12 research outputs found

    Papilomatosis conjuntival asociada a Papilomavirus; opciones terapéuticas y regresión espontánea

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    Se presenta el caso de una perra de 7 años de edad con papilomas conjuntivales PCR positivo a Papilomavirus oral canino (COPV). Se describen los distintos tratamientos instaurados durante un periodo de años y la psoterior regresión espontánea.

    Comportamiento mecánico de restos de pirámides y templos americanos y los edificios históricos construidos sobre ellos

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    Una característica bastante habitual de monumentos y edificios históricos suele ser el estar construidos sobre otros edificios que bien fueron demolidos para levantar los actuales o bien fueron olvidados. Las nuevas construcciones suelen estar edificadas en parte sobre rellenos artificiales relativamente blandos y sobre zonas rígidas, restos de los muros anteriores. Esta disposición llega a provocar una serie de patologías características. Un caso singular de este tipo de levantamientos es la construcción de iglesias y palacios en Hispanoamérica sobre los restos de las antiguas pirámides. Además de los casos en México D.F., existen bastantes poblaciones en Guatemala y en el resto de México con pirámides parcialmente destruidas que están siendo o fueron utilizadas como base para cimentaciones de “nuevos” edificios históricos. Existen también otros casos en los que, al no disponer de cubrición en su parte superior, permiten el paso del agua de lluvia. En este artículo se muestra como el comportamiento de estas pirámides y construcciones antiguas incluidas en el terreno es más parecido al de estructuras de contención (muros) que al de plataformas horizontales debido a que el agua de lluvia aumenta los empujes sobre las capas exteriores y estos edificios, como sucede con pirámides de Guatemala y México, sufren una degradación importante. Además, se demuestra el efecto de rigidización lateral del terreno y reducción de asientos en las construcciones cimentadas sobre suelos que contienen estos restos, los cuales suponen una mejora importante de la capacidad portante.Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran CanariaColegio Oficial de Ingenieros Industriales de CanariasAgencia Canaria de Investigación, Innovación y Sociedad de la Informació

    Complex hybridization patterns in European pond turtles (Emys orbicularis) in the Pyrenean Region

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    Abstract Hybrid zones are natural laboratories allowing insights in genetic processes like lineage diversification, speciation and introgression. Using large sampling, 15 microsatellite loci and a mitochondrial marker, we examined the Pyrenean contact zone of three pond turtle taxa (Emys orbicularis orbicularis, E. o. galloitalica, E. o. occidentalis). The Pyrenees are a biogeographically important region separating many lineages endemic to the Iberian Peninsula from their Western European counterparts. We discovered limited admixture, reflecting a complex biogeographic scenario. Simulations using Approximate Bayesian Computing supported that E. o. orbicularis invaded the Iberian Peninsula in the Holocene, circumventing the Pyrenees along the Mediterranean coast, and hybridized in the northern peninsula with the local coastal subspecies galloitalica, and to a lesser extent, with occidentalis. While E. o. occidentalis, and in particular E. o. orbicularis, expanded their ranges considerably during Holocene warming, E. o. galloitalica remained largely confined to its former Iberian refuge. Admixture among the three taxa is surprisingly low, and a future taxonomic investigation that includes the unstudied subspecies of E. orbicularis from North Africa, Eastern Europe and Asia has to determine whether their current status properly reflects their evolutionary divergence or whether certain taxa should be regarded as full species

    The XXL Survey: XL. Obscuration properties of red AGNs in XXL-N

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    The combination of optical and mid-infrared (MIR) photometry has been extensively used to select red active galactic nuclei (AGNs). Our aim is to explore the obscuration properties of these red AGNs with both X-ray spectroscopy and spectral energy distributions (SEDs). In this study, we re-visit the relation between optical/MIR extinction and X-ray absorption. We use IR selection criteria, specifically the W1 and W2 WISE bands, to identify 4798 AGNs in the XMM-XXL area (∼25 deg2). Application of optical/MIR colours (r−W2 >  6) reveals 561 red AGNs (14%). Of these, 47 have available X-ray spectra with at least 50 net (background-subtracted) counts per detector. For these sources, we construct SEDs from the optical to the MIR using the CIGALE code. The SED fitting shows that 44 of these latter 47 sources present clear signs of obscuration based on the AGN emission and the estimated inclination angle. Fitting the SED also reveals ten systems (∼20%) which are dominated by the galaxy. In these cases, the red colours are attributed to the host galaxy rather than AGN absorption. Excluding these ten systems from our sample and applying X-ray spectral fitting analysis shows that up to 76% (28/37) of the IR red AGNs present signs of X-ray absorption. Thus, there are nine sources (∼20% of the sample) that although optically red, are not substantially X-ray absorbed. Approximately 50% of these sources present broad emission lines in their optical spectra. We suggest that the reason for this apparent discrepancy is that the r−W2 criterion is sensitive to smaller amounts of obscuration relative to the X-ray spectroscopy. In conclusion, it appears that the majority of red AGNs present considerable obscuration levels as shown by their SEDs. Their X-ray absorption is moderate with a mean of NH ∼ 1022 cm−2

    Conservation genetics of an endangered Catalonian cattle breed ("Alberes")

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    We biochemically analyzed and characterized the genetic structure of a population in danger of extinction ,"Alberes", a local cattle breed of the Catalonian Pyrenees (Spain and France). Ninety-two individuals were analyzed for five polymorphic genetic loci (Hb, Alb, Tf, Gc and Ptf2). The animals were grouped according to coat color: Fagina Alberes variety (N = 39) and Black Alberes variety (N = 53). The genetic structures and relationships between these subpopulations and one "outgroup" breed ("Bruna dels Pirineus") were analyzed and compared by using F-statistics. We determined that inbreeding in the Alberes breed is not significant, since negative and nonsignificant FIT and FIS values were obtained. The average genetic differentiation between subpopulations within the Alberes breed was 1.5% (FST = 0.015; P < 0.05), with an effective number of 4.1 individuals exchanged between subpopulations per generation (gene flow). The results obtained in this study corroborate the potential danger of extinction of the breed. The Black Alberes variety is proposed as the principal nucleus of genetic conservation for this breed, as it seems to show a higher degree of genetic isolation from other foreign populations.<br>A estrutura génetica de uma população de Alberes, uma raça de gado dos Pirineus catalônicos (Espanha e França) em risco de extinção, foi analisada e caracterizada bioquimicamente. Noventa e dois indivíduos foram analisados para 5 loci genéticos polimórficos (Hb, Alb, Tf, Gc e Ptf2). Os animais foram agrupados de acordo com a cor do pêlo: variedade Fagina Alberes (N = 39) e Black Alberes (N = 53). As estruturas genéticas e as relações entre estas subpopulações e uma raça extra ("Bruna dels Pirineus") foram analisadas e comparadas pela estatística F. A endogamia na raça Alberes não foi significante, pois foram obtidos valores FIT e FIS negativos e não significantes. A diferenciação genética média entre as subpopulações dentro da raça Alberes foi 1,5% (FST = 0,015; P < 0,05), com um número efetivo de 4,1 indivíduos trocados entre as subpopulações por geração (fluxo de gene). Os resultados obtidos neste estudo confirmaram o perigo potencial de extinção da raça. A variedade Black Alberes é sugerida como o principal núcleo de conservação genética para esta raça, pois parece mostrar maior grau de isolamento genético em relação a outras populações estrangeiras