2,352 research outputs found

    "Ich kann jetzt nicht aufhören 
" : Deutschland braucht das Wissen pensionierter Professoren

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    Das Foto auf der Homepage von Prof. Dr. Norman Davis zeigt einen verschmitzt lĂ€chelnden, weißbĂ€rtigen Mann. Die Brille hat er keck auf die Nasenspitze geschoben. Entspannt sitzt der US-amerikanische Neurobiologe im blaugrau gemusterten Poloshirt an seinem Mikroskop, das in der Division of Neurobiology an der University of Arizona in Tuscon steht. Davis ist dort Research Professor im Team von Prof. Dr. John Hildebrand. FrĂŒher war er Lehrstuhlinhaber an einer der renommierten OstkĂŒsten-Unis. Doch ans Aufhören dachte er auch im hohen Alter nicht. Stattdessen erforscht er nun als ganz normales Teammitglied ohne Extravaganzen. ..

    The Political Consequences of Economic Class Inconsistencies

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    See No Evil, Hear No Evil: Applying the Sight and Sound Separation Protection to All Youths Who Are Tried as Adults in the Criminal Justice System

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    American law treats youths within the criminal justice system with contrasting impulses. In some cases, the law deems youths worthy of special protections and places them within the juvenile justice system. In other situations, however, it views youths as posing distinct dangers and funnels them into justice systems designed for adults. So long as youths remain under the jurisdiction of the juvenile justice system, they are afforded the protections of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA). One of the JJDPA’s core protections, sight and sound separation, aims to prevent youths from having any visual or spoken exchanges with incarcerated adults when they are held in an adult facility. The reauthorization of the JJDPA in December 2018 significantly strengthened sight and sound separation protection for youths tried as adults in the criminal justice system, affording them separation protections that are relatively similar to those afforded to their counterparts tried within the juvenile justice system. However, instead of immunizing all youths tried in the criminal justice system from sight and sound contact with incarcerated adults, the new statutory language includes a loophole for a presiding judge to deem a youth ineligible for sight and sound protection if it is “in the interest of justice” to do so. The current application of the sight and sound separation protection thus may leave a significant portion of the youth population vulnerable and exposed to the dangers of adult facilities. A presiding judge can now look to factors such as age, mental maturity, delinquency history, and more to determine the rights of an incarcerated youth in an adult facility instead of automatically providing him or her with complete protection. Therefore, this Note argues that sight and sound separation’s statutory application should be made even more comprehensive by providing for the unqualified inclusion of all youths who are charged and tried as adults within the criminal justice system. Using judicial discretion to deny certain youths sight and sound separation is discordant with the current legal understanding of the emotional, physical, and cognitive vulnerability of youths, as demonstrated in recent U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Therefore, the law should mandate unconditional protection of all youths, as this may decrease the victimization of youths and mitigate other negative consequences from a youth’s interactions with incarcerated adults

    Occupational Mobility and Political Partisanship: Additive vs. Interactive Models

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    Das Varuslager im Habichtswalde bei Stift Leeden

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    F. Knok

    When did St. Norbert change from an institution for future priests to a Catholic college open to any student?

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    Abbot Pennings answers a question about St. Norbert College\u27s history with inclusivity, archived from the SNC website

    Analyzing Repeated Measures Marginal Models on Sample Surveys with Resampling Methods

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    Packaged statistical software for analyzing categorical, repeated measures marginal models on sample survey data with binary covariates does not appear to be available. Consequently, this report describes a customized SAS program which accomplishes such an analysis on survey data with jackknifed replicate weights for which the primary sampling unit information has been suppressed for respondent confidentiality. First, the program employs the Macro Language and the Output Delivery System (ODS) to estimate the means and covariances of indicator variables for the response variables, taking the design into account. Then, it uses PROC CATMOD and ODS, ignoring the survey design, to obtain the design matrix and hypothesis test specifications. Finally, it enters these results into another run of CATMOD, which performs automated direct input of the survey design specifications and accomplishes the appropriate analysis. This customized SAS program can be employed, with minor editing, to analyze general categorical, repeated measures marginal models on sample surveys with replicate weights. Finally, the results of our analysis accounting for the survey design are compared to the results of two alternate analyses of the same data. This comparison confirms that such alternate analyses, which do not properly account for the design, do not produce useful results.

    Optimization of the prescribed cut planning to quantify financial yield losses like the climate change at the example of the municipal forest enterprise Zittau

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    Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird den Fragen nach der Identifikation und der finanziellen Bewertung von Ertragseinbußen in der forstlichen Produktion nachgegangen. Am Beispiel wird auf die Folgen von möglicherweise durch den Klimawandel zu erwartenden WachstumseinschrĂ€nkungen, von Ausfallrisiken der BestĂ€nde sowie von HiebsatzbeschrĂ€nkungen und Kulturkosten auf den Ertragswert von Forstbetrieben eingegangen. Anhand von fĂŒr den kommunalen Forstbetrieb der Stadt Zittau erzielten Ergebnissen wird gezeigt, dass die Abweichung vom finanziell optimalen Einschlagzeitpunkt sowie hohe Kulturkosten, weit grĂ¶ĂŸeren Einfluss haben können als Klimawandel und Ausfallrisiko.This paper shows how to identify and estimate financial losses in the forest production. As an example, the consequences of a potenzial climate change and the influence by biophysical risk for stands, as well as limitations of annual harvest and high afforestation costs on the net present value of forest enterprises are demonstrated. Taking the results from a case study for the forest owned by the town Zittau, we show that the deviation of harvest from the optimal age under financial aspects and the costs for afforestation could have a significantly higher importance on the yield than climate change and hazard risks
