81 research outputs found

    Reproduction, age and growth of the kelee shad, Hilsa kelee (Cuvier, 1829) (pisces: fam. Clupeidae) with informations on its fishery in Maputo Bay, Mozambique

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    Age, growth and reproduction of H. kelee were studied, and a brief description of its fishery in Maputo Bay (Mozambique) is given. Most material was collected from gill net fisheries during 1977-1980, but some was taken from shrimp trawlers operating in the same area during 1980-1981. Main spawning takes place during October-January with a peak in December. There is also some evidence that spawning takes place during June-July. The size at first maturity was approximately equals 14-15 cm. Ageing was carried out using primary growth rings in the otoliths and length-frequency analysis of fish caught by shrimp trawlers. Von Bertalanffy's growth equation parameters were determined. Males and females grew in similar fashion. There are seasonal trends in the catch composition of the gill net fishery, showing high values during April to September and low during October to December

    A revision of growth parameters of some commercially exploited fishes from Mozambique

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    Data on age and growth of the following species were reviewed and von Bertalanffy's growth curves were fitted: Hilsa kelee, Decapterus russellii, D. macrosoma, Rastrelliger kanagurta, Pellona ditchela, Thryssa vitrirostris and Leiognathus equulus. For the five first species, microstructures in the otoliths were used for ageing. For most species growth curves based on size-frequency distributions are also presented. The reliability of the data presented is discussed

    Reproduction, age and growth of the round scad Decapterus macrosoma Blecker 1851, Carangidae from Mozambique

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    Reproduction, age and growth of Decapterus macrosoma Blecker, 1851 were studied. The data were collected in Sofala Bank from commercial bottom trawlers and surveys. A total of 5,500 individuals were examined during the period 1979-1982. The species is caught in the same areas as D. russellii, but appears in lower quantities. Two main spawning periods a year, one in December-February and another one in June-September were found. Ageing was determined by counting daily growth rings in the otoliths. The parameters of von Bertalanffy's growth equation were L infinity=26 cm and K=0,6/year. Males and females seem to grow at the same rate

    Reproduction, age and growth of the Russell's scad, Decapterus russellii (Rüppel, 1828)(Carangidae) from Sofala Bank, Mozambique

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    Age, growth and reproduction of D. russellii were studied. Most of the material used was caught by the commercial fishing fleet, operating in the Sofala Bank (Mozambique) area. A total of 68,000 fish were examined during the period 1979-1981. There were 2 main spawning periods each year, one in February-March and another in August-September. The sex ratio was about 1:1. Ageing was carried out using primary growth rings in the otoliths and analysis of size-frequency distributions. The parameters of the von Bertalanffy's growth equation were determined. Males and females grew at the same rate

    Trophodynamics of Protomyctophum (Myctophidae) in the Scotia Sea (Southern Ocean)

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    This study investigated spatial and temporal patterns in distribution, population structure and diet of Bolin's lanternfish Protomyctophum bolini, Tenison's lanternfish Protomyctophum tenisoni and gaptooth lanternfish Protomyctophum choriodon in the Scotia Sea using data collected by midwater trawl during spring, summer and autumn. Protomyctophum bolini was the most abundant species of the genus encountered throughout the Scotia Sea with the greatest concentrations occurring around the Antarctic Polar Front (APF). This species had a life cycle of 2+ years, but spatial differences in population structure were apparent as the I-group was absent from all regions south of the APF, suggesting that the species does not recruit in the Scotia Sea. Protomyctophum tenisoni occurred mostly in waters characteristic of the APF and was absent from the southern Scotia Sea. It had a limited size range, but there was clear size-related sexual dimorphism with males significantly larger than females. The species had a life cycle of c. 2 years, but the I-group (c. 1 year old, 1 November to 31 October the next year) occurred only in regions close to the APF suggesting that recruitment is restricted to these waters. A seasonal southward migration for P. choriodon is likely as the species occurred mostly to the south-west of South Georgia in summer, but extended to the sea-ice sectors in autumn. Protomyctophum choriodon had a life cycle of 4+ years in the Scotia Sea and the population was dominated by age classes >3 years old. Larval stages were absent during the surveys for all species. Diurnal variations in vertical distribution were apparent for all three species. Interspecific variations in diet were evident, but all species were primarily copepod feeders, with Metridia spp., Rhincalanus gigas and Calanus simillimus generally dominating their diet. Small euphausiids, principally Thysanoessa spp., were also an important component of their diets, particularly for P. choriodon which had the largest body size. The spatial and temporal variations in diet for both P. bolini and P. tenisoni were broadly consistent with underlying abundance patterns within the mesozooplankton community

    Distribution and diel vertical movements of mesopelagic scattering layers in the Red Sea

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    © The Author(s), 2012. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Marine Biology 159 (2012): 1833-1841, doi:10.1007/s00227-012-1973-y.The mesopelagic zone of the Red Sea represents an extreme environment due to low food concentrations, high temperatures and low oxygen waters. Nevertheless, a 38 kHz echosounder identified at least four distinct scattering layers during the daytime, of which the 2 deepest layers resided entirely within the mesopelagic zone. Two of the acoustic layers were found above a mesopelagic oxygen minimum zone (OMZ), one layer overlapped with the OMZ, and one layer was found below the OMZ. Almost all organisms in the deep layers migrated to the near-surface waters during the night. Backscatter from a 300 kHz lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler indicated a layer of zooplankton within the OMZ. They carried out DVM, yet a portion remained at mesopelagic depths during the night. Our acoustic measurements showed that the bulk of the acoustic backscatter was restricted to waters shallower than 800 m, suggesting that most of the biomass in the Red Sea resides above this depth.This research is based in part on work supported by Award Nos. USA 00002, KSA 00011 and KSA 00011/02 made by KAUST to the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

    Biogeochemical and ecological impacts of boundary currents in the Indian Ocean

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    Monsoon forcing and the unique geomorphology of the Indian Ocean basin result in complex boundary currents, which are unique in many respects. In the northern Indian Ocean, several boundary current systems reverse seasonally. For example, upwelling coincident with northward-flowing currents along the coast of Oman during the Southwest Monsoon gives rise to high productivity which also alters nutrient stoichiometry and therefore, the species composition of the resulting phytoplankton blooms. During the Northeast Monsoon most of the northern Indian Ocean boundary currents reverse and favor downwelling. Higher trophic level species have evolved behavioral responses to these seasonally changing conditions. Examples from the western Arabian Sea include vertical feeding migrations of a copepod (Calanoides carinatus) and the reproductive cycle of a large pelagic fish (Scomberomorus commerson). The impacts of these seasonal current reversals and changes in upwelling and downwelling circulations are also manifested in West Indian coastal waters, where they influence dissolved oxygen concentrations and have been implicated in massive fish kills. The winds and boundary currents reverse seasonally in the Bay of Bengal, though the associated changes in upwelling and productivity are less pronounced. Nonetheless, their effects are observed on the East Indian shelf as, for example, seasonal changes in copepod abundance and zooplankton community structure. In contrast, south of Sri Lanka seasonal reversals in the boundary currents are associated with dramatic changes in the intensity of coastal upwelling, chlorophyll concentration, and catch per unit effort of fishes. Off the coast of Java, monsoon-driven changes in the currents and upwelling strongly impact chlorophyll concentrations, seasonal vertical migrations of zooplankton, and sardine catch in Bali Strait. In the southern hemisphere the Leeuwin is a downwelling-favorable current that flows southward along western Australia, though local wind forcing can lead to transient near shore current reversals and localized coastal upwelling. The poleward direction of this eastern boundary current is unique. Due to its high kinetic energy the Leeuwin Current sheds anomalous, relatively high chlorophyll, warm-core, downwelling eddies that transport coastal diatom communities westward into open ocean waters. Variations in the Leeuwin transport and eddy generation impact many higher trophic level species including the recruitment and fate of rock lobster (Panulirus cygnus) larvae. In contrast, the transport of the Agulhas Current is very large, with sources derived from the Mozambique Channel, the East Madagascar Current and the southwest Indian Ocean sub-gyre. Dynamically, the Agulhas Current is upwelling favorable; however, the spatial distribution of prominent surface manifestations of upwelling is controlled by local wind and topographic forcing. Meanders and eddies in the Agulhas Current propagate alongshore and interact with seasonal changes in the winds and topographic features. These give rise to seasonally variable localized upwelling and downwelling circulations with commensurate changes in primary production and higher trophic level responses. Due to the strong influence of the Agulhas Current, many neritic fish species in southeast Africa coastal waters have evolved highly selective behaviors and reproductive patterns for successful retention of planktonic eggs and larvae. For example, part of the Southern African sardine (Sardinops sagax) stock undergoes a remarkable northward migration enhanced by transient cyclonic eddies in the shoreward boundary of the Agulhas Current. There is evidence from the paleoceanographic record that these currents and their biogeochemical and ecological impacts have changed significantly over glacial to interglacial timescales. These changes are explored as a means of providing insight into the potential impacts of climate change in the Indian Ocean

    Phylogeographic mitogenomics of Atlantic cod Gadus morhua: Variation in and among trans-Atlantic, trans-Laurentian, Northern cod, and landlocked fjord populations

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    The historical phylogeography, biogeography, and ecology of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) have been impacted by cyclic Pleistocene glaciations, where drops in sea temperatures led to sequestering of water in ice sheets, emergence of continental shelves, and changes to ocean currents. High‐resolution, whole‐genome mitogenomic phylogeography can help to elucidate this history. We identified eight major haplogroups among 153 fish from 14 populations by Bayesian, parsimony, and distance methods, including one that extends the species coalescent back to ca. 330 kya. Fish from the Barents and Baltic Seas tend to occur in basal haplogroups versus more recent distribution of fish in the Northwest Atlantic. There was significant differentiation in the majority of trans‐Atlantic comparisons (ΦST = .029–.180), but little or none in pairwise comparisons within the Northwest Atlantic of individual populations (ΦST = .000–.060) or defined management stocks (ΦST = .000–.023). Monte Carlo randomization tests of population phylogeography showed significantly nonrandom trans‐Atlantic phylogeography versus absence of such structure within various partitions of trans‐Laurentian, Northern cod (NAFO 2J3KL) and other management stocks, and Flemish Cap populations. A landlocked meromictic fjord on Baffin Island comprised multiple identical or near‐identical mitogenomes in two major polyphyletic clades, and was significantly differentiated from all other populations (ΦST = .153–.340). The phylogeography supports a hypothesis of an eastern origin of genetic diversity ca. 200–250 kya, rapid expansion of a western superhaplogroup comprising four haplogroups ca. 150 kya, and recent postglacial founder populations