336 research outputs found

    Relaciones entre los valores, la personalidad y las actitudes hacia la piratería en Lima Metropolitana

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    Esta tesis analiza las relaciones entre los valores de Schwartz, los cinco factores de personalidad y las actitudes hacia la piratería en consumidores de películas piratas de la ciudad de Lima. Para tal fin, se desarrolló un estudio descriptivo-correlacional en una muestra de 153 participantes. Los resultados muestran que tanto el valor de Conservación como el factor de Conciencia se relacionan de manera directa y significativa con una visión más crítica o negativa hacia la piratería además de reportar un menor nivel de consumo de ella. Mediante estas relaciones se encontró que la piratería es un fenómeno legitimado, tolerado e instaurado en la sociedad peruana a pesar de haber una conciencia de ser un acto informal y de sus implicancias. Adicionalmente, se encontró que las variables demográficas no resultan significativas en el nivel de consumo de piratería.This thesis analyzes the relationship between Schwartz´s values, the big five factors of personality, and the attitudes toward piracy in consumers of pirated movies in the city of Lima. To this end, a sample of 153 participants was part of a descriptive-correlational research. The results show that both the value of Conservation and the factor of Consciousness are related in a direct and significant way with a more critical or negative vision toward piracy and a lower rate of pirated product consumption. This study shows that piracy is considered a legitimate phenomenon; it is tolerated and is embedded in the Peruvian society in spite of being an illegal act. Additionally, it is found that there were demographic variables that are not significant when measuring consumption of pirated goods.Tesi

    La omnicanalidad: El gran desafío que toda empresa retail debe implementar en su estrategia de marketing dentro del marco de la pandemia del Covid-19

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    El presente artículo de investigación, busca analizar la evolución del comportamiento de compra del consumidor en el contexto del aislamiento social debido al Covid-19; es decir, comprender cómo están cambiando actualmente los hábitos de compra. Por ende, nuestro objetivo principal es describir cómo el e-commerce se ha convertido en un canal esencial y necesario para la comunicación, venta y distribución de las empresas retailers. Asimismo, pretendemos dar a conocer que una de las mejores estrategias de comercio electrónico es la omnicanalidad, ya que combina tanto estrategias del canal tradicional como el canal moderno. Para ello, empleamos el método cualitativo de la netnografía, aplicado a Millennials del NSE A de Lima Metropolitana, la cual nos permitió descubrir los nuevos patrones del comportamiento en la compra electrónica y, a su vez, comprender las interacciones sociales que se desarrollan en una comunicación virtual. Al finalizar la investigación, podemos concluir que, las empresas retailers tendrán que implementar el e-commerce, como parte de su estrategia de marketing. Además, la omnicanalidad garantiza la satisfacción de compra en el consumidor, debido a que ofrece un servicio más completo hacia el mismo. Se afirma que, en el futuro, este será la principal forma de distribución y comunicación con el consumidor, la cual certifica la mejora constante de la experiencia de compra del consumidor

    "Review: Application of Bioequivalence Testing of Medicines in Peru"

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    "This is a review of the current status of drug bioequivalence studies in Peru. A bibliographic search was conducted in PubMed (Medline database) for bioequivalence studies in Peru. Generic drugs constitute the basis of pharmacological requests in health care systems in Latin American countries. Peru has enacted laws and regulations that require bioequivalence studies of high health risk drugs and exemptions, based on international legislation, to be conducted in research centers accredited by the authority of Health. There is a list of 19 drugs that must demonstrate their therapeutic equivalence through in vivo or in vitro studies, of which 13 have shown bioequivalence in vivo, and 8 of those have shown bioequivalence in vitro. There is a challenge for health authorities to enforce the current legislation and an even greater challenge for pharmaceutical laboratories to demonstrate bioequivalence of multi-source drugs with the reference drug.

    Ionizable Amphiphilic Dendrimer-Based Nanomaterials with Alkyl-Chain-Substituted Amines for Tunable siRNA Delivery to the Liver Endothelium In Vivo

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    A library of dendrimers was synthesized and optimized for targeted small interfering RNA (siRNA) delivery to different cell subpopulations within the liver. Using a combinatorial approach, a library of these nanoparticle-forming materials was produced wherein the free amines on multigenerational poly(amido amine) and poly(propylenimine) dendrimers were substituted with alkyl chains of increasing length, and evaluated for their ability to deliver siRNA to liver cell subpopulations. Interestingly, two lead delivery materials could be formulated in a manner to alter their tissue tropism within the liver—with formulations from the same material capable of preferentially delivering siRNA to 1) endothelial cells, 2) endothelial cells and hepatocytes, or 3) endothelial cells, hepatocytes, and tumor cells in vivo. The ability to broaden or narrow the cellular destination of siRNA within the liver may provide a useful tool to address a range of liver diseases.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) Centers of Cancer and Nanotechnology Excellence (Grant U54 CA151884)Armed Forces Institute of Regenerative Medicine (Grant W81XWH-08-2-0034)Alnylam Pharmaceuticals (Firm

    Delivery of drugs, proteins and genes into cells using transferrin as a ligand for receptor-mediated endocytosis

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    Transferrin, an iron-transporting serum glycoprotein, is efficiently taken up into cells by the process of receptor-mediated endocytosis. Transferrin receptors are found on the surface of most proliferating cells, in elevated numbers on erythroblasts and on many kinds of tumors. The efficient cellular mechanism for uptake of transferrin has been subverted for the delivery of low-molecular-weight drugs, protein toxins, and liposomes by linkage of these agents to transferrin or to anti-transferrin receptor antibodies. Linkage may be via chemical conjugation procedures or by the generation of chimeric fusion proteins. Transferrin conjugated to DNA-binding compounds (e.g. polycations or intercalating agents) has been successfully used for the import of DNA molecules into cells. High-level gene expression is obtained only if endosome-disruptive agents such as influenza hemagglutinin peptides or adenovirus particles are included which release the DNA complex from intracellular vesicles into the cytoplasm

    Serum albumin and osmolality inhibit Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus predation in human serum

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    We evaluated the bactericidal activity of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus, strain HD100, within blood sera against bacterial strains commonly associated with bacteremic infections, including E. coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Salmonella enterica. Tests show that B. bacteriovorus HD100 is not susceptible to serum complement or its bactericidal activity. After a two hour exposure to human sera, the prey populations decreased 15- to 7,300-fold due to the serum complement activity while, in contrast, the B. bacteriovorus HD100 population showed a loss of only 33%. Dot blot analyses showed that this is not due to the absence of antibodies against this predator. Predation in human serum was inhibited, though, by both the osmolality and serum albumin. The activity of B. bacteriovorus HD100 showed a sharp transition between 200 and 250 mOsm/kg, and was progressively reduced as the osmolality increased. Serum albumin also acted to inhibit predation by binding to and coating the predatory cells. This was confirmed via dot blot analyses and confocal microscopy. The results from both the osmolality and serum albumin tests were incorporated into a numerical model describing bacterial predation of pathogens. In conclusion, both of these factors inhibit predation and, as such, they limit its effectiveness against pathogenic prey located within sera

    A food safety control low mass-range proteomics platform for the detection of illicit treatments in veal calves by MALDI-TOF-MS serum profiling

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    International audiencePerformance enhancing agents (PEAs) are illegally used in cattle and other meat producing species to increase food conversion and lean meat production. Due to the very short breeding cycle, veal calves represent the meat producing bovine category mostly subjected to illicit treatments. These chemical agents are difficult to detect by conventional analytical approaches due to the employment of synergistic formulations at very low dosage and given the use of uncharacterised novel compounds. Such a scenario has fostered a strong interest in the discovery of functional molecular biomarkers for the detection of growth promoting agents in meat producing species. A multivariate MALDI-TOF-MS proteomics platform has been developed using bovine serum samples. Analytical performances have been thoroughly evaluated in order to enable reproducible profiles from 10 μl sera samples. We propose univariate and multivariate discrimination models capable to identify calves undergoing illicit treatments. In particular, we found a strong discrimination power associated with a polypeptide fragment from β2-glycoprotein-I. We provide a fundamental proof of concept in the potential application of MALDI-TOF-MS proteomics profiling in the food safety control

    Biodistribution, clearance, and long‐term fate of clinically relevant nanomaterials

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    Realization of the immense potential of nanomaterials for biomedical applications will require a thorough understanding of how they interact with cells, tissues, and organs. There is evidence that, depending on their physicochemical properties and subsequent interactions, nanomaterials are indeed taken up by cells. However, the subsequent release and/or intracellular degradation of the materials, transfer to other cells, and/or translocation across tissue barriers are still poorly understood. The involvement of these cellular clearance mechanisms strongly influences the long-term fate of used nanomaterials, especially if one also considers repeated exposure. Several nanomaterials, such as liposomes and iron oxide, gold, or silica nanoparticles, are already approved by the American Food and Drug Administration for clinical trials; however, there is still a huge gap of knowledge concerning their fate in the body. Herein, clinically relevant nanomaterials, their possible modes of exposure, as well as the biological barriers they must overcome to be effective are reviewed. Furthermore, the biodistribution and kinetics of nanomaterials and their modes of clearance are discussed, knowledge of the long-term fates of a selection of nanomaterials is summarized, and the critical points that must be considered for future research are addressed

    Single-molecule kinetics of pore assembly by the membrane attack complex

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    The membrane attack complex (MAC) is a hetero-oligomeric protein assembly that kills pathogens by perforating their cell envelopes. The MAC is formed by sequential assembly of soluble complement proteins C5b, C6, C7, C8 and C9, but little is known about the rate-limiting steps in this process. Here, we use rapid atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging to show that MAC proteins oligomerize within the membrane, unlike structurally homologous bacterial pore-forming toxins. C5b-7 interacts with the lipid bilayer prior to recruiting C8. We discover that incorporation of the first C9 is the kinetic bottleneck of MAC formation, after which rapid C9 oligomerization completes the pore. This defines the kinetic basis for MAC assembly and provides insight into how human cells are protected from bystander damage by the cell surface receptor CD59, which is offered a maximum temporal window to halt the assembly at the point of C9 insertion