36 research outputs found

    Planeta ROODA 2.0: um olhar no desenvolvimento tecnológico do ambiente virtual social de aprendizagem

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    A socialização da internet está gerando uma facilidade de acesso àsinformações e uma maior interação entre as pessoas, antes impossibilitada por limitesculturais ou geográficos. A educação, por sua vez, precisa acompanhar essasmodificações da sociedade, evitando tornar-se desatualizada. Desse modo, este artigoaborda a reestruturação técnica do ambiente virtual de aprendizagem Planeta Rooda,tendo como base a Web 2.0. O Planeta ROODA 2.0 visa unir a tecnologia da Web com ainteração social e a autonomia do usuário para, mais que a simples comunicação de umconceito, possibilitar que o aluno construa e valorize a sua trajetória de aprendizagem

    Legislação e orientação técnica: perspectiva dos produtores frente ao uso de defensivos agrícolas / Legislation and technical guidance: producers’ perspective on the use of pesticides

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    A existência de políticas regulatórias para o uso de defensivos agrícolas, associada à orientação técnica qualificada contribuem para a preservação da saúde do produtor e do meio ambiente. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar qual o conhecimento e a percepção dos produtores acerca da legislação e orientações técnicas para uso de defensivos agrícolas. Para tal, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa de caráter quali-quantitativa, do tipo descritiva-exploratória, na zona rural do município de Boa Vista do Buricá - Rio Grande do Sul, em uma amostra de 91 produtores rurais. Os dados foram coletados através da pesquisa de campo com aplicação de formulário estruturado durante o primeiro semestre de 2021. As análises dos resultados basearam-se na análise estatística descritiva. Evidencia-se que os produtores percebem a importância de orientação técnica qualificada, do conhecimento da legislação regulamentar para uso de defensivos agrícolas, bem como, da leitura e seguimento das informações contidas no receituário técnico e nas bulas e rótulos desses produtos. Fazem o descarte correto das embalagens e preocupam-se com os fatores ambientais no momento da aplicação dos defensivos e na lavagem e troca de roupas após a manipulação. Estudos como este, contribuem para o desenvolvimento e implementação de estratégias para treinamento e capacitação dos produtores para uso correto de defensivos agrícolas

    Modeling a domain ontology focused in competencies for recommendation systems in education

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    Este artigo relata o resultado de um estudo que integra os Sistemas de Recomendação (SRs) - os quais têm tido seu uso ampliado diante da quantidade de conteúdos disponibilizados na web; as ontologias - visto sua contribuição no apoio a aprendizagem de conceitos de um domínio; e as competências no campo da Educação - as quais também assumem importância como perspectiva formativa. A motivação deste trabalho justifica-se nos embaraços normalmente encontrados, por professores e alunos, durante a utilização de Sistemas de Recomendação educacional baseados em competências. Esses usuários, por vezes, possuem dificuldades em entender o conceito de competências e a sua conexão com atividades de ensino e recursos educacionais do Sistema de Recomendação. O objetivo, portanto, é apresentar a modelagem, implementação e verificação de uma ontologia de domínio, com foco em competências, voltada a Sistemas de Recomendação Educacional (SREs). Como método, são descritas as etapas de modelagem, a implementação com o software Protégé e a linguagem owl e o seu processo de verificação. O software permitiu a sua avaliação quanto a definição adequada dos axiomas da ontologia e a utilização de requisições em seu sistema de inferência. A metodologia adotada e modificada, a 101, e a estrutura da ontologia modelada foram discutidas com alunos de uma disciplina de pós-graduação em informática na educação. Como resultado, verificouse a pertinência da utilização da ontologia proposta em Sistemas de Recomendação educacional. Desse modo, pretende-se disponibilizá-la à comunidade acadêmica e apoiar professores e alunos no uso de SRE baseados em competênciasThis article reports the result of a study that integrates Recommendation Systems (RSs) - which have had their use expanded due to the amount of content available on the web; ontologies - given their contribution in supporting the learning of concepts of a domain; and competences in education field - which also assume importance as a formative perspective. The motivation of this work is justified by the embarrassments normally faced by teachers and students when using Educational Recommender Systems (ERSs) based in competencies. These users sometimes have difficulty in understanding the concept of competencies and its connection with teaching activities and educational resources of the recommendation system. The objective, therefore, is to present the modeling, implementation and verification of a domain ontology, focused on competencies, for use in Educational Recommender Systems. As a method, the modeling steps are described as well as Protégé software and owl language implementation and evaluation process. The software allowed its evaluation concerning suitable axioms definition and required use in its inference system. The adopted and modified 101 methodology and the modeled ontology structure were discussed with students of a postgraduate course in computer science in education. As a result, the relevance of using the proposed ontology in educational recommendation systems was verified. Thus, it is intended to make it available to the academic community and to support teachers and students in the use of ERS based in competencies

    Análise crítica sobre a internação compulsória e os efeitos da medicalização por meio de um caso de esquizofrenia ilustrado no filme Uma Mente Brilhante

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    Embora a internação compulsória tenha sido combatida pela reforma psiquiátrica brasileira,ela ainda é utilizada como uma opção de tratamento para pessoas que recebem diagnóstico deesquizofrenia e outros transtornos mentais, principalmente quando estão em momentos decrise. Porém, esse tratamento pode vir acompanhado de desrespeito aos direitos e vontades doindivíduo que está sendo internado. Portanto, a elaboração deste artigo buscou analisarelementos relacionados à internação compulsória. A análise objetivou compreender quais sãoos efeitos da medicalização e a relação dos profissionais de saúde, nesse contexto direcionadoao indivíduo internado compulsoriamente. Para isso, foi realizada uma observação analíticado filme “Uma Mente Brilhante” (2001) que ilustra o caso de John Nash, matemáticobrilhante diagnosticado com esquizofrenia e internado compulsoriamente devido às suasalucinações. A metodologia escolhida foi a abordagem qualitativa de análise de conteúdocom categorias de comportamento por meio da observação e descrição de algumas cenas dofilme, que foram sintetizadas em duas categorias de comportamento, articulando com estudosselecionados e traçando um paralelo com o filme. Por meio da análise realizada, constata-seque o filme retrata bem a condição precária a que são submetidas as pessoas internadas contraa sua vontade. É possível concluir que a internação compulsória, muitas vezes, oferece umtratamento de viés coercitivo baseado na medicalização e no isolamento do indivíduo,podendo agravar ainda mais o sofrimento psíquico

    Vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection in adults aged 65 years and older in primary care: I-MOVE-COVID-19 project, Europe, December 2020 to May 2021

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    I-MOVE-COVID-19 primary care study team (in addition to authors above): Nick Andrews, Jamie Lopez Bernal, Heather Whitaker, Caroline Guerrisi, Titouan Launay, Shirley Masse, Sylvie van der Werf, Vincent Enouf, John Cuddihy, Adele McKenna, Michael Joyce, Cillian de Gascun, Joanne Moran, Ana Miqueleiz, Ana Navascués, Camino Trobajo-Sanmartín, Carmen Ezpeleta, Paula López Moreno, Javier Gorricho, Eva Ardanaz, Fernando Baigorria, Aurelio Barricarte, Enrique de la Cruz, Nerea Egüés, Manuel García Cenoz, Marcela Guevara, Conchi Moreno-Iribas, Carmen Sayón, Verónica Gomez, Baltazar Nunes, Rita Roquete, Adriana Silva, Aryse Melo, Inês Costa, Nuno Verdasca, Patrícia Conde, Diogo FP Marques, Anna Molesworth, Leanne Quinn, Miranda Leyton, Selin Campbell, Janine Thoulass, Jim McMenamin, Ana Martínez Mateo, Luca Basile, Daniel Castrillejo, Carmen Quiñones Rubio, Concepción Delgado-Sanz, Jesús Oliva.The I-MOVE-COVID-19 network collates epidemiological and clinical information on patients with coronavirus disease (COVID-19), including severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) virological characterisation in 11 European countries [1]. One component of I-MOVE-COVID-19 is the multicentre vaccine effectiveness (VE) study at primary care/outpatient level in nine European study sites in eight countries. We measured overall and product-specific COVID-19 VE against symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection among those aged 65 years and older. We also measured VE by time since vaccination.This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101003673.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Methods for conducting international Delphi surveys to optimise global participation in core outcome set development: a case study in gastric cancer informed by a comprehensive literature review

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    Copyright © 2021, The Author(s) Open Access. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.Background: Core outcome sets (COS) should be relevant to key stakeholders and widely applicable and usable. Ideally, they are developed for international use to allow optimal data synthesis from trials. Electronic Delphi surveys are commonly used to facilitate global participation; however, this has limitations. It is common for these surveys to be conducted in a single language potentially excluding those not fluent in that tongue. The aim of this study is to summarise current approaches for optimising international participation in Delphi studies and make recommendations for future practice. Methods: A comprehensive literature review of current approaches to translating Delphi surveys for COS development was undertaken. A standardised methodology adapted from international guidance derived from 12 major sets of translation guidelines in the field of outcome reporting was developed. As a case study, this was applied to a COS project for surgical trials in gastric cancer to translate a Delphi survey into 7 target languages from regions active in gastric cancer research. Results: Three hundred thirty-two abstracts were screened and four studies addressing COS development in rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, vascular malformations and polypharmacy were eligible for inclusion. There was wide variation in methodological approaches to translation, including the number of forward translations, the inclusion of back translation, the employment of cognitive debriefing and how discrepancies and disagreements were handled. Important considerations were identified during the development of the gastric cancer survey including establishing translation groups, timelines, understanding financial implications, strategies to maximise recruitment and regulatory approvals. The methodological approach to translating the Delphi surveys was easily reproducible by local collaborators and resulted in an additional 637 participants to the 315 recruited to complete the source language survey. Ninety-nine per cent of patients and 97% of healthcare professionals from non-English-speaking regions used translated surveys. Conclusion: Consideration of the issues described will improve planning by other COS developers and can be used to widen international participation from both patients and healthcare professionals.This study is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Doctoral Research Fellowship Grant (DRF-2015-08-023). JMB is partially funded by the NIHR Bristol Biomedical Research Centre and the MRC ConDUCT-II Hub for Trials Methodology Research. PRW was funded by the MRC North West Hub for Trials Methodology Research (Grant ref: MR/K025635/01).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The germline mutational landscape of BRCA1 and BRCA2 in Brazil

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    The detection of germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 is essential to the formulation of clinical management strategies, and in Brazil, there is limited access to these services, mainly due to the costs/availability of genetic testing. Aiming at the identification of recurrent mutations that could be included in a low-cost mutation panel, used as a first screening approach, we compiled the testing reports of 649 probands with pathogenic/likely pathogenic variants referred to 28 public and private health care centers distributed across 11 Brazilian States. Overall, 126 and 103 distinct mutations were identified in BRCA1 and BRCA2, respectively. Twenty-six novel variants were reported from both genes, and BRCA2 showed higher mutational heterogeneity. Some recurrent mutations were reported exclusively in certain geographic regions, suggesting a founder effect. Our findings confirm that there is significant molecular heterogeneity in these genes among Brazilian carriers, while also suggesting that this heterogeneity precludes the use of screening protocols that include recurrent mutation testing only. This is the first study to show that profiles of recurrent mutations may be unique to different Brazilian regions. These data should be explored in larger regional cohorts to determine if screening with a panel of recurrent mutations would be effective.This work was supported in part by grants from Barretos Cancer Hospital (FINEP - CT-INFRA, 02/2010), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP, 2013/24633-2 and 2103/23277-8), Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa do Rio Grande do Norte (FAPERN), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul (FAPERGS), Ministério da Saúde, the Breast Cancer Research Foundation (Avon grant #02-2013-044) and National Institute of Health/National Cancer Institute (grant #RC4 CA153828-01) for the Clinical Cancer Genomics Community Research Network. Support in part was provided by grants from Fundo de Incentivo a Pesquisa e Eventos (FIPE) from Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, by Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, BioComputacional 3381/2013, Rede de Pesquisa em Genômica Populacional Humana), Secretaria da Saúde do Estado da Bahia (SESAB), Laboratório de Imunologia e Biologia Molecular (UFBA), INCT pra Controle do Câncer and Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq). RMR and PAP are recipients of CNPq Productivity Grants, and Bárbara Alemar received a grant from the same agencyinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fifth European Dirofilaria and Angiostrongylus Days (FiEDAD) 2016

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    Analysis of shared heritability in common disorders of the brain

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    ience, this issue p. eaap8757 Structured Abstract INTRODUCTION Brain disorders may exhibit shared symptoms and substantial epidemiological comorbidity, inciting debate about their etiologic overlap. However, detailed study of phenotypes with different ages of onset, severity, and presentation poses a considerable challenge. Recently developed heritability methods allow us to accurately measure correlation of genome-wide common variant risk between two phenotypes from pools of different individuals and assess how connected they, or at least their genetic risks, are on the genomic level. We used genome-wide association data for 265,218 patients and 784,643 control participants, as well as 17 phenotypes from a total of 1,191,588 individuals, to quantify the degree of overlap for genetic risk factors of 25 common brain disorders. RATIONALE Over the past century, the classification of brain disorders has evolved to reflect the medical and scientific communities' assessments of the presumed root causes of clinical phenomena such as behavioral change, loss of motor function, or alterations of consciousness. Directly observable phenomena (such as the presence of emboli, protein tangles, or unusual electrical activity patterns) generally define and separate neurological disorders from psychiatric disorders. Understanding the genetic underpinnings and categorical distinctions for brain disorders and related phenotypes may inform the search for their biological mechanisms. RESULTS Common variant risk for psychiatric disorders was shown to correlate significantly, especially among attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder (MDD), and schizophrenia. By contrast, neurological disorders appear more distinct from one another and from the psychiatric disorders, except for migraine, which was significantly correlated to ADHD, MDD, and Tourette syndrome. We demonstrate that, in the general population, the personality trait neuroticism is significantly correlated with almost every psychiatric disorder and migraine. We also identify significant genetic sharing between disorders and early life cognitive measures (e.g., years of education and college attainment) in the general population, demonstrating positive correlation with several psychiatric disorders (e.g., anorexia nervosa and bipolar disorder) and negative correlation with several neurological phenotypes (e.g., Alzheimer's disease and ischemic stroke), even though the latter are considered to result from specific processes that occur later in life. Extensive simulations were also performed to inform how statistical power, diagnostic misclassification, and phenotypic heterogeneity influence genetic correlations. CONCLUSION The high degree of genetic correlation among many of the psychiatric disorders adds further evidence that their current clinical boundaries do not reflect distinct underlying pathogenic processes, at least on the genetic level. This suggests a deeply interconnected nature for psychiatric disorders, in contrast to neurological disorders, and underscores the need to refine psychiatric diagnostics. Genetically informed analyses may provide important "scaffolding" to support such restructuring of psychiatric nosology, which likely requires incorporating many levels of information. By contrast, we find limited evidence for widespread common genetic risk sharing among neurological disorders or across neurological and psychiatric disorders. We show that both psychiatric and neurological disorders have robust correlations with cognitive and personality measures. Further study is needed to evaluate whether overlapping genetic contributions to psychiatric pathology may influence treatment choices. Ultimately, such developments may pave the way toward reduced heterogeneity and improved diagnosis and treatment of psychiatric disorders

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio