469 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK Pengembangan Program Individualisasi Pembelajaran Membaca Permulaan pada Anak dengan Hambatan Pendengaran di Sekolah Dasar Inklusif Dieni Nurfitriani NIM: 1603278 Program Studi Pendidikan Khusus, Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat rumusan pengembangan program individualusasi pembelajaran yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca permulaan pada anak dengan hambatan pendengaran di sekolah inklusif (SDs Dewi Sartika). Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode Research and Development (R and D) dengan desain ADDIE (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implementation, Evaluation). Tahap pertama pendahuluan, dilakukan untuk menggali kemampuan objektif anak dan pelaksanaan pembelajaran. Tahap kedua, perumusan program dan uji keterlaksanaan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis kondisi objektif kemampuan anak dan hasil analisis kondisi objektif pembelajaran di kelas, peneliti merumuskan sebuah program individualisasi pembelajaran membaca permulaan. Program divalidasi oleh beberapa validator dengan melakukan focus group discussion (FGD) bersama ahli (dosen), kepala sekolah, guru kelas dan orang tua. Implementasi program dilaksanakan oleh guru sehingga terjadinya peningkatan kemampuan pembelajaran membaca permulaan di dalam kelas. Hasil dari keterlaksanaan program akan direkomendasikan kepada guru dan peneliti lainnya. Kata Kunci: Membaca Permulaan, Kesulitan Membaca, Anak dengan Hambatan Pendengaran, Program Pembelajaran yang Diindividualisasikan ABSTRACT The Development of Individualized Education Program of Early Reading for Children with Hearing Impairment at Inclusive School Dieni Nurfitriani 1603278 Special Education Studies, Graduate Program Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia This study aims to create a formulation of the development of individualized learning programs that can improve early reading ability for children that have hearing impairment at Inclusive school (SDs Dewi Sartika). To achieve these objectives, this research is done with Research and Development method with ADDIE design (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implementation, Evaluation). The first stage, the introduction, is carried out to explore students’ objective skills and the implementation of learning. The second stage, the formulation of the program and the implementation test. Based on the results of the objective analysis of the chid’s ability and the results of the objective learning condition analysis in the classroom, researcher make an individual learning program to improve early reading. The program is validated by several validators by doing focus group discussion with the expert (lecturer), headmaster of school, teacher and parent. Implementation of the program implemented by the teacher so that the occurrence of improving the condition of early reading in the classroom. The result of the program’s implementation will be recommended to the teacher and the other researcher. Keyword: Early reading, reading difficulties, hearing impairment children, individualized learning progra


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    The application of multimodal teaching and learning materials for BIPA has become increasingly more prevalent during the new normal period. As a consequence of various limitations imposed on them due to the lockdown, BIPA teachers are increasingly required by necessity to start producing multimodal teaching and learning materials so BIPA learning can still continue. It should be noted however that this sudden transition of BIPA learning from the initial direct face-to-face mode to an emergency online learning approach, has significantly affected the teachers in writing, compiling, and authoring multimodal materials. Noting such circumstance and predicaments, this literature review research paper aims to examine the modes applied by teachers in compiling teaching and learning materials, to investigate the role of multimodality implemented by teachers in BIPA learning, and to identify the impacts of multimodal teaching and learning materials on students. The results of the research suggest that teachers do have preference of a certain mode in teaching for a particular language competence. Furthermore, multimodal teaching and learning materials have been demonstrated to be able to effectively improve BIPA learning process, making it more attractive, and increase students’ learning interests despite the fact that multimodal teaching and learning materials are in dire need of more attention and have so much room for improvemen

    The Use of Guided Writing to Improve Students' Writing Skill

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    This article reports a study on the implementation and the improvement of guided writing towards the student’s writing skill and to know the respond of the students towards the implementation of guided writing in the teaching and learning process at the second semester students of English Diploma III of Language and Culture Faculty in 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang University in the academic year of 2017/2018. The second semester students had problems dealing with writing skill. They have difficulties on: (1) expressing their idea in writing; (2) constructing correct sentences; and (3) vocabulary mastery. This study was categorized as a classroom action research. The study was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle was consisted of four steps: plan, action, observation, and reflection. To collect the qualitative data, the researcher used observation. To collect the quantitative data, the researcher conducted tests before and after the research implementation. In this research, the researcher used guided writing and communicative & process approach to improve student’s writing skill. The result of the research shows that guided writing could improve the students’ writing skill. Through guided writing, the students showed great interest to be actively involved to the teaching and learning process. The students were able to construct sentences correctly. In this case, the sentences they constructed were based on the researcher’s explanation. They also used more vocabularies in their writing. Their mean score of the pre-test was 63.3, while their mean score at the post-test, increased up to 76.1


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    In the present study, the co-pyrolysis of biomass waste, i.e. palm kernel shells (PKS) and industrial packaging plastic waste, namely polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polyethylene (PE) were conducted. Prior to the pyrolysis, the raw materials were analyzed by thermogravimetric and elemental procedures. The pyrolysis was conducted in a fixed bed reactor which was heated from room temperature to 500 °C in an N2 atmosphere with a heating rate of 10 °C/min. The raw materials were weighted and mixed together manually with variations of weight composition ratios between biomass and plastic, i.e. 100% biomass (100/0); 90% biomass and 10% plastic (90/10); 70% biomass and 30% plastic (70/30); 50% biomass and 50% plastic (50/50); and 100% plastic (0/100). Then, they were put under pressure to obtain a pellet. The synergistic effect of biomass and plastic was investigated to see the difference between the pyrolysis products yields in theory and experiment. The bio-oil products were characterized by several methods and showed the potential to be used as a fuel. The optimum condition was obtained from 50/50 weight composition ratio. It was gained 30% improvement of the higher heating value of bio-oil, and the percentage area of hydrocarbon was contained in bio-oil increased from 4.68% to 53.40%

    Two look-alike dasycladalean algae: Clypeina isabellae masse, Bucur, Virgone & Delmasso, 1999 from the Berriasian of Sardinia (Italy) and Clypeina loferensis sp. N. from the upper Jurassic of the Northern Calcareous Alps (Austria)

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    New material from the Berriasian of eastern Sardinia, Italy, and from the NW of Sardinia published by PECORINI in 1972 as 'Clypeina sp. A', allows a better characterization and an emended diagnosis of Clypeina isabellae MASSE et al., 1999 from the Berriasian of SW France. Another morphologically somehow similar Clypeina species from the Upper Jurassic of the Northern Calcareous Alps of Austria is described as Clypeina loferensis n. sp. Remarks on the genera Clypeina MICHELIN and Hamulusella ELLIOTT, a Clypeina-type dasycladalean alga with proximal bulged laterals, and Clypeina jurassica-sulcata are also provided

    Regulation of 5'-adenosine monophosphate deaminase in the freeze tolerant wood frog, Rana sylvatica

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The wood frog, <it>Rana sylvatica</it>, is one of a few vertebrate species that have developed natural freeze tolerance, surviving days or weeks with 65–70% of its total body water frozen in extracellular ice masses. Frozen frogs exhibit no vital signs and their organs must endure multiple stresses, particularly long term anoxia and ischemia. Maintenance of cellular energy supply is critical to viability in the frozen state and in skeletal muscle, AMP deaminase (AMPD) plays a key role in stabilizing cellular energetics. The present study investigated AMPD control in wood frog muscle.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Wood frog AMPD was subject to multiple regulatory controls: binding to subcellular structures, protein phosphorylation, and effects of allosteric effectors, cryoprotectants and temperature. The percentage of bound AMPD activity increased from 20 to 35% with the transition to the frozen state. Bound AMPD showed altered kinetic parameters compared with the free enzyme (<it>S</it><sub>0.5 </sub>AMP was reduced, Hill coefficient fell to ~1.0) and the transition to the frozen state led to a 3-fold increase in <it>S</it><sub>0.5 </sub>AMP of the bound enzyme. AMPD was a target of protein phosphorylation. Bound AMPD from control frogs proved to be a low phosphate form with a low <it>S</it><sub>0.5 </sub>AMP and was phosphorylated in incubations that stimulated PKA, PKC, CaMK, or AMPK. Bound AMPD from frozen frogs was a high phosphate form with a high <it>S</it><sub>0.5 </sub>AMP that was reduced under incubation conditions that stimulated protein phosphatases. Frog muscle AMPD was activated by Mg·ATP and Mg·ADP and inhibited by Mg·GTP, KCl, NaCl and NH<sub>4</sub>Cl. The enzyme product, IMP, uniquely inhibited only the bound (phosphorylated) enzyme from muscle of frozen frogs. Activators and inhibitors differentially affected the free versus bound enzyme. <it>S</it><sub>0.5 </sub>AMP of bound AMPD was also differentially affected by high versus low assay temperature (25 vs 5°C) and by the presence/absence of the natural cryoprotectant (250 mM glucose) that accumulates during freezing.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Maintenance of long term viability under the ischemic conditions in frozen muscle requires attention to the control of cellular energetics. Differential regulatory controls on AMPD by mechanisms including binding to muscle proteins, actions allosteric effectors, glucose and temperature effects and reversible phosphorylation adjust enzyme function for an optimal role in controlling cellular adenylate levels in ischemic frozen muscle. Stable modification of AMPD properties via freeze-responsive phosphorylation may contribute both to AMPD control and to coordinating AMPD function with other enzymes of energy metabolism in cold ischemic muscle.</p

    The Effectiveness of Online Learning in Speaking Course

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    Online learning must be done by educators in distance learning during the handling Covid-19. Mastery of English skills that require direct practice must also be through online learning, for example, mastery of speaking skill by undergraduate students of English Study Program in Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 (Untag) Semarang. From pre-observation data, there were many students who feel insecure, nervous, and embarrassed when practicing speaking. This is what causes students to be less maximal in mastering speaking skill. The purpose of this study was to identify the effectiveness of online learning, focusing on using Google Classroom and Microsoft (MS) Teams in Speaking Course at the first semester students of English Study Program in Untag Semarang. So that researchers used experimental method. In data collection, researchers used a speaking test which was then analyzed using t-test formula. The data analyzed were the results of pre-tests and post-tests from two groups, namely experimental group and control group. From the results of the statistical analysis of t-test on the pre-test value, t count (1.04) &lt; t table (1.7), it means that Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. From the results of the statistical analysis of t-test on post-test values, t count (1.5) &lt; t table (1.76), it means that Ho is accepted and Ha is rejected. From the results of statistical analysis of hypothesis tests, it can be concluded that there is no difference grades in Speaking Course between students taught using Google Classroom and students taught using Ms. Teams


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    POLIMERISAS IMONOMER VINIL ASETAT DENGAN ASAM AKRILAT MENGGUNAKAN INISIATOR AZOBISISOBUTILRONITRIL (AIBN) SEBAGAI BIOSIDA POLIMER. Telah dipelajari Polimerisasi vinil asetat dan asam akrilat dengan Cu sebagai kopolimer biosida (PVAc/AA-Cu) dalam pelapisan material kelautan. Pendekatan proses yang akan digunakan adalah kopolimer untuk pembuatan biosida sebagai antifouling. Proses polimerisasi asam akrilat dengan vinil asetat menggunakan AIBN sebagai inisiator telah berhasil dilakukan. Karakterisasi produk dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisa FT-IR (Fourier transform infra red) untuk menentukan struktur molekul polimer. Selain itu, menggunakan AAS (Atomic absorption spectroscopy) untuk menentukan konsentrasi Cu yang terperangkap ke dalam biosida polimer (PVAc/AA-Cu). Selanjutnya, analisa TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope) untukmengidentifikasi morfologi, ukuran dan bentuk dari produk polimer
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