂ©fĂ©rences posĂ©e par Cooper [1977] et Kindleberger [1986]. Une troisiĂšme partie procĂšde au renversement de la conception classique des zones monĂ©taires optimales en partant de l’expĂ©rience de l’unification monĂ©taire allemande et cherche Ă  enrichir de cette expĂ©rience la notion de zone monĂ©taire praticable. Si, avec Bourguinat [1992], on fait de l’homogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des prĂ©fĂ©rences la condition suffisante de formation d’une union monĂ©taire, les critĂšres posĂ©s par Mundell [1961] et ses successeurs en sont toutefois les conditions nĂ©cessaires. La praticabilitĂ© d’une union monĂ©taire construite sur la base de prĂ©fĂ©rences communes aux membres de l’union sera liĂ©e Ă  la mise en oeuvre de politiques Ă©conomiques destinĂ©es Ă  rapprocher cette union de la vĂ©rification des critĂšres traditionnels de la thĂ©orie des zones monĂ©taires optimale

    Occupational therapists' experiences of interventions for individuals with mental fatigue : A qualitative study

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    Introduktion: Tidigare forskning tyder pĂ„ att hjĂ€rntrötthet Ă€r ett komplext tillstĂ„nd som negativt pĂ„verkar individens livssituation och kan skapa obalans i vardagliga aktiviteter. Syfte: Att beskriva arbetsterapeuters erfarenheter av interventioner för individer med hjĂ€rntrötthet. Metod: En kvalitativ design valdes för att besvara studiens syfte. Avsiktligt urval anvĂ€ndes för att utse tio arbetsterapeuter med erfarenhet inom omrĂ„det. Data samlades in med hjĂ€lp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med öppna intervjufrĂ„gor. InnehĂ„llsanalys genomfördes pĂ„ de transkriberade intervjuerna, vilket resulterade i ett tema, tre kategorier samt sju underkategorier. Resultat: Resultatet sammanfattades i temat ”Arbetsterapeuten som coach med individen i fokus”. Kategorierna som framkom var; Information och rĂ„dgivning: vikten av att informera patienter och anhöriga om innebörden av hjĂ€rntrötthet samt nyttan med interaktion dĂ€r arbetsterapeuten agerade coach och patienten gavs möjlighet att reflektera. Strategier: genom exempelvis identifiering, planering och struktur av aktivitetsmönster erbjöds patienten hantering av hjĂ€rntröttheten och kunde dĂ€rmed bĂ€ttre klara sin vardag. HjĂ€lpmedel: individanpassade hjĂ€lpmedel av olika slag kunde underlĂ€tta i patientens vardag. Slutsatser: Det fanns inte nĂ„gra fĂ€rdiga interventioner för patienter med hjĂ€rntrötthet utan Ă„tgĂ€rderna behövde anpassas för varje specifik individ. Genom coachning, strategier och hjĂ€lpmedel kunde patienterna lĂ€ra sig att hantera sin hjĂ€rntrötthet och fĂ„ vardagen att fungera.Introduction: Previous researches indicate that mental fatigue is a complex condition that adversely affects the individual's life situation and can cause imbalance in everyday activities. Aim: To describe occupational therapists' experiences of interventions for individuals with mental fatigue. Method: A qualitative design was chosen to answer the purpose of this study. Target selection was used to elect ten occupational therapists with experience in the field. Data was collected using semi-structured interviews with open interview questions. Content analysis was conducted on the transcribed interviews, resulting in one theme, three categories and seven subcategories. Result: The result was summarized in a theme: Occupational therapist as a coach with focus on the individual. The categories were; Information and counseling: the importance of informing patients and relatives about mental fatigue as well as the benefit of interaction. Strategies: further interventions were enabled through patients identifying and acquiring insight of his or her own situation. Assistive devices: individualized assistive devices could support the patient's everyday life. Conclusions: Results showed that there were no ready-made interventions for patients with mental fatigue and that the interventions had to be individualized for each specific individual. The purpose of the interventions was to teach patients to deal with their mental fatigue an

    Mexican-native human echinococcosis: Case report of an underestimated disease

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    Mexico is considered a virtually free region of cystic echinococcosis. Almost all case reports within the country involve immigrants or traveling patients. This manuscript presents a Mexican-native human echinococcosis that developed in the setting described below. Review of current evidence suggests that this infection has been underestimated

    "La experiencia de Radio Cultural Campesina en la difusiĂłn de la historia regional."

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    La experiencia de la XEYT dentro de la historia regional de Teocelo, Ver, como un ejercicio de micro-historia, muestra algunas de las dimensiones de la comunicaciĂłn popular que algunos medios pueden canalizar. Esta experiencia debe ubicarse, sin pretensiĂłn de exaltarla, como un proyecto que se mueve por cauces dirigidos sobre todo a la expresiĂłn, difusiĂłn y participaciĂłn de la sociedad civil de la regiĂłn.p.183-198

    Global distribution of alveolar and cystic echinococcosis

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    Alveolar echinococcosis (AE) and cystic echinococcosis (CE) are severe helminthic zoonoses. Echinococcus multilocularis (causative agent of AE) is widely distributed in the northern hemisphere where it is typically maintained in a wild animal cycle including canids as definitive hosts and rodents as intermediate hosts. The species Echinococcus granulosus, Echinococcus ortleppi, Echinococcus canadensis and Echinococcus intermedius are the causative agents of CE with a worldwide distribution and a highly variable human disease burden in the different endemic areas depending upon human behavioural risk factors, the diversity and ecology of animal host assemblages and the genetic diversity within Echinococcus species which differ in their zoonotic potential and pathogenicity. Both AE and CE are regarded as neglected zoonoses, with a higher overall burden of disease for CE due to its global distribution and high regional prevalence, but a higher pathogenicity and case fatality rate for AE, especially in Asia. Over the past two decades, numerous studies have addressed the epidemiology and distribution of these Echinococcus species worldwide, resulting in better-defined boundaries of the endemic areas. This chapter presents the global distribution of Echinococcus species and human AE and CE in maps and summarizes the global data on host assemblages, transmission, prevalence in animal definitive hosts, incidence in people and molecular epidemiology