230 research outputs found

    Influenza and respiratory syncytial virus infections in British Hajj pilgrims

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    Viral respiratory infections including influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) have been reported during the Hajj among international pilgrims. To help establish the burden of these infections at the Hajj, we set up a study to confirm these diagnoses in symptomatic British pilgrims who attended the 2005 Hajj. UK pilgrims with symptoms of upper respiratory tract infection (URTI) were invited to participate; after taking medical history, nasal swabs were collected for point-of-care testing (PoCT) of influenza and for subsequent PCR analysis for influenza and RSV. Of the 205 patients recruited, 37 (18%) were positive for either influenza or RSV. Influenza A (H3) accounted for 54% (20/37) of the virus-positive samples, followed by RSV 24% (9/37), influenza B 19% (7/37), and influenza A (H1) 3% (1/37). Of the influenza-positive cases, 29% (8/28) had recently had a flu immunisation. Influenza was more common in those who gave a history of contact with a pilgrim with a respiratory illness than those who did not (17 versus 9%). The overall rate of RSV was 4% (9/202). This study confirms that influenza and RSV cause acute respiratory infections in British Hajj pilgrims. Continuing surveillance and a programme of interventions to contain the spread of infection are needed at the Hajj, particularly when the world is preparing for an influenza pandemic

    Immunodiagnosis of tuberculosis: new questions, new tools conference 2008

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    Human infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis exists as a spectrum of conditions ranging from asymptomatic infection to active disease. Novel, accurate tuberculosis immunodiagnostics have been introduced over the last decade, but it remains challenging to timely diagnose active disease and to accurately distinguish asymptomatic M. tuberculosis infection from immune memory resulting from a prior infection eradicated by the host response. The conference titled Immunodiagnosis of Tuberculosis: New Questions, New Tools, which was held on September 21-23, 2008 in Virginia Beach, Virginia, United States, brought together basic scientists and clinical experts to discuss recent progress in tuberculosis research and diagnosis. Global analyses of M. tuberculosis biology and the host immune response, with emphasis on systems approaches to the study of host-pathogen interactions, were presented. Moreover, conference participants discussed new tests in the pipeline and reviewed new technologies leading to novel assay formats. The discussion included technologies ranging from simple, inexpensive point-of-care tests to automated molecular platforms for detection of multiple infections based on the “lab on a chip” concept. It was also recognized that the utility of any new diagnostic relies on laboratory capacity, accessibility, costs, and test deployment. The conference included lessons from the field. For example, the application of existing technologies to neglected areas, such as diagnosis in children and HIV+ populations, was discussed

    Response of different PTH assays to therapy with sevelamer or CaCO3 and active vitamin D sterols

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    Amino-terminally truncated parathyroid hormone (PTH) fragments are detected to differing degrees by first- and second-generation immunometric PTH assays (PTH-IMAs), and acute changes in serum calcium affect the proportion of these fragments in circulation. However, the effect of chronic calcium changes and different vitamin D doses on these PTH measurements remains to be defined. In this study, 60 pediatric dialysis patients, aged 13.9 ± 0.7 years, with secondary hyperparathyroidism were randomized to 8 months of therapy with oral vitamin D combined with either calcium carbonate (CaCO3) or sevelamer. Serum phosphorus levels did not differ between groups. Serum calcium levels rose from 9.3 ± 0.1 to 9.7 ± 0.1 mg/dl during CaCO3 therapy (p < 0.01 from baseline) but remained unchanged during sevelamer therapy. In the CaCO3 and sevelamer groups, baseline serum PTH levels (1st PTH-IMA; Nichols Institute Diagnostics, San Clemente, CA) were 964 ± 75 and 932 ± 89 pg/ml, and levels declined to 491 ± 55 and 543 ± 59 pg/ml, respectively (nonsignificant between groups). Patients treated with sevelamer received higher doses of vitamin D than those treated with CaCO3. The PTH values obtained by first- and second-generation PTH-IMAs correlated closely throughout therapy and the response of PTH was similar to both PTH-IMAs, despite differences in serum calcium levels

    Use of 1H and 31P HRMAS to evaluate the relationship between quantitative alterations in metabolite concentrations and tissue features in human brain tumour biopsies

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    [EN] Quantitative multinuclear high-resolution magic angle spinning (HRMAS) was performed in order to determine the tissue pH values of and the absolute metabolite concentrations in 33 samples of human brain tumour tissue. Metabolite concentrations were quantified by 1D 1 H and 31P HRMAS using the electronic reference to in vivo concentrations (ERETIC) synthetic signal. 1 H–1 H homonuclear and 1 H–31P heteronuclear correlation experiments enabled the direct assessment of the 1 H–31P spin systems for signals that suffered from overlapping in the 1D 1 H spectra, and linked the information present in the 1D 1 H and 31P spectra. Afterwards, the main histological features were determined, and high heterogeneity in the tumour content, necrotic content and nonaffected tissue content was observed. The metabolite profiles obtained by HRMAS showed characteristics typical of tumour tissues: rather low levels of energetic molecules and increased concentrations of protective metabolites. Nevertheless, these characteristics were more strongly correlated with the total amount of living tissue than with the tumour cell contents of the samples alone, which could indicate that the sampling conditions make a significant contribution aside from the effect of tumour development in vivo. The use of methylene diphosphonic acid as a chemical shift and concentration reference for the 31P HRMAS spectra of tissues presented important drawbacks due to its interaction with the tissue. Moreover, the pH data obtained from 31P HRMAS enabled us to establish a correlation between the pH and the distance between the N(CH3)3 signals of phosphocholine and choline in 1 H spectra of the tissue in these tumour samples.The authors acknowledge the SCSIE-University of Valencia Microscopy Service for the histological preparations. They also acknowledge Martial Piotto (Bruker BioSpin, France) for providing the ERETIC synthetic signal. Furthermore, they acknowledge financial support from the Spanish Government project SAF2007-6547, the Generalitat Valenciana project GVACOMP2009-303, and the E.U.'s VI Framework Programme via the project "Web accessible MR decision support system for brain tumor diagnosis and prognosis, incorporating in vivo and ex vivo genomic and metabolomic data" (FP6-2002-LSH 503094). CIBER-BBN is an initiative funded by the VI National R&D&D&i Plan 2008-2011, Iniciativa Ingenio 2010, Consolider Program, CIBER Actions, and financed by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III with assistance from the European Regional Development Fund.Esteve Moya, V.; Celda, B.; Martínez Bisbal, MC. (2012). Use of 1H and 31P HRMAS to evaluate the relationship between quantitative alterations in metabolite concentrations and tissue features in human brain tumour biopsies. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 403:2611-2625. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00216-012-6001-zS26112625403Cheng LL, Chang IW, Louis DN, Gonzalez RG (1998) Cancer Res 58:1825–1832Opstad KS, Bell BA, Griffiths JR, Howe FA (2008) Magn Reson Med 60:1237–1242Sjobakk TE, Johansen R, Bathen TF, Sonnewald U, Juul R, Torp SH, Lundgren S, Gribbestad IS (2008) NMR Biomed 21:175–185Martinez-Bisbal MC, Marti-Bonmati L, Piquer J, Revert A, Ferrer P, Llacer JL, Piotto M, Assemat O, Celda B (2004) NMR Biomed 17:191–205Erb G, Elbayed K, Piotto M, Raya J, Neuville A, Mohr M, Maitrot D, Kehrli P, Namer IJ (2008) Magn Reson Med 59:959–965Wilson M, Davies NP, Brundler MA, McConville C, Grundy RG, Peet AC (2009) Mol Cancer 8:6Martinez-Bisbal MC, Monleon D, Assemat O, Piotto M, Piquer J, Llacer JL, Celda B (2009) NMR Biomed 22:199–206Martínez-Granados B, Monleón D, Martínez-Bisbal MC, Rodrigo JM, del Olmo J, Lluch P, Ferrández A, Martí-Bonmatí L, Celda B (2006) NMR Biomed 19:90–100Hubesch B, Sappey-Marinier D, Roth K, Meyerhoff DJ, Matson GB, Weiner MW (1990) Radiology 174:401–409Albers MJ, Krieger MD, Gonzalez-Gomez I, Gilles FH, McComb JG, Nelson MD Jr, Bluml S (2005) Magn Reson Med 53:22–29Wijnen JP, Scheenen TW, Klomp DW, Heerschap A (2010) NMR Biomed 23:968–976Podo F (1999) NMR Biomed 12:413–439Griffiths JR, Cady E, Edwards RH, McCready VR, Wilkie DR, Wiltshaw E (1983) Lancet 1:1435–1436Robitaille PL, Robitaille PA, Gordon Brown G, Brown GG (1991) J Magn Reson 92:73–84, 1969Griffiths JR (1991) Br J Cancer 64:425–427Payne GS, Troy H, Vaidya SJ, Griffiths JR, Leach MO, Chung YL (2006) NMR Biomed 19:593–598De Silva SS, Payne GS, Thomas V, Carter PG, Ind TE, deSouza NM (2009) NMR Biomed 22:191–198Wang Y, Cloarec O, Tang H, Lindon JC, Holmes E, Kochhar S, Nicholson JK (2008) Anal Chem 80:1058–1066Lehnhardt FG, Rohn G, Ernestus RI, Grune M, Hoehn M (2001) NMR Biomed 14:307–317Srivastava NK, Pradhan S, Gowda GA, Kumar R (2010) NMR Biomed 23:113–122Akoka S, Barantin L, Trierweiler M (1999) Anal Chem 71:2554–2557Albers MJ, Butler TN, Rahwa I, Bao N, Keshari KR, Swanson MG, Kurhanewicz J (2009) Magn Reson Med 61:525–532Ben Sellem D, Elbayed K, Neuville A, Moussallieh FM, Lang-Averous G, Piotto M, Bellocq JP, Namer IJ (2011) J Oncol 2011:174019Bourne R, Dzendrowskyj T, Mountford C (2003) NMR Biomed 16:96–101Martinez-Bisbal MC, Esteve V, Martinez-Granados B, Celda B (2011) J Biomed Biotechnol 2011:763684, Epub 2010 Sep 5Celda B, Montelione GT (1993) J Magn Reson B 101:189–193Esteve V, Celda B (2008) Magn Reson Mater Phys MAGMA 21:484–484Collins TJ (2007) Biotechniques 43:25–30Govindaraju V, Young K, Maudsley AA (2000) NMR Biomed 13:129–153Fan TW-M (1996) Prog Nucl Magn Reson Spectrosc 28:161–219Ulrich EL, Akutsu H, Doreleijers JF, Harano Y, Ioannidis YE, Lin J, Livny M, Mading S, Maziuk D, Miller Z, Nakatani E, Schulte CF, Tolmie DE, Kent Wenger R, Yao H, Markley JL (2008) Nucleic Acids Res 36:D402–D408Kriat M, Vion-Dury J, Confort-Gouny S, Favre R, Viout P, Sciaky M, Sari H, Cozzone PJ (1993) J Lipid Res 34:1009–1019Subramanian A, Shankar Joshi B, Roy AD, Roy R, Gupta V, Dang RS (2008) NMR Biomed 21:272–288Daykin CA, Corcoran O, Hansen SH, Bjornsdottir I, Cornett C, Connor SC, Lindon JC, Nicholson JK (2001) Anal Chem 73:1084–1090Griffin JL, Lehtimaki KK, Valonen PK, Grohn OH, Kettunen MI, Yla-Herttuala S, Pitkanen A, Nicholson JK, Kauppinen RA (2003) Cancer Res 63:3195–3201Petroff OAC, Prichard JW (1995) In: Kraicer J, Dixon SJ (eds) Methods in neurosciences. 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    A cost-effectiveness analysis of a preventive exercise program for patients with advanced head and neck cancer treated with concomitant chemo-radiotherapy

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    In recent years, concomitant chemo-radiotherapy (CCRT) has become an indispensable organ preserving treatment modality for advanced head and neck cancer, improving local control and overall survival in several anatomical sites [1]. Unfortunately, CCRT can have a detrimental effect on many functions of the upper respiratory and digestive system. Sequellae such as pain, oedema, xerostomia and fibrosis negatively affect mouth opening (trismus), chewing, swallowing and speech [1]. Several studies investigating long-term effects of CCRT have concluded that swallowing and nutritional dysfunction tend to be persistent and can be severe [2-4]. Not surprisingly, therefore, CCRT can have a negative effect on patients‟ quality of life (QoL) [2]. Moreover, even before onset of treatment patients may already present with pain, impaired swallowing, trismus, aspiration, dietary restrictions and tube dependency, and loss of body weight, because the tumour may disrupt the normal anatomy and thus interfere with normal function [1]. Many studies refer to the importance of rehabilitation after, and even during treatment, in order to support and improve those functions [2]. However, as yet, few studies have investigated the effects of (preventive) rehabilitation exercises on the predictable and inevitable swallowing and mouth opening problems for this patient group. In addition, little is known about the costs and benefits of such exercise programs for head and neck cancer. As the clinical effectiveness is established [4], it is now relevant to embark on cost-effectiveness as a contribution to decision making on coverage. The aim of this study was to analyze the incremental cost-effectiveness for a preventive exercise program (PREP) versus usual care (UC) for patients with advanced head and neck cancer treated at the Netherlands Cancer Institute - Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital (NKI-AVL)

    Everyday episodic memory in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: a preliminary investigation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Decline in episodic memory is one of the hallmark features of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and is also a defining feature of amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI), which is posited as a potential prodrome of AD. While deficits in episodic memory are well documented in MCI, the nature of this impairment remains relatively under-researched, particularly for those domains with direct relevance and meaning for the patient's daily life. In order to fully explore the impact of disruption to the episodic memory system on everyday memory in MCI, we examined participants' episodic memory capacity using a battery of experimental tasks with real-world relevance. We investigated episodic acquisition and delayed recall (story-memory), associative memory (face-name pairings), spatial memory (route learning and recall), and memory for everyday mundane events in 16 amnestic MCI and 18 control participants. Furthermore, we followed MCI participants longitudinally to gain preliminary evidence regarding the possible predictive efficacy of these real-world episodic memory tasks for subsequent conversion to AD.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The most discriminating tests at baseline were measures of acquisition, delayed recall, and associative memory, followed by everyday memory, and spatial memory tasks, with MCI patients scoring significantly lower than controls. At follow-up (mean time elapsed: 22.4 months), 6 MCI cases had progressed to clinically probable AD. Exploratory logistic regression analyses revealed that delayed associative memory performance at baseline was a potential predictor of subsequent conversion to AD.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>As a preliminary study, our findings suggest that simple associative memory paradigms with real-world relevance represent an important line of enquiry in future longitudinal studies charting MCI progression over time.</p

    Micro-combs: a novel generation of optical sources

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    The quest towards the integration of ultra-fast, high-precision optical clocks is reflected in the large number of high-impact papers on the topic published in the last few years. This interest has been catalysed by the impact that high-precision optical frequency combs (OFCs) have had on metrology and spectroscopy in the last decade [1–5]. OFCs are often referred to as optical rulers: their spectra consist of a precise sequence of discrete and equally-spaced spectral lines that represent precise marks in frequency. Their importance was recognised worldwide with the 2005 Nobel Prize being awarded to T.W. Hänsch and J. Hall for their breakthrough in OFC science [5]. They demonstrated that a coherent OFC source with a large spectrum – covering at least one octave – can be stabilised with a self-referenced approach, where the frequency and the phase do not vary and are completely determined by the source physical parameters. These fully stabilised OFCs solved the challenge of directly measuring optical frequencies and are now exploited as the most accurate time references available, ready to replace the current standard for time. Very recent advancements in the fabrication technology of optical micro-cavities [6] are contributing to the development of OFC sources. These efforts may open up the way to realise ultra-fast and stable optical clocks and pulsed sources with extremely high repetition-rates, in the form of compact and integrated devices. Indeed, the fabrication of high-quality factor (high-Q) micro-resonators, capable of dramatically amplifying the optical field, can be considered a photonics breakthrough that has boosted not only the scientific investigation of OFC sources [7–13] but also of optical sensors and compact light modulators [6,14]

    When, where and how osteoporosis-associated fractures occur: An analysis from the global longitudinal study of osteoporosis in women (GLOW)

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    Objective: To examine when, where and how fractures occur in postmenopausal women. Methods: We analyzed data from the Global Longitudinal Study of Osteoporosis in Women (GLOW), including women aged ≥55 years from the United States of America, Canada, Australia and seven European countries. Women completed questionnaires including fracture data at baseline and years 1, 2 and 3. Results: Among 60,393 postmenopausal women, 4122 incident fractures were reported (86% non-hip, non-vertebral [NHNV], 8% presumably clinical vertebral and 6% hip). Hip fractures were more likely to occur in spring, with little seasonal variation for NHNV or spine fractures. Hip fractures occurred equally inside or outside the home, whereas 65% of NHNV fractures occurred outside and 61% of vertebral fractures occurred inside the home. Falls preceded 68-86% of NHNV and 68-83% of hip fractures among women aged ≤64 to ≥85 years, increasing with age. About 45% of vertebral fractures were associated with falls in all age groups except those ≥85 years, when only 24% occurred after falling. Conclusion: In this multi-national cohort, fractures occurred throughout the year, with only hip fracture having a seasonal variation, with a higher proportion in spring. Hip fractures occurred equally within and outside the home, spine fractures more often in the home, and NHNV fractures outside the home. Falls were a proximate cause of most hip and NHNV fractures. Postmenopausal women at risk for fracture need counseling about reducing potentially modifiable fracture risk factors, particularly falls both inside and outside the home and during all seasons of the year. © 2013 Costa et al