371 research outputs found

    The Porphyromonas gingivalis hemagglutinins HagB and HagC are major mediators of adhesion and biofilm formation

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    Porphyromonas gingivalis is a bacterium associated with chronic periodontitis that possesses a family of genes encoding hemagglutinins required for heme acquisition. In this study we generated ΔhagB and ΔhagC mutants in strain W83 and demonstrate that both hagB and hagC are required for adherence to oral epithelial cells. Unexpectedly, a double ΔhagB/ΔhagC mutant had less severe adherence defects than either of the single mutants, but was found to exhibit increased expression of the gingipain-encoding genes rgpA and kgp, suggesting that a ΔhagB/ΔhagC mutant is only viable in populations of cells that exhibit increased expression of genes involved in heme acquisition. Disruption of hagB in the fimbriated strain ATCC33277 demonstrated that HagB is also required for stable attachment of fimbriated bacteria to oral epithelial cells. Mutants of hagC were also found to form defective single and multi-species biofilms that had reduced biomass relative to biofilms formed by the wild-type strain. This study highlights the hitherto unappreciated importance of these genes in oral colonization and biofilm formation

    A panoramic mid-infrared survey of two distant clusters

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    We present panoramic Spitzer MIPS 24 μm observations, covering ~9 × 9 Mpc2 (25' × 25') fields around two massive clusters, Cl 0024+16 and MS 0451-03, at z = 0.39 and z = 0.55, respectively, reaching a 5 σ flux limit of ~200 μJy. Our observations cover a very wide range of environments within these clusters, from high-density regions around the cores out to the turnaround radius. Cross-correlating the mid-infrared catalogs with deep optical and near-infrared imaging of these fields, we investigate the optical/near-infrared colors of the mid-infrared sources. We find excesses of mid-infrared sources with the optical/near-infrared colors expected of cluster members in the two clusters and test this selection using spectroscopically confirmed 24 μm members. The much more significant excess is associated with Cl 0024+16, whereas MS 0451-03 has comparatively few mid-infrared sources. The mid-infrared galaxy population in Cl 0024+16 appears to be associated with dusty star-forming galaxies (typically redder than the general cluster population by up to AV ~ 1-2 mag) rather than emission from dusty tori around active galactic nuclei in early-type hosts. We compare the star formation rates derived from the total infrared (8-1000 μm) luminosities for the mid-infrared sources in Cl 0024+16 with those estimated from a published Hα survey, finding rates 5 times those found from Hα, indicating significant obscured activity in the cluster population. Compared to previous mid-infrared surveys of clusters from z ~ 0-0.5, we find evidence for strong evolution of the level of dust-obscured star formation in dense environments to z = 0.5, analogous to the rise in the fraction of optically selected star-forming galaxies seen in clusters and the field out to similar redshifts. However, there are clearly significant cluster-to-cluster variations in the populations of mid-infrared sources, probably reflecting differences in the intracluster media and recent dynamical evolution of these systems

    Liquid crystal self-assembly of random-sequence DNA oligomers

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    In biological systems and nanoscale assemblies, the self-association of DNA is typically studied and applied in the context of the evolved or directed design of base sequences that give complementary pairing, duplex formation, and specific structural motifs. Here we consider the collective behavior of DNA solutions in the distinctly different regime where DNA base sequences are chosen at random or with varying degrees of randomness. We show that in solutions of completely random sequences, corresponding to a remarkably large number of different molecules, e.g., approximately 1012 for random 20-mers, complementary still emerges and, for a narrowrange of oligomer lengths, produces a subtle hierarchical sequence of structured self-assembly and organization into liquid crystal (LC) phases. This ordering follows from the kinetic arrest of oligomer association into long-lived partially paired double helices, followed by reversible association of these pairs into linear aggregates that in turn condense into LC domains

    Quality, Features, and Presence of Behavior Change Techniques in Mobile Apps Designed to Improve Physical Activity in Pregnant Women: Systematic Search and Content Analysis

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    Background: Physical activity during pregnancy is associated with a variety of health benefits for the mother and her child. Despite the many health benefits of physical activity during pregnancy, few women participate in regular physical activity during pregnancy. ehealth platforms, such as the internet and mobile applications (apps), are now altering how women access information about their pregnancy and have become an important information source for pregnant women. Whilst the use of pregnancy-related apps has significantly increased among pregnant women, very little is known about their theoretical underpinnings, including their utilisation of behaviour change techniques. This is despite research suggesting the inclusion of behaviour change techniques in ehealth interventions can play an important role in improving, supporting and maintain healthy behaviours, including physical activity. Objective: To review physical activity apps designed for pregnant women with a focus on app content, quality and features, and the presence and efficacy of Behaviour Change Techniques (BCTs). Methods: A systematic search in the Australian AppStore and GooglePlay stores using search terms relating to exercise and pregnancy. App features and quality was assessed using the 19-item Mobile Application Rating Scale (MARS) and a taxonomy of BCTs was used to determine presence of BCTs (26 items). BCTs previously demonstrating efficacy in behaviour change during pregnancy were also identified from a review of the literature. Results: Nineteen exercise apps were deemed eligible for this review and accessed via GooglePlay (n=13) or AppStore (n=6). MARS Overall Quality scores showed moderate app quality (m=3.5, SD=0.52). Functionality was the highest scoring MARS domain (m=4.2, SD=0.5), followed by Aesthetics (m=3.7, SD=0.6) and Information Quality (m=3.16, SD=0.42). Engagement (m=3.01, SD=0.9), Subjective App Quality (m=2.54, SD=0.64) and Likelihood for Behavioural Impact (m=2.5, SD=0.6) were the lowest scoring MARS domains. All 19 apps were found to incorporate at least two BCTs (m=4.74, SD=2.51, range=2–10), with provide instructions (95%) and provide information on consequences (89%) being the most common BCTs. Eleven apps included BCTs that previously demonstrated efficacy for behaviour change during pregnancy, the most common of these being provide opportunities for social comparison (n=8) and prompt self-monitoring of behaviour (n=7). Conclusions: Apps to improve exercise in pregnant women were functional and aesthetically pleasing, with overall moderate quality. However, the incorporation of BCTs was low, with the prevalence of BCTs previously demonstrating efficacy in promoting and/or supporting physical activity during pregnancy scarce. Thus, it is unlikely that apps reviewed in this study will effectively promote and/or support the exercise behaviours among pregnant women. Clinical Trial: Not required.Additional co-authors: Michelle Mottola; Taniya S Nagpal; Lisa Vincze; Stephanie Schoepp

    X-ray Survey Results on Active Galaxy Physics and Evolution

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    This "pedagogical" review describes the key Chandra and XMM-Newton extragalactic surveys to date and details some of their implications for AGN physics and evolution. We additionally highlight two topics of current widespread interest: (1) X-ray constraints on the AGN content of luminous submillimeter galaxies, and (2) the demography and physics of high-redshift (z > 4) AGN as revealed by X-ray observations. Finally, we discuss prospects for future X-ray surveys with Chandra, XMM-Newton, and upcoming missions.Comment: 26 pages, in Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei at All Scales, eds. Alloin D., Johnson R., Lira P. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin), version with all figures at http://www.astro.psu.edu/users/niel/papers/papers.htm

    The SPTPoL extended cluster survey

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    We describe the observations and resultant galaxy cluster catalog from the 2770 deg2 SPTpol Extended Cluster Survey (SPT-ECS). Clusters are identified via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect and confirmed with a combination of archival and targeted follow-up data, making particular use of data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES). With incomplete follow-up we have confirmed as clusters 244 of 266 candidates at a detection significance ξ ≥ 5 and an additional 204 systems at 4 4 threshold, and 10% of their measured SZ flux. We associate SZ-selected clusters, from both SPT-ECS and the SPT-SZ survey, with clusters from the DES redMaPPer sample, and we find an offset distribution between the SZ center and central galaxy in general agreement with previous work, though with a larger fraction of clusters with significant offsets. Adopting a fixed Planck-like cosmology, we measure the optical richness-SZ mass (l - M) relation and find it to be 28% shallower than that from a weak-lensing analysis of the DES data-a difference significant at the 4σ level-with the relations intersecting at λ = 60. The SPT-ECS cluster sample will be particularly useful for studying the evolution of massive clusters and, in combination with DES lensing observations and the SPT-SZ cluster sample, will be an important component of future cosmological analyses

    Localization of the murine cholecystokinin A and B receptor genes

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    We have determined the chromosomal locations of the two cholecystokinin (CCK) receptor genes in the mouse. Genetic localization utilized an interspecific backcross panel formed from the cross (C57BL/6J x Mus spretus ) F 1 x Mus spretus . Genomic DNAs from 94 individuals in the backcross were analyzed by Southern hybridization with rat CCK A and CCK B receptor cDNA probes. Unique map positions were determined by haplotype analysis with 650 previously mapped loci in the mouse backcross. The CCK A receptor gene ( Cckar ) mapped to mouse Chromosome (Chr) 5, in tight linkage with the DNA marker D5Bir8 . The CCK B receptor gene ( Cckbr ) mapped to mouse Chr 7, tightly linked to the β-hemoglobin locus ( Hbb ). This localization places Cckbr in the same region as the mouse obesity mutation tubby ( tub ), which also maps near Hbb (2.4±1.4 cM). Since CCK can function as a satiety factor when administered to rodents, localization of Cckbr near the tub mutation identifies this receptor as a possible candidate gene for this obesity mutation.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/47021/1/335_2004_Article_BF00352408.pd

    Global surveillance of cancer survival 1995-2009: analysis of individual data for 25,676,887 patients from 279 population-based registries in 67 countries (CONCORD-2)

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    BACKGROUND: Worldwide data for cancer survival are scarce. We aimed to initiate worldwide surveillance of cancer survival by central analysis of population-based registry data, as a metric of the effectiveness of health systems, and to inform global policy on cancer control. METHODS: Individual tumour records were submitted by 279 population-based cancer registries in 67 countries for 25·7 million adults (age 15-99 years) and 75,000 children (age 0-14 years) diagnosed with cancer during 1995-2009 and followed up to Dec 31, 2009, or later. We looked at cancers of the stomach, colon, rectum, liver, lung, breast (women), cervix, ovary, and prostate in adults, and adult and childhood leukaemia. Standardised quality control procedures were applied; errors were corrected by the registry concerned. We estimated 5-year net survival, adjusted for background mortality in every country or region by age (single year), sex, and calendar year, and by race or ethnic origin in some countries. Estimates were age-standardised with the International Cancer Survival Standard weights. FINDINGS: 5-year survival from colon, rectal, and breast cancers has increased steadily in most developed countries. For patients diagnosed during 2005-09, survival for colon and rectal cancer reached 60% or more in 22 countries around the world; for breast cancer, 5-year survival rose to 85% or higher in 17 countries worldwide. Liver and lung cancer remain lethal in all nations: for both cancers, 5-year survival is below 20% everywhere in Europe, in the range 15-19% in North America, and as low as 7-9% in Mongolia and Thailand. Striking rises in 5-year survival from prostate cancer have occurred in many countries: survival rose by 10-20% between 1995-99 and 2005-09 in 22 countries in South America, Asia, and Europe, but survival still varies widely around the world, from less than 60% in Bulgaria and Thailand to 95% or more in Brazil, Puerto Rico, and the USA. For cervical cancer, national estimates of 5-year survival range from less than 50% to more than 70%; regional variations are much wider, and improvements between 1995-99 and 2005-09 have generally been slight. For women diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2005-09, 5-year survival was 40% or higher only in Ecuador, the USA, and 17 countries in Asia and Europe. 5-year survival for stomach cancer in 2005-09 was high (54-58%) in Japan and South Korea, compared with less than 40% in other countries. By contrast, 5-year survival from adult leukaemia in Japan and South Korea (18-23%) is lower than in most other countries. 5-year survival from childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia is less than 60% in several countries, but as high as 90% in Canada and four European countries, which suggests major deficiencies in the management of a largely curable disease. INTERPRETATION: International comparison of survival trends reveals very wide differences that are likely to be attributable to differences in access to early diagnosis and optimum treatment. Continuous worldwide surveillance of cancer survival should become an indispensable source of information for cancer patients and researchers and a stimulus for politicians to improve health policy and health-care systems

    Search for leptophobic Z ' bosons decaying into four-lepton final states in proton-proton collisions at root s=8 TeV

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    Search for black holes and other new phenomena in high-multiplicity final states in proton-proton collisions at root s=13 TeV

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