264 research outputs found

    La educación para la ciudadanía y los Derechos Humanos.

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    The conclusión of this article is the necessity of a specific syllabus in high school about education on Human Rights. This subject has to be compulsary and with its own program. It is not enough to include these contents as a mainstreaming subject, and neither as optional matter suplying the choice for the religion syllabus. It has to have a specific items based on the Univesal Declaration of Human Rights of United Nations, and explaining the political institutions according to the National Constitution in each country, moreover in Europe it has to include the European Community Law and The Council of Europe's Organisation. It has not to include psychological contents, as the Spanish Real Decretos have done. At the same time, in this syllabus has to be discussed the different theories about the foundation of Human Rights; namely, the iusnaturalist foundation (based upon the civic humanism) and the positivist foundation (based in the contractual theories). It has to be included the debate about the relation between ethic and Law, justice and validity of legal order, facing the problems of obedience and desobedience to the Law, and the conscience objection to Law

    Innovative and integrated new solutions for sustainable employability project

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    Innovative and Integrated New Solutions for Sustainable Employability (INTENSE) project aims at improving youth employment in Europe. It is focused on a sub-group so-called NEETs (not in education, employment and training) which is not reached (compare Eurofound 2012, Eurofound 2015) by usual means of employment centred initiatives for educationally deprived youth with psychosocial, mental, multifactorial problems, problematic lifestyles, disabilities, etc. Eurofound 2015, identifies a europe-wide need of this target group to be addressed. They also include the call for the development of holistic approaches in order to achieve sustainability. The above- mentioned need provides the stimulus for the consortium to develop (1st part of the project) and test (2nd part of the project) a client-centered educational concept. In essence, the following 3 dimensions are taken into account: 1st dimension - Compensation. The compensatory aspect concerns the assignment of a Transition Coach who works systemically and enables the clients to recognise their own educational needs, to ask for the coach's support on their own initiative, to develop their own goals and work on the achievement of the latter in an independent manner. 2nd dimension - prevention. The studies which identified the need for a holistic approach, define the requirement of national support systems to act in a preventive manner in order to produce as few NEETs as possible and, if applicable, start the holistic approach at an early stage. 3rd dimension - Structure and Cooperation. The issue going hand in hand with the points mentioned above is the explanation of structural aspects with regards to the success of integrated approaches. By involving the stakeholders at an early stage and throughout the entire project, a solid basis for achieving cross-sectoral cooperation is created. The role of the University of Malaga is to ensure the evaluation of the project development (1st part of the project) and implementation (2nd part of the project) using modern, and scientific methods. For this purpose, the university will apply the Stufflebeam Model during the development phase and evaluates the implementation phase according to effectiveness and efficiency by applying the Contribution Analysis (Mayne 2008).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Igual salario por trabajo de igual valor

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    Hume y la polémica sobre el lujo

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    Producción primaria y biomasa fitoplanctónica en la Bahia de Plencia durante la transición invierno-primavera

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    Se han realizado muestreos semanales en la Bahía de Plencia con el objeto de detectar la evolución de la producción primaria y la biomasa fitoplanctónica durante la transición invierno primavera. Los valores de producción más elevados se han registrado en abril y junio, encontrándose que esta medida fluctua considerablemente a pequeña escala temporal como consecuencia de la alta inestabilidad inherente a los sistemas estuaricos. Las fracciones más productivas y las de mayor biomasa son las comprendidas entre 3 y 25 um (manoplancton) y las comprendidas entre 25 y 60 um. No hay una tendencia clara en la variación estacional de la biomasa pero si en la producción primaria, que tiende a aumentar. Los cambios que se producen en las diferentes eficiencias fotosintéticas no se relacionan con la luz, sugiriéndose un control de la producción por la temperatura del aguaLaginketak Plentzai Badian astetik astera burutu dira, ekoizpen primario eta biomasa fitoplannktonikoaren aldaketak negu uda bitartean beha ahal izateko. Ekoizpen baliorik handienak apirilan eta ekainan kalkulatuak izan dira, neurri hau une laburrean proportzio handian aldatzen dela aurkiturik, sistema estuarikoen aldakortasunari dagokion bezala. Ekoizpen handieneko frakzioak, eta baita ere klorofila a gehien dutenak, bai frakzio nanoplanktonikoa (hau da, 2 um tik 25 um tara), bai 25um eta 60um bitartekoak dira. Ez da aurkitu joerarik urtaroarekiko biomasa aldaketetan, eta efizientzietango aldaketak ez dira argiztapenaren kausa gertatzen, uraren tenperaturak ekoizpen primarioa kontrolatzen duela susmaturi


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    Clausura de las jornadas "Estampas históricas de la medicina vasca". Se mencionan algunas de las actividades de la Kutxa-Caja Gipuzkoa San Sebastián relacionadas con el mundo médico-asistencia

    Rasgos culturales del Dr. Barriola

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    Junto a su reconocido prestigio como profesional e historiador de la medicina, como médico-escritor y escritor-médico, hay que recordarle como un apasionado de las bellas artes: música y pintura, fundamentalmente, además de la arquitectura y su interés por la belleza, especialmente clásica. Todos los aspectos de su vida (familiar, profesional, como historiador y escritor -no sólo de la medicina-, como persona de alto influjo social y cultural) se caracterizaron por un elevado sentido ético y moral, cívico y humanista.Profesional eta medikuntzaren historialari gisa, mediku-idazle eta idazle-mediku gisa, aitortzen zaion ospearekin batera, arte ederren zale suharra oroitu beharra dago: musika eta pintura, funtsean, bai eta arkitektura eta edertasunarekiko zuen interesa, klasikoaren aldekoa bereziki. Haren bizitzaren alderdi guztiak (familia, lanbidea, historialari eta idazle gisa -eta ez bakarrik medikuntzaz interesatua-, eragin sozial eta kultural handiko pertsona gisa) zentzu etiko eta moral, zibiko eta humanista handiz horniturik ageri dira.A côté de son prestige reconnu comme professionnel et historien de la médecine, comme médecin-écrivain et écrivain-médecin, il faut se souvenir de lui comme d'un passionné des beaux-arts: musique et peinture, fondamentalement, en plus de l'architecture, et son intérêt pour la beauté, spécialement classique. Tous les aspects de sa vie (familiale, professionnelle, comme historien et écrivain -pas seulement de la médecine-, comme personne d'une grande influence sociale et culturelle) se caractérisèrent par un sentiment éthique et moral, civique et humaniste élevé.Together with his recognised prestige as a professional and a historian of medicine, as physician-writer and writer-physician, it is fit to recall him as apassionate enthusiast for the fine arts, fundamentally music and painting, in addition to architecture and his interest for beauty, especially classic beauty. All the aspects of his life (family life, professional life, and his life as a historian and writer -not only of medicine-, as person of high social and cultural influx) were characterised by a high ethic, moral, civic and humanist sense

    Characterization of site-specific GPS errors using a short-baseline network of braced monuments at Yucca Mountain, southern Nevada

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    We use a short-baseline network of braced monuments to investigate site-specific GPS effects. The network has baseline lengths of ∼10, 100, and 1000 m. Baseline time series have root mean square (RMS) residuals, about a model for the seasonal cycle, of 0.05–0.24 mm for the horizontal components and 0.20–0.72 mm for the radial. Seasonal cycles occur, with amplitudes of 0.04–0.60 mm, even for the horizontal components and even for the shortest baselines. For many time series these lag seasonal cycles in local temperature measurements by 23–43 days. This could suggest that they are related to bedrock thermal expansion. Both shorter-period signals and seasonal cycles for shorter baselines to REP2, the one short-braced monument in our network, are correlated with temperature, with no lag time. Differences between REP2 and the other stations, which are deep-braced, should reflect processes occurring in the upper few meters of the ground. These correlations may be related to thermal expansion of these upper ground layers, and/or thermal expansion of the monuments themselves. Even over these short distances we see a systematic increase in RMS values with increasing baseline length. This, and the low RMS levels, suggests that site-specific effects are unlikely to be the limiting factor in the use of similar GPS sites for geophysical investigations
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