53 research outputs found


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    Penggunaan konsumsi energi di Indonesia yang tinggi terutama minyak bumi dan meningkatnya sampah plastik menjadi latar belakang penelitian mengenai pengolahan plastik menjadi bahan bakar cair (bensin, solar dan kerosin). Pirolisis selain mampu mengolah plastik dengan aman, juga menghasilkan produk cair yang bisa menjadi alternatif sumber bahan bakar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh temperatur dan persen zeolit terhadap persen rendemen dan nilai kalor yang dihasilkan bahan bakar cair produk pirolisis. Variasi temperatur yang digunakan adalah 220°C, 240°C, 260°C, 280°C dan 300°C sedangkan variasi zeolit yang digunakan adalah 0%, 4%, 6%, 8% dan 10%. Persen rendemen paling banyak didapatkan pada temperatur 300°C dan persen zeolit 10% yaitu sebanyak 16,22% dengan densitas 0,8185 gr/ml dan nilai kalor 10993,1 kal/gr

    PELAKSANAAN MUSRENBANG DI KELURAHAN MULYOREJO (Studi Proses Penyusunan Prioritas Usulan Pembangunan dalam Musrenbangkel di Kelurahan Mulyorejo)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pelaksanaan Murenbangkel dan proses penyusunan prioritas usulan pembangunan di Kelurahan Mulyorejo. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana proses prioritas usulan pembangunan di kelurahan mulyorejo dan bagaimana partisipasi masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan Musrenbang di Kelurahan Mulyorejo. Tipe penelitian ini menggunakan analisis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Fokus penelitian ini Proses Penyusunan Prioritas Pembangunan di Kelurahan Mulyorejo,Tahap Perencanaan dan Tahap Pelaksanaan murenbang di Kelurahan Mulyorejo. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa Pelaksanaan Musrenbangkel di Kelurahan Mulyorejo sangat baik karena dalam proses Musrenbang semua pihak terlibat mulai dari Pemerintah Kelurahan, Masyarakat, RT/RW,LPMK,Tokoh Masyarakat, perwalikan Bappeda dan lainnya. Serta partisipasi masyarakat dalam Penyusunan Prioritas Pembangunan dapat kita lihat bahwa masyarakat begitu aktif dalam meyampaikan aspirasi terkait Usulan Pembangunan di Kelurahan Mulyorejo

    Altered Cerebellar Biochemical Profiles in Infants Born Prematurely

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    This study aims to compare the cerebellar biochemical profiles in preterm (PT) infants evaluated at term equivalent age (TEA) and healthy full-term newborns using proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS). We explore the associations between altered cerebellar metabolite profiles and brain injury topography, severity of injury, and prematurity-related clinical complications. We prospectively collected high quality 1H-MRS in 59 premature infants born ≤32 weeks and 61 healthy full term controls. 1H-MRS data were processed using LCModel software to calculate absolute metabolite concentration for N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA), choline (Cho) and creatine (Cr). PT infants had significantly lower cerebellar NAA (p \u3c 0.025) and higher Cho (p \u3c 0.001) at TEA when compared to healthy controls. Creatine was not different between the two groups. The presence of cerebellar injury was consistently associated with reduced concentrations for NAA, Cho, and Cr. Postnatal infection was negatively associated with NAA and Cr (p \u3c 005), while cerebral cortical brain injury severity was inversely associated with both Cho and Cr (p \u3c 0.01). We report for the first time that premature birth is associated with altered cerebellar metabolite profiles when compared to term born controls. Infection, cerebellar injury and supratentorial injury are important risk factors for impaired preterm cerebellar biochemistry

    Functional properties of resting state networks in healthy full-term newborns.

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    Objective, early, and non-invasive assessment of brain function in high-risk newborns is critical to initiate timely interventions and to minimize long-term neurodevelopmental disabilities. A prerequisite to identifying deviations from normal, however, is the availability of baseline measures of brain function derived from healthy, full-term newborns. Recent advances in functional MRI combined with graph theoretic techniques may provide important, currently unavailable, quantitative markers of normal neurodevelopment. In the current study, we describe important properties of resting state networks in 60 healthy, full-term, unsedated newborns. The neonate brain exhibited an efficient and economical small world topology: densely connected nearby regions, sparse, but well integrated, distant connections, a small world index greater than 1, and global/local efficiency greater than network cost. These networks showed a heavy-tailed degree distribution, suggesting the presence of regions that are more richly connected to others (\u27hubs\u27). These hubs, identified using degree and betweenness centrality measures, show a more mature hub organization than previously reported. Targeted attacks on hubs show that neonate networks are more resilient than simulated scale-free networks. Networks fragmented faster and global efficiency decreased faster when betweenness, as opposed to degree, hubs were attacked suggesting a more influential role of betweenness hub in the neonate network

    Regional microstructural organization of the cerebral cortex is affected by preterm birth.

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    Objectives: To compare regional cerebral cortical microstructural organization between preterm infants at term-equivalent age (TEA) and healthy full-term newborns, and to examine the impact of clinical risk factors on cerebral cortical micro-organization in the preterm cohort. Study design: We prospectively enrolled very preterm infants (gestational age (GA) at birth\u3c32 \u3eweeks; birthweight\u3c1500 \u3eg) and healthy full-term controls. Using non-invasive 3T diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) metrics, we quantified regional micro-organization in ten cerebral cortical areas: medial/dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, anterior/posterior cingulate cortex, insula, posterior parietal cortex, motor/somatosensory/auditory/visual cortex. ANCOVA analyses were performed controlling for sex and postmenstrual age at MRI. Results: We studied 91 preterm infants at TEA and 69 full-term controls. Preterm infants demonstrated significantly higher diffusivity in the prefrontal, parietal, motor, somatosensory, and visual cortices suggesting delayed maturation of these cortical areas. Additionally, postnatal hydrocortisone treatment was related to accelerated microstructural organization in the prefrontal and somatosensory cortices. Conclusions: Preterm birth alters regional microstructural organization of the cerebral cortex in both neurocognitive brain regions and areas with primary sensory/motor functions. We also report for the first time a potential protective effect of postnatal hydrocortisone administration on cerebral cortical development in preterm infants


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    Di Indonesia jenis limbah plastik yang paling banyak ditemukan, sehingga muncul inovasi energi terbarukan agar mengurangi limbah plastik. Proses pirolisis dilakukan dengan memanfaatkan limbah plastik jenis LDPE,PP dan PET dengan menambahkan katalis zeolit sebagai bahan dasar pembuatan bahan bakar cair. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Thermal Catalytic Cracking yang didefinisikan sebagai proses perengkahan rantai hidrokarbon panjang dengan bantuan katalis dan panas menjadi rantai yang lebih pendek. Penelitian bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas rendemen dan konversi hasil pirolisis limbah plastik dengan penggunaan katalis Zeolit menjadi bahan bakar cair. Dari hasil penelitian ini pengunaan jumlah zeolit 1:15 menghasilkan %Rendemen tertinggi menggunakan bahan baku LDPE yaitu 87,56%. Serta didapatkan kondisi optimal yaitu pengunaan dengan rasio zeolit 1:15 sebanyak 0,52 kg.Setelah dilakukan analisa produk yang dihasilkan pada proses pirolisis ini masuk kedalam spesifikasi solar dan bensin

    ICNIRP statement on diagnostic devices using non-ionizing radiation: existing regulations and potential health risks

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    Use of non-ionizing radiation (NIR) for diagnostic purposes allows non-invasive assessment of the structure and function of the human body, and is widely employed in medical care. ICNIRP has published previous statements about the protection of patients during medical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), but diagnostic methods using other forms of NIR have not been considered. This statement reviews the range of diagnostic NIR devices currently used in clinical settings; documents the relevant regulations and policies covering patients and health care workers; reviews the evidence around potential health risks to patients and health care workers exposed to diagnostic NIR; and identifies situations of high NIR exposure from diagnostic devices in which patients or health care workers might not be adequately protected by current regulations. Diagnostic technologies were classified by the types of NIR that they employ. The aim was to describe the techniques in terms of general device categories which may encompass more specific devices or techniques with similar scientific principles. Relevant legally-binding regulations for protection of patients and workers, and organizations responsible for those regulations were summarised. Review of the epidemiological evidence concerning health risks associated with exposure to diagnostic NIR highlighted a lack of data on potential risks to the foetus exposed to MRI during the first trimester, and on long-term health risks in workers exposed to MRI. Most of the relevant epidemiological evidence that is currently available relates to MRI or ultrasound. Exposure limits are needed for exposures from diagnostic technologies using optical radiation within the body. There is a lack of data regarding risk of congenital malformations following exposure to ultrasound in utero in the first trimester and also about the possible health effects of interactions between ultrasound and contrast media

    Cortical Gray Matter Injury in Encephalopathy of Prematurity: Link to Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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    Preterm-born infants frequently suffer from an array of neurological damage, collectively termed encephalopathy of prematurity (EoP). They also have an increased risk of presenting with a neurodevelopmental disorder (e.g., autism spectrum disorder; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) later in life. It is hypothesized that it is the gray matter injury to the cortex, in addition to white matter injury, in EoP that is responsible for the altered behavior and cognition in these individuals. However, although it is established that gray matter injury occurs in infants following preterm birth, the exact nature of these changes is not fully elucidated. Here we will review the current state of knowledge in this field, amalgamating data from both clinical and preclinical studies. This will be placed in the context of normal processes of developmental biology and the known pathophysiology of neurodevelopmental disorders. Novel diagnostic and therapeutic tactics required integration of this information so that in the future we can combine mechanism-based approaches with patient stratification to ensure the most efficacious and cost-effective clinical practice

    Current state of MRI of the fetal brain in utero.

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    In this article we provide an overview of fetal brain development, describe the range of more common fetal neuropathology, and discuss the relevance of in utero MR (iuMR). Although ultrasonography remains the mainstay of fetal brain imaging, iuMR imaging is both feasible and safe, but presents several challenges. We discuss those challenges, the techniques employed to overcome them, and new approaches that may extend the clinical applicability of fetal iuMR
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