163 research outputs found


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    Environmental impact of seismic research works for oil and gas deposits in the Black Sea. The prospecting and exploitation activity of hydrocarbon deposits in Romania has experienced a major development in the nineteenth century and has remained since a major component in achieving energy independence in our country. In 1970 the oil and gas production in Romania reached a peak of over 14.5 million tons of crude oil. Gas production reached 33 million tons of oil equivalents. After 1990 the production level fell again, because of the depletion of the existing resources and the lack of investment prevented the discovery and the development of new fields. They have led in the last few years to a decrease of the oil production level to less than 5.0 million tons of oil and of the gas production of 10,3 million oil equivalent. After 1990 the Romanian Government through THE NATIONAL AGENCY FOR MINERAL RESOURCES has decided to organize international auctions to award a series of contracts regarding exploration and participation to rates of production of specialized companies that run all the financial funds and necessary technologies for the development of hydrocarbon prospecting activities. That is why in the Black Sea, beside the oil and gas deposits leased to OMV Petrom, there were also leased 7 areas needed for research, exploration and possible exploitation of oil and gas deposits. This paper presents the effects of seismic research works on the environment, considering that these are the first that will run on the platform of the Black Sea shore

    Rotationally-invariant mapping of scalar and orientational metrics of neuronal microstructure with diffusion MRI

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    We develop a general analytical and numerical framework for estimating intra- and extra-neurite water fractions and diffusion coefficients, as well as neurite orientational dispersion, in each imaging voxel. By employing a set of rotational invariants and their expansion in the powers of diffusion weighting, we analytically uncover the nontrivial topology of the parameter estimation landscape, showing that multiple branches of parameters describe the measurement almost equally well, with only one of them corresponding to the biophysical reality. A comprehensive acquisition shows that the branch choice varies across the brain. Our framework reveals hidden degeneracies in MRI parameter estimation for neuronal tissue, provides microstructural and orientational maps in the whole brain without constraints or priors, and connects modern biophysical modeling with clinical MRI.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, elsarticle two-colum


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    În prezentul articol este abordată și explicată problema genezei arborelui genealogic al apariției, dezvoltării și reglementării principiilor dreptului electoral în Republica Moldova. În acest scop, s-a recurs la genealogie pentru a vedea dacă în cadrul ei au fost tratate sau nu aceste principii. Drept urmare, am constatat că în cadrul ei nu au fost abordate apariția, dezvoltarea și reglementarea principiilor dreptului electoral, în particular, în Republica Moldova sau în alte state. Totuși, credem că ideea despre evoluție, geneză, scopul studiului, metodele, uneltele, materialele folosite etc. este binevenită și că, după analogie, ea poate fi aplicată la cercetarea apariției, dezvoltării și reglementarii principiilor dreptului electoral în Republica Moldova


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    În acest articol este analizată problema absenteismului electoral în rândul tinerilor din cadrul ultimelor alegeri pre­zidențiale, care s-au desfășurat  în toamna anului 2016, prin prisma secționării perioadei tinereții, raportată la criteriul gender (bărbați/femei), habitat (rural/urban) și votul din diaspora, precum și necesitatea abordării subiectului respectiv din perspectiva psihologică. Este examinată problema întocmirii unor tehnici adecvate de cercetare experimentală a inter­esului electoral la vârsta tinereții.THE PSYCHOLOGICAL RESEARCH OF THE ELECTORAL INTEREST OF YOUNG PEOPLEThis article analyzes the problem of youth absenteeism in the last presidential election, which took place in the autumn of 2016, through the segmentation of the youth period, based on gender (male/female), rural (urban) habitat, and the diaspora vote, and the need to address the subject from a psychological perspective. The issue of developing appropriate experimental research techniques of electoral interest at the age of youth is examined.</p

    MP-PCA denoising for diffusion MRS data: promises and pitfalls

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    Diffusion-weighted (DW) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) suffers from a lower signal to noise ratio (SNR) compared to conventional MRS owing to the addition of diffusion attenuation. This technique can therefore strongly benefit from noise reduction strategies. In the present work, the Marchenko-Pastur principal component analysis (MP-PCA) denoising is tested on Monte Carlo simulations and on in vivo DW-MRS data acquired at 9.4T in the rat brain. We provide a descriptive study of the effects observed following different MP-PCA denoising strategies (denoising the entire matrix versus using a sliding window), in terms of apparent SNR, rank selection, noise correlation within and across b-values and quantification of metabolite concentrations and fitted diffusion coefficients. MP-PCA denoising yielded an increased apparent SNR, a more accurate B0 drift correction between shots, and similar estimates of metabolite concentrations and diffusivities compared to the raw data. No spectral residuals on individual shots were observed but correlations in the noise level across shells were introduced, an effect which was mitigated using a sliding window, but which should be carefully considered.Comment: Cristina Cudalbu and Ileana O. Jelescu have contributed equally to this manuscrip


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    The objectives of the study: to research the electoral process; to establish the stages of this complex system; to highlight its essential characteristics; to determine the category of principles of the final stage of the electoral process; to elucidate the essence of the possible principles of aggregating and verifying the results of voting; present and substantiate the content of each of these principles. The research methods used were analysis and synthesis, abstraction and generalization, classification and concretization, affirmation and denial, deduction and induction, etc. The results of the paper: we determined, characterized and demonstrated the following principles of totalization and verification of voting results: the principle of the integrity of the procedure counting of votes; the principle of accurate recording of election results; the principle of the integrity of the procedure for centralizing election results; the principle of parallel counting of votes; the principle of truthfully calculating the results of electronic voting; the principle of correctly announcing election results; the principle of timely publication of official results; the principle of verifying the election results; the principle of confirmation of election results; the conditions for implementing the electoral principles. The basis for this order and classification of the principles of totalization and verification of voting results was the content and sequence of sub-stages of the final stage of the elections. In this order, we have presented and substantiated the content of each of these principles

    MP-PCA denoising for diffusion MRS data: promises and pitfalls.

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    Diffusion-weighted (DW) magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) suffers from a lower signal to noise ratio (SNR) compared to conventional MRS owing to the addition of diffusion attenuation. This technique can therefore strongly benefit from noise reduction strategies. In the present work, Marchenko-Pastur principal component analysis (MP-PCA) denoising is tested on Monte Carlo simulations and on in vivo DW-MRS data acquired at 9.4T in rat brain and at 3T in human brain. We provide a descriptive study of the effects observed following different MP-PCA denoising strategies (denoising the entire matrix versus using a sliding window), in terms of apparent SNR, rank selection, noise correlation within and across b-values and quantification of metabolite concentrations and fitted diffusion coefficients. MP-PCA denoising yielded an increased apparent SNR, a more accurate B0 drift correction between shots, and similar estimates of metabolite concentrations and diffusivities compared to the raw data. No spectral residuals on individual shots were observed but correlations in the noise level across shells were introduced, an effect which was mitigated using a sliding window, but which should be carefully considered

    Cellular EXchange Imaging (CEXI): Evaluation of a diffusion model including water exchange in cells using numerical phantoms of permeable spheres

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    Purpose: Biophysical models of diffusion MRI have been developed to characterize microstructure in various tissues, but existing models are not suitable for tissue composed of permeable spherical cells. In this study we introduce Cellular Exchange Imaging (CEXI), a model tailored for permeable spherical cells, and compares its performance to a related Ball \& Sphere (BS) model that neglects permeability. Methods: We generated DW-MRI signals using Monte-Carlo simulations with a PGSE sequence in numerical substrates made of spherical cells and their extracellular space for a range of membrane permeability. From these signals, the properties of the substrates were inferred using both BS and CEXI models. Results: CEXI outperformed the impermeable model by providing more stable estimates cell size and intracellular volume fraction that were diffusion time-independent. Notably, CEXI accurately estimated the exchange time for low to moderate permeability levels previously reported in other studies (κ<25μm/s\kappa<25\mu m/s). However, in highly permeable substrates (κ=50μm/s\kappa=50\mu m/s), the estimated parameters were less stable, particularly the diffusion coefficients. Conclusion: This study highlights the importance of modeling the exchange time to accurately quantify microstructure properties in permeable cellular substrates. Future studies should evaluate CEXI in clinical applications such as lymph nodes, investigate exchange time as a potential biomarker of tumor severity, and develop more appropriate tissue models that account for anisotropic diffusion and highly permeable membranes.Comment: 7 figures, 2 tables, 21 pages, under revie

    Optimal Experimental Design for Biophysical Modelling in Multidimensional Diffusion MRI

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    Computational models of biophysical tissue properties have been widely used in diffusion MRI (dMRI) research to elucidate the link between microstructural properties and MR signal formation. For brain tissue, the research community has developed the so-called Standard Model (SM) that has been widely used. However, in clinically applicable acquisition protocols, the inverse problem that recovers the SM parameters from a set of MR diffusion measurements using pairs of short pulsed field gradients was shown to be ill-posed. Multidimensional dMRI was shown to solve this problem by combining linear and planar tensor encoding data. Given sufficient measurements, multiple choices of b-tensor sets provide enough information to estimate all SM parameters. However, in the presence of noise, some sets will provide better results. In this work, we develop a framework for optimal experimental design of multidimensional dMRI sequences applicable to the SM. This framework is based on maximising the determinant of the Fisher information matrix, which is averaged over the full SM parameter space. This averaging provides a fairly objective information metric tailored for the expected signal but that only depends on the acquisition configuration. The optimisation of this metric can be further restricted to any subclass of desirable design constraints like, for instance, hardware-specific constraints. In this work, we compute the optimal acquisitions over the set of all b-tensors with fixed eigenvectors