157 research outputs found

    Conflict Resolution from an Islamic Perspective: From Conflict Resolution to Diversity Management

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    The paper discusses conflict resolution and management concepts provided earlier in literature. Then, using Islamic concepts and Guidance provided by the Quran, the paper shifts the perspective of conflict into a new dimension, considering diversity as the main root for our model. Diversity can be managed well to create synergy(Good outcome), or, if not managed properly, would drive to conflict which the author considers as the bad outcome of diversity , that is why the Quran regards conflict as the cause of failure. Finally, the paper introduces a new model for conflict management process based on Islamic concepts and the Quran. Keywords: Conflict management, Conflict resolution, Diversity, Management, Islam, Synerg

    Contribution of formulation and implementation strategy on organizational performance: examining the moderating effect of organizational culture / Yassien Ahmed Housen Masoud

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    Formulation and implementation strategy play a major role in organizational performance. The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between formulation and implementation strategy on organizational performance and examined the moderating effect of organizational culture on this relationship in Yemen of Ministry of Health. The population of the study was staff at top and middle management level in Yemen Ministry of Health. Data was collected based on self-administered questionnaire from the selected sample. 120 useable samples based on the random sampling were used in the study among staff at top and middle management in the Yemen Ministry of Health. Data in this study was analyzed based on descriptive and inferential statistics using SPSS version 22

    Level of Emotional Intelligence among a Sample of Secondary School Teachers at Al Koura District- Jordan

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    The main objective of the current study was to investigate the levels of emotional intelligence among a sample of secondary school teachers at Al Koura Educational district in light of their gender qualification and teaching experience Sample of the study consisted of 283 male and female teachers selected suing random sampling in the academic year 2017 2018 The results of the study indicated that teachers reported moderate levels of emotional intelligence It is also indicated that there is no significant differences in emotional intelligence levels due to gender and qualification while significant differences were found in emotional intelligence levels due to teaching experience in favor of more teacher s experience

    The Practice Degree of Basic School Principals’ Roles, at Al-Kourah District toward the Newly Teachers and Ways to Improve It

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    The study aimed to identify the degree of practice of principals of primary schools in the Al-Kourah District and for their roles towards newly appointed teachers and ways to improve them. The findings of the study showed that elementary school principals’ roles towards the newly teachers at schools in Al-Kourah District and the means for improving their roles was in an average level. High, there were no significant statistical differences at the level of (? = 0,05) in the samples’ which elementary school principals’ practice their roles towards the newly teachers at the schools in Al-Kourah District due to the gender variable, and the educational experience. The researcher recommended the need to stand by all means on the current global trends in the developed countries in the field of preparing and training the teacher and benefiting from them in accordance with local conditions, and the need to plan the preparation of the teacher as well as on the basis of sound scientific starting from drawing strategy to prepare descriptive analysis and the level of preparation process itself in the areas Scientific and cultural

    The Degree of Organizational Trust and its relationship with the participation in decision-making processes

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    The degree of organizational trust considers a concept that has the attention in many developed countries, and in many scientific fields, such as organizational psychology, and management and educational sciences, due to its key role in the active and productive work relationships reflected in studies’ results that conducted in these fields. The study aimed to identify the level of organizational trust degree prevailing at the offices of Directorates of Education in Irbid and its relationship with the participation in decision-making processes, from the standpoint of male and female educational supervisors, and the study sample consists of (137) male and female educational supervisors. Study results showed a medium degree of the organizational trust that prevails at the Directorate of Education in Irbid, from the standpoint of male and female educational supervisors in the areas of organizational trust (administrative policies, manager style, opportunities for creativity, organizational values). Results also indicated a statistically significant correlation at level (a≤0.5) between the organizational trust and participation in decision-making processes, from the standpoint of educational supervisors, and nonexistence of statistically significant differences at level (a≤0.5) in the sample members’ responses due to variables (gender, scientific qualification, experience)

    Structural Behavior of Continuous Steel-Reactive Powder Concrete Composite Member under Repeated Loads

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    يهتم هذا البحث بدراسة السلوك الانشائي للاعضاء المركبة المستمرة حديد-خرسانة المساحيق التفاعلية تحت تأثير الاحمال التكرارية. العتبة المركبة هي العتبة التي تتكون من بلاطة خرسانية مرتبطة بعتبة من الفولاذ بمقطع على شكل حرف (I) بواسطة روابط قص على شكل براغي ذات رؤوس. أجرينا الدراسة بجزئين عملي ونظري. حيث يتألف النموذج من بلاطة خرسانية مرتبطة بعتبة من الفولاذ بواسطة روابط قص تم تثبيتها بواسطة اللحام على السطح العلوي للشفة العليا لكل عتبة فولاذية.  ابعاد البلاطة الخرسانية (2200 x250 x80 مم، الطول x العرضx العمق)، وابعاد كل عتبة فولاذيه (2200 x 142مم، الطولx العمق). ستة أنواع مختلفة من الاعتاب المركبة لدراسة عدة متغيرات وقياس عدة نتائج، مثل التحميل الاقصى، والانحراف، ونمط التشقق عند الحمل الاقصى. وكانت متغيرات الدراسة نوع الخرسانة (خرسانه عاديه وخرسانة المسحوق التفاعلي)، ونوع التحميل، ونوع شرط الحدود وعدد مختلف من روابط القص. في الجزء النظري، تم تصميم الاعتاب المختبرية عدديا وتحليلها باستخدام طريقة العنصر المحدود. وقد تم تنفيذ النماذج العددية في ثلاثة أبعاد من قبل حزمة البرمجيات ANSYS 16.1. أشارت نتائج الدراسة إلى أن الاتجاه العام في الحمل النهائي هو الانخفاض باستخدام (استخدام خرسانة عادية وفحص تحت الحمل التكراري واسناد بسيط وتقليل عدد روابط القص)، بنسبة (23.4، 9.2، 42.4، 18.7، 23.15) ٪ على التوالي.This paper presents an experimental investigation on the structural behavior of continuous steel-reactive powder concrete composite member under repeated loads. Composite-beam, including one steel I-beam and concrete slab, which are jointed together by shear connector. The study was conducted in experimental and theoretical parts. The concrete deck slab was connected to steel I-beams by headed steel studs welded to the top flanges of the steel I-beams. The dimensions of the deck slab are (2200×250×80mm: length×width×thickness), while the type of I-beam is (IPE 140) with length of (2200mm). To study the continuous steel-reactive powder concrete composite member such as the ultimate load carrying capacity,  deflection and  crack pattern at the ultimate load, six different types of beams were tested. The parameters of the study were type of concrete (RPC and Normal Concrete (NC)), type of loading, type of boundary condition and different number of shear connector. In the theoretical part, the tested beams were numerically modeled then analyzed using the finite element method. The numerical models were carried out in three dimensions of the software package (ANSYS 16.1).  The results of the study indicate that the general trend in ultimate load is to decrease with (use normal concrete, test under repeated load, use simply supports and reduce the number of shear connectors), by (23.4, 9.2, 42.4, 18.7 and 23.15) % respectively

    Experimental research into the effect of some operation factors and rock properties on the rate of penetration

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    Purpose. The purpose of this research is to investigate the effect of weight on bit (WOB), rotary speed (RPM), and some rock properties on the rate of penetration (ROP). Methods. Four types of rock were collected from different sites in the south of Egypt (Aswan sandstone, Isawya limestone, Assiut limestone, and Minya marble). These tested samples were drilled by diamond core bit using a fixed laboratory diamond drilling machine under conditions (400 and 1200 rpm), and loads from 12 to 220 kg. WOB, ROP, torque (T) and specific energy (SE) were continuously observed during the drilling trials. The effect of these factors on ROP were examined. Water is used as a flushing and cooling medium. Findings. The effect of some operation factors on the penetration rate regarding mineral composition and different rock type was evaluated and the general equation was carried out to predict the suitable operation factor which gives the best penetration Rate. Originality. The effect of some operation factors on the penetration rate regarding mineral composition and different rock type was evaluated and the general equation was carried out to predict the suitable operation factor which gives the best penetration Rate. Practical implications. The Results demonstrated that ROP was inversely proportional to compressive strength (CS), tensile strength (TS), and density. It was also found that Aswan sandstone, Isawya limestone, Assiut limestone, and Minya marble have CS 111.94 MPa, 131.22 MPa, 125.0 MPa, and 502.5 MPa respectively. Was established that ROP was directly proportional to porosity. Increasing ROP in case of Aswan sandstone is associated with increase in porosity – 23.158%, and in case of Assiut limestone and Isawya limestone ROP is also associated with an increase in porosity – 19.9% and 17.93% respectively. Decreasing ROP in case of Minya marble is associated with decrease in porosity – 2.314%. So, we concluded that marble has lower ROP due to its higher CS, TS, and density and lower porosity than other tested rocks.Мета. Вивчення впливу комплексу основних експлуатаційних параметрів і ряду фізико-механічних властивостей порід на швидкість буріння в умовах різних родовищ Південного Єгипту. Методика. Були відібрані 4 типи порід з різних районів на півдні Єгипту (Асуанської піщаник, вапняк Ісав, Ассіутскій вапняк і мармур Міньї). Експериментальні зразки отримано на стаціонарній лабораторній буровій установці з алмазним долотом при швидкостях обертання 400 і 1200 об/хв та при навантаженнях від 12 до 220 кг. Під час експериментів постійно вимірювалися навантаження на долото, частота обертання, крутний момент на долоті й питома енергія, а також досліджувався вплив цих факторів на швидкість буріння. Як розчин для промивання і охолоджуючий агент використовувалася вода. Результати. Встановлено залежності швидкості буріння від навантаження на долото, питомої енергії та частоти обертання і питомої енергії. Виявлено, що для всіх чотирьох типів породи швидкість буріння збільшується з ростом навантаження на долото, в той час як питома енергія зменшується з ростом швидкості буріння. Розроблено ефективний спосіб прогнозування продуктивності бурової установки. Встановлено, що швидкість буріння обернено пропорційна міцності на стиск, міцності на розтягнення й щільності, а також змінюється прямо пропорційно пористості. Визначено, що менша швидкість буріння мармуру пов’язана з великими значеннями міцності на стиск, розтяг і щільність, а також з меншою пористістю у порівнянні з іншими досліджуваними породами. Наукова новизна. Встановлено нові закономірності взаємозв’язку експлуатаційних параметрів буріння з урахуванням різного типу породи (пісковик, вапняк, мармур) та її мінерального складу, а також обґрунтовано головну умову експлуатаційного фактору, який забезпечує оптимальну швидкість буріння. Практична значимість. Отримані результати дозволяють вибирати оптимальні параметри і режими буріння в процесі розвідки умов залягання родовищ Південного Єгипту, їх мінерального вмісту та стратиграфічних особливостей. Результати будуть корисними для проектних організацій, наукових інститутів з геології й розвідки, а також гірничих підприємств.Цель. Изучение влияния комплекса основных эксплуатационных параметров и ряда физико-механических свойств пород на скорость бурения в условиях пород различных месторождений Южного Египта. Методика. Были отобраны 4 типа пород из различных районов на юге Египта (Асуанский песчаник, известняк Исавии, Ассиутский известняк и мрамор Миньи). Экспериментальные образцы получены на стационарной лабораторной буровой установке с алмазным долотом при скоростях вращения 400 и 1200 об/мин и при нагрузках от 12 до 220 кг. Во время экспериментов постоянно измерялись нагрузки на долото, частота вращения, крутящий момент на долоте и удельная энергия, а также и исследовалось влияние этих факторов на скорость бурения. В качестве промывочного раствора и охлаждающего агента использовалась вода. Результаты. Установлены зависимости скорости бурения от нагрузки на долото, удельной энергии и частоты вращения и удельной энергии. Выявлено, что для всех четырех типов породы скорость бурения увеличивается с ростом нагрузки на долото, в то время как удельная энергия уменьшается с ростом скорости бурения. Разработан эффективный способ прогнозирования производительности буровой установки. Установлено, что скорость бурения обратно пропорциональна прочности на сжатие, прочности на растяжение и плотности, а также изменяется прямо пропорционально пористости. Определено, что меньшая скорости бурения мрамора связана с большими значениями прочности на сжатие, растяжение и плотности, а также с меньшей пористостью по сравнению с другими исследуемыми породами. Научная новизна. Получены новые закономерности взаимосвязи эксплуатационных параметров бурения с учетом различного типа породы (песчаник, известняк, мрамор) и ее минерального состава, а также обосновано главное условие эксплуатационного фактора, который обеспечивает оптимальную скорость бурения. Практическая значимость. Полученные результаты позволяют выбирать оптимальные параметры и режимы бурения в процессе разведки условий залегания месторождений Южного Египта, их минерального содержание и стратиграфических особенностей. Результаты будут полезными для проектных организаций, научных институтов по геологии и разведке, а также горных предприятий.Our sincere gratitude for Mining and Metallurgical Engineering Dept. Faculty of Engineering, Assiut, Egypt for invaluable assistance to upgrade and guidance to completed this article

    At the Centre of the Storm My years at the CIA George Tenet With Bill Harlow

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    In the whirlwind of accusations and recriminations that emerged in the wake of 9\11 and the Iraq war, one man's vital testimony has been conspicuously absent. Candid and gripping, " at the Center of the storm" recounts George Tenet's time at the Central Intelligence Agency, revealing look at the inner workings of the most important intelligence organization in the world during the challenging times in recent history. With unparalleled access to both the highest echelons of government and raw intelligence from the field, Tenet illuminates the CIA's painstaking attempts to prepare the country against new and deadly threats, disentangles the interlocking events that led to 9\11, and offers explosive new information on the deliberations and strategies that culminated in the U.S. invasion of Iraq. Beginning with his appointment as a director of Central Intelligence in 1997, Tenet unfolds the momentous events that led to 9\11 as he saw and experienced them: his declaration of war on al-Qaida; the CIA's covert operations inside Afghanistan; the worldwide operational plan to fight terrorists; his warnings of imminent attacks against American interests to white House officials in the summer of 2001; and the plan for a coordinated and devastating counterattack against al-Qaida laid down just six days after the attacks. Tenet's compelling narrative then turns to the war in Iraq as he provides dramatic insight and background on the run-up to the invasion, including a firsthand account of the fallout from the inclusion of "sixteen words" in the president's 2003 state of the union address, which claimed that Saddam Hussein had sought to purchase uranium from Africa; the true context of Tenet's own now-famous "slam dunk" comment regarding Saddam's weapons of mass destruction(WMD)program; and the CIA's critical role in an administration predisposed to take the country to war. In doing so, he sets the record straight about CIA operations and shows readers that the truth is more complex than suggested in other versions of recent history offered thus far Through it all, Tenet paints an unflinching self portrait of a man caught between the warning forces of the administration's decision-making process, the reams of frightening intelligence pouring in from around the world, and his own conscience. In "at the center of the storm", George Tenet draws on his unmatched experience within the opaque mirrors of intelligence and provides crucial information previously undisclosed to offer a moving, revelatory profile of both a man and a nation in times of crisi

    Improved production, purification and some properties of α-amylase from Streptomyces clavifer

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    Improvement of the α-amylase productivity of Streptomyces clavifer was achieved through studying the effect of some nutritional factors and ultra violet (UV) mutagenesis. Modification in the formula of liquid starch medium by decreasing the concentration of soluble starch to 1%, increasing the corn steep liquor to 2%, and adding 0.75% glucose and 0.01% L-valine caused significant increase in the enzyme productivity from 8640 to 23450 U/L. UV variants of high amylase productivity (54620 U/L) was isolated from the parent strain. A promising level of α-amylase production (50850 U/L) at large scale level was obtained by cultivating the tested strain in the optimum condition using laboratory fermentor of 14 L. Enzyme purification was achieved by ethanol precipitation, diethylaminoethyl cellulose (DEAE-C), and Sephadex G-100 gel filtration chromatography. The final preparation had 22.0% activity recovery and approximately 156.1 fold purification. The purified enzyme had molecular weight of approximately 50 kDa as determined by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The purified enzyme exhibits maximum activity at pH 6 and 60°C and showed maximum stability at pH 6 and up to 40°C.Key words: Streptomyces clavifer, α-amylase, UV mutagenesis, purification

    On the Digital Holographic Interferometry of Fibrous Material, I. Optical Properties of Polymer and Optical Fibers

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    The digital holographic interferometry (DHI) was utilized for investigating the optical properties of polymer and optical fibers. The samples investigated here were polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) polymer fiber and graded-index (GRIN) optical fiber. The phase shifting Mach-Zehnder interferometer was used to obtain five phase-shifted holograms, in which the phase difference between two successive holograms is pi/2, for each fiber sample. These holograms were recorded using a CCD camera and were combined to gain a complex wavefield, which was numerically reconstructed using the convolution approach into amplitude and phase distributions. The reconstructed phase distribution was used to determine the refractive index, birefringence and refractive index profile of the studied samples. The mean refractive index has been measured with accuracy up to 4 {\times} 10-4. The main advantage of DHI is to overcome the manual focusing limitations by means of the numerical focusing. The results showed accurate measurements of the optical properties of fibers.Comment: abstract, reference