22 research outputs found

    A dynamic model of filament eruptions and two ribbon flares

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    Two basically different models for the filament equilibrium by Kippenhahn and Schluter (1957) and Kuperus and Raadu (1974) have appeared in the literature. A further analyses by van Tend and Kuperus (1978) added the force due to the horizontal component of the background field to the Kuperus and Raadu model. In order to obtain a better model which actually describes these phenomena, the evolution of the filament has to be considered in detail. A first attempt was recently presented by Kaastra. Kaastra did not formulate the precise energy balance equations for the problem, as is done in the present work. In the present model not only the force balance, but also the energy balance of the filament is taken into account. Thus a fully closed system of equations is obtained, that describes the evolution of the filament, first in force equilibrium during the current build-up phase, then in the non-equilibrium phase before the eruption, and the eruption itself. A neutral point appears above the photospheric surface in the non-equilibrium phase, but long before the eruption. It was found that although the filament itself may be in non-equilibrium, the evolution may still be slow up to the height where the eruption takes place. The eruption of the filament itself causes a large induced electric field at the neutral point which leads to the observed flare phenomena

    Discovery of an optical counterpart to the hyperluminous X-ray source in ESO 243-49

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    The existence of black holes of masses ~ 10^2-10^5 Msun has important implications for the formation and evolution of star clusters and supermassive black holes. One of the strongest candidates to date is the hyperluminous X-ray source HLX1, possibly located in the S0-a galaxy ESO243-49, but the lack of an identifiable optical counterpart had hampered its interpretation. Using the Magellan telescope, we have discovered an unresolved optical source with R = (23.80 +/- 0.25) mag and V = (24.5 +/- 0.3) mag within HLX1's positional error circle. This implies an average X-ray/optical flux ratio ~ 500. Taking the same distance as ESO243-49, we obtain an intrinsic brightness M_R = (-11.0 +/- 0.3) mag, comparable to that of a massive globular cluster. Alternatively, the optical source is consistent with a main-sequence M star in the Galactic halo (for example an M4.4 star at ~ 2.5 kpc). We also examined the properties of ESO243-49 by combining Swift/UVOT observations with stellar population modelling. We found that the overall emission is dominated by a ~5 Gyr old stellar population, but the UV emission at ~2000 Ang is mostly due to ongoing star-formation at a rate of ~ 0.03 Msun/yr. The UV emission is more intense (at least a 9-sigma enhancement above the mean) North East of the nucleus, in the same quadrant as HLX1. With the combined optical and X-ray measurements, we put constraints on the nature of HLX1. We rule out a foreground star and a background AGN. Two alternative scenarios are still viable. HLX1 could be an accreting intermediate-mass black hole in a star cluster, which may itself be the stripped nucleus of a dwarf galaxy that passed through ESO243-49, an event which might have caused the current episode of star formation. Or, it could be a neutron star in the Galactic halo, accreting from an M4-M5 donor star.Comment: 7 pages, accepted by MNRAS. Several improvements from Oct 7 version: stronger evidence of the optical counterpart; more accurate estimate of its brightness (a factor of 2 brighter than previously estimated); use of a larger set of Swift/UVOT data to measure the recent star formation rate in ESO243-49; improved discussion and comparison of the competing scenario

    Long-term X-ray variability of Swift J1644+57

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    We studied the X-ray timing and spectral variability of the X-ray source Sw J1644+57, a candidate for a tidal disruption event. We have separated the long-term trend (an initial decline followed by a plateau) from the short-term dips in the Swift light-curve. Power spectra and Lomb-Scargle periodograms hint at possible periodic modulation. By using structure function analysis, we have shown that the dips were not random but occurred preferentially at time intervals ~ [2.3, 4.5, 9] x 10^5 s and their higher-order multiples. After the plateau epoch, dipping resumed at ~ [0.7, 1.4] x 10^6 s and their multiples. We have also found that the X-ray spectrum became much softer during each of the early dip, while the spectrum outside the dips became mildly harder in its long-term evolution. We propose that the jet in the system undergoes precession and nutation, which causes the collimated core of the jet briefly to go out of our line of sight. The combined effects of precession and nutation provide a natural explanation for the peculiar patterns of the dips. We interpret the slow hardening of the baseline flux as a transition from an extended, optically thin emission region to a compact, more opaque emission core at the base of the jet.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures. Accepted by MNRAS on 2012 Feb 11; minor improvements in the introduction and discussion from the previous arXiv versio

    Evidence for Late-stage Eruptive Mass Loss in the Progenitor to SN2018gep, a Broad-lined Ic Supernova: Pre-explosion Emission and a Rapidly Rising Luminous Transient

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    We present detailed observations of ZTF18abukavn (SN2018gep), discovered in high-cadence data from the Zwicky Transient Facility as a rapidly rising (1.4 ± 0.1 mag hr-1) and luminous (Mg,peak = -20 mag) transient. It is spectroscopically classified as a broad-lined stripped-envelope supernova (Ic-BL SN). The high peak luminosity (Lbol ≳ 3 × 1044 erg s-1), the short rise time (trise = 3 days in g band), and the blue colors at peak (g-r ∼ -0.4) all resemble the high-redshift Ic-BL iPTF16asu, as well as several other unclassified fast transients. The early discovery of SN2018gep (within an hour of shock breakout) enabled an intensive spectroscopic campaign, including the highest-temperature (Teff ≳ 40,000 K) spectra of a stripped-envelope SN. A retrospective search revealed luminous (Mg ∼ Mr ≈ mag) emission in the days to weeks before explosion, the first definitive detection of precursor emission for a Ic-BL. We find a limit on the isotropic gamma-ray energy release E γ,iso \u3c 4.9 × 10 48 erg, a limit on X-ray emission LX \u3c 1040 erg s-1, and a limit on radio emission ν Lν ≲ 1037 erg s-1. Taken together, we find that the early (\u3c 10 days) data are best explained by shock breakout in a massive shell of dense circumstellar material (0.02 M⊙) at large radii (3 × 1014 cm) that was ejected in eruptive pre-explosion mass-loss episodes. The late-time (\u3e 10 days) light curve requires an additional energy source, which could be the radioactive decay of Ni-56

    The Death Throes of a Stripped Massive Star: An Eruptive Mass-Loss History Encoded in Pre-Explosion Emission, a Rapidly Rising Luminous Transient, and a Broad-Lined Ic Supernova SN2018gep

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    We present detailed observations of ZTF18abukavn (SN2018gep), discovered in high-cadence data from the Zwicky Transient Facility as a rapidly rising (1.3 mag/hr) and luminous (M_(g,peak) = −20 mag) transient. It is spectroscopically classified as a broad-lined stripped-envelope supernova (Ic-BL SN). The rapid rise to peak bolometric luminosity and blue colors at peak (t_(rise)∼0.5-3 days, L_(bol)≳3×10^(44) erg sec^(−1), g−r = −0.3) resemble the high-redshift Ic-BL iPTF16asu, as well as several other unclassified fast transients. The early discovery of SN2018gep (within an hour of shock breakout) enabled an intensive spectroscopic campaign, including the highest-temperature (T_(eff) ≳ 40,000K) spectra of a stripped-envelope SN. A retrospective search revealed luminous (M_g ∼ M_r ≈ −14mag) emission in the days to weeks before explosion, the first definitive detection of precursor emission for a Ic-BL. We find a limit on the isotropic gamma-ray energy release E_(γ,iso) < 4.9×10^(48) erg, a limit on X-ray emission L_X < 10^(40) erg sec^(−1), and a limit on radio emission νL_ν ≲ 10^(37) erg sec^(−1). Taken together, we find that the data are best explained by shock breakout in a massive shell of dense circumstellar material (0.02 M⊙) at large radii (3×10^(14)cm) that was ejected in eruptive pre-explosion mass-loss episodes

    Signatures of circumstellar interaction in the Type IIL supernova ASASSN-15oz

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    Hydrogen-rich, core-collapse supernovae are typically divided into four classes: IIP, IIL, IIn, and IIb. Recent hydrodynamic modelling shows that circumstellar material is required to produce the early light curves of most IIP/IIL supernovae. In this scenario, IIL supernovae experience large amounts of mass-loss before exploding. We test this hypothesis on ASASSN-15oz, a Type IIL supernova. With extensive follow-up in the X-ray, UV, optical, IR, and radio, we present our search for signs of interaction and the mass-loss history indicated by their detection. We find evidence of short-lived intense mass-loss just prior to explosion from light-curve modelling, amounting in 1.5 M-circle dot of material within 1800 R-circle dot of the progenitor. We also detect the supernova in the radio, indicating mass-loss rates of 10(-6) to 10(-7) M-circle dot yr(-1) prior to the extreme mass-loss period. Our failure to detect the supernova in the X-ray and the lack of narrow emission lines in the UV, optical, and NIR do not contradict this picture and place an upper limit on the mass-loss rate outside the extreme period of <10(-4) M-circle dot yr(-1). This paper highlights the importance gathering comprehensive data on more Type II supernovae to enable detailed modelling of the progenitor and supernova which can elucidate their mass-loss histories and envelope structures and thus inform stellar evolution models

    Multi-messenger observations of a binary neutron star merger

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    On 2017 August 17 a binary neutron star coalescence candidate (later designated GW170817) with merger time 12:41:04 UTC was observed through gravitational waves by the Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo detectors. The Fermi Gamma-ray Burst Monitor independently detected a gamma-ray burst (GRB 170817A) with a time delay of ~1.7 s with respect to the merger time. From the gravitational-wave signal, the source was initially localized to a sky region of 31 deg2 at a luminosity distance of 40+8-8 Mpc and with component masses consistent with neutron stars. The component masses were later measured to be in the range 0.86 to 2.26 Mo. An extensive observing campaign was launched across the electromagnetic spectrum leading to the discovery of a bright optical transient (SSS17a, now with the IAU identification of AT 2017gfo) in NGC 4993 (at ~40 Mpc) less than 11 hours after the merger by the One- Meter, Two Hemisphere (1M2H) team using the 1 m Swope Telescope. The optical transient was independently detected by multiple teams within an hour. Subsequent observations targeted the object and its environment. Early ultraviolet observations revealed a blue transient that faded within 48 hours. Optical and infrared observations showed a redward evolution over ~10 days. Following early non-detections, X-ray and radio emission were discovered at the transient’s position ~9 and ~16 days, respectively, after the merger. Both the X-ray and radio emission likely arise from a physical process that is distinct from the one that generates the UV/optical/near-infrared emission. No ultra-high-energy gamma-rays and no neutrino candidates consistent with the source were found in follow-up searches. These observations support the hypothesis that GW170817 was produced by the merger of two neutron stars in NGC4993 followed by a short gamma-ray burst (GRB 170817A) and a kilonova/macronova powered by the radioactive decay of r-process nuclei synthesized in the ejecta

    The Death Throes of a Stripped Massive Star: An Eruptive Mass-Loss History Encoded in Pre-Explosion Emission, a Rapidly Rising Luminous Transient, and a Broad-Lined Ic Supernova SN2018gep

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    We present detailed observations of ZTF18abukavn (SN2018gep), discovered in high-cadence data from the Zwicky Transient Facility as a rapidly rising (1.3 mag/hr) and luminous (M_(g,peak) = −20 mag) transient. It is spectroscopically classified as a broad-lined stripped-envelope supernova (Ic-BL SN). The rapid rise to peak bolometric luminosity and blue colors at peak (t_(rise)∼0.5-3 days, L_(bol)≳3×10^(44) erg sec^(−1), g−r = −0.3) resemble the high-redshift Ic-BL iPTF16asu, as well as several other unclassified fast transients. The early discovery of SN2018gep (within an hour of shock breakout) enabled an intensive spectroscopic campaign, including the highest-temperature (T_(eff) ≳ 40,000K) spectra of a stripped-envelope SN. A retrospective search revealed luminous (M_g ∼ M_r ≈ −14mag) emission in the days to weeks before explosion, the first definitive detection of precursor emission for a Ic-BL. We find a limit on the isotropic gamma-ray energy release E_(γ,iso) < 4.9×10^(48) erg, a limit on X-ray emission L_X < 10^(40) erg sec^(−1), and a limit on radio emission νL_ν ≲ 10^(37) erg sec^(−1). Taken together, we find that the data are best explained by shock breakout in a massive shell of dense circumstellar material (0.02 M⊙) at large radii (3×10^(14)cm) that was ejected in eruptive pre-explosion mass-loss episodes

    Evidence for Late-stage Eruptive Mass Loss in the Progenitor to SN2018gep, a Broad-lined Ic Supernova: Pre-explosion Emission and a Rapidly Rising Luminous Transient

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    We present detailed observations of ZTF18abukavn (SN2018gep), discovered in high-cadence data from the Zwicky Transient Facility as a rapidly rising (1.4 ± 0.1 mag/hr) and luminous (M_(g,peak) = −20 mag) transient. It is spectroscopically classified as a broad-lined stripped-envelope supernova (Ic-BL SN). The high peak luminosity (L_(bol) ≳ 3×10^(44) erg sec^(−1)), the short rise time (t_(rise) = 3 days in g-band), and the blue colors at peak (g−r ∼ −0.4) all resemble the high-redshift Ic-BL iPTF16asu, as well as several other unclassified fast transients. The early discovery of SN2018gep (within an hour of shock breakout) enabled an intensive spectroscopic campaign, including the highest-temperature (T_(eff) ≳ 40,000 K) spectra of a stripped-envelope SN. A retrospective search revealed luminous (M_g ∼ M_r ≈ −14mag) emission in the days to weeks before explosion, the first definitive detection of precursor emission for a Ic-BL. We find a limit on the isotropic gamma-ray energy release E_(γ,iso) 10 days) light curve requires an additional energy source, which could be the radioactive decay of Ni-56