68 research outputs found

    Yours for the Asking. Educational Service Publication No. 27.

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    This publication is an annotated listing of sources of free learning materials for classroom use; with expanded sections in career education and environmental education. Part 1 is alphabetized by subject so that teachers may quickly find sources of materials pertinent to units they are teaching. In using this topical index; the reader is referred to the page or pages in part 2 which list materials related to a given topic. Part 2 classifies materials according to source; thus making it possible for the reader to note all of the items available gratis from a given organization. Grade levels are indicated for all the materials listed. An appendix is attached which lists additional sources of free materials; including general sources and specific publications. (BD

    Effects of switching from olanzapine, quetiapine, and risperidone to aripiprazole on 10-year coronary heart disease risk and metabolic syndrome status: Results from a randomized controlled trial

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    This study examined the clinical significance of switching from olanzapine, quetiapine, or risperidone to aripiprazole by examining changes in predicted risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) according to the Framingham Risk Score (FRS) and metabolic syndrome status. FRS estimates 10-year risk of “hard” coronary heart disease (CHD) outcomes (myocardial infarction and coronary death) while metabolic syndrome is associated with increased risk of CVD, stroke, and diabetes mellitus

    Effectiveness of Paliperidone Palmitate vs Haloperidol Decanoate for Maintenance Treatment of Schizophrenia: A Randomized Clinical Trial

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    Long-acting injectable (LAI) antipsychotics are used to reduce medication non-adherence and subsequent relapse in schizophrenia-spectrum disorders. The relative effectiveness of LAI versions of second-generation (atypical) and older antipsychotics has not been assessed

    People from Brač, emigrant press in Chile and newspaper Domovina - from the late 19th century to the beginning of World War I

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    Cilj je rada postaviti ishodiĆĄta za proučavanje povijesti hrvatskog iseljeničkog novinstva u Čileu od najranijeg razdoblja doseljenja Hrvata do kraja 1914. godine, među kojima je brojčano dominantnu grupaciju činilo stanovniĆĄtvo s Brača. Radilo se prvenstveno o ekonomskoj migraciji uzrokovanoj ekonomskim promjenama u druĆĄtvu općenito, ali i ekonomskim promjenama kao posljedicama političkih kretanja. U novu domovinu donose tradicionalnu potrebu organiziranja u razna druĆĄtva, ali i svijest o vlastitoj nacionalnoj pripadnosti s vlastitim jezikom. Neobično brza asimilacija (već u prvoj generaciji) dovodi u pitanje opstojnost te potrebu očuvanja baĆĄtine. Iseljeničke novine u kojima surađuju, uređuju ih i pokreću Bračani – novinari, među kojima se ističu Ivan Krstulović i Luka Bonačić s novinama „Domovina“ iz Punta Arenasa, u dosadaĆĄnjoj literaturi sagledavane su gotovo isključivo s aspekta političke orijentacije i borbe. Cilj je rada kroz primjer rubrike „Iz mjesta i okolice“, koja je odrĆŸala kontinuitet tijekom cijelog razdoblja izlaĆŸenja lista „Domovina“ i čijim je sastavnim dijelom bila, prikazati, s aspekta socijalne povijesti, da su lokalne novine odraĆŸavale i biljeĆŸile pojave i događanja značajna za svakodnevni ĆŸivot zajednice sa svrhom očuvanja njezina identiteta.The topic of this paper is to set the starting point for studying the history of Croatian emigrant journalism in Chile from the earliest period of the settlement of Croats until the end of 1914, including the dominant population group from Brač. It was primarily the economic migration, which was caused by economic changes in the society in general, and economic changes as a consequence of political movements. The immigrants had the need for organizing themselves in various societies in the new country, and they also had the awareness of their own nationality and language. The unusually rapid assimilation (already in the first generation) calls into question the viability and the need to preserve heritage. Immigrant newspapers edited and run by Brač emigrant journalists, most notably Ivan Krstulović and Luka Bonačić, with the newspaper Domovina from Punta Arenas, were in the current literature perceived almost exclusively in terms of political orientation and struggle. The aim of this paper is to show that the local newspaper Domovina reflected and recorded phenomena and events significant for the daily life of the community with the intention of preservation its identity from the perspective of social history, especially in the section From the town and surrounding areas

    Language endangerment and language documentation in Africa

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    Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

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    This study aimed to describe the change in surgical practice and the impact of SARS-CoV-2 on mortality after surgical resection of colorectal cancer during the initial phases of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic

    Cellulose based surfactants as frothers on sphalerite flotation

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    The trend towards lower grade ore bodies in a world with growing base metal demand requires the most efficient concentration process. An optimized froth flotation process which makes use of cellulose based surfactants as frothers could potentially recover more of the valuable mineral with higher grades and have other benefits. One commercial polyglycol frother, DF200, and two cellulose based surfactants, HPMClong and HPMCshort, and their mixtures were evaluated for their flotation performance floating sphalerite in synthetic sphalerite/quartz ore. HPMClong and HPMCshort molecules were found to be suitable as frothers. Mixtures of DF200 and HPMClong or HPMCshort were found to have synergetic effects on froth flotation. The mixtures boosted kinetics, were resistant to high pH and kept on recovering all sphalerite at reduced collector dosages. Grades were found to be in the same range for all the experiments and were not affected by the HPMC. Froth stability measurements in a two phase system showed that the outstanding results of the mixtures can to a large extent be attributed to the froth forming and stabilizing ability of the HPMC types. The results produced suggest that the use of HPMC produces a unique froth flotation behaviour that has enormous potential to optimize existing and new operations
