10 research outputs found

    The Implementation of Clique Strategy in Regrouping Program to Increase Farmer’s Interest and Loyalty in Sugarcane Farming

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    The area size of sugarcane planting nationally shows a decrease. This is also marked by a decrease in the interest of farmers planting sugarcane and low loyalty to the sugar factory. In 2014, the government established a sugarcane management regrouping program. The regrouping program provides benefits for the efficiency of sugarcane planting, more effective in cutting and transport processes, forging farmer group and sugar factory, and increasing farmers' loyalty to the sugar factory.  The weakness of the regrouping program is that it emphasizes technical aspects only. The criterion of the social aspect is essential because this always saves problems related to communication networks and establishing cooperation. Through the clique strategy, this can conduct a communication network analysis in regrouping. Regrouping programs can build social interaction and communication networks. The form and level of communication network structure in the regrouping program can place actors or farmers build communication networks and cooperate in sugarcane farming. Understanding the role of cooperation networks between farmers or groups determines the success of regrouping sugarcane.JEL Classification:  P32, O35, Q1


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    Latar Belakang: Ankle Instability merupakan suatu kondisi yang ditandai dengan melemahnya sisi luar pergelangan kaki, ditandai dengan adanya ketidakstabilan pada bagian lateral dan beresiko untuk terjadi cidera secara berulang. Seseorang dengan ankle instability akan mengalami keluhan Instabil atau kehilangan keseimbangan pada pergelangan kaki ketika berjalan, melompat, berdiri, jongkok, naik dan turun tangga, rekreasi, olahraga serta pada aktifitas fungsional yang lainnya. Tujuan: Untuk membuktikan apakah ada pengaruh penambahan close kinetic chain pada wobble board exercise dan latihan star excursion balance test terhadap keseimbangan pada ankle instability. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimental dengan pre and post test two group design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah atlet Sekolah Sepakbola Nogotirto Kidul (SSB Nokid), total responden sebanyak 20 orang, dengan rincian kelompok I terdiri dari 10 orang diberikan perlakuan berupa wobble board exercise dan latihan star excursion balance test dan kelompok II terdiri dari 10 orang diberikan perlakuan yang sama dengan kelompok I dan ditambahkan latihan berupa close kinetic chain selama 4 minggu dengan frekuensi 3 kali dalam seminggu. Pengukuran keseimbangan dilakukan dengan menggunakan star excursion balance test (SEBT). Uji normalitas dengan shapiro wilk test. Uji paired t-test dan wilcoxon digunakan untuk mengetahui peningkatan arah capai star excursion balance test pada kelompok I dan kelompok II. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan signifikan pada arah anterior (p=0,000), anterolateral (p=0,000), lateral (p=0,000), posterolateral (p=0,000), posterior (p=0,000), posteromedial (p=0,000), medial (p=0,000) dan anteromedial (p=0,000). Kesimpulan: Ada pengaruh penambahan close kinetic chain pada wobble board exercise pada latihan star excursion balance test dalam meningkatkan keseimbangan pada ankle instability. Saran: Pada penelitian yang selanjutnya disarankan untuk menambahkan durasi waktu intervensi yang lebih lama sehingga latihan dapat di maksimalkan

    Analisis Penggunaan Alat Mesin Pertanian Berbasis Traktor Tangan pada Kegiatan Perawatan Budidaya Tebu

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    Java contributes 63.7% of national sugar production, in which 55.6% is produced by the farmer from 312,973 ha of sugarcane area (65.6% of Indonesia's cane crop area). Farm labor in Java was very limited in the past two decades, so was needed mechanization. Howeveer, the size of agricultural machines were not accordance with the size of land, the limited of spares, and was not optimally managed. This research aimed to calculate operational cost of farm machinery (hand tractor) on the cane cultivation activities up to 6-month cane growth period. This study was carried out at Comal, Center of Java at alluvial land 8 mdpl and at Pasuruan, East Java at alluvial 10 mdpl. From each location, 2 plots of 0.1 ha were observed. The treatments were manual and machine cultivation with 3 replications. The observed agrotechnical parameters were the bud emergence, number of stalk, clump, stalk height and diameter, and operational cost of using machinery. The agrotechnical result using t-test (95% confidence rate) showed no significance among treatments. Other results revealed that using machinery for fertilizing, soil heaping up, and soil moving (gulud) in Pasuruan can substitute manual daily worker (HOK) for 6 HOK, 12 HOK and 20 HOK, respectively, using tractor by 7 hours/day. Meanwhile in Comal, using machinery for fertilizing, soil heaping up, and soil hilling up (gulud) can substitute manual daily worker (HOK) for 9 HOK, 16 HOK, and 20 HOK, respectively. The cost analysis indicated the 35.54% reduction of using machinery compared to the manual expense. This study revealed that the machinery could substitute the manual worker for cane cultivation

    Analisis Penggunaan Alat Mesin Pertanian Berbasis Traktor Tangan pada Kegiatan Perawatan Budidaya Tebu

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    Java contributes 63.7% of national sugar production, in which 55.6% is produced by the farmer from 312,973 ha of sugarcane area (65.6% of Indonesia’s cane crop area). Farm labor in Java was very limited in the past two decades, so was needed mechanization. Howeveer, the size of agricultural machines were not accordance with the size of land, the limited of spares, and was not optimally managed. This research aimed to calculate operational cost of farm machinery (hand tractor) on the cane cultivation activities up to 6-month cane growth period. This study was carried out at Comal, Center of Java at alluvial land 8 mdpl and at Pasuruan, East Java at alluvial 10 mdpl. From each location, 2 plots of 0.1 ha were observed. The treatments were manual and machine cultivation with 3 replications. The observed agrotechnical parameters were the bud emergence, number of stalk, clump, stalk height and diameter, and operational cost of using machinery. The agrotechnical result using t-test (95% confidence rate) showed no significance among treatments. Other results revealed that using machinery for fertilizing, soil heaping up, and soil moving (gulud) in Pasuruan can substitute manual daily worker (HOK) for 6 HOK, 12 HOK and 20 HOK, respectively, using tractor by 7 hours/day. Meanwhile in Comal, using machinery for fertilizing, soil heaping up, and soil hilling up (gulud) can substitute manual daily worker (HOK) for 9 HOK, 16 HOK, and 20 HOK, respectively. The cost analysis indicated the 35.54% reduction of using machinery compared to the manual expense. This study revealed that the machinery could substitute the manual worker for cane cultivation


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    Core sampler (CS) is a tool to get indivual cane sample on the truck to determined rendement. Dissemination process of CS in Bungamayang SF on 2014 had focussed by: (1) application concept of individual system by determine the CS on first step (transition step), and (2) socialization to cane farmer about awareness of individual rendement system,  to get the cane farmers responses to determie individual rendement by CS. The aim of the dissemination is do socialization to the farmer about rendement determine system by CS. The steps of the socialization are socialization of rendement determine system by CS to SF’s staff and cane farmers before milling season; to set the application concept of CS determine rendement individual system; assistance and evaluation.  Socialization had done to the cane farmers at Bungamayang SF, the responses had measured by quesionare at step socialization and had analyzed descriptifly. The number of truck had evaluated are 4.947. The meeting with farmer group coordinator, staff of agricultural division, and managers of pabrikasi agree that determine of CS individual rendement system had applicated as base of payment to farmer at 2014 milling season. The 62,64% of respondent  agreed with rendement that they reach, because corresponding with cane agricultural that they done, the figure of cane had been harvested, and the rendement is higher than milling season before. Rejection of CS’s rendement is 37,36%, because they feel that they was done the good agricultural and they know that the miller often trouble. The way of the farmer group chairman deliver explanation about rendement was correct: to motivate cane farmer to revise agricultural so that reach higher rendement (38,49%) and rendement fix to the quality of cane (22,64%). The result of socialization show that cane farmer at Bungamayang SF know the fuction of  CS, the work of CS, and CS system is worthy to solve the problem of rendement measurement

    Analisis Internal Control Atas Retribusi Parkir Sebagai Pendapatan Asli Daerah (Studi Kasus pada Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Kediri)

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    Sejalan dengan dilaksanakannya Otonomi Daerah yang pada dasarnya adalah pemberian kewenangan dalam pengelolaan Pendapatan Asli Daerah, setiap daerah harus mempersiapkan diri dengan menggali Pendapatan Asli Daerah yang mereka miliki tanpa mengandalkan bantuan dari Pemerintah Pusat. Retribusi parkir merupakan salah satu sumber Pendapatan Asli Daerah yang dipandang potensial bagi pemasukan kas daerah Kabupaten Kediri. Dalam hal ini, retribusi parkir di Kabupaten Kediri dibagi menjadi dua konsep yaitu retribusi parkir berlangganan dan retribusi parkir regular/non berlangganan. Kedua konsep retribusi parkir tersebut dikelola oleh Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Kediri. Dinas Perhubungan perlu menerapkan suatu sistem akuntansi yang baik dalam pengelolaan Pendapatan Asli Daerah dari sektor retribusi parkir tersebut. Hal itu bertujuan untuk mengurangi tingkat penyelewengan dan akan mendorong peningkatan penerimaan daerah melalui pemungutan retribusi parkir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan internal control dilihat dari struktur organisasi dan sistem dan prosedur yang berkaitan dengan pemungutan dan penyetoran baik retribusi parkir regular maupun retribusi parkir berlangganan yang ada pada Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Kediri. Selanjutnya, informasi tersebut dibandingkan dengan teori tentang internal control yang berguna untuk keperluan pembahasan. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan metode penelitian studi kasus pada Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Kediri. Fokus penelitian ini adalah struktur organisasi dan sistem dan prosedur yang berkaitan dengan pemungutan dan penyetoran baik retribusi parkir berlangganan maupun retribusi parkir reguler yang ada pada Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Kediri.Lokasi penelitian dilakukan di Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Kediri. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis data non-statistik dengan menganalisis internal control pada Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Kediri yang mempunyai fokus pada struktur organisasi dan sistem dan prosedur yang berkaitan dengan pemungutan dan penyetoran baik retribusi parkir reguler maupun retribusi parkir berlangganan, disamping itu juga memberikan alternatifpemecahan masalah serta saran-saran yang mungkin diperoleh berdasarkan hasil analisis yang dilakukan


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    Studi ini, mengkaji relasi antara masyarakat petani tebu, negara dan korporasi, pasca Program Tebu Rakyat Intensifikasi (TRI). Petani tebu pada masa program TRI (1975-1997/1998), masa Inpres No. 9 tahun 1975, menjadi subordinat pabrik gula (PG) dengan keterbatasan akses komunikasi dan informasi. Masa itu tidak ada asosiasi petani tebu yang mewadahi aspirasi petani. Di sisi lain petani tebu juga terkekang oleh kebijakan pemerintah seperti “glebagan” yang mengatur luas areal tebu rakyat, penggilingan tebu hanya pada PG di wilayahnya, dan penentuan rendemen oleh PG. Relasi ini menjadikan petani tidak bebas menentukan pendapatannya. Perubahan sistem penanaman tebu masyarakat petani tebu terjadi ketika terbit UU No. 12 tahun 1992 yang membebaskan petani memilih komoditas, dilanjutkan dengan Inpres No. 5 tahun 1997 dan Inpres No. 5 tahun 1998, yang mencabut Program TRI Penelitian ini dilakukan di wilayah PG Kedawung, Kabupaten Pasuruan, wilayah PG Kebonagung, Kabupaten Malang, dan wilayah PG Ngadirejo, Kabupaten Kediri, tahun 2014, sebagai penelitian kualitatif. Pengumpulan data secara in depth interview, pengumpulan dan analisis dokumen, dengan informan 14 orang petani, 5 orang pengurus APTR/KPTR/Kelompok tani, 6 orang petugas Dinas Perkebunan Kabupaten, dan 9 orang petugas PG. Studi ini menunjukkan bahwa pasca Program TRI, relasi antara petani terhadap PG cenderung terbuka dan menguat, karena sesuai UU Budidaya Pertanian No. 12 tahun 1992 petani bebas menanam komoditas pertanian serta dicabutnya Program TRI tahun 1998 merubah relasi petani tebu dan PG menjadi kemitraan, dan lahirnya asosiasi petani tebu (APTR) memfasilitasi petani tebu. Perlawanan petani tebu kepada PG berbentuk gerakan-gerakan, misalnya tidak melakukan peningkatan kualitas budidaya tebu, membongkar tanaman tebu, melakukan demo di PG bahkan di Kementerian Perdagangan di Jakarta karena harga gula dianggap tidak berpihak kepada petani. Namun lahirnya APTR tidak serta merta memberikan dukungan, bantuan, fasilitasi kepada petani tebu dalam berhadapan dengan institusi terkait. Hegemoni terhadap petani masih terjadi khususnya akibat tindakan sepihak PG (dalam penentuan rendemen) dan negara dalam kebijakan harga gula. Temuan ini menguatkan konsep-konsep hegemoni Antonio Gramsci. Hadirnya APTR ternyata tidak sepenuhnya atau serta merta memperkuat relasi petani terhadap PG dan pemerintah pasca Program TRI

    Hubungan Distribsi Varietas Tebu Unggul Lokal dengan Penampilan Fisik Tanaman di Daerah Pengembangan Tebu

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    Paradigm of high yielding local variety of sugarcane had been adopted until 1995 must be understanded by the user that not all of high yielding variety will be hig yielding at all area. Be Estimated that highyielding local variety of sugarcane had been distributed to users had not been satisfactory preference the users so that users plant other varieties. The reserch to study rointion between distribution of high elching local variety of sugarcane and physic performance of sugarcane. Data secunder had been collected from right SF at West Java, Centre of hoa and East Jim (1999-2000) and empiric data from Sumberharjo SF, Pangka SF and Kebon Agung SF. The last three SF are place that activity of technology dissemination demonstrated (plant season 2003-2004). Analysis had been done by compare distribution of varieties with climat appropriate and physic performance and area of varieties had been distributed. The conclusion of the research is distribution of high yielding sugarcane varieties at some SF hatt not been appropriate unith type of climat but physic performance. Keyword: distribution, local sugarcane variety, physic performanc

    A Coffee Berry Borer (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Bibliography

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    Native to Africa, the coffee berry borer, Hypothenemus hampei (Ferrari) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae), has gradually invaded most coffee-growing areas worldwide. Adult females colonize the coffee berry and oviposit within galleries in the coffee seeds. Larvae and adults consume the seeds, resulting in drastic reductions in yields and quality, negatively affecting the income of approximately 20 million coffee-growing families (~100 million people) in ~80 countries, with losses surpassing more than $500 million annually (Vega et al. 2015). It has become evident that the coffee berry borer scientific community could greatly benefit from having access to a bibliography of the literature related to the insect. Such an information source would allow scientists to find out what research areas have been explored throughout the many coffee berry borer-infested countries after more than 100 years of research on the topic. It could also help to direct lead future research efforts into novel areas, and away from topics and ideas that have been thoroughly investigated in the past

    A Coffee Berry Borer (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Bibliography

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