31 research outputs found

    Super-heavy fermion material as metallic refrigerant for adiabatic demagnetization cooling

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    Low-temperature refrigeration is of crucial importance in fundamental research of condensed matter physics, as the investigations of fascinating quantum phenomena, such as superconductivity, superfluidity and quantum criticality, often require refrigeration down to very low temperatures. Currently, cryogenic refrigerators with 3^3He gas are widely used for cooling below 1 Kelvin. However, usage of the gas is being increasingly difficult due to the current world-wide shortage. Therefore, it is important to consider alternative methods of refrigeration. Here, we show that a new type of refrigerant, super-heavy electron metal, YbCo2_2Zn20_{20}, can be used for adiabatic demagnetization refrigeration, which does not require 3He gas. A number of advantages includes much better metallic thermal conductivity compared to the conventional insulating refrigerants. We also demonstrate that the cooling performance is optimized in Yb1x_{1-x}Scx_xCo2_2Zn20_{20} by partial Sc substitution with xx\sim0.19. The substitution induces chemical pressure which drives the materials close to a zero-field quantum critical point. This leads to an additional enhancement of the magnetocaloric effect in low fields and low temperatures enabling final temperatures well below 100 mK. Such performance has up to now been restricted to insulators. Since nearly a century the same principle of using local magnetic moments has been applied for adiabatic demagnetization cooling. This study opens new possibilities of using itinerant magnetic moments for the cryogen-free refrigeration

    Falanto spartiata (Strabone VI 3, 2 = Antioco F 13 J)

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    Gianfranco Maddoli, Falanto spartiata (Strabone VI 3,2 = Antioco F 13 J), p. 555-564. La diffusa convinzione che la versione di Antioco/Strabone relativa alla fondazione di Taranto definisca l'ecista Falanto corne un 'partenio', in opposizione alla tradizione successiva, che lo considera uno 'spartiata ', non ha fondamento : essa poggia su un'errata quanto inveterata interpretazione del passo di Strabone. Si ripropone pertanto un testo critico da cui muovere e una conseguente esegesi, da cui risulta che anche in Antioco Falanto era considerato uno spartiata. Il carattere simbolico e rituale dell'episodio, che nella vicenda dei Partenii cela un processo di agoghé tipicamente spartano, trova peraltro precise consonanze nella realtà storica dei rapporti fra Peloponneso e Iapigia in età micenea e geometrica.Maddoli Gianfranco. Falanto spartiata (Strabone VI 3, 2 = Antioco F 13 J). In: Mélanges de l'École française de Rome. Antiquité, tome 95, n°2. 1983. pp. 555-564

    Le 40 da-ma-te di Pakijanija e le classi parallèle Eo / En

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    Fin dagli esordi degli studi micenei avviati dalla decifrazione di Ventris i documenti pilii délia serie ? si sono imposti all'attenzione degli esegeti per l'indubbia importanza che essi rivestono, nella loro sostanziale unitarietà, ai fini dell'intelligenza dei tratti costitutivi dello stato e délia società di Pilo

    Oligarchic Hestia : Bacchylides 14B and Pindar, Nemean 11

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    This article uses recent findings about the diversity of political organization in Archaic and Classical Greece beyond Athens, and methodological considerations about the role of civic Hestia in oligarchic communities, to add sharpness to current work on the political contextualization of Classical enkomiastic poetry. The two works considered here remind us of the epichoric political significance of such poetry, because of their attunement to two divergent oligarchic contexts. They thus help to get us back to specific fifth-century political its Well as Cultural Realien

    Hellenistic Karia

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    Le présent volume procède d'un colloque organisé à Oxford à l'été 2006. Rassemblant linguistes, archéologues, épigraphistes, numismates et historiens, il fut l'occasion d'échanger des idées sur une période de transition fondamentale dans l'histoire de la Carie : le ive siècle et les deux siècles qui suivirent la conquête d'Alexandre. Cette période fut en effet d'abord marquée par la présence et la visibilité des satrapes, mais aussi ensuite par une intense activité civique et une conscience politique accrue des communautés cariennes. La symbiose entre les îles du Dodécanèse, en particulier Rhodes et Cos, et le littoral carien constitue un autre thème important. Plusieurs communications se rattachent enfin à une orientation de recherche sur les cultures anatoliennes qui est aujourd'hui en plein essor, celle de l'étude des interactions culturelles entre Grecs et Anatoliens depuis la fin de l'âge du Bronze et le début de l'âge du Fer, dont on perçoit encore les échos aux époques plus récentes.The conference on which the present volume is based took place in Oxford in the summer of 2006. It brought together linguists, archaologists, epigraphists, numismatists and historians and allowed them to exchange ideas about a period of major transition in Karian history: the fourth century and the two centuries after Alexander. This was first a period of great starapal visibility and presence, but then alsol of intense civic engagement and increased political awareness among Karian communities. The symbiotic relationship between the islands of the Dodekanese, in particular Rhodes and Kos, and the coastal regions of Karia forms another major theme. Finally, a number of papers pick up on a major recent trend in the study of Anatolian culture, namely the investigation of cross-cultural Greeak-Anatolian interactions in the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages and their echoes in later periods