9 research outputs found
Time-based orchestration of workflow, interoperability with G-Devs/Hla
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Yes We Can!
- Author
- American Nurses Association.
- Campaign 2000.
- Canadian Council on Social Development.
- Central Intelligence Agency.
- Chan M.
- Child Trends Data Bank.
- Cohen R.
- Davis E.
- Garrett L.
- Indian Health Service.
- Institute of Medicine.
- Kaiser Family Foundation.
- Michael J. Villeneuve
- National Coalition on Health Care.
- Save the Children.
- Statistics Canada.
- Statistics Canada.
- United Nations Population Fund.
- United Nations.
- United Nations.
- United States Census Bureau.
- Villeneuve M.
- World Bank.
- World Health Organization.
- World Health Organization.
- Publication venue
- 'SAGE Publications'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Bourdieu and postcommunist class formation
- Author
- Albert M
- Bahro R.
- Balla B
- Beck U
- Beck U
- Beck U
- Beck U
- Beck U.
- Bohle D.
- Bottomore T.
- Bourdieu P
- Bourdieu P
- Bourdieu P
- Bourdieu P
- Burawoy M
- Burawoy M.
- Chavance B
- Coalition 2000
- Delhey J
- Djilas Milovan
- Engels Friedrich
- Evans G
- Eyal G
- Eyal G.
- Ferge Z
- Grabher G
- Grix Jonathan
- Guldimann Tim
- Hausner J.
- Hradil S.
- Hradil S.
- Hölscher B
- Jacoby W
- Kennedy M
- King L
- King Lawrence P.
- Konrád G.
- Konrád G.
- Kumar Krishan
- Lane D.
- Mateju P
- Mink G
- Moore B.
- Ossowski S.
- Outhwaite W
- Outhwaite W
- Pakulski J.
- Parkin F
- Parvu Raluca
- Putnam R. D.
- Ray L. J.
- Staniszkis J
- Staniszkis J
- Stark D
- Szelényi I.
- Szelényi I.
- Toranska T
- Voslensky M
- Publication venue
- 'Sociological Research Online'
- Publication date
- 30/11/2007
- Field of study
This article suggests that Bourdieu's model of class, framed in terms of cultural capital and habitus, is particularly valuable in understanding the restoration of capitalism under postcommunist conditions. Following the analyses of Szelényi and his collaborators, it is suggested that post-communist managerialism is still strikingly more pronounced than in the West. This and the notion of habitus in particular are perhaps the main elements of Bourdieu's thinking on which we can draw in theorizing postcommunist transition
- Author
- Addis
- Alberti
- Allnutt
- Altukhov
- Alvazzi del Frate
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anderson
- Anechiarico
- Angang
- Antonyan
- Anusiewicz
- Appel
- Armenian Democratic Forum
- Arnold
- Bagehot
- Bakker
- Banciu
- Banfield
- Barbacetto
- Bardhan
- Bayley
- Beck
- Beyer
- Bielasiak
- Bingsong
- Blankenburg
- Bouissou
- Bowser
- Bray
- Brown
- Brusis
- Bryant
- Buchanan
- Buiter
- Bull
- Bunce
- Bunce
- Burnell
- Burns
- Button
- Bąk
- Caiden
- Cangiano
- Cardoso
- Carothers
- Carter
- Castles
- Center for the Study of Democracy
- Center for the Study of Democracy
- Center for the Study of Democracy
- Center for the Study of Democracy
- Center for the Study of Democracy
- Center for the Study of Democracy
- Centre for Liberal Strategies
- Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej
- Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej
- Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej
- Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej
- Centrum Badania Opinii Społecznej
- Chuklinov
- Ciconte
- Cirtautas
- Clapham
- Clapham
- Clarke
- Claussen
- Clinard
- Coalition 2000
- Coalition 2000
- Coalition 2000
- Coalition 2000
- Cohen
- Collins
- Collins
- Coulloudon
- Coulloudon
- Coulloudon
- Coulloudon
- Cybulska
- Dallin
- Deacon
- DeBardeleben
- DeBardeleben
- Della Porta
- Della Porta
- Della Porta
- Della Porta
- Democracy
- di Tella
- Dikun
- Ding
- Dobel
- Doig
- Doig
- Dollar
- Doublet
- Dryzek
- Dunlop
- Dunn
- Duyne
- Dávid
- Economic Crime Division
- Eigen
- Eigen
- Eigen
- Eisenstadt
- Eisenstadt
- Eisenstadt
- Esping-Anderson
- European Commission
- European Commission
- Evans
- Eyal
- Fel’gengauer
- Fiorentini
- Fish
- Ford
- Frank
- Freeland
- Freemantle
- Frentzel-Zagórska
- Fric
- Friedman
- Fries
- Frisby
- Frydman
- Frydman
- Fukuyama
- Fuszara
- Fuszara
- Gallup Organization and the Hungarian Gallup Institute
- Galtung
- Galtung
- Galtung
- Gambetta
- Gel’man
- Gerasimov
- Giddens
- Giddens
- Giddens
- Gill
- Gillespie
- Girnius
- Glavnyi Informatsionnyi Tsentr
- Gleason
- Glinkina
- Glukhovsky
- Glówny Urzad Statystyczny
- Gole
- Golik
- Golik
- Gong
- Gong
- Gorbachev
- Goskomstat [Gosudarstvennyi Komitet Rossiiskoi Federatsii po Statistike]
- Gray
- Gray
- Graziano
- Gregory
- Gregory
- Grobelna
- Grossman
- Grossman
- Grødeland
- Grødeland
- Guo
- Gurov
- Gurov
- Habermas
- Habermas
- Hagelmeyer
- Hajdinjak
- Hall
- Handelman
- Handelman
- Hankiss
- Hanley
- Hann
- Haque
- Harasymiw
- Hardin
- Hauk
- Hedlund
- Heidenheimer
- Heidenheimer
- Heidenheimer
- Heidenheimer
- Heimann
- Hellman
- Hellman
- Hellman
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Henderson
- Heywood
- Higley
- Hodess
- Hodess
- Hodess
- Hoeffner
- Hoff
- Hoffman
- Holmes
- Holmes
- Holmes
- Holmes
- Holmes
- Holmes
- Holmes
- Holmes
- Holmes
- Holmes
- Holmes
- Holmes
- Holmes
- Holmes
- Horne
- Hoser
- Howard
- Howard
- Hristova
- Humphrey
- Hungarian Gallup Institute
- Huntington
- Huntington
- Hutchcroft
- indem Foundation
- International Monetary Fund
- Intriligator
- Jancar-Webster
- Janos
- Jaskiernia
- Jaskiernia
- Jensen
- Jiménez
- Johnston
- Johnston
- Jones
- Jovic
- Kamiński
- Kamiński
- Kanin
- Karatnycky
- Karatnycky
- Karklins
- Karl
- Kaufman
- Kaufmann
- Kaufmann
- Kaufmann
- Kaufmann
- Kaufmann
- Kaufmann
- Kelly
- Kettle
- Kim
- Kirichenko
- Kislinskaya
- Klebnikov
- Kleshko
- Klitgaard
- Klitgaard
- Knapp
- Kneen
- Kodan
- Kolarska-Bobińska
- Konstantinova
- Kornai
- Kornai
- Korzhakov
- Koshechkina
- Kosztolanyi
- Kotalik
- Kotkin
- Kovács
- Kovács
- Kovács
- Kramer
- Krastev
- Krastev
- Krastev
- Kroes
- Kryshtanovskaya
- Kránitz
- Kránitz
- Kupchinsky
- Kurczewski
- Kurczewski
- Kurczewski
- Kurczewski
- Központi Statisztikai Hivatal
- Lambroschini
- Lampland
- Lan
- Lane
- LaPalombara
- Larkin
- Lavigne
- Ledeneva
- Lee
- Lee
- Leftwich Curry
- Leigh
- Lemarchand
- Letki
- Levada
- Levada
- Levada
- Levin
- Lewis
- Lewis
- Lindelow
- Linz
- Lipset
- Lockwood
- Lopatin
- Lotspeich
- Loungani
- Lovell
- Lubin
- Lucky
- Luneev
- Luneev
- Luneev
- Luneev
- Maas
- Magatti
- Magatti
- Makarov
- Manchin
- Manolova
- Markwick
- Marquette
- Marsh
- Marsh
- Marsov
- Mauro
- Mauss
- McAuley
- McCoy
- McKay
- Michael
- Milanovic
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Miller
- Minchev
- Ministry of the Interior [Hungary]
- Mishler
- Misztal
- Montinola
- Moore
- Moran
- Mukherjee
- Mukhin
- Mulvenon
- Mulvenon
- Mungiu-Pippidi
- Murphy
- Murray
- Murrell
- Mény
- Mény
- Nader
- Naim
- Naim
- Naitao
- Nalla
- Natsionalen Statisticheski Institut
- Nelken
- Nelken
- Nelson
- New South Wales Royal Commission into the New South Wales Police Service
- Newell
- Nomokonov
- Noonan
- Nye
- Offe
- Oi
- Okolicsanyi
- Open Society Institute
- Ortmann
- Osiak
- Owens
- O’Brien
- Palmier
- Panfilov
- Pehe
- Perlez
- Philp
- Phonpaichit
- Pickvance
- Pieth
- Pine
- Pirie
- Pitera
- Pollack
- Pope
- Pope
- Potter
- Pradhan
- Pribán
- Pryde
- Przeworski
- Przeworski
- Pujas
- Putnam
- Quah
- Queensland Criminal Justice Commission
- Radaev
- Ramge
- Raun
- Rayner
- Razinkin
- Reddaway
- Reed
- Reed
- Rees
- Reisch
- Remington
- Repetskaya
- Rigby
- Rigby
- Rigby
- Rigby
- Roldan
- Roniger
- Rooke
- Rose
- Rose
- Rose-Ackerman
- Rose-Ackerman
- Rosenberg
- Rosenberg
- Rosenthal
- Ross
- Roszkowski
- Roth
- Roth
- Rothacher
- Rowley
- Rubnikovich
- Rupnik
- Sabbat-Swidlicka
- Sabbat-Swidlicka
- Saich
- Sajó
- Sajó
- Sajó
- Sajó
- Sajó
- Sakwa
- Sakwa
- Samuelson
- Sartori
- Satarov
- Savitskii
- Scamuzzi
- Schilizzi
- Schmemann
- Schmidt
- Schmitt
- Schmitter
- Schneider
- Schöpfiin
- Scott
- Senokosov
- Seton-Watson
- Shafir
- Shaoguang
- Shaxson
- Shearing
- Shelley
- Shelley
- Shelley
- Shelley
- Shelley
- Shevtsova
- Shevtsova
- Shkaratan
- Shlapentokh
- Shleifer
- Singh
- Skaperdas
- Slay
- Smilov
- Sparkes
- Steen
- Steen
- Sterling
- Sun
- Sutch
- Sutch
- Svensson
- Sweeney
- Szilágyi
- Szilágyi
- Szilágyi
- Sík
- Sík
- Taagepera
- Tanzi
- Tarchalski
- Tarkowski
- Tarschys
- Tiffen
- Tikhomirov
- Tikhomirov
- Tillier
- Timofeyev
- Todorov
- Tolz
- Torański
- Trang
- Trang
- Transparency International
- Transparency International
- Transparency International
- Transparency International and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
- Transparency International Polska
- Treisman
- Trepp
- Tsipko
- Tsyganov
- Tsyganov
- Ukhmanov
- unodccp and unicri
- Vaksberg
- Vaksberg
- van Zon
- Vannucci
- Varese
- Varese
- Verheijen
- Veslo
- Vásárhelyi
- Wagener
- Walecki
- Walecki
- Walecki
- Walecki
- Walecki
- Wallerstein
- Ward
- Ward
- Webster
- Weingrod
- Werlin
- Werlin
- Werner
- White
- White
- White
- Whitford
- Whitmore
- Whitmore
- Wiarda
- Willerton
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Williams
- Woodall
- World Bank
- Yang
- Yates
- Yunxiang
- Zagόorski
- Zagόrski
- Zanga
- Zengke
- Zhilin
- Zwart
- Łajtar
- Łoś
- Šiklová
- Publication venue
- 'Duke University Press'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2006
- Field of study
Guide to Social Service Directories
- Author
- Anonymous
- Evergreen Lane 0
- Lexington A
- Monica A. Ollendorff
- National Association of Rehabilitation Facilities P.O. 17675 Washington
- National Coalition of Alternative Community Schools 58 Schoolhouse Rd. Summertown
- National Council of Community Mental Health Centers 12300 Twinbrook Pkwy Suite 320 Rockville
- National Directory of AIDS Care 1
- National Directory of Children Youth &
- National Information Center for Children and Youths with Handicaps P.O. Box 1492 Washington
- National Resource Center on Family-Based Services University of Iowa School of Social Work N240 Oakdale Hall Oakdale
- National Resource Center on Women and AIDS Center for Women Policy Studies 2000 P St. N.W., Suite 508 Washington
- Silver Spring Rd.
- Society for Non-Profit Organizations 6314 Odana Rd. Suite 1 Madison
- Society for the Second Half P.O. Box 4067 Visalia
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study
How business lobby networks shaped the U.S. Freedom of Information Act: An examination of 60 years of congressional testimony
- Author
- Abramowitz
- Administration of the Freedom of Information Act
- Administration of the Freedom of Information Act
- Administrative Procedure Act
- Administrative Procedure Act
- Administrative Procedure Act
- Altheide
- Ashcroft
- Banisar
- Bardach
- Bauer
- Becker
- Blanton
- Brophy
- Bunker
- Burnham
- Business Record Exemption of the Freedom of Information Act
- Business Record Exemption of the Freedom of Information Act
- Carlsson
- Carol B. Schwalbe
- Casey
- Clement
- Coalition of Journalists for Open Government
- Coglianese
- Cohan
- Cohen-Eliya
- Davis
- Ehlke
- Executive Order No. 126 00 3 C.F.R. 235
- Feinberg
- Feinberg
- Feinberg
- Foerstel
- FOIA and Securities and Exchange Commission
- FOIA Improvement Act of 2014
- FOIA Improvement Act of 2014
- Freedom of Information
- Freedom of Information
- Freedom of Information Act
- Freedom of Information Act
- Freedom of Information Act Oversight
- Freedom of Information Act Oversight
- Freedom of Information Act Oversight
- Freedom of Information Act Oversight
- Freedom of Information Act Oversight
- Freedom of Information Act Oversight
- Freedom of Information Act Oversight
- Freedom of Information Act Oversight
- Freedom of Information Act Oversight
- Freedom of Information Act requests for business data and reverse-FOIA lawsuits
- Freedom of Information Act Revisions
- Freedom of Information Act Sourcebook: Legislative materials cases, articles
- Freedom of Information Reform Act
- Freedominfo.org
- Freedominfo.org
- Gais
- Gilens
- Ginsberg
- H.R. 104–795
- H.R. 1497
- H.R. 4246 The Cyber Security Information Act of 2000
- H.R. 4246 The Cyber Security Information Act of 2000
- H.R. 4246 The Cyber Security Information Act of 2000
- H.R. 4246 The Cyber Security Information Act of 2000
- H.R. 4862 to Amend the Freedom of Information Act to Provide Procedures for the Processing of Requests for Confidential Business Information
- Hamm
- Hammitt
- Heclo
- Heiman
- Honest Leadership and Open Government Act of 2007
- Information Overclassification
- Issa
- Jeannine E. Relly
- Jones
- Kaiser
- Kesselheim
- Kingdon
- Kirtley
- Kwoka
- Lee
- Letter to Senate Judiciary Committee Members
- Lindblom
- Macdonell
- McIntosh
- Mitchell
- Montgomery
- Moteff
- National Security Archive
- O'Reilly
- OPEN FOIA Act of 2009
- OPEN FOIA Act of 2009
- Oversight of the Administration of the Federal Freedom of Information Act
- Oversight of the Administration of the Federal Freedom of Information Act
- Patten
- Pell
- Piotrowski
- ProPublica
- Relyea
- Relyea
- Relyea
- Relyea
- Relyea
- Reno
- Restoration of Freedom of Information Act of 2005
- Ripley
- S.R. 114-4
- Sabatier
- Singer
- Skok
- Smith
- Statements on introduced bills and joint resolutions: Introduction of the Restore FOIA Act to amend the Homeland Security Act
- Stevens
- Stevens
- Stevenson
- Susman
- Tapscott
- U.S. Department of Justice
- U.S. Department of Justice
- U.S. Department of Justice
- U.S. Department of Justice
- U.S. Department of Justice
- U.S. Department of Justice
- Wexler
- Zeigler
- Publication venue
- 'Elsevier BV'
- Publication date
- Field of study
On Aging—Where Are the Advocates? An Annotated Bibliography
- Author
- Abernathy Jean B
- Act
- Administration on Aging U.S.
- Advocacy
- Age
- Age Is Becoming
- Aging
- Aging
- Aging
- Aging Govt
- Aging Reports
- Altmeyer Arthur J
- American Association of
- As Amended Related Acts
- Available from the Institute
- Balkema John
- Ball Robert M
- Baskin Michael J
- Baum Daniel J
- Baumover Lorin A
- Beauvoir
- Bellak Leopold
- Biegel Leonard
- Binstock Robert
- Birren James E
- Blau Zena Smith
- Bloom Jane E
- Booth Philip
- Botwinick Jack
- Brown Nona Baldwin
- Butler Robert N
- Colamosca Anne
- Coles Robert
- Collins Wanda R
- Comfort Alex
- Commerce Clearing House
- Community Research Applications
- Community Research Applications
- Congress
- Congress House Select
- Council of State Governments.
- Cowdry Edmund V
- Current Literatureon Aging
- Curtin Sharon R
- Demkovich Linda E
- Dickman Irving R
- Donohue John W
- Elderly
- Emerson Geraldine M
- Falcocchio John C
- Felstein Ivor
- Finch Caleb E
- Fisher David Hackett
- Flowers Marilyn R
- Geba Bruno
- Gerontological Society
- Gray Panthers Chestnut St
- Gregory Peter
- Griffiths Martha W
- Hall Gertrude H
- Hardy Richard E
- Harris Louis
- Harris Richard
- Harwayne Frances
- Hemmine Roy
- Hendricks Jon
- Herzog Barbara Rieman
- Hochschild Ailie Russel
- Horn Linda
- Hornbaker Alice
- House
- Hudson Robert B
- Huttman Elizabeth D
- Huyck
- Institute of Pastoral Psychology
- Jacoby Susan
- Janeway Elizabeth
- Jonas Doris
- Kethley Alice J
- Kleyman Paul
- Knopf Olga
- Koch Kenneth
- Kosberg Jordan I
- Kuhn Maggie
- Leavitt Helen
- Lubove Roy
- Marmor Theodore R
- McDowell Donna
- Methany Eleanor
- Mintz Morton
- Munnell Alicia Haydock
- Nader Ralph
- Nassau Jean Baron
- National
- National
- National Citizens Coalition for Nursing Home Reform. c/o Ms. Elma Griesel National Paralegal Institute, 2000 P St, NW, Washington
- National Council of Senior Citizens. 1511 K St NW, Washington
- National Paralegal Institute.
- National Retired Teachers Association/American Association of Retired Persons. 1909 K St NW, Washington
- National Senior Citizens Law Center. 1709 W. Eighth St Los Angeles, CA 90017.
- New York
- New York State Of
- No Longer Young
- Norback Craig
- Nursing Home
- Off
- Otten Jane
- Palmore Erdman
- Paull Irene
- Penner Rudolph G
- Pratt Henry J
- Pts I
- Putnam Jackson K
- Regan Pauline K
- Regnier Victor
- Rejda George E
- Renee Feinberg
- Report
- Riley Matilda White
- Rita Auerbach
- Rothschild Donald P
- Saul Shura
- Schuchat Theodor
- Schulz James H
- Senate
- Senate
- Senate Special
- Senick Daniel
- Senior Legal Rights Manual
- Shore Warren
- Siegel Jacob S
- Skidmore Max J
- Smith Bert K
- Somers Letitia
- Sommers Tish
- Sontag Susan
- Stephens Joyce
- Supplemental Security Income Claims
- Sutherland Edith W
- Suzuki Peter T
- Tobin Sheldon S
- Troll Lillian E
- U.S. Administration on Aging.
- U.S. Community Services Administration
- U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare
- U.S. Department of Health Education and Welfare.
- U.S. Department of Labor Employment Standards Administration, Wage and Hour Division.
- U.S. Department of Transportation.
- U.S. Federal Council on Aging.
- U.S. Social Security Administration
- Vichery Florence E
- Washington D.C.
- Washington D.C.
- Washington State
- Weiss Jonathan A
- Publication venue
- 'Emerald'
- Publication date
- Field of study
School Health Guidelines to Promote Healthy Eating and Physical Activity: Recommendations and Reports
- Author
- Abraham SM
- Action
- Adachi AM
- Agron P
- Allensworth D
- Almanza B.
- American Academy of Pediatrics
- American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on School Health.
- American Academy of Pediatrics.
- American Association for Health Education. AAHE/NCATE health education standards and key elements.
- American Cancer Society
- American Cancer Society
- American Cancer Society
- American Psychiatric Association
- American Psychiatric Association Task Force on DSM-IV.
- Austin S
- Baker EA
- Bandura A.
- Baranowski T
- Barnes M
- Barriers
- Bauer KW
- Bearden JB
- Beech BM
- Bergman EA
- Bernstein LS
- Birch LL
- Block ME
- Block ME
- Bogden JF.
- Bouchard C
- Brener ND
- Brissette I
- Brown L
- Burke V
- California Department of Education
- California Project LEAN
- Carlson SA
- Carmack BK
- Cater JM
- CDC. Iron deficiency--United States 1999-2000.
- CDC. National diabetes fact sheet
- Center for Weight and Health
- Children's Safety Network at Education Development Center Inc.
- Choy LB
- Chriqui JF
- Cohen L
- Cohen L
- Competitive
- Competitive U.S.
- Conklin MT
- Connecticut State Department of Education.
- Coon KA
- Council of Chief State School Officers.
- Cullen KW
- Davis L
- Davis SM
- Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee
- Directors
- Downie J
- Dunkle MC
- Dwyer JJ
- Enns CW
- Enns CW
- Epstein J.
- Epstein JL
- Ernst M
- Federal Trade Commission
- Fetro JV.
- Fisher J
- Food
- Food
- Food and Nutrition Information Center
- Framework
- Freedman DS
- French SA
- Gerne KM
- Golan M
- Good TL
- Government Accountability Office
- Government Accountability Office
- Grantham-McGregor S
- Guidelines
- Guidelines
- Guo SS
- Harmon A.
- Hart JE
- Hawkins C
- Health Education Curriculum Analysis
- Healthy
- Healthy
- Heck JF
- Henderson AL
- Himes JH
- Institute of Medicine.
- Institute of Medicine.
- Institute of Medicine.
- Institute of Medicine.
- Jambor T
- Janda DH
- Joint Committee on National Health Education Standards.
- Juhn G
- Just DR
- Kakli Z
- Katzmarzyk PT
- Kennedy E
- Kids
- King AC
- Klavina A
- Kolbe LJ
- Lambert LG
- Libman S
- Lohrmann DK
- Luepker RV
- Mandell DJ
- Marx E
- Marzano RJ
- Matheson DM
- McKeag DB
- Meyers A
- Michigan Department of Education.
- Mississippi Department of Education
- Mota J
- Muraskin L.
- Murphy JM
- Murphy JM
- Murphy JM.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association for Sport and Physical Education.
- National Association of School Nurses.
- National Association of School Nurses.
- National Association of School Nurses.
- National Association of School Nurses.
- National Association of School Nurses.
- National Association of School Nurses. S.C.O.P.E.
- National Asthma Education and Prevention Program.
- National Center for Education Statistics.
- National Coalition for Food Safe Schools.
- National Consortium for Physical Education and Recreation for Individuals with Disabilities.
- National Food Service Management Institute.
- National Food Service Management Institute.
- National Heart Lung and Blood Institute.
- National Institutes of Health National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.
- National Osteoporosis Foundation.
- National Policy and Legal Analysis Network to Prevent Childhood Obesity.
- National Program for Playground Safety. S.A.F.E.
- National School Lunch Program
- National School Lunch Program
- Nemours Health
- Nord M
- Oude Luttikhuis H
- Pangrazi R.
- Partnership
- Pateman B
- Pearlman DN
- Pentz MA.
- Perez-Rodrigo C
- Perez-Rodrigo C
- Physical
- Physical
- Physical
- Physical Activity Guidelines Advisory Committee
- Policy Leadership
- Popham WJ.
- Popham WJ.
- Powell CA
- President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports.
- Promising
- Public
- Puskar KR
- Rainville AJ
- Ralston K
- Recommendations
- Richard B.
- Richard B.
- Richard B.
- Richard B.
- Rideout VJ
- Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
- Robinson TN
- Sallis JF.
- Salmon J
- Saluja G
- School
- School
- School
- School Breakfast Program
- School Breakfast Program
- Seefeldt V
- Shaw-Perry M
- Shilts MS
- Shimon JM
- Shirer K.
- Sluckin A.
- Snyder TD
- State of Michigan Department of Education.
- Staten LK
- Story M
- Sullivan K
- Tanaka C
- Taras H
- Taylor G
- The
- The Food Trust
- Trends
- Trends
- Troiano RP
- United States Department of Agriculture.
- US Cancer Statistics Working Group
- US Consumer Product Safety Commission
- US Department of Agriculture
- US Department of Agriculture
- US Department of Agriculture
- US Department of Agriculture
- US Department of Agriculture
- US Department of Agriculture
- US Department of Agriculture
- US Department of Agriculture
- US Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service.
- US Department of Agriculture.
- US Department of Agriculture.
- US Department of Agriculture.
- US Department of Agriculture.
- US Department of Agriculture.
- US Department of Agriculture.
- US Department of Agriculture.
- US Department of Agriculture.
- US Department of Education
- US Department of Education
- US Department of Health and Human Services
- US Department of Health and Human Services
- US Department of Health and Human Services
- US Department of Health and Human Services.
- US Department of Health and Human Services.
- US Department of Health and Human Services.
- US Department of Health and Human Services.
- US Department of Health and Human Services.
- US Department of Health and Human Services.
- US Department of Health and Human Services.
- US Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration.
- Van Reusen K
- Verstraete SJ
- Vessey JA
- Weeks K
- Wei RC
- West Virginia University
- White House Task Force on Childhood Obesity.
- Whitlock E
- Wiggins G
- Williams CL
- Wilson TK
- Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services
- Xu J
- Youth
- Publication venue
- 'Informa UK Limited'
- Publication date
- Field of study