489 research outputs found

    Mechanism of offshore nutrient supply in the western Arabian Sea

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    The mechanism to maintain the high surface chlorophyll in the western Arabian Sea during the southwest monsoon (SWM) season is studied with an eddy-permitting, biological-physical coupled model. Using a set of artificial tracers, it is revealed that horizontal transport of nutrient subsequent to the coastal upwelling is by far more important than the open ocean upwelling due to the Ekman pumping. The horizontal transport can be classified into three processes, the Ekman transport, transport by the large-scale circulation and that by the mesoscale currents. In the model, the first has only a minor effect within the area of high chlorophyll while the latter two have comparable contributions. Considering the fact that simulated eddy activity is still less than observed by satellites, it may be possible to make the model results more realistic by assimilating sea-surface height data or running a finer resolution model

    Effect of snow-albedo feedback on future strong warming in boreal forest region of northern Eurasia in MIROC-ESM

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    第6回極域科学シンポジウム分野横断セッション:[IA] 急変する北極気候システム及びその全球的な影響の総合的解明―GRENE北極気候変動研究事業研究成果報告2015―11月19日(木) 国立極地研究所1階交流アトリウ

    Magnetism, elasticity, and magnetostriction of FeCoGa alloys

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    It is known that the substitution of Co for Fe gives rise to increases in magnetization and Curie temperature, not only in the bcc metals, but also in intermetallic compounds and alloys as well. With the expectation that this is the case in Co-substituted FeGa, we measured magnetization, Curie temperature, magnetostriction and elastic constants of a series of polycrystalline FeCoGa ternary alloys with up to 17% Ga and up to 10% Co. The magnetostriction at saturation for Fe0.93−xCo.07Gax increases to 90 ppm for x=0.17. For larger percentages of Co, the rise in magnetostriction is not as sharp as it is in the 7% case. The shear elastic modulus decreases with Ga, again in keeping with the results for FeGa. The magnetostriction and the elastic constants are sensitive to sample preparation for the high-Ga material. We conclude that the substitution of small (\u3c0.10)percentages of Co for Fe in bcc FeCoGa alloys enhances the magnetic and magnetostrictive properties of the parent FeGa material


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