42 research outputs found

    Propuesta de acondicionamiento y organización del Archivo Municipal de Ciudad Sandino (Managua)

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    Los archivos constituyen parte esencial de los recursos de información de un país, expresan el desarrollo histórico del mismo y la misión, funciones y actividades de las instituciones productoras. Todo gobierno, dependencia, entidad o empresa debe recurrir con frecuencia a los documentos que han producido o recibido durante su gestión a fin de verificar proyectos, desarrollar investigaciones, realizar comparaciones, tomar decisiones, atender trámites y/o demandas de orden legal, administrativo o fiscal. Los Archivos Municipales, como el caso que nos ocupa, resguardan la memoria del desarrollo económico, social, político y cultural de su espacio; el mejoramiento de las condiciones de vida de la población, las políticas, planes y programas de desarrollo económico y social de los gobiernos y los logros y dificultades

    Factores Socioculturales y su influencia en un contexto intercultural de las actividades de salud en un contexto intercultural en tres barrios de Bilwi. RAAN 1999 - Mayo 2001

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    Estudio cualitativo con enfoque sociocultural en el que se tomó como universo a todos los y las pobladores del caso urbano de Bilwi de los barrios seleccionados (El Cocal, revolución y Arlen Siu

    Variedades de durazno (Prunus persica L.) intercaladas en el sistema milpa en la sierra nevada de Puebla, México

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    En la Sierra Nevada de Puebla, México, los huertos de durazno (Prunus persica L.) presentan problemas de producción relacionados con alta incidencia de plagas (incluye enfermedades), nutrición deficiente e inadecuado manejo de poda, que acentúan el problema de floración precoz en la mayoría de las variedades mejoradas

    Viabilidad del préstamo interbibliotecario como medio para crear una red de préstamo a domicilio en el subsistema de humanidades de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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    The interlibrary lending in the libraries belonging to the UNAM’s Subsystem of Humanities is analyzed with the aim of establishing domicile lending. Direct observations were made and questionnaires were applied to the responsible of the libraries of the UNAM´s Humanities Subsystem. Most of the interlibrary lending of each library is done between the other libraries belonging to the subsystem. It is possible to eliminate the interlibrary lending and establish a single credential that allows the access to domicile lending of the bibliographic material from the libraries subsystem to each user registered on any of the dependencies of the subsystem. It is recommended that a network is started with at least two libraries, allowing others to incorporate in the future; and that this network is created with the purpose that in the future it will be possible to establish a cooperation that will allow them to share assets and resources.Se analiza el préstamo interbibliotecario en las bibliotecas del Subsistema de Humanidades de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), para lograr establecer el préstamo a domicilio entre estas bibliotecas. Se utilizó la observación directa y la aplicación de cuestionarios a los encargados de las bibliotecas del Subsistema. Las bibliotecas del Subsistema solicitan en mayor porcentaje préstamos interbibliotecarios entre las bibliotecas pertenecientes al mismo Subsistema. Es posible eliminar el servicio de préstamo interbibliotecario y establecer una credencial única que permita el acceso al préstamo a domicilio de su material bibliográfico a cada usuario que está registrado en alguna dependencia del Subsistema. Se recomienda Iniciar una red con la participación de por lo menos dos bibliotecas, permitiendo que poco a poco se incorporen las demás bibliotecas, y crear esta red con el propósito de que a futuro se pueda establecer una cooperación bibliotecaria que permita el compartimiento de acervos y recursos

    Respuesta de Zea mays a Burkholderia spp endófita de Zea mays var mexicana (teocintle)

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    Zea mays var mexicana or teocinte is a grass, considered one of the main ancestors of Zea mays. Teocinte, like other grasses, is associated with genera of endophytic plant growth promoters (EPGPB) in the interior of plant tissues. Z. mays is a domestic grass normally cultivated under the intensive production system, with relatively high doses of nitrogen fertilizer (NIFE), a possible alternative solution to minimize this problem, is the inoculation of the seed of Z. mays with genera of EPGPB teocinte, which colonize the roots, stems, leaves and promote a healthy growth at a reduced dose up to 50% NIFE such as urea, which is equivalent to decrease from 280 kg/ha-1 to 140 kg/ha-1, of what is recommended for the region of northern Michoacán and southern Guanajuato, Mexico. The objectives of this work were: i) to determine the density of Burkholderia spp BEPCV of teocinte, ii) to analyze the effect of the inoculation of Burkholderia spp EPGPB on the growth of Z. mays, at reduced dose of NIFE in greenhouse, iii) identify Burkholderia spp BEPCV teocinte. The population density of Burkholderia spp EPGPB was determined in tissues (organs), seeds, stem-leaves and roots of teocinte by sowing them on Pseudomonas cepacia azelaic acid tryptamine (PCAT), after incubation. Burkholderia spp colonies were selected for abundance in: leaves, stem, roots and/or seeds. These isolates of Burkholderia spp, were coded with the keys T41 and T42 and inoculated in Z. mays sown in sterile sand, where as the only variable-response the total dry weight was determined compared to the Z. mays cultivated with the recommended NIFE dose, for that region, it was concluded with the biochemical characterization. The results show that in Burkholderia spp BEPCV of teocinte, a density of 3.4 Log CFU/g of fresh weight (GPF) was registered in the root, of 3.0 Log CFU/GPF in the seed and a similar value in the stem-leaves of teocinte The response of Z. mays to Burkholderia T41 caused an increase of 47% in the dry weight of the root to the tillering, and of 57% to the extension of the stem, compared with the Z. mays without inoculating with the maximum level of NIFE (urea) 280 kg/ha-1. The biochemical identification profile of Burkholderia spp supports a genetic relationship with B. vietnamiensis. It is concluded that teocinte is a source of EPGPB for sustainable production Z. mays at a reduced dose of NIFE.Zea mays var mexicana o teocintle es una gramínea, considerada como uno de los principales ancestros de Zea mays. El teocintle como otras gramíneas, se asocia con géneros de bacterias endófitas promotoras del crecimiento vegetal (BEPCV) en el interior de los tejidos vegetales. Z. mays es una gramínea doméstica cultivada normalmente bajo el sistema de producción intensiva, con relativa elevadas dosis de fertilizante nitrogenado (FENI), una posible alternativa de solución para minimizar este problema, es la inoculación de la semilla de Z. mays con géneros de BEPCV del teocintle, que colonizan las raíces, los tallos, las hojas y promueven un sano crecimiento a dosis reducida hasta en un 50% FENI como la urea, que equivale a disminuir de 280 kg/ha-1 a 140 kg/ha-1, de lo recomendado para la región del norte de Michoacán y sur de Guanajuato, México. Los objetivos de este trabajo fueron: i) determinar la densidad de Burkholderia spp BEPCV de teocintle, ii) analizar el efecto de la inoculación de Burkholderia spp de BEPCV en el crecimiento de Z. mays, a dosis reducida de FENI en invernadero, iii) identificar Burkholderia spp BEPCV de teocintle. Por principio se determinó la densidad de la población de Burkholderia spp BEPCV en tejidos (órganos), semillas, tallo-hojas y raíces del teocintle, mediante la siembra de estos, en agar Pseudomonas cepacia ácido azelaico triptamina (PCAT), posteriormente a la incubación, las colonias de Burkholderia spp se seleccionaron por la abundancia en: hojas, tallo, raíces y/o semillas, Estos aislados de Burkholderia spp, se codificaron con las claves T41 y T42 e inocularon en Z. mays sembrado en arena estéril, en donde como única variable-respuesta se determinó el peso seco total comparado el Z. mays cultivado con la dosis FENI recomendada, para esa región, se concluyó con la caracterizaron bioquímica. Los resultados muestran que en Burkholderia spp BEPCV de teocintle, se registró una densidad de 3.4 Log UFC/g de peso fresco (GPF) en la raíz, de 3.0 Log UFC/GPF en la semilla y un valor similar en el tallo-hojas de teocintle. La respuesta de Z. mays a Burkholderia  T41 causó un incremento de un 47% en el peso seco de la raíz al amacollamiento, y de un 57% a la extensión del tallo, comparados con el Z. mays sin inocular con el nivel máximo de FENI (urea) 280 kg/ha-1. El perfil de identificación bioquímica de Burkholderia spp apoya una relación genetica con B. vietnamiensis. Se concluye que el teocintle es una fuente de BEPCV para la producción sustentable Z. mays a dosis reducida de FENI

    Dual purpose cattle production in Mexico

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    Cattle production is one of the most important livestock activities in the rural areas of Mexico, with most of the national territory dedicated to it, in addition to the use of the most agricultural supplies and forages resources, as well as agricultural and agro-industrial by-products. Mexico is placed among the ten first meat and milk producer countries worldwide, being the Mexican tropical zone one of the main suppliers of such products. One of the main milk sources is the dual purpose cattle, such systems can be described as those that produce milk (daily milking) and meat (calf after weaning), on every productive cycle. They are mainly located in developing regions and characterized by using low-technology and in poor environments, consequently productive levels are considered low. Milk is destined for self-consumption or for sale at local markets and calf after weaning is sold at local feedlots or for export. Regarding to the little information available about the dual purpose systems, the present work is intended to discuss the main characteristics of cattle production in dual purpose systems in Mexico

    Differential leukocyte expression of IFITM1 and IFITM3 in patients with severe pandemic influenza A(H1N1) and COVID-19

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    Interferon-induced transmembrane (IFITM) proteins mediate protection against enveloped viruses by blocking membrane fusion at endosomes. IFITM1 and IFITM3 are crucial for protection against influenza, and various single nucleotide polymorphisms altering their function have been linked to disease susceptibility. However, bulk IFITM1 and IFITM3 mRNA expression dynamics and their correlation with clinical outcomes have not been extensively addressed in patients with respiratory infections. In this study, we evaluated the expression of IFITM1 and IFITM3 in peripheral leukocytes from healthy controls and individuals with severe pandemic influenza A(H1N1) or coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Comparisons between participants grouped according to their clinical characteristics, underlying disease, and outcomes showed that the downregulation of IFITM1 was a distinctive characteristic of severe pandemic influenza A(H1N1) that correlated with outcomes, including mortality. Conversely, increased IFITM3 expression was a common feature of severe pandemic influenza A(H1N1) and COVID-19. Using a high-dose murine model of infection, we confirmed not only the downregulation of IFITM1 but also of IFITM3 in the lungs of mice with severe influenza, as opposed to humans. Analyses in the comparative cohort also indicate the possible participation of IFITM3 in COVID-19. Our results add to the evidence supporting a protective function of IFITM proteins against viral respiratory infections in humans.Introduction Methods - Human samples - IFITM expression in humans - Influenza infection in mice - IFITM expression in mice - Cytokine levels in mouse lungs - Study approval - Statistical analysis Results - Participant characteristics - IFITM1 and IFITM3 in patients with severe pandemic influenza A(H1N1) - High-dose influenza A (H1N1) virus infection downregulates IFITM expression in mice - IFITM1 and IFITM3 in severe COVID-19 Discussio

    CD8+ T Cells from Human Neonates Are Biased toward an Innate Immune Response

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    To better understand why human neonates show a poor response to intracellular pathogens, we compared gene expression and histone modification profiles of neonatal naive CD8+ T cells with that of their adult counterparts. We found that neonatal lymphocytes have a distinct epigenomic landscape associated with a lower expression of genes involved in T cell receptor (TCR) signaling and cytotoxicity and a higher expression of genes involved in the cell cycle and innate immunity. Functional studies corroborated that neonatal CD8+ T cells are less cytotoxic, transcribe antimicrobial peptides, and produce reactive oxygen species. Altogether, our results show that neonatal CD8+ T cells have a specific genetic program biased toward the innate immune response. These findings will contribute to better diagnosis and management of the neonatal immune response.This project was specifically supported by a joint EcosNord-Anuies-SEP-Con-acyt project (M11S01). Work in the M.A.S. laboratory is supported by grantsfrom Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologı ́a(CONACYT; CB-2011-01168182) and Programa de Mejoramiento del Profesorado (PROMEPSI-UAEM/13/342). Work in the S.S. laboratory is supported by recurrent fundingfrom the Inserm and Aix-Marseille University and by specific grants from theEuropean Union’s FP7 Program (agreement 282510-BLUEPRINT), the Associ-ation pour la Recherche contre le Cancer (ARC) (project SFI20111203756), andthe Aix-Marseille initiative d’excelence (A*MIDEX) project ANR-11-IDEX-0001-02. We thank Centro Estatal de la Transfusio ́n Sanguı ́nea in Cuernavaca for thedonation of leukocyte concentrates and the mothers and babies of HospitalGeneral Parres in Cuernavaca for the donation of cord blood. This study makesuse of data generated by the Blueprint and Roadmap consortia. A full list of theinvestigators who contributed to the generation of the data is availablefromwww.blueprint-epigenome.euandhttp://www.roadmapepigenomics.org/. Funding for the Blueprint project was provided by the European Union’sSeventh Framework Program (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement282510 – BLUEPRINT. The Roadmap consortium is financed by the NIH. Weare grateful to Professor C.I. Pogson for critical reading of the manuscript.S

    Procesos de Oxidación avanzada en el tratamiento de agua

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    A lo largo de este libro diversos autores especializados exponen el tema permitiendo al lector encontrar desde principios básicos, hasta aplicaciones de procesos, resultando ser una fuente de consulta con una visión amplia de los procesos de oxidación avanzada y sus aplicaciones dentro del tratamiento de agua.El agua es un líquido vital, sin ella no podemos subsistir. Además de usarla en nuestro hogar, se utiliza en gran variedad de procesos industriales para la transformación de materias primas en productos terminados. El agua usada industrialmente cambia su composición fisicoquímica, ya que agregamos un sinfín de compuestos orgánicos e inorgánicos. Por ello, es necesario desarrollar nuevas metodologías que permitan de manera segura y eficiente recuperar la calidad del agua usada originalmente para poder usarla.Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Méxic

    Alcohol use and burden for 195 countries and territories, 1990-2016 : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016

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    Background Alcohol use is a leading risk factor for death and disability, but its overall association with health remains complex given the possible protective effects of moderate alcohol consumption on some conditions. With our comprehensive approach to health accounting within the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016, we generated improved estimates of alcohol use and alcohol-attributable deaths and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) for 195 locations from 1990 to 2016, for both sexes and for 5-year age groups between the ages of 15 years and 95 years and older. Methods Using 694 data sources of individual and population-level alcohol consumption, along with 592 prospective and retrospective studies on the risk of alcohol use, we produced estimates of the prevalence of current drinking, abstention, the distribution of alcohol consumption among current drinkers in standard drinks daily (defined as 10 g of pure ethyl alcohol), and alcohol-attributable deaths and DALYs. We made several methodological improvements compared with previous estimates: first, we adjusted alcohol sales estimates to take into account tourist and unrecorded consumption; second, we did a new meta-analysis of relative risks for 23 health outcomes associated with alcohol use; and third, we developed a new method to quantify the level of alcohol consumption that minimises the overall risk to individual health. Findings Globally, alcohol use was the seventh leading risk factor for both deaths and DALYs in 2016, accounting for 2.2% (95% uncertainty interval [UI] 1.5-3.0) of age-standardised female deaths and 6.8% (5.8-8.0) of age-standardised male deaths. Among the population aged 15-49 years, alcohol use was the leading risk factor globally in 2016, with 3.8% (95% UI 3.2-4-3) of female deaths and 12.2% (10.8-13-6) of male deaths attributable to alcohol use. For the population aged 15-49 years, female attributable DALYs were 2.3% (95% UI 2.0-2.6) and male attributable DALYs were 8.9% (7.8-9.9). The three leading causes of attributable deaths in this age group were tuberculosis (1.4% [95% UI 1. 0-1. 7] of total deaths), road injuries (1.2% [0.7-1.9]), and self-harm (1.1% [0.6-1.5]). For populations aged 50 years and older, cancers accounted for a large proportion of total alcohol-attributable deaths in 2016, constituting 27.1% (95% UI 21.2-33.3) of total alcohol-attributable female deaths and 18.9% (15.3-22.6) of male deaths. The level of alcohol consumption that minimised harm across health outcomes was zero (95% UI 0.0-0.8) standard drinks per week. Interpretation Alcohol use is a leading risk factor for global disease burden and causes substantial health loss. We found that the risk of all-cause mortality, and of cancers specifically, rises with increasing levels of consumption, and the level of consumption that minimises health loss is zero. These results suggest that alcohol control policies might need to be revised worldwide, refocusing on efforts to lower overall population-level consumption.Peer reviewe