4,054 research outputs found


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    Javanese languages are a part of Indigenous languages. They are one of culture’s heritages which Javanese people should preserve and protect them in this globalization era. Javanese languages are considered as the cornerstone of culture and the ultimate expression which Javanese people should know that by using them, culture can be shared and transmitted to further generations to express their identities. However, in the real fact, many indigenous languages in this world are almost extinct, and even, Javanese languages almost disappear at this time in some areas and places. It is crystal clear that there is no special caution from other Javanese people, especially government, in trying to preserve them. Not only government, but also the parents and the elders should take part in this case. Javanese languages should be passed on from generation to the other. Even, it is not strange when the parental generation speaks the Javanese language, they do not often pass it on to their children. Therefore, in an increasing number of cases, Javanese languages are used only by elders. Actually, the loss of some Javanese languages can be caused by some factors, such as irresistible social, political, and economic pressures. In this matter, the relationship and the cooperation between a language planning, language policy, language rights and language education are needed to prevent this phenomena. They are used as vehicles for promoting and perpetuating the vitality, versatility, and stability of Javanese languages. Creating and arranging a better language planning and a better language policy are important to do in Indonesia right now to protect Indonesian language and Indigenous languages, especially Javanese languages. It is, of course, also supported by developing and paying attention to the language rights. Moreover, focusing on language in education for children and young people is a best way to start preserving Javanese languages. Including Javanese children and youth in this discussion on language and education is befitting and appropriate. It needs to know that education in classroom and school areas have also the potential of saving and reviving Javanese languages which are at the brink of extinction. The non-recognition and the prohibition of the use of Javanese languages in the education and work place has impacted the lives of many Javanese people, it has affected them from childhood to adulthood, in the creation of their identity and development of their communities. Education world, in classroom and school areas, which was used as an instrument of assimilation of some languages in Indonesia, especially in Central Java, has impacted in the Javanese languages. Therefore, applying code switching and code mixing in teaching English in classroom should be offered to Javanese people, but also to all students who stay in Java island, as a means of combating prejudices and discrimination and promoting inclusive and respectful societies, is better step to do. However, in order to make it real, the cooperation and the seriousness of government, Javanese people, parents, elders, teachers, and even lecturers must be created in Indonesia, especially in Central Java. It is better for government to make a decision explicitly in keeping and preserving Javanese languages from the extinction through teaching activities in classroom and school areas as the basic formal activity. Keywords : Code mixing, code switching, indigenous languages, Javanes

    Do efficiency of taxes, profitability and size of companies affect debt? A study of companies listed in the Indonesian stock exchange

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    The purpose of this research is to examine factors that have an impact on the leverage of a company that is listed in the Indonesian Stock Exchange (Bursa Efek Indonesia) within the period between 2012 and 2015. Another goal of this research is to discover any other factors that have an impact on leverage. The sampling method used is purposive sampling, a method that chooses samples based on specific criteria and that gives accurate information to the researcher. Using this method, 136 samples were chosen. The analytic method implemented in this research is quantitative and the analytical statistic used is double linear regression analysis. The research result shows that the efficiency of taxes, profitability and growth of assets (with a level of significance as much as 5%) have an impact on leverage. It indicates that a company tends to use taxes efficiently by maximizing costs, which can be reduced with income by using debts. The profitability variable used in this research supports the pecking order theory; companies tend to use internal funds first and then external funds. Asset growth that is followed by an increase in operation outcome will increase external parties’ confidence in the company; due to this confidence, obtaining more debt sbecomes easier, which will make the amount of debts bigger than the company’s own capital. However, the research result shows that variable company size is measured by the value of the assets, and it does not affect a company’s leverage.peer-reviewe

    Firm size, firm age, and firm growth on corporate social responsibility in Indonesia : the case of real estate companies

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    This research is aimed to identify the firm's Corporate Social Responsibility, stock index, and firm growth. The corporate social responsiveness of the company is measured by analyzing the annual report of the company. There are 30 samples of 49 population of property and real estate companies in this research. All the companies are listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in the period 2012 - 2016. The researcher uses multiple linear regression analysis. The result shows that firm size, firm age and firm growth have simultaneous significant effects to the Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure. Partially, the firm size has significant effect towards Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure. This shows the more extensive disclosure of Corporate Social Responsibility. Because large companies have a lot of entities highlighted by the market and the public in general. By disclosing more information in the Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure the public accountability can be realized. Older companies better understand what information should be disclosed in the disclosure. The firm growth has no significant effect on Corporate Social Responsibility disclosure.peer-reviewe


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    Abstrak - Tujuan  penelitian   adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh penerapan pola komunikasi organisasi terhadap kinerja pegawai pada Biro Komunikasi Layanan Masyarakat Kemdikbud Jakarta. Sampel  dalam penelitian ini  sebanyak 50 orang karyawan dari 102 populasi. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan menggunakan  kuesioner dan  diolah dengan  analisis regresi sederhana. Uji  instrumen penelitian dengan uji validitas dan uji reliabilitas. Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t (parsial), dan analisis koefisien determinasi dengan bantuan software SPSS 21 for Windows. Dari hasil uji deskriptif menunjukkan bahwa responden yang memberikan penilaian terhadap indikator komunikasi dari atas kebawah dalam kategori tinggi yaitu sebanyak 8 orang (16%), responden yang memberikan penilaian dalam kategori sedang yaitu sebanyak 35 orang (70%), dan responden yang memberikan penilaian dalam kategori rendah yaitu sebanyak 7 orang (14%). Responden yang memberikan penilaian terhadap variabel pola komunikasi dari bawah ke atas dalam kategori tinggi yaitu sebanyak 8 orang (16%), responden yang memberikan penilaian terhadap variabel pola komunikasi dari bawah keatas dalam kategori sedang yaitu sebanyak 34 orang (68%), dan responden yang memberikan penilaian dalam kategori rendah yaitu sebanyak 8 orang (16%). Responden yang memberikan penilaian terhadap indikator variabel pola komunikasi horizontal dalam kategori tinggi yaitu sebanyak 8 orang (16%), responden yang memberikan penilaian dalam kategori sedang yaitu sebanyak 35 orang (70%), dan responden yang memberikan penilaian dalam kategori rendah yaitu sebanyak 7 orang (14%). Pola komunikasi horizontal mayoritas dinilai dalam kategori sedang (70%). Berdasarkan hasil uji koefisien maka penerapan pola komunikasi memberikan kontribusi pengaruh sebesar 48,9% terhadap kinerja pegawai, sedangkan sisanya sebesar 100% - 48,9% = 51,1%, disebabkan oleh variabel lainnya yang tidak diteliti. Berdasarkan hasil uji t diatas dapat diketahui variabel Pola Komunikasi (X) memiliki nilai thitung 6,779 > ttabel 1,667. Hal ini berarti variabel pola komunikasi berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja pegawai, dan diperoleh hasil signifikan yang menunjukkan nilai 0,000 ttable 1.667. This means that the communication pattern variable has a positive effect on employee performance, and a significant result is obtained that indicates the value of 0,000 <0.05, which means that there is a significant influence between communication patterns and employee performance. This shows that Ho was rejected and Ha was accepted, meaning that the variable implementation of communication patterns had a positive effect on employee performance at the Public Service Communication Bureau of the Ministry of Education and Culture in Jakarta. Thus, if the value of the communication pattern rises, employee performance will increase significantly. Keywords: Communication Patterns, Employee Job Performanc

    Identifying Tax Efficient Supply Chain Management Practices in Cross-Border Transactions

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    The objective of this study is to explore the efficient supply chain management practices. The current study examined low supply chain cost and supply chain agility as efficient supply chain management practices in Indonesia. Moreover, the moderating effect of tax was also examined. Primary data were collected from employees of supply chain companies. Thus, a quantitative research approach was used. Total 300 questionnaires were distributed among the employees of supply chain companies. Findings of the study revealed that low supply chain cost and supply chain agility effect significantly on international sales among Indonesian supply chain companies. Low supply chain cost and increase in supply chain agility have a positive contribution towards international sales related to the supply chain. However, a tax has a negative influence on cross-border transactions or international sales. It significantly decreases the positive effect of low supply chain cost and supply chain agility on international sales


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    Abstrak  Jabatan dan profesi sekretaris sering mendapatkan banyak pandangan dan sorotan  negatif dalam lingkungan masyarakat, sekretaris merupakan jabatan yang sangat penting dalam sebuah organisasi. Pimpinan organisasi tidak akan dapat menyelesaikan pekerjaan dan tugas-tugasnya sehari-hari, tanpa bantuan seorang sekretaris. Posisi sekretaris sudah semakin strategis, tidak hanya sebagai penerima telepon, menulis surat, ataupun menjadwalkan pertemuan pimpinan, tetapi seringkali seorang sekretaris sebagai ujung tombak organisasi atau perusahaan, sehingga dituntut untuk mampu mengambil sikap dan keputusan ketika pimpinan tidak sedang berada di kantor.  Dengan berkembangnya tugas-tugas seorang sekretaris, dari tugas rutin sesuai dengan penjabaran pekerjaannya menjadi tugas yang kreatif, dituntut adanya kemauan yang keras dari pribadi sekretaris dalam mengembangkan wawasan, keterampilan yang khusus, interaksi, dan perubahan sikap sesuai dengan tuntutan dan perkembangan organisasi tempatnya bekerja untuk menjadi sekretaris yang profesional.  Dalam hal ini, termasuk kecerdasan emosi sebagai dasar yang penting dalam pengembangan kepribadian dan peningkatan profesionalisme sekretaris