675 research outputs found

    Five-Dimensional Gauged Supergravity and Supersymmetry Breaking in MM~Theory

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    We extend the formulation of gauged supergravity in five dimensions, as obtained by compactification of MM~theory on a deformed Calabi-Yau manifold, to include non-universal matter hypermultiplets. Even in the presence of this gauging, only the graviton supermultiplets and matter hypermultiplets can couple to supersymmetry breaking sources on the walls, though these mix with vector supermultiplets in the bulk. Whatever the source of supersymmetry breaking on the hidden wall, that on the observable wall is in general a combination of dilaton- and moduli-dominated scenarios.Comment: 20 pages, LaTex, corrected typos and notation, added reference

    Attempt at application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in the domains of body and structure function and activity and participation in the assessment of the rate of disability in patients with morbid obesity : pilot study

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    Background. Due to the constant increase in the number of morbidly obese patients, an adequate tool for assessing the functioning and disability of these patients is being sought. The International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (IC F) could be that tool. Objectives. The aim of this study is to examine the usefulness of the IC F scale in assessing the functioning of morbidly obese patients in two selected areas in reference to recognized scales. Material and methods . The study group included 76 patients with morbid obesity qualified for bariatric treatment. The ICF was applied to assess the function and limitations of each individual. Two domains of the IC F were selected: Body Functions and Structures and Activities and Participation. The usefulness of the IC F was compared to that of the Barthel and EPQ-R scales. Results . In morbidly obese patients, a correlation between motor functions and IC F and BMI, as well as age, was observed. A significant correlation was observed between BMI and psychomotor control, appropriateness and range of emotions experienced, age and amount of sleep, quality of sleep, memory retrieval and psychomotor functions. Women’s mental functions were significantly worse than those of men. In terms of interpersonal relations, a correlation between BMI and regulating behavior within interactions was observed. Conclusions . The IC F is a useful tool for the study and description of the functioning of patients with morbid obesity. The selected domains are described better than by the previously used Barthel scale. Women with morbid obesity tend to have more impaired mental functioning than morbidly obese men

    The attractiveness of family medicine among Polish medical students

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    Background: In many developed countries tuning supply and demand of medical doctors is a continuous challenge to meet the ever changing needs of community and individual patients. The long study period for medical doctors creates the opportunity to observe the current career preferences of medical students and evolution in time. Objectives : To investigate the career choices of Polish students in different stages of their medical education. Methods : Medical students at five Polish medical universities were questioned about their career aspirations in the first, third and sixth year. Results : A total of 2020 students were recruited for the survey. Among first year students 17% preferred family medicine as final career option, compared to 20% in the third year, and 30% in the sixth year (significant trend, P < 0.0001). In particular, female students prefer family medicine: 71% women versus 62% women in the group with a preference for a non-family medicine orientation (P = 0.008). Medical students rejecting a career as a family doctor stated that the impossibility to work in a hospital environment was the determining factor. Conclusion: The opportunity for professional development seems to be an important determining factor in the choice of a medical specialty in Poland. The proportion of Polish students choosing family medicine increases during their progress in medical education, with one third of students interested in a career in family medicine by year six

    Influence of increased body mass index on prevalence of arterial hypertension in polish population - results of LIPIDOGRAM 2004 study

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    Wstęp Nadwaga i otyƂoƛć stanowią uznane czynniki ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego i rozwoju nadciƛnienia tętniczego. Brakuje danych dotyczących wspóƂwystępowania tych dwĂłch czynnikĂłw w populacji polskiej, zwƂaszcza informacji o stopniu zaawansowania nadciƛnienia tętniczego w zaleĆŒnoƛci od wskaĆșnika masy ciaƂa (BMI). Celem pracy byƂo okreƛlenie częstoƛci występowania i zaawansowania nadciƛnienia tętniczego w zaleĆŒnoƛci od nadmiernej masy ciaƂa ocenianej za pomocą BMI wƛrĂłd osĂłb dorosƂych w Polsce. MateriaƂ i metody Badaniem objęto 17 065 osĂłb, w tym 59,2% kobiet i 40,8% mÄ™ĆŒczyzn w wieku 30-98 lat (ƛr. 55,1 roku; mediana - 54,7 roku) z terenu 16 wojewĂłdztw Polski. Do badania kwalifikowano pacjentĂłw kolejno zgƂaszających się w okresie od 1 paĆșdziernika 2004 roku do 20 grudnia 2004 roku do 675 wybranych losowo placĂłwek poradni lekarza rodzinnego, niezaleĆŒnie od przyczyny zgƂoszenia się. Na podstawie oceny BMI (kg/m2) badanych podzielono na grupy: B0 < 18,5 kg/m2; B1 - 18,5-24,9 kg/m2; B2 - 25-29,9 kg/m2; B3 &#8805; 30 kg/m2 oraz zgodnie z klasyfikacją nadciƛnienia tętniczego wedƂug wytycznych ESH/ESC 2003 na grupy: NT1, NT2, NT3 oraz bez nadciƛnienia tętniczego - NT0. Wyniki Nadciƛnienie tętnicze dotyczyƂo 50,9% populacji (NT1 - 27%, NT2 - 21%, NT3 - 3%), bez istotnych rĂłĆŒnic w częstoƛci między pƂciami. Nadmierna masa ciaƂa (BMI &#8805; 25 kg/m2) dotyczyƂa 75% badanych (80,81% - mÄ™ĆŒczyzn, 70,38% - kobiet), przy czym nadwagę (B2) stwierdzono u 43% pacjentĂłw (48,03% - mÄ™ĆŒczyzn, 39,16% - kobiet), a otyƂoƛć (B3) u 32% (32,78% - mÄ™ĆŒczyzn, 31,22% - kobiet). Stwierdzono obustronną zaleĆŒnoƛć między wartoƛciami BMI &#8805; 25 kg/m2, a częstoƛcią występowania i stopniem zaawansowania nadciƛnienia tętniczego w badanej populacji. Wnioski Nadmierna masa ciaƂa i nadciƛnienie tętnicze są chorobami często występującymi w populacji polskiej. Stwierdzono obustronną zaleĆŒnoƛć między stopniem nadciƛnienia tętniczego a wartoƛcią BMI, za wyjątkiem podgrup z niedowagą i prawidƂową masą ciaƂa, gdzie ryzyko nadciƛnienia tętniczego jest podobne.Background Overweight and obesity are known risk factors for arterial hypertension (AH) and other cardiovascular diseases. However, the data concerning coexistence of those two risk factors and influence of BMI on the level of blood pressure are not well-established in Polish population. The aim of the study was to assess the coexistence of arterial hypertension and its severity depending on exceeded body mass index in adult population of Poland. Material and methods The investigated group consisted of 17 065 consecutive patients (59.2% women; 40.8% men) aged 30-98 (mean age - 55.1 years; median - 54.7 years) who were admitted between 01.10.2004 and 20.12.2004 to 675 primary care clinics chosen from all 16 districts of Poland. The cause of appointment was irrelevant for inclusion. Population under investigation was divided into 4 groups - according to BMI (kg/m2): B0 < 18.5 kg/m2; B1 - 18.5-24.9 kg/m2; B2 - 25-29.9 kg/m2; B3 &#8805; 30 kg/m2; and depending on grade of AH (according to guidelines of ESH/ESC 2003): AH1 (mild), AH2 (moderate), AH3 (severe) and AH0 (without AH). Results Arterial hypertension was a problem in 50.9% of population (AH1 = 27%, AH2 = 21%, AH3 = 3%), with no significant differences between sexes. Overweight and obesity (BMI &#8805; 25 kg/m2) was present in 75% of patients (80.81% men, 70.38% women): overweight (B2) was found in 43% of patients (48.03% men, 39.16% women) and obesity (B3) in 32% of investigated population (32.78% men, 31.22% women). Bilateral, significant correlation was found between values of BMI &#8805; 25 kg/m2 and prevalence and severity of arterial hypertension in studied population. Conclusions Overweight or obesity and AH remain an important health issue in Polish population. Bilateral positive correlation between a degree of AH and BMI was found, although patients with underweight and normal BMI are the rarity - the risk of AH in these groups is similar and stable

    Influence of increased body mass index on prevalence of arterial hypertension in polish population : results of LIPIDOGRAM 2004 study

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    Wstęp Nadwaga i otyƂoƛć stanowią uznane czynniki ryzyka sercowo-naczyniowego i rozwoju nadciƛnienia tętniczego. Brakuje danych dotyczących wspóƂwystępowania tych dwĂłch czynnikĂłw w populacji polskiej, zwƂaszcza informacji o stopniu zaawansowania nadciƛnienia tętniczego w zaleĆŒnoƛci od wskaĆșnika masy ciaƂa (BMI). Celem pracy byƂo okreƛlenie częstoƛci występowania i zaawansowania nadciƛnienia tętniczego w zaleĆŒnoƛci od nadmiernej masy ciaƂa ocenianej za pomocą BMI wƛrĂłd osĂłb dorosƂych w Polsce. MateriaƂ i metody Badaniem objęto 17 065 osĂłb, w tym 59,2% kobiet i 40,8% mÄ™ĆŒczyzn w wieku 30–98 lat (ƛr. 55,1 roku; mediana — 54,7 roku) z terenu 16 wojewĂłdztw Polski. Do badania kwalifikowano pacjentĂłw kolejno zgƂaszających się w okresie od 1 paĆșdziernika 2004 roku do 20 grudnia 2004 roku do 675 wybranych losowo placĂłwek poradni lekarza rodzinnego, niezaleĆŒnie od przyczyny zgƂoszenia się. Na podstawie oceny BMI (kg/m2) badanych podzielono na grupy: B0 < 18,5 kg/m2; B1 — 18,5–24,9 kg/m2; B2 — 25–29,9 kg/m2; B3 ≄ 30 kg/m2 oraz zgodnie z klasyfikacją nadciƛnienia tętniczego wedƂug wytycznych ESH/ESC 2003 na grupy: NT1, NT2, NT3 oraz bez nadciƛnienia tętniczego — NT0. Wyniki Nadciƛnienie tętnicze dotyczyƂo 50,9% populacji (NT1 — 27%, NT2 — 21%, NT3 — 3%), bez istotnych rĂłĆŒnic w częstoƛci między pƂciami. Nadmierna masa ciaƂa (BMI ≄ 25 kg/m2) dotyczyƂa 75% badanych (80,81% — mÄ™ĆŒczyzn, 70,38% — kobiet), przy czym nadwagę (B2) stwierdzono u 43% pacjentĂłw (48,03% — mÄ™ĆŒczyzn, 39,16% — kobiet), a otyƂoƛć (B3) u 32% (32,78% — mÄ™ĆŒczyzn, 31,22% — kobiet). Stwierdzono obustronną zaleĆŒnoƛć między wartoƛciami BMI ≄ 25 kg/m2, a częstoƛcią występowania i stopniem zaawansowania nadciƛnienia tętniczego w badanej populacji. Wnioski Nadmierna masa ciaƂa i nadciƛnienie tętnicze są chorobami często występującymi w populacji polskiej. Stwierdzono obustronną zaleĆŒnoƛć między stopniem nadciƛnienia tętniczego a wartoƛcią BMI, za wyjątkiem podgrup z niedowagą i prawidƂową masą ciaƂa, gdzie ryzyko nadciƛnienia tętniczego jest podobne.Background Overweight and obesity are known risk factors for arterial hypertension (AH) and other cardiovascular diseases. However, the data concerning coexistence of those two risk factors and influence of BMI on the level of blood pressure are not well-established in Polish population. The aim of the study was to assess the coexistence of arterial hypertension and its severity depending on exceeded body mass index in adult population of Poland. Material and methods The investigated group consisted of 17 065 consecutive patients (59.2% women; 40.8% men) aged 30–98 (mean age — 55.1 years; median — 54.7 years) who were admitted between 01.10.2004 and 20.12.2004 to 675 primary care clinics chosen from all 16 districts of Poland. The cause of appointment was irrelevant for inclusion. Population under investigation was divided into 4 groups — according to BMI (kg/m2): B0 < 18.5 kg/m2; B1 — 18.5–24.9 kg/m2; B2 — 25–29.9 kg/m2; B3 ≄ 30 kg/m2; and depending on grade of AH (according to guidelines of ESH/ESC 2003): AH1 (mild), AH2 (moderate), AH3 (severe) and AH0 (without AH). Results Arterial hypertension was a problem in 50.9% of population (AH1 = 27%, AH2 = 21%, AH3 = 3%), with no significant differences between sexes. Overweight and obesity (BMI ≄ 25 kg/m2) was present in 75% of patients (80.81% men, 70.38% women): overweight (B2) was found in 43% of patients (48.03% men, 39.16% women) and obesity (B3) in 32% of investigated population (32.78% men, 31.22% women). Bilateral, significant correlation was found between values of BMI ≄ 25 kg/m2 and prevalence and severity of arterial hypertension in studied population. Conclusions Overweight or obesity and AH remain an important health issue in Polish population. Bilateral positive correlation between a degree of AH and BMI was found, although patients with underweight and normal BMI are the rarity — the risk of AH in these groups is similar and stable

    How does gender influence the recognition of cardiovascular risk and adherence to self-care recommendations? : a study in polish primary care

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    Background: Studies have shown a correlation between gender and an ability to change lifestyle to reduce the risk of disease. However, the results of these studies are ambiguous, especially where a healthy lifestyle is concerned. Additionally, health behaviors are strongly modified by culture and the environment. Psychological factors also substantially affect engagement with disease-related lifestyle interventions. This study aimed to examine whether there are differences between men and women in the frequency of health care behavior for the purpose of reducing cardiovascular risk (CVR), as well as cognitive appraisal of this type of risk. We also aimed to identify the psychological predictors of engaging in recommended behavior for reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease after providing information about this risk in men and women. Methods: A total of 134 consecutive eligible patients in a family practice entered a longitudinal study. At initial consultation, the individual’s CVR and associated health burden was examined, and preventive measures were recommended by the physician. Self-care behavior, cognitive appraisal of risk, and coping styles were then assessed using psychological questionnaires. Six months after the initial data collection, the frequency of subjects’ self-care behavior was examined. Results: We found an increase in health care behavior after providing information regarding the rate of CVR in both sexes; this increase was greater for women than for men. Women followed self-care guidelines more often than men, particularly for preventive measures and dietary advice. Women were more inclined to recognize their CVR as a challenge. Coping style, cognitive appraisal, age, level of health behaviors at baseline and CVR values accounted for 48% of the variance in adherence to self-care guidelines in women and it was 52% in men. In women, total risk of CVD values were most important, while in men, cognitive appraisal of harm/loss was most important. Conclusions: Different predictors of acquisition of health behavior are encountered in men and women. Our results suggest that gender-adjusted motivation models influencing the recognition process need to be considered to optimize compliance in patients with CVR

    Impact of the WHO “best buys” for alcohol policy on consumption and health in the Baltic countries and Poland 2000–2020

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    Funding Information: Funding: Research reported in this publication was in part supported by the (U.S.) National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), grant number 1R01AA028224 . This research was conducted as part of the project ‘Evaluation of the impact of alcohol control policies on morbidity and mortality in Lithuania and other Baltic states’ and we would like to thank the whole team for their input to wider discussions in generating the research reported in this paper. Content is the responsibility of the authors and does not reflect official positions of the NIAAA or the NIH. Publisher Copyright: © 2023Alcohol use is a major risk factor for burden of disease. This narrative review aims to document the effects of major alcohol control policies, in particular taxation increases and availability restrictions in the three Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania) between 2000 and 2020. These measures have been successful in curbing alcohol sales, in general without increasing consumption of alcoholic beverages from unrecorded sources; although for more recent changes this may have been partly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, findings from time-series analyses suggest improved health, measured as reductions in all-cause and alcohol-attributable mortality, as well as narrowing absolute mortality inequalities between lower and higher educated groups. For most outcomes, there were sex differences observed, with alcohol control policies more strongly affecting males. In contrast to this successful path, alcohol control policies were mostly dismantled in the neighbouring country of Poland, resulting in a rising death toll due to liver cirrhosis and other alcohol-attributable deaths. The natural experiment in this region of high-income European countries with high consumption levels highlights the importance of effective alcohol control policies for improving population health.Peer reviewe

    A Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing R&D for the 2020s

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    Particle physics has an ambitious and broad experimental programme for the coming decades. This programme requires large investments in detector hardware, either to build new facilities and experiments, or to upgrade existing ones. Similarly, it requires commensurate investment in the R&D of software to acquire, manage, process, and analyse the shear amounts of data to be recorded. In planning for the HL-LHC in particular, it is critical that all of the collaborating stakeholders agree on the software goals and priorities, and that the efforts complement each other. In this spirit, this white paper describes the R&D activities required to prepare for this software upgrade.Peer reviewe

    Search for dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks in √s = 13 TeV pp collisions with the ATLAS detector

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    A search for weakly interacting massive particle dark matter produced in association with bottom or top quarks is presented. Final states containing third-generation quarks and miss- ing transverse momentum are considered. The analysis uses 36.1 fb−1 of proton–proton collision data recorded by the ATLAS experiment at √s = 13 TeV in 2015 and 2016. No significant excess of events above the estimated backgrounds is observed. The results are in- terpreted in the framework of simplified models of spin-0 dark-matter mediators. For colour- neutral spin-0 mediators produced in association with top quarks and decaying into a pair of dark-matter particles, mediator masses below 50 GeV are excluded assuming a dark-matter candidate mass of 1 GeV and unitary couplings. For scalar and pseudoscalar mediators produced in association with bottom quarks, the search sets limits on the production cross- section of 300 times the predicted rate for mediators with masses between 10 and 50 GeV and assuming a dark-matter mass of 1 GeV and unitary coupling. Constraints on colour- charged scalar simplified models are also presented. Assuming a dark-matter particle mass of 35 GeV, mediator particles with mass below 1.1 TeV are excluded for couplings yielding a dark-matter relic density consistent with measurements

    Multidifferential study of identified charged hadron distributions in ZZ-tagged jets in proton-proton collisions at s=\sqrt{s}=13 TeV

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    Jet fragmentation functions are measured for the first time in proton-proton collisions for charged pions, kaons, and protons within jets recoiling against a ZZ boson. The charged-hadron distributions are studied longitudinally and transversely to the jet direction for jets with transverse momentum 20 <pT<100< p_{\textrm{T}} < 100 GeV and in the pseudorapidity range 2.5<η<42.5 < \eta < 4. The data sample was collected with the LHCb experiment at a center-of-mass energy of 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 1.64 fb−1^{-1}. Triple differential distributions as a function of the hadron longitudinal momentum fraction, hadron transverse momentum, and jet transverse momentum are also measured for the first time. This helps constrain transverse-momentum-dependent fragmentation functions. Differences in the shapes and magnitudes of the measured distributions for the different hadron species provide insights into the hadronization process for jets predominantly initiated by light quarks.Comment: All figures and tables, along with machine-readable versions and any supplementary material and additional information, are available at https://cern.ch/lhcbproject/Publications/p/LHCb-PAPER-2022-013.html (LHCb public pages
