2,462 research outputs found

    Summary of Results in N=1 Supersymmetric SU(2) Gauge Theories

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    We summarize some results in 4d, N=1 supersymmetric SU(2) gauge theories: the exact effective superpotentials, the vacuum structure, and the exact effective Abelian couplings for arbitrary bare masses and Yukawa couplings.Comment: 13 page

    Duality and Exact Results in Product Group Theories

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    We study the non-perturbative behavior of some N=1 supersymmetric product-group gauge theories with the help of duality. As a test case we investigate an SU(2)xSU(2) theory in detail. Various dual theories are constructed using known simple-group duality for one group or both groups in succession. Several stringent tests show that the low-energy behavior of the dual theories agrees with that of the electric theory. When the theory is in the confining phase we calculate the exact superpotential. Our results strongly suggest that, in general, dual theories for product groups can be constructed in this manner, by using simple-group duality for both groups. Turning to a class of theories with SU(N)xSU(M) gauge symmetry we study the renormalization group flows in the space of the two gauge couplings and show that they are consistent with the absence of phase transitions. Finally, we show that a subset of these theories, with SU(N)xSU(N-1) symmetry break supersymmetry dynamically.Comment: 48 pages, Latex, 1 .ps figure, psfig.sty included; one reference added, revised discussion of SUSY breaking, version to be published in Nucl. Phys.

    Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking versus Run-away behavior in Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    We consider Dynamical Supersymmetry Breaking (DSB) in models with classical flat directions. We analyze a number of examples, and develop a systematic approach to determine if classical flat directions are stabilized in the full quantum theory, or lead to run-away behavior. In some cases pseudo-flat directions remain even at the quantum level before taking into account corrections to the K\"ahler potential. We show that in certain limits these corrections are calculable. In particular, we find that in the Intriligator-Thomas SU(2)SU(2) and its generalizations, a potential for moduli is generated. Moreover, there is a region of the parameter space where K\"ahler potential corrections lead to calculable (local) minima at large but finite distance from the origin.Comment: 13 pages, uses harvmac; discussion of run-away behavior in SU(NM)×SU(N)SU(N-M) \times SU(N) model is clarifie

    N=1 RG Flows, Product Groups, and a-Maximization

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    We explore new IR phenomena and dualities, arising for product groups, in the context of N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories. The RG running of the multiple couplings can radically affect each other. For example, an otherwise IR interacting coupling can be driven to be instead IR free by an arbitrarily small, but non-zero, initial value of another coupling. Or an otherwise IR free coupling can be driven to be instead IR interacting by an arbitrarily small non-zero initial value of another coupling. We explore these and other phenomena in N=1 examples, where exact results can be obtained using a-maximization. We also explore the various possible dual gauge theories, e.g. by dualizing one gauge group with the other treated as a weakly gauged flavor symmetry, along with previously proposed duals for the theories deformed by A_k-type Landau-Ginzburg superpotentials. We note that this latter duality, and all similar duality examples, always have non-empty superconformal windows, within which both the electric and dual A_k superpotentials are relevant.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figure

    Holomorphy and dynamical scales in supersymmetric gauge theories

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    New recent results in supersymmetric gauge theories based on holomorphy and symmetry considerations are extended to the case where the gauge coupling constant is given by the real part of a chiral superfield. We assume here that its dynamics can be described by an effective quantum field theory. Then its vacuum expectation value is a function of the other coupling constants, viewed as chiral background superfields. This functional dependence can be determined exactly and satisfies highly non-trivial consistency checks.Comment: 14 pages, LaTe

    Exact Results and Duality for SP(2N) SUSY Gauge Theories with an Antisymmetric Tensor

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    We study supersymmetric Sp(2N) gauge theories with matter in the antisymmetric tensor representation and F fundamentals. For F=6 we solve the theory exactly in terms of confined degrees of freedom and a superpotential. By adding mass terms we obtain the theories with F<6 which we find to exhibit a host of interesting non-perturbative phenomena: quantum deformed moduli spaces with N constraints, instanton-induced superpotentials and non-equivalent disjoint branches of moduli spaces. We find a simple dual for F=8 and no superpotential. We show how the F=4 and F=2 theories can be modified to break supersymmetry spontaneously and point out that the Sp(6) theory with F=6 may be very interesting for model builders.Comment: 15 pages, LaTe

    More Results in N=1N=1 Supersymmetric Gauge Theories

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    We present the exact effective superpotentials in 4d4d, N=1N=1 supersymmetric SU(2)SU(2) gauge theories with N3N_3 triplets and N2N_2 doublets of matter superfields. For the theories with a single triplet matter superfield we present the exact gauge couplings for arbitrary bare masses and Yukawa couplings.Comment: 9 page

    Symplectic SUSY Gauge Theories with Antisymmetric Matter

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    We investigate the confining phase vacua of supersymmetric Sp(2\NC) gauge theories that contain matter in both fundamental and antisymmetric representations. The moduli spaces of such models with \NF=3 quark flavors and \NA=1 antisymmetric field are analogous to that of SUSY QCD with \NF=\NC+1 flavors. In particular, the forms of their quantum superpotentials are fixed by classical constraints. When mass terms are coupled to W_{(\NF=3,\NA=1)} and heavy fields are integrated out, complete towers of dynamically generated superpotentials for low energy theories with fewer numbers of matter fields can be derived. Following this approach, we deduce exact superpotentials in Sp(4)Sp(4) and Sp(6)Sp(6) theories which cannot be determined by symmetry considerations or integrating in techniques. Building upon these simple symplectic group results, we also examine the ground state structures of several Sp(4)×Sp(4)Sp(4) \times Sp(4) and Sp(6)×Sp(2)Sp(6) \times Sp(2) models. We emphasize that the top-down approach may be used to methodically find dynamical superpotentials in many other confining supersymmetric gauge theories.Comment: 21 pages, Revte

    Superalgebras in N=1N=1 Gauge Theories

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    N=1N=1 supersymmetric gauge theories with global flavor symmetries contain a gauge invariant W-superalgebra which acts on its moduli space of gauge invariants. With adjoint matter, this superalgebra reduces to a graded Lie algebra. When the gauge group is SO(nc)SO(n_c), with vector matter, it is a W-algebra, and the primary invariants form one of its representation. The same superalgebra exists in the dual theory, but its construction in terms of the dual fields suggests that duality may be understood in terms of a charge conjugation within the algebra. We extend the analysis to the gauge group E6E_6.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Letters B, 12 pages,tex, macros include

    Duality in SUSY SU(N)SU(N) with an Antisymmetric Tensor

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    We present a dual description for SU(N)SU(N) supersymmetric gauge theory with an antisymmetric tensor and fundamentals, and no superpotential. This duality is derived from the dualities of Seiberg. Under a perturbation of the superpotential, the dual theory breaks supersymmetry at tree level.Comment: 8 pages, uses harvmac, no figure