78 research outputs found

    Nucleolus vs nucleus count for identifying spiral ganglion in human temporal bone

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    OBJECTIVES: Spiral ganglion (SG) counting is used in experimental studies conducted on age-, noise-, and drug-induced sensorineural hearing loss, as well as in the assessment of cochlear implant performances. Different methods of counting have been reported, but no definite standardization of such procedure has been published. The aim of our study is to identify the best method to count human spiral ganglions (SGs). MATERIAL and METHODS: By identification of nuclei or nucleoli as described by Schucknect, seven researchers with different experience levels counted SGs in 123 human temporal bones (TBs). Data on time of post-mortem bone removal post-mortem, methods of specimen’s fixation, decalcification, and coloration were collected to test their possible influence on human tissue. Percentage, two-tailed t-test, Spearman’s test, and one-way ANOVA were used to analyze the data. RESULTS: Nucleoli were identified in 61% of cases, whereas nuclei were recognized in 100% of cases (p<0.005). Nucleoli presence in all four segments in the same temporal bone (TB) was observed in 69 cases (92%), whereas nuclei were identified in all four segments in 103 cases (83.7%) (p<0.001). The junior investigators requested a double check by the seniors in 25 (20.3%) cases for identifying and counting nucleoli, whereas the senior researchers showed no doubts in their identification and count. The only parameter positively affecting nucleoli identification in tissue preparation was bone removal for <12 h with respect to longer post-mortem time (p<0.001). CONCLUSION: We suggest counting nuclei, rather than nucleoli, for spiral ganglion computation because of easier recognition of nuclei, especially in case of investigator’s limited experience

    Hearing loss, tinnitus, hyperacusis, and diplacusis in professional musicians: a systematic review

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    Professional musicians (PMs) are at high risk of developing hearing loss (HL) and other audiological symptoms such as tinnitus, hyperacusis, and diplacusis. The aim of this systematic review is to (A) assess the risk of developing HL and audiological symptoms in PMs and (B) evaluate if different music genres (Pop/Rock Music-PR; Classical Music-CL) expose PMs to different levels of risk of developing such conditions. Forty-one articles including 4618 PMs were included in the study. HL was found in 38.6% PMs; prevalence was significantly higher among PR (63.5%) than CL (32.8%) PMs; HL mainly affected the high frequencies in the 3000-6000 Hz range and was symmetric in 68% PR PMs and in 44.5% CL PMs. Tinnitus was the most common audiological symptom, followed by hyperacusis and diplacusis. Tinnitus was almost equally distributed between PR and CL PMs; diplacusis was more common in CL than in PR PMs, while prevalence of hyperacusis was higher among PR PMs. Our review showed that PR musicians have a higher risk of developing HL compared to CL PMs; exposure to sounds of high frequency and intensity and absence of ear protection may justify these results. Difference in HL symmetry could be explained by the type of instruments used and consequent single-sided exposure

    Congenital Aural Atresia: Hearing Rehabilitation by Bone-Anchored Hearing Implant (BAHI)

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    Auris atresia (AA) is a congenital pathology characterized by aplasia or hypoplasia of the external ear with associated middle ear malformation. The AA has a different degree of severity, and the severe form of the disorder presents no identifiable ear canal (complete atresia) and absence or significative underdevelopment of the middle ear structures. Sometimes AA is associated with a malformation of the ear called “microtia.” The alterations of the external auditory canal and of the middle ear structures are responsible for the conductive hearing loss which affects the patients. The hearing restoration procedures may recreate a normal external and middle ear anatomy to favor the recovery of the hearing function, or the surgeon may simply restore the hearing capacity through bypassing the malformed structures by bone-anchored hearing implants (BAHIs). The restoring of normal anatomy is generally associated with episode of restenosis of the external ear canal due to bony regrowth. The formulation of a therapeutic strategy may be supported by using Jahrsdoerfer classification to identify the severity of malformation. In the chapter we discuss various bone anchoring prostheses currently used (Baha, Ponto, Alpha2 by Sophono, Bonebridge) and the results that can be obtained by the use of these implants

    A minimally invasive endoscope assisted retrosigmoid approach for removal of arachnoid cysts in the internal auditory canal: a step by step description

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    Abstract Introduction An arachnoid cyst in the internal auditory canal is a quite rare pathology but due to its compressive action on the nerves in this district should be surgically removed. Several surgical techniques have been proposed but no surgeons have used the minimally assisted endoscope retrosigmoid approach for its removal. Objective To investigate the feasibility of using a minimally invasive endoscope assisted retro-sigmoid approach for surgical removal of arachnoid cysts in the internal auditory canal. Methods Minimally invasive endoscope assisted retrosigmoid approach allows to access to the internal auditory canal through a minimally invasive retrosigmoid approach that combines the use of a microscope and an endoscope. It is performed in six steps: soft tissue step, bone step, dura step, cerebellopontine angle step (performed using an endoscope and a microscope), microscope-endoscope assisted arachnoid cysts removal and closure. We tested minimally invasive endoscope assisted retrosigmoid approach for removal of arachnoid cysts in the internal auditory canal on two human cadaveric heads (specimens) of subjects affected from audio-vestibular disorders and with arachnoid cysts in the internal auditory canal confirmed by magnetic resonance imaging. Results The mass was completely and successfully removed from the two specimens with no damage to the nerves and/or vessels in the surgical area. Conclusion The results of our study are encouraging and support the feasibility of using minimally invasive endoscope assisted retrosigmoid approach for removal of arachnoid cysts in the internal auditory canal. While further clinical in-vivo studies are needed to confirm the accuracy and safety of using the minimally invasive endoscope assisted retrosigmoid approach for this specific surgery, our group has successfully used the minimally invasive endoscope assisted retrosigmoid approach in the treatment of microvascular compressive syndrome, schwannoma removal and vestibular nerve resection

    Endoscope-assisted retrosigmoid approach in hemifacial spasm: our experience

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    Introduction: The use of surgical decompression of facial hemispasm due to the loop in the internal auditory canal is not always accepted due to the risk related to the surgical procedure. Currently a new surgical technique allows surgeons to work in safer conditions. Objective: To report the results with endoscope-assisted retrosigmoid approach for facial nerve microvascular decompression in hemifacial spasm due to neurovascular conflict. The surgical technique is described. Methods: We carried out a prospective study in a tertiary referral center observing 12 (5 male, 7 female) patients, mean age 57.5 years (range 49–71) affected by hemifacial spasm, that underwent to an endoscope assisted retrosigmoid approach for microvascular decompression. We evaluated intra-operative findings, postoperative HFS resolution and complication rates. Results: Hemifacial spasm resolution was noticed in 9/12 (75%) cases within 24 h after surgery and in 12/12 (100%) subjects within 45 days. A significant (p < 0.001) correlation between preoperative historical duration of hemifacial spasm and postoperative recovery timing was recorded. Only 1 patient had a complication (meningitis), which resolved after intravenous antibiotics with no sequelae. No cases of cerebrospinal fluid leak, facial palsy or hearing impairment were recorded. Hemifacial spasm recurrence was noticed in the only subject where the neurovascular conflict was due to a vein within the internal auditory canal. Conclusions: The endoscope assisted retrosigmoid approach technique offers an optimal visualization of the neurovascular conflict thorough a minimally invasive approach, thus allowing an accurate decompression of the facial nerve with low complication rates. Due to the less invasive nature, the procedure should be considered in functional surgery of the cerebellar pontine angle as hemifacial spasm treatment, specially when the procedure is performed by an otolaryngologist. Resumo: Introdução: O uso de descompressão cirúrgica do espasmo hemifacial devido ao loop no canal auditivo interno nem sempre é aceito devido ao risco relacionado ao procedimento cirúrgico. Atualmente, uma nova técnica cirúrgica permite trabalhar em condições seguras. Objetivo: Relatar os resultados que obtivemos com a abordagem retrosigmóidea assistida por endoscopia para a descompressão microvascular do nervo facial em casos de espasmo hemifacial devido a conflito neurovascular. A técnica cirúrgica é descrita. Método: Realizamos um estudo prospectivo em um centro de referência terciária observando 12 pacientes (5M, 7F), com média de idade de 57,5 (intervalo 49-71) anos com espasmo hemifacial submetidos a uma abordagem retrosigmóide assistida por endoscopia para descompressão microvascular. Foram avaliados os achados intraoperatórios, a resolução pós-operatória do espasmo hemifacial e as taxas de complicações. Resultados: A resolução do espasmo hemifacial foi observada em 9/12 (75%) dos casos nas 24 horas após a cirurgia e em 12/12 (100%) dos indivíduos até 45 dias. Uma correlação significativa (p < 0,001) entre a duração do histórico pré-operatório de espasmo hemifacial e o tempo de recuperação pós-operatório foi registrado. Apenas um paciente apresentou uma complicação (meningite), que foi resolvida após administração de antibióticos por via intra venosa sem sequelas. Nenhum caso fístula liquórica, paralisia facial ou deficiência auditiva foi registrado. A recorrência do espasmo hemifacial foi observada em único indivíduo em quem o conflito neurovascular foi causado por um vaso no interior do canal auditivo interno. Conclusões: A técnica da abordagem retrosigmóidea assistida por endoscopia oferece uma ótima visualização do conflito neurovascular através de uma abordagem minimamente invasiva, permite assim uma descompressão precisa do nervo facial com baixas taxas de complicações. Por ser menos invasivo, o procedimento deve ser considerado na cirurgia funcional do ângulo pontocerebelar como tratamento de espasmo hemifacial, especialmente quando o procedimento é feito por um otorrinolaringologista. Keywords: Hemifacial spasm, Facial nerve, Nerve decompression, Endoscopic surgery, Quality of life, Palavras-chave: Espasmo hemifacial, Nervo facial, Descompressão do nervo, Cirurgia endoscópica, Qualidade de vid

    Sensorineural hearing loss in newborns hospitalized in neonatal intensive care unit: an observational study

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    Children hospitalized in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU) present an increased risk for Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SNHL) due to prematurity, hypoxia-ischemia, hyperventilation, low birth weight and the use of ototoxic drugs. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of SNHL in newborns hospitalized in a NICU using Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (TEOAE) and Automated Auditory Brainstem Responses (A-ABR) and analyze the associated risk factors. A sample of 153 newborns hospitalized in NICU underwent TEOAE, A-ABR and clinical ABR to evaluate the presence of hearing deficits. Prevalence of SNHL was calculated and odds ratio for specific risk factors was measured. One-hundred fifteen babies (86.7%) presented normal hearing at TEOAE and A-ABR. Fifteen children had a REFER response at TEOAE and a PASS response at A-ABR. Twenty-five children (16.3%) had a REFER A-ABR and were addressed to clinical ABR. A diagnosis of SNHL was made in 12 (7.8%) newborns. An increased risk of SNHL was observed in preterm children &lt;28 weeks (p=0.0135), in children with neurological disorders (p=0.02), that underwent surgery (p=0.0002), affected from premature retinopathy (p=0.0006), craniofacial malformation (p=0.007) and that had sepsis (p=0.04). Additional risk factors for SNHL in our sample were a maternal disease during pregnancy (p=0.0011), cesarean delivery (p&lt;0.0001) and a twin pregnancy (p&lt;0.0001). SNHL in newborns is correlated with hospitalization in NICU. An accurate hearing screening associated to a rigorous clinical medical collection of data is necessary to promptly identify cases of SNHL in children with a special attention to those hospitalized in NICU and plan proper intervention

    Limited diagnostic value of questionnaire-based pre-participation screening algorithms: A "risk-exposed" approach to sports activity

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    Background: Several pre-participation screening algorithms (PPSAs) have been proposed to assess sports eligibility in different populations. They are usually based on self-administered questionnaires, without further medical assessment if no risk factors are documented. The Med-Ex "Formula Benessere"worksite program includes a complete cardiovascular (CV) screening for all participants. The purpose of this study was to assess PPSAs accuracy in detecting medical and/or CV abnormalities in the general population, comparing the results with the date derived from Med-Ex program. Methods: The Med-Ex medical evaluation, consisting of medical history, physical examination (including body composition), resting electrocardiogram (ECG) and exercise stress test in 464 male subjects (38.4 aged) was analyzed and matched to several PPSAs - Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q) (2002-2020), American Heart Association (AHA)/American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM) (1998-2009-2014-2015), European Association of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation (EACPR) (2011) - retrospectively simulated. Results: Five-hundred and 67 abnormalities were detected though Med-Ex medical evaluation, and one-fourth (24%) would have been undetected applying PPSA alone. In particular 28% of high blood pressure, 21% of impaired fasting glycaemia, 21% of high Body Mass Index (BMI) values and 19% of ECG abnormalities would have been missed, on average, by all PPSAs. Conclusions: The simulation analysis model performed in this study allowed to highlight the limits of PPSAs in granting sport eligibility, compared to a medical-guided CV screening. These findings emphasize the importance of a more balanced approach to pre-participation screening that includes a thorough evaluation of the cost/benefit ratio

    Current trends on subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation in recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders

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    Objective. To establish the safety and effectiveness of subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation in patients affected by chronic middle ear disorders to refractory to previous surgical treatments. Methods. A multicentre, retrospective study was conducted on patients affected by recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders who underwent cochlear implantation in combi-nation with subtotal petrosectomy. Patients’ details were collected from databases of 11 Italian tertiary referral centres. Additionally, a review of the most updated literature was carried out. Results. 55 patients were included with a mean follow-up time of 44 months. Cholestea-toma was the most common middle ear recurrent pathology and 50.9% of patients had an open cavity. 80% of patients underwent a single stage surgery. One case of explantation for device failure was reported among the 7 patients with post-operative complications. Conclusions. Subtotal petrosectomy with cochlear implantation is a benchmark for management of patients with recalcitrant chronic middle ear disorders. A single stage procedure is the most recommended strategy. Optimal follow-up is still debated. Further studies are required to investigate the role of this surgery in paediatric patients. © Società Italiana di Otorinolaringoiatria e Chirurgia Cervico-Facciale

    Advances in the treatment of prolactinomas

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    Prolactinomas account for approximately 40% of all pituitary adenomas and are an important cause of hypogonadism and infertility. The ultimate goal of therapy for prolactinomas is restoration or achievement of eugonadism through the normalization of hyperprolactinemia and control of tumor mass. Medical therapy with dopamine agonists is highly effective in the majority of cases and represents the mainstay of therapy. Recent data indicating successful withdrawal of these agents in a subset of patients challenge the previously held concept that medical therapy is a lifelong requirement. Complicated situations, such as those encountered in resistance to dopamine agonists, pregnancy, and giant or malignant prolactinomas, may require multimodal therapy involving surgery, radiotherapy, or both. Progress in elucidating the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of prolactinomas may enable future development of novel molecular therapies for treatment-resistant cases. This review provides a critical analysis of the efficacy and safety of the various modes of therapy available for the treatment of patients with prolactinomas with an emphasis on challenging situations, a discussion of the data regarding withdrawal of medical therapy, and a foreshadowing of novel approaches to therapy that may become available in the future