21 research outputs found

    Revised Recommendations and Next Steps for Prior Learning Assessment in the University of Maine System

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    The University of Maine System (UMS) Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) Task Force makes the following slightly revised recommendations to the University of Maine System Credit Transfer Project Steering Committee and the University of Maine System Chief Academic Officers. The Recommendations and Next Steps below form a protocol that the UMS PLA Task Force recommends piloting for a period of four years, at which time the participating institutions will review their efficacy

    Climate emergency summit III:nature-based solutions report

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    An RSGS & SNH report from the Climate Summit held in April 2020"The Climate Emergency is the result of burning fossils fuels and changes in the way we use the land that short-circuit global carbon and nitrogen cycles. To remain within safe climate limits (1.5-2°C), the remaining carbon budget for all people, and for all time, is now so small that stopping fossil fuel use, while essential, will not by itself address the problem. Changing the way we use the land and sea is now essential. Nature-based solutions are vital to creating a safe operating space for humanity. "Extract from the foreword by Dr Clive Mitchell, Outcome Manager: People and Nature, Scottish Natural Heritage. The report has 45 contributors for a variety of institutions

    The Gothic in Victorian Poetry

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    From Romantic Gothic to Victorian Medievalism: 1817 and 1877

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    "The Cambridge History of the Gothic was conceived in 2015, when Linda Bree, then Editorial Director at Cambridge University Press, first suggested the idea to us

    A Change of Heart? Putting gender and transformative thinking at the heart of One CGIAR

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    From being a consortium of 15 independent research centres, the CGIAR system is in the process of transitioning to One CGIAR - “a dynamic reformulation of partnerships, knowledge, assets, and global presence, aiming for greater integration and impact”. This consolidation is spurred by the recognition that “delivering science and innovation to advance the transformation of food, land, and water systems in a climate crisis” calls for a “systems transformation approach”. The CGIAR GENDER Platform aims to foster systemic changes in CGIAR centres and create an institutional culture that places gender equality and transformative thinking at the heart of the new One CGIAR agenda. This thinkpiece is an input to the ongoing process of reflection, discussion and dialogue on the strategic possibilities for the GENDER Platform to advance this goal. Our brief was to support the GENDER Platform in making a strong case for “gender at the heart” of One CGIAR, and its own role in this process. Specifically, we were commissioned to prepare a discussion paper with the following elements: ● A summary of the current state of thinking and practice on integration of gender concerns into agricultural research and transformation of research institutions to address gender and other exclusionary hierarchies and norms. ● An exploration through a feminist lens of challenges and possibilities for gender equality and transformative thinking in One CGIAR. ● Strategic options for advancing institutional transformation