1,267 research outputs found

    Aktivitas Data Management Consultant dalam Hardening dan Pembuatan Database Environment di PT. Inovasi Informatika Indonesia

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    Sebagai salah satu perusahaan jasa layanan IT, PT. Inovasi Informatika Indonesia (i3) telah bergerak selama lebih dari 8 tahun dan telah dipercaya oleh banyak perusahaan sebagai perusahaan layanan hingga training dalam melakukan implementasi IT pada bisnis. Terutama dalam bidang database dimana dalam sehari dapat terbentuk lebih dari 2 quintillion bytes data butuh adanya standar yang menjamin keamanan dari data terutama dalam bisnis. Selain dalam penjaminan keamanan database dibutuhkan juga fitur pelengkap dalam database untuk membuat sistem database menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien. Program kerja magang di i3 berlangsung selama kurang lebih 900 jam sebagai seorang Data Management Consultant yang dipercaya untuk ikut turut serta dalam proses Hardening untuk meningkatkan keamanan dan menurunkan kerentanan dari berbagai database dari perusahaan perbankan. Selain itu sebagai Data Management Consultant juga diberikan tanggung jawab untuk melakukan implementasi pgbouncer dan juga pgpool-II untuk fitur pembagian koneksi dan juga beban dalam upaya meningkatkan efektifitas dan efisiensi dari database. Walaupun seorang Data Management Consultant telah mendapatkan training dan juga bimbingan dari mentor, dalam proses kerja masih dibutuhkan linimasa kerja dan pembagian beban kerja yang lebih jelas dan konsisten. Tujuannya adalah untuk meningkatkan kualitas dan mempercepat penyelesaian projek yang berjalan

    Perbandingan Performa Fitur Connection Pooling dan Load Balancing pada Database PostgreSQL

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    Berdasarkan kebutuhan environment database PostgreSQL Perusahaan X mengenai penampungan koneksi, manajemen dan pemutusan koneksi idle, serta penggunaan sumber daya berlebih pada server database tereplikasi. Masalah tersebut dijawab oleh connection pooling dan load balancing. Connection pooling, menggunakan PGBOUNCER atau PGPOOL-II. Pengujian efektivitas connection pooling dan load balancing, akan menggunakan data Transaction Per Second (TPS) dan connection latency berdasarkan skenario kombinasi PGPOOL-II dan PGBOUNCER. Untuk memberikan implementasi connection pooling dan load balancing terbaik dari kombinasi PGPOOL-II dan PGBOUNCER, dibentuk environment database PostgreSQL tereplikasi secara Asynchronous dan diuji 3 skenario yang melibatkan PGPOOL-II dan PGBOUNCER. Tiga skenario ini dilakukan testing untuk 3 jumlah client yang berbeda dengan menggunakan tools pgbench yaitu (900, 500 dan 100). Dengan catatan load yang dibagi hanyalah query select saja. Didapatkan skenario yang terbaik adalah penggunaan PGBOUNCER sebagai connection pooling dan PGPOOL-II sebagai load balancing saja tanpa mengaktifkan fitur connection pooling dari PGPOOL-II. Skenario ini memiliki nilai latency yang paling rendah dan nilai TPS tertinggi untuk setiap jumlah clientnya. Nilai latency dari jumlah client yang berbeda-beda memiliki persentase 14% lebih rendah dibanding skenario lainnya dan memiliki nilai TPS 15% lebih tinggi dibanding skenario lainnya.Sehingga disarankan untuk environment database Perusahaan X digunakan kombinasi PGBOUNCER sebagai connection pooling dan PGPOOL-II sebagai load balancing

    Alanine Conjugate of Indole-3-butyric Acid Improves Rooting of Highbush Blueberries

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    Auxins and their synthetic analogues are commonly used for rooting of cuttings, but their efficiency depends on experimental set-up and, even more importantly, on species or cultivar, and type of explants investigated. In attempt to improve rooting procedure for highbush blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum L.), we investigated alanine conjugate of indole-3-butyric acid (IBA-Ala) as potential root-promoting compounds and compared with commonly used auxins indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) and indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). The effect of different concentrations of auxins on the rooting of highbush blueberry stem cuttings (var. Bluecrop, Bluetta, Burlington and Jersey) and in-vitro-derived microcuttings (var. Jersey) was investigated. Auxin treatments significantly promoted rooting of all four varieties in comparison to control. The most efficient rooting promoter in all varieties appeared IBA-Ala (provided up to 83%, and 93% of the rooted cuttings and microcuttings, respectively). Furthermore, IBA-Ala caused a vigorous, well-branched root system that resulted in better acclimatization and survival of plants. Results suggest the application of IBA-Ala may be beneficial for rooting of difficult-to-root varieties of blueberry and related species and their practical application in the nursery industry

    A study of patterns of adverse drug reactions in a tertiary care hospital of Andhra Pradesh, India

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    Background: Pharmacovigilance Programme of India (PVPI) is a step towards participation in WHO programme for International Drug Safety Monitoring. Pharmacovigilance (PV) system is an integral part of drug therapy, which helps in detection, monitoring and designing strategies to minimize the occurrence of Adverse Drug Reaction (ADRs). The present study is done to study the patterns of ADRs in a tertiary care government hospital.Methods: A total of 327 suspected ADR reports submitted to the pharmacovigilance unit at department of pharmacology under PVPI were evaluated for a period of two years with respect to age, sex, causative drug, organ system involvement and seriousness of ADRs. The causality assessment was done using WHO assessment method.Results: Female patients experienced more (54.13%) ADRs. The highest percentage (49.24%) of ADRs were seen in age group of 18-44 years, followed by 45-60 years (33.33%). Medicine department reported the maximum number (42.20%) of ADRs. Antimicrobial agents (27.83%) were the commonest group of drugs causing ADRs, followed by anti psychotics (15.90%) and analgesic drugs (10.70%). Skin is the major organ system affected (30.28%). Causality assessment revealed (51.99%) of the ADRs were possible. Majority of the ADRs (79.82%) were nonserious and (20.18%) were serious requiring hospitalization. Death occurred in five patients.Conclusions: The results suggest that there is under reporting and there is a need to create awareness among health care professionals(HCP) about the importance of Pharmacovigilance .The data also helps in designing strategies for framing policies towards safer use of drugs in future

    Usaha Ternak Domba sebagai Jalur Keluar dari Kemiskinan Buruh Tani di Perdesaan

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    ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kemungkinan usaha ternak domba sebagai aktivitas nafkah untuk pengentasan kemiskinan, serta menentukan jumlah kepemilikan domba yang dapat  membawa rumah tangga buruh tani keluar dari kemiskinan. Survey telah dilakukan di Desa Walangsari Kecamatan Kalapanunggal Kabupaten Sukabumi, melibatkan rumah tangga buruh tani miskin sebanyak 65 orang dan 22 orang tidak miskin. Faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap kemiskinan dianalisis menggunakan model regresi logistik biner, sedangkan jumlah kepemilikan domba yang harus dipelihara untuk keluar dari kemiskinan ditentukan dengan model regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa usia kepala keluarga, dan pengalaman beternak tidak mempengaruhi kemiskinan, sedangkan jumlah kepemilikan domba, jumlah anggota rumah tangga, keterlibatan dalam kelembagaan, serta sumber pendapatan dari non pertanian mempengaruhi status kemiskinan rumah tangga buruh tani. Pada rata-rata jumlah anggota rumah tangga sebanyak 4,45 orang,untuk keluar dari kemiskinan buruh tani harus memelihara minimal sebanyak 36,63 ekor domba per rumah tangga. Hasil penelitian ini menegaskan bahwa usaha ternak domba dapat digunakan sebagai sarana untuk pengentasan kemiskinan buruh tani, program pengentasan kemiskinan akan efektif bila melibatkan kelembagaan lokal.Kata Kunci: buruh tani, jumlah kepemilikan domba, kemiskinanABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the possibility of sheep farming as a livelihood activity for poverty alleviation and to determine the amount of sheep ownership that can bring farm laborers households out of poverty. Survey research has been carried out in Walangsari Village, Kalapanunggal District, Sukabumi Regency, involving 65 poor farmer households and 22 non-poor households. Factors affecting poverty were analyzed using a binary logistic regression model, while the number of sheep ownership needed to escape poverty was determined by a simple regression model. The results showed that the age of the head of the family, and experience of sheep farmers did not affect poverty, while the number of sheep ownership, number of household members, involvement in institutions, and sources of income from non-agriculture affected the poverty status of farm laborers' households. In the average number of household members as many as 4.45 people, to get out of poverty must maintain a minimum of 36.63 sheep per household. This research explains that sheep farming can be used as a means to reduce the poverty of farm laborers, and poverty alleviation programs will be effective if they involve local institutions.Keywords: farm labor, number of sheep ownership, povert

    Phase diagram of two dimensional electron gas in a perpendicular magnetic field around Landau level filling factors \nu=1 and \nu=3

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    The measured melting curve Tm(ν)T_{m}(\nu) between the crystal and liquid phases is analyzed using thermodynamics to extract the change of magnetization ΔM\Delta M as a function of the Landau level filling factor \ ν,\nu, near ν=1\nu=1. \ An explanation of ΔM\Delta M(ν)\nu) is proposed \ in terms of Skyrmions. \ Near ν=3\nu=3, a Wigner crystal is the most probable solid phase, experiments excluding Skyrmions.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Auxin Amidohydrolases – From Structure to Function: Revisited

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    The control of plant growth and development is a well-coordinated process between exogenous and endogenous signals. Auxins are plant hormones belonging to the endogenous signals, which control a vast array of different processes. While auxins are growth promoting at low concentrations, higher levels are often inhibitory. Therefore, the tight control of auxin concentrations in a given plant tissue is essential. Among several processes that participate in auxin homeostasis, we focused herein on the process of reversible auxin conjugation that considers the synthesis of inactive auxin conjugates, which can be hydrolyzed back to the active form by so called auxin conjugate hydrolases. Although these proteins have been known for quite some time, their role in plants is still not clear, especially since novel hydrolases with different substrate specificities have been isolated. Thus, we have revisited the knowledge about auxin hydrolases, from their structure and biochemistry to the role in plant development and in dealing with unfavorable climate conditions. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License