186 research outputs found

    The management of postthoracotomy pain syndrome

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    Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Victor Babeș”, Clinica I Chirurgie, Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă „Pius Brinzeu”, Timișoara, România, Clinica de Chirurgie Toracică, Spitalul Clinic Municipal de Urgenţă, Timișoara, România, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Toracotomia clasică este însoțită de apariția durerii în majoritatea cazurilor, fiind similară cu durerea survenită în urma amputațiilor. Un procent important din pacienți dezvoltă sindrom dureros cronic postoperator, care determină o marcată alterare a calității vieții. Scopul: Analiza celor mai eficiente terapii de management postoperator al durerii şi prezentarea algoritmului de tratament. Material şi metode: Studiu retrospectiv pe 186 de pacienți toracotomizați pentru diverse afecțiuni chirurgicale toracice. S-au analizat căile de abord toracic, tipul de parietorafie, numărul și durata drenajului post operator, complicațiile post operatorii, tipurile de tratament antialgic postoperator. Pentru cuantificarea durerii s-a folosit scala durerii Wong-Baker. Rezultate: În cazul toracotomiilor axilare s-a înregistrat un scor mediu de durere crescut (5,38), cel mai mic scor de durere raportat la inciziile studiate aparținând toracoscopiilor uniportale (3,62). S-a constatat o corelație între numărul de drenuri folosite, durata de drenaj și scorul durerii. Referitor la medicația analgetică postoperatorie, 173 de pacienți au beneficiat de medicația conformă schemei standard de tratament folosită in clinică, 4 pacienți au necesitat asociere de paracetamol combinat cu acupan sau opioide, 9 pacienți au fost tratați prin infiltrare cu xilină sau bupivacaină la nivelul toracotomiei. Intervențiile chirurgicale toracice sunt grevate de prezența durerii postoperatorii acute, cu o intensitate medie mai mare decat în cazul altor intervenții chirugicale, managementul acesteia fiind complex. Concluzii: Un control bun al durerii postoperatorii duce la recuperare rapidă prin mobilizarea precoce, clearence-ul mucociliar favorabil realizat eficient prin tuse, cu ameliorarea calității vieții şi scăderea duratei şi costurilor de spitalizare.Introduction: Classic thoracotomy is often accompanied by pain in most cases, with intensity similar to amputations. A significant percentage of patients develop post operatory pain syndrome, which determines an obvious alteration of quality of life. Aim: The analysis of the most efficient post operatory pain management and a treatment algorithm. Material and methods: A retrospective study on 186 patients that underwent thoracotomy for various thoracic pathologies. We analyzed the surgical approach, types of chest closure, number and length of chest drains, postop complications, type of analgesic treatment. For pain quantification we used the Wong-Baker pain scale. Results: For axillar thoracotomy we obtained a high median value of pain (5.38), the lowest score reported belonged to uniportal VATS (3,62). We observed a positive correlation between the numbers of drains used, length of drainage and pain scale values. 173 patients benefitted by standard pain medication, 4 patients required paracetamol in association with acupan or opioids, for 9 patients we added local anesthetic infiltrations at thoracotomy site. Thoracic operations cause acute pain, with higher median intensity than other incisions, and pain management is complex. Conclusions: A good post operatory pain control leads to fast recovery by early mobilization of the patient, with good mucosal clearance due to effective cough, with good quality of life, and low hospital stay and costs

    Muscle flaps – an alternative for decortication or resection to solve the residual space in impaired patients

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    Universitatea de Medicină și Farmacie „Victor Babeș”, Clinica I Chirurgie, Spitalul Clinic Judeţean de Urgenţă „Pius Brinzeu”, Clinica de Chirurgie Toracică, Spitalul Clinic Municipal de Urgenţă, Timișoara, România, Al XIII-lea Congres al Asociației Chirurgilor „Nicolae Anestiadi” și al III-lea Congres al Societății de Endoscopie, Chirurgie miniminvazivă și Ultrasonografie ”V.M.Guțu” din Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Decorticările sau rezecțiile pulmonare reprezintă tratamentul chirurgical obişnuit în cazul pacienților cu empiem sau abcese pulmonare cronice. Pentru un număr redus de pacienți cu comorbidități severe asociate sau disfuncții respiratorii aceste operații nu sunt indicate. Am analizat eficiența lambourilor musculare pentru a corecta cavitățile reziduale. Material și metode: Am studiat pacienți cu scor de risc ASA >3, cu FEV si FVC<40, clasa NYHA mai mare sau egală cu II. Am inclus în studiu pacienți cu empiem (1caz), aspergiliom (8 cazuri), abces pulmonar cronic (1 caz) .Am folosit diverse lambouri musculare pentru a umple cavitățile. Pentru pacienții cu aspergilom am practicat toracotomie, cavernotomie, excizia micetomului, sutura fistulei. Am folosit lambouri din pectoralul mare (2), muşchii intercostali (4) şi dorsal mare (2). Pentru pacienții cu supurații cronice pulmonare am folosit dorsal mare, iar pentru empiem am asociat şi muşchi pectoral mare, trapez şi intercostal cu toracoplastie. Rezultate: Evoluția imediată a fost favorabilă în toate cazurile cu excepția unuia care a necesitat reintervenție pentru sângerare. Un pacient a dezvoltat serom. În toate cazurile, viabilitatea lamboului nu a fost afectată. Nu s-au inregistrat decese. Concluzii: Scopul acestor intervenții a fost sa eliminăm spațiile libere din pleură sau plămân. Pentru pacienții tarați, decorticările şi rezecțiile sunt operații riscante, această nouă abordare fiind benefică. Evoluția favorabilă, morbiditatea minimă după folosirea lambourilor musculare justifică deplin acest procedeu. Chiar dacă numărul mic de cazuri în care am practicat acest tip de operație ne limitează pentru moment spectrul de experiență, rezultatele pozitive sunt încurajatoare.Introduction: The surgical treatment of residual space for patients with empyema or chronic lung abscess is in most cases decortication or lung resection. For a limited number of patients with severe comorbidities or respiratory dysfunction these procedures are prohibited. We analyzed the efficiency of muscle flaps to solve the residual cavities these patients. Material and methods: We studied patients with ASA risk > 3, with FEV and FVC < 40%, NYHA II or more. Patients with empyema (1 case), aspergilloma (8 cases), chronic lung abscess (1 case) were included in the study. Different types of muscle flaps were used to fill the cavities. For patients with aspergilloma we performed thoracotomy, cavernotomy, excision of the micetoma, fistulae suture; muscles used: pectoris major – 2, intercostal – 4 and latissimus dorsi – 2. For the patient with chronic suppuration of the lung we used latissimus, and for the empyema we associated pectoris major, trapezius and intercostal muscle with thoracoplasty. Results: The immediate outcome was favorable in all cases except one who required exploration for bleeding. One patient developed wound seroma. In all cases the viability of the transposed muscle was not affected. We recorded no mortality. Conclusions: The aim of surgery is to eliminate all empty space in the pleura or lung. For impaired patients decortication or resection are very risky, thus new approach was needed. The good outcome, minimal morbidity after using muscle flaps, fully justify their use. The low number of patients limits our experience, but the good results are encouraging

    <i>Gaia</i> Data Release 1. Summary of the astrometric, photometric, and survey properties

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    Context. At about 1000 days after the launch of Gaia we present the first Gaia data release, Gaia DR1, consisting of astrometry and photometry for over 1 billion sources brighter than magnitude 20.7. Aims. A summary of Gaia DR1 is presented along with illustrations of the scientific quality of the data, followed by a discussion of the limitations due to the preliminary nature of this release. Methods. The raw data collected by Gaia during the first 14 months of the mission have been processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC) and turned into an astrometric and photometric catalogue. Results. Gaia DR1 consists of three components: a primary astrometric data set which contains the positions, parallaxes, and mean proper motions for about 2 million of the brightest stars in common with the HIPPARCOS and Tycho-2 catalogues – a realisation of the Tycho-Gaia Astrometric Solution (TGAS) – and a secondary astrometric data set containing the positions for an additional 1.1 billion sources. The second component is the photometric data set, consisting of mean G-band magnitudes for all sources. The G-band light curves and the characteristics of ∼3000 Cepheid and RR-Lyrae stars, observed at high cadence around the south ecliptic pole, form the third component. For the primary astrometric data set the typical uncertainty is about 0.3 mas for the positions and parallaxes, and about 1 mas yr−1 for the proper motions. A systematic component of ∼0.3 mas should be added to the parallax uncertainties. For the subset of ∼94 000 HIPPARCOS stars in the primary data set, the proper motions are much more precise at about 0.06 mas yr−1. For the secondary astrometric data set, the typical uncertainty of the positions is ∼10 mas. The median uncertainties on the mean G-band magnitudes range from the mmag level to ∼0.03 mag over the magnitude range 5 to 20.7. Conclusions. Gaia DR1 is an important milestone ahead of the next Gaia data release, which will feature five-parameter astrometry for all sources. Extensive validation shows that Gaia DR1 represents a major advance in the mapping of the heavens and the availability of basic stellar data that underpin observational astrophysics. Nevertheless, the very preliminary nature of this first Gaia data release does lead to a number of important limitations to the data quality which should be carefully considered before drawing conclusions from the data

    Gaia Early Data Release 3 Acceleration of the Solar System from Gaia astrometry

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    Context. Gaia Early Data Release 3 (Gaia EDR3) provides accurate astrometry for about 1.6 million compact (QSO-like) extragalactic sources, 1.2 million of which have the best-quality five-parameter astrometric solutions. Aims. The proper motions of QSO-like sources are used to reveal a systematic pattern due to the acceleration of the solar systembarycentre with respect to the rest frame of the Universe. Apart from being an important scientific result by itself, the acceleration measured in this way is a good quality indicator of the Gaia astrometric solution. Methods. Theeffect of the acceleration was obtained as a part of the general expansion of the vector field of proper motions in vector spherical harmonics (VSH). Various versions of the VSH fit and various subsets of the sources were tried and compared to get the most consistent result and a realistic estimate of its uncertainty. Additional tests with the Gaia astrometric solution were used to get a better idea of the possible systematic errors in the estimate. Results. Our best estimate of the acceleration based on Gaia EDR3 is (2.32 +/- 0.16) x 10(-10) m s(-2) (or 7.33 +/- 0.51 km s(-1) Myr-1) towards alpha = 269.1 degrees +/- 5.4 degrees, delta = -31.6 degrees +/- 4.1 degrees, corresponding to a proper motion amplitude of 5.05 +/- 0.35 mu as yr(-1). This is in good agreement with the acceleration expected from current models of the Galactic gravitational potential. We expect that future Gaia data releases will provide estimates of the acceleration with uncertainties substantially below 0.1 mu as yr(-1).Peer reviewe

    Effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules (THYCOVID): a retrospective, international, multicentre, cross-sectional study

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    Background Since its outbreak in early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has diverted resources from non-urgent and elective procedures, leading to diagnosis and treatment delays, with an increased number of neoplasms at advanced stages worldwide. The aims of this study were to quantify the reduction in surgical activity for indeterminate thyroid nodules during the COVID-19 pandemic; and to evaluate whether delays in surgery led to an increased occurrence of aggressive tumours.Methods In this retrospective, international, cross-sectional study, centres were invited to participate in June 22, 2022; each centre joining the study was asked to provide data from medical records on all surgical thyroidectomies consecutively performed from Jan 1, 2019, to Dec 31, 2021. Patients with indeterminate thyroid nodules were divided into three groups according to when they underwent surgery: from Jan 1, 2019, to Feb 29, 2020 (global prepandemic phase), from March 1, 2020, to May 31, 2021 (pandemic escalation phase), and from June 1 to Dec 31, 2021 (pandemic decrease phase). The main outcomes were, for each phase, the number of surgeries for indeterminate thyroid nodules, and in patients with a postoperative diagnosis of thyroid cancers, the occurrence of tumours larger than 10 mm, extrathyroidal extension, lymph node metastases, vascular invasion, distant metastases, and tumours at high risk of structural disease recurrence. Univariate analysis was used to compare the probability of aggressive thyroid features between the first and third study phases. The study was registered on ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT05178186.Findings Data from 157 centres (n=49 countries) on 87 467 patients who underwent surgery for benign and malignant thyroid disease were collected, of whom 22 974 patients (18 052 [78 center dot 6%] female patients and 4922 [21 center dot 4%] male patients) received surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules. We observed a significant reduction in surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules during the pandemic escalation phase (median monthly surgeries per centre, 1 center dot 4 [IQR 0 center dot 6-3 center dot 4]) compared with the prepandemic phase (2 center dot 0 [0 center dot 9-3 center dot 7]; p&lt;0 center dot 0001) and pandemic decrease phase (2 center dot 3 [1 center dot 0-5 center dot 0]; p&lt;0 center dot 0001). Compared with the prepandemic phase, in the pandemic decrease phase we observed an increased occurrence of thyroid tumours larger than 10 mm (2554 [69 center dot 0%] of 3704 vs 1515 [71 center dot 5%] of 2119; OR 1 center dot 1 [95% CI 1 center dot 0-1 center dot 3]; p=0 center dot 042), lymph node metastases (343 [9 center dot 3%] vs 264 [12 center dot 5%]; OR 1 center dot 4 [1 center dot 2-1 center dot 7]; p=0 center dot 0001), and tumours at high risk of structural disease recurrence (203 [5 center dot 7%] of 3584 vs 155 [7 center dot 7%] of 2006; OR 1 center dot 4 [1 center dot 1-1 center dot 7]; p=0 center dot 0039).Interpretation Our study suggests that the reduction in surgical activity for indeterminate thyroid nodules during the COVID-19 pandemic period could have led to an increased occurrence of aggressive thyroid tumours. However, other compelling hypotheses, including increased selection of patients with aggressive malignancies during this period, should be considered. We suggest that surgery for indeterminate thyroid nodules should no longer be postponed even in future instances of pandemic escalation.Funding None.Copyright (c) 2023 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Gaia Data Release 2 Mapping the Milky Way disc kinematics

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    Context. The second Gaia data release (Gaia DR2) contains high-precision positions, parallaxes, and proper motions for 1.3 billion sources as well as line-of-sight velocities for 7.2 million stars brighter than G(RVS) = 12 mag. Both samples provide a full sky coverage. Aims. To illustrate the potential of Gaia DR2, we provide a first look at the kinematics of the Milky Way disc, within a radius of several kiloparsecs around the Sun. Methods. We benefit for the first time from a sample of 6.4 million F-G-K stars with full 6D phase-space coordinates, precise parallaxes (sigma((omega) over bar)/(omega) over bar Results. Gaia DR2 allows us to draw 3D maps of the Galactocentric median velocities and velocity dispersions with unprecedented accuracy, precision, and spatial resolution. The maps show the complexity and richness of the velocity field of the galactic disc. We observe streaming motions in all the components of the velocities as well as patterns in the velocity dispersions. For example, we confirm the previously reported negative and positive galactocentric radial velocity gradients in the inner and outer disc, respectively. Here, we see them as part of a non-axisymmetric kinematic oscillation, and we map its azimuthal and vertical behaviour. We also witness a new global arrangement of stars in the velocity plane of the solar neighbourhood and in distant regions in which stars are organised in thin substructures with the shape of circular arches that are oriented approximately along the horizontal direction in the U - V plane. Moreover, in distant regions, we see variations in the velocity substructures more clearly than ever before, in particular, variations in the velocity of the Hercules stream. Conclusions. Gaia DR2 provides the largest existing full 6D phase-space coordinates catalogue. It also vastly increases the number of available distances and transverse velocities with respect to Gaia DR1. Gaia DR2 offers a great wealth of information on the Milky Way and reveals clear non-axisymmetric kinematic signatures within the Galactic disc, for instance. It is now up to the astronomical community to explore its full potential.Peer reviewe

    Pulsations in main sequence OBAF-type stars

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    CONTEXT: The third Gaia data release provides photometric time series covering 34 months for about 10 million stars. For many of those stars, a characterisation in Fourier space and their variability classification are also provided. This paper focuses on intermediate- to high-mass (IHM) main sequence pulsators (M ≥  1.3 M⊙) of spectral types O, B, A, or F, known as β Cep, slowly pulsating B (SPB), δ Sct, and γ Dor stars. These stars are often multi-periodic and display low amplitudes, making them challenging targets to analyse with sparse time series. AIMS: We investigate the extent to which the sparse Gaia DR3 data can be used to detect OBAF-type pulsators and discriminate them from other types of variables. We aim to probe the empirical instability strips and compare them with theoretical predictions. The most populated variability class is that of the δ Sct variables. For these stars, we aim to confirm their empirical period-luminosity (PL) relation, and verify the relation between their oscillation amplitude and rotation. METHODS: All datasets used in this analysis are part of the Gaia DR3 data release. The photometric time series were used to perform a Fourier analysis, while the global astrophysical parameters necessary for the empirical instability strips were taken from the Gaia DR3 gspphot tables, and the v sin i data were taken from the Gaia DR3 esphs tables. The δ Sct PL relation was derived using the same photometric parallax method as the one recently used to establish the PL relation for classical Cepheids using Gaia data. RESULTS: We show that for nearby OBAF-type pulsators, the Gaia DR3 data are precise and accurate enough to pinpoint them in the Hertzsprung-Russell (HR) diagram. We find empirical instability strips covering broader regions than theoretically predicted. In particular, our study reveals the presence of fast rotating gravity-mode pulsators outside the strips, as well as the co-existence of rotationally modulated variables inside the strips as reported before in the literature. We derive an extensive period–luminosity relation for δ Sct stars and provide evidence that the relation features different regimes depending on the oscillation period. We demonstrate how stellar rotation attenuates the amplitude of the dominant oscillation mode of δ Sct stars. CONCLUSIONS: The Gaia DR3 time-series photometry already allows for the detection of the dominant (non-)radial oscillation mode in about 100 000 intermediate- and high-mass dwarfs across the entire sky. This detection capability will increase as the time series becomes longer, allowing the additional delivery of frequencies and amplitudes of secondary pulsation modes

    Gaia Early Data Release 3: Summary of the contents and survey properties

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    ABSTRACT: Context. We present the early installment of the third Gaia data release, Gaia EDR3, consisting of astrometry and photometry for 1.8 billion sources brighter than magnitude 21, complemented with the list of radial velocities from Gaia DR2. Aims. A summary of the contents of Gaia EDR3 is presented, accompanied by a discussion on the differences with respect to Gaia DR2 and an overview of the main limitations which are present in the survey. Recommendations are made on the responsible use of Gaia EDR3 results. Methods. The raw data collected with the Gaia instruments during the first 34 months of the mission have been processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium and turned into this early third data release, which represents a major advance with respect to Gaia DR2 in terms of astrometric and photometric precision, accuracy, and homogeneity. Results. Gaia EDR3 contains celestial positions and the apparent brightness in G for approximately 1.8 billion sources. For 1.5 billion of those sources, parallaxes, proper motions, and the (GBP ? GRP) colour are also available. The passbands for G, GBP, and GRP are provided as part of the release. For ease of use, the 7 million radial velocities from Gaia DR2 are included in this release, after the removal of a small number of spurious values. New radial velocities will appear as part of Gaia DR3. Finally, Gaia EDR3 represents an updated materialisation of the celestial reference frame (CRF) in the optical, the Gaia-CRF3, which is based solely on extragalactic sources. The creation of the source list for Gaia EDR3 includes enhancements that make it more robust with respect to high proper motion stars, and the disturbing effects of spurious and partially resolved sources. The source list is largely the same as that for Gaia DR2, but it does feature new sources and there are some notable changes. The source list will not change for Gaia DR3. Conclusions. Gaia EDR3 represents a significant advance over Gaia DR2, with parallax precisions increased by 30 per cent, proper motion precisions increased by a factor of 2, and the systematic errors in the astrometry suppressed by 30-40% for the parallaxes and by a factor ~2.5 for the proper motions. The photometry also features increased precision, but above all much better homogeneity across colour, magnitude, and celestial position. A single passband for G, GBP, and GRP is valid over the entire magnitude and colour range, with no systematics above the 1% levelThe Gaia mission and data processing have financially been supported by ; the Spanish Ministry of Economy (MINECO/FEDER, UE) through grants ESP2016-80079-C2-1-R, ESP2016-80079-C2-2-R, RTI2018-095076-B-C21, RTI2018-095076-B-C22, BES-2016-078499, and BES-2017-083126 and the Juan de la Cierva formación 2015 grant FJCI-2015-2671, the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture, and Sports through grant FPU16/03827, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) through grant AYA2017-89841P for project “Estudio de las propiedades de los fósiles estelares en el entorno del Grupo Local” and through grant TIN2015-65316-P for project “Computación de Altas Prestaciones VII

    Gaia Data Release 3: Mapping the asymmetric disc of the Milky Way

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    With the most recent Gaia data release the number of sources with complete 6D phase space information (position and velocity) has increased to well over 33 million stars, while stellar astrophysical parameters are provided for more than 470 million sources, in addition to the identification of over 11 million variable stars. Using the astrophysical parameters and variability classifications provided in Gaia DR3, we select various stellar populations to explore and identify non-axisymmetric features in the disc of the Milky Way in both configuration and velocity space. Using more about 580 thousand sources identified as hot OB stars, together with 988 known open clusters younger than 100 million years, we map the spiral structure associated with star formation 4-5 kpc from the Sun. We select over 2800 Classical Cepheids younger than 200 million years, which show spiral features extending as far as 10 kpc from the Sun in the outer disc. We also identify more than 8.7 million sources on the red giant branch (RGB), of which 5.7 million have line-of-sight velocities, allowing the velocity field of the Milky Way to be mapped as far as 8 kpc from the Sun, including the inner disc. The spiral structure revealed by the young populations is consistent with recent results using Gaia EDR3 astrometry and source lists based on near infrared photometry, showing the Local (Orion) arm to be at least 8 kpc long, and an outer arm consistent with what is seen in HI surveys, which seems to be a continuation of the Perseus arm into the third quadrant. Meanwhile, the subset of RGB stars with velocities clearly reveals the large scale kinematic signature of the bar in the inner disc, as well as evidence of streaming motions in the outer disc that might be associated with spiral arms or bar resonances. (abridged