51 research outputs found

    “It’s just common sense”: How the (re)production of nostalgia sustains the sex binary and perpetuates oppression in U.S. politics and culture

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    Discourse within transgender studies concerning anti-transgender rhetoric is often preoccupied with the removal and denial of transgender rights. The existing literature pays significantly less attention to the role of nostalgia in (re)producing the sex and gender binary which serves as the foundation for anti-transgender violence both on a structural and interpersonal level. An analysis of how seeds of nostalgia are sown and fertilised within society through law, architectural and technological design, and feminist discourse helps us understand how the ideology that sex is binary and immutable is ostensibly neutralised through its presentation as ‘common sense’ and ‘natural order’. This dissertation is organised into three parts. Chapter One explores how definitions of biological sex have historically been and are currently being contested in U.S. law. The chapter examines how the Trump administration’s deliberate denial of sex variation and its complexities, and their depiction of transgender people as economically taxing to America, presents the solidification of the sex binary as a part of making America great again. Through the infamous ‘bathroom debates’ Chapter Two examines how as a result of people’s sense of identity being challenged alongside the sex binary, people cling on to material sites as indicators of a ‘past’ stability and permanence. How design is used as a tool of capitalism to cement the sex binary within Western culture, and the subsequent proliferation of anxieties and policing that has arisen as transgender people seek to relieve themselves is illustrated. Chapter Three explains how despite the argument put forward by trans-exclusionary radical feminists that binary biological sex difference is fundamental to womanhood, this is not the case. The desire to deny women the status of womanhood on a biological basis is not new, but has been (and is still) used to deny Black women, transgender women and intersex women womanhood. Therefore this dissertation scrutinises the ideology that biological sex is binary and immutable. It highlights how this binary is (re)produced and (re)constructed through nostalgia, and emphasises that any thought that does not work towards deconstructing the sex binary will ultimately (re)produce gendered, racist and patriarchal oppression

    “It’s just common sense”: How the (re)production of nostalgia sustains the sex binary and perpetuates oppression in U.S. politics and culture

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    Discourse within transgender studies concerning anti-transgender rhetoric is often preoccupied with the removal and denial of transgender rights. The existing literature pays significantly less attention to the role of nostalgia in (re)producing the sex and gender binary which serves as the foundation for anti-transgender violence both on a structural and interpersonal level. An analysis of how seeds of nostalgia are sown and fertilised within society through law, architectural and technological design, and feminist discourse helps us understand how the ideology that sex is binary and immutable is ostensibly neutralised through its presentation as ‘common sense’ and ‘natural order’. This dissertation is organised into three parts. Chapter One explores how definitions of biological sex have historically been and are currently being contested in U.S. law. The chapter examines how the Trump administration’s deliberate denial of sex variation and its complexities, and their depiction of transgender people as economically taxing to America, presents the solidification of the sex binary as a part of making America great again. Through the infamous ‘bathroom debates’ Chapter Two examines how as a result of people’s sense of identity being challenged alongside the sex binary, people cling on to material sites as indicators of a ‘past’ stability and permanence. How design is used as a tool of capitalism to cement the sex binary within Western culture, and the subsequent proliferation of anxieties and policing that has arisen as transgender people seek to relieve themselves is illustrated. Chapter Three explains how despite the argument put forward by trans-exclusionary radical feminists that binary biological sex difference is fundamental to womanhood, this is not the case. The desire to deny women the status of womanhood on a biological basis is not new, but has been (and is still) used to deny Black women, transgender women and intersex women womanhood. Therefore this dissertation scrutinises the ideology that biological sex is binary and immutable. It highlights how this binary is (re)produced and (re)constructed through nostalgia, and emphasises that any thought that does not work towards deconstructing the sex binary will ultimately (re)produce gendered, racist and patriarchal oppression


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    Kebutuhan akan alat transportasi khususnya sepeda motor mengakibatkan bertambahnya jumlah produksi sepeda motor baru dan munculnya berbagai variasi model baru akibat persaingan perusahaan sepeda motor, hal ini berdampak pada melimpahnya sepeda motor second. Pasar motor second di kabupaten Merauke cukup tinggi, sehingga banyak tempat penjualan motor second yang menyediakan berbagai macam produk motor second. Salah satu alasan masyarakat lebih memilih motor second adalah harga yang cukup murah dan kualitas motor yang masih bagus di tempat penjualan. Sistem Informasi Geografis Pemetaan Lokasi Penjualan Motor Second Berbasis Web di Kabupaten Merauke ini dirancang dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dengan database yang didukung MySQL, hasil data diperoleh dengan 3 metode yaitu metode observasi, wawancara, dan studi kepustakaan. Hasil yang didapatkan dari sistem ini adalah dapat memetakan penjualan sepeda motor second, memberikan informasi tempat penjualan dan dapat menampilkan rute menuju lokasi, sehingga dapat membantu masyarakat atau peminat dalam mencari informasi tempat penjualan sepeda motor second, dalam pengembangan sistem ini menggunakan metode waterfall dimana metode ini merupakan suatu hal yang menggambarkan pendekatan secara sistematis dan juga berurutan (step by step) dalam suatu pengembangan perangkat lunak, dan metode pengujiannya adalah black box dan UAT ( Pengujian Penerimaan Pengguna). Sistem ini menggunakan dua metode perhitungan yang bertujuan untuk menghitung fungsi, apakah fungsi sistem dapat berjalan sebagaimana mestinya, dalam hal ini metode perhitungan Blackbox dan perhitungan (UAT) User Acceptance Testing dengan jumlah 80% responden sangat setuju, yang bertujuan untuk menghasilkan dokumen yang digunakan sebagai bukti bahwa sistem yang dikembangkan dapat diterima atau tidak oleh pengguna

    Sistem Perburuan Landak Moncong Panjang (Zaglossus bruijnii) pada Masyarakat Kampung Waibem dan Kampung Saukorem Tambrauw, Papua Barat

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sistem perburuan landak moncong panjang (Zaglossus bruijnii) oleh masyarakat kampung Waibem dan Saukorem, Kabupaten Tambrauw. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kampung Waibem dan Saukorem selama 1 bulan, yaitu sejak bulan Juli-Agustus 2014. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan teknik observasi lapangan dan wawancara semi struktural yang mengacu pada daftar kuisioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa umumnya masyarakat Kampung Waibem dan Saukorem melakukan perburuan dengan 3 (tiga) tujuan, yaitu untuk dikonsumsi, dijual, dan sebagai hiburan. Masyarakat Kampung Waibem dan Saukorem berburu landak moncong panjang dengan menggunakan jerat, parang, bantuan anjing, dan berburu secara visual (bantuan mata). Waktu berburu landak moncong panjang adalah sehabis hujan, bulan sabit, dan pada malam hari. Pengembangan ekowisata berbasis satwa landak moncong panjang menjadi salah satu strategi untuk menambah pendapatan masyarakat pada kedua kampung serta secara perlahan-lahan mengurangi tingkat perburuan masyarakat.Kata kunci: sistem perburuan, Zaglossus bruijnii, landak moncong panjang, Saukorem Village, Waibem Village Hunting system of long-beaked echidna (Zaglossus bruijnii) by Waibem and Saukorem local communities, Tambrauw Regency, West PapuaAbstractThe objective of this research was to investigate hunting system of western long-beaked echidna (Zaglossus bruijnii) by Waibem and Saukorem Local Communities, Tambrauw Regency in Papua Province of Indonesia during July to August 2014. The observation technique and semi-structural interview were carried out by asking local people through questionnaire and analyzed by descriptive method. The result shows that local people in Waibem and Saukorem villagers generally do hunting for consumption, commercial/sale and hobby. The hunting method used by these communities were lasso, chopping knife, dog, and visual hunting. Hunting time of western long-beaked echidnais normally done after rain, crescent moon, and during night. Eco-tourism development is expected to increase the income of local people as well as reducing hunting pressure of this species

    Kadar Asam Klorogenat (CGA) Dalam Biji Kopi Arabika (Coffea Arabica) Asal Wamena, Papua

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    Chlorogenic acid (CGA) is one of chemical compound in coffee and class of polyphenolic compounds that have activity as antioxidant.  This study aims to determine the CGA contain in Arabica coffee beans from Wamena regency of Jayawijaya, Papua.  Coffee beans  were roasted by three roasting temperature i.e. 75, 150 and 2250 C while unroasted one was used as controls. Extraction was performed by soxhletation using metanol as  a solvent for 5 hours. Separation and  CGAcontent were determined using HPLC uses C-18 column, 150 mm length, 4,6 mm in diameter, with metanol-fosfat buffer 10 mM pH 2,6(30:70) as eluent, flow rate of 1 mL/minutes, injection volume of 20 µL and measured by spectrophotometer UV-Vis in 329 nm. The result of the study shows the CGAcontent  in treated beans with temperature roasting of 75, 150 and 2250C  respectively were 6,93 ; 9,33 and 7,12 % while the unroasted one was  7,73 %. The lowest CGA content was found in coffee beans roasted in 750C while the highest in 1500 C

    Language endangerment and language documentation in Africa

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    Matsatkamu yakumnumia irutkamu napurak itiura najanamuit, matsatkamu Samuria Chinchipnumia

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    El primer capítulo nos habla de los antecedentes, se conoce el origen de la nacionalidad shuar ocupa una gran extensión desde el río Chinchipe, hasta el río Pastaza. La ciudad de Zamora fue fundada por el Capitán Alonso de Mercadillo en 1549. Los primeros asentamientos fueron: Limón Indanza, Kalakras, y kurints. Las primeras autoridades fueron don Miguel Ijisam Taant y su esposa Sra. Rosario Naanch. La primera familia procedía de la provincia de Morona Santiago, Macas, yampis, Wirimi, Kalakras y Makuma. Se afilió a la Federación Interprovincial del Centro Shuar-Achuar, con sede en la provincia de Morona Santiago. En la artesanía hacen muchos materiales de uso personal y familiar como: el canasto, el cernidero, la corona de plumas de aves de vistosos colores y pieles de animales silvestres. La agricultura a cargo de la mujer, el hombre se dedica a la cría de ganado vacuno la caza y la pesca. La educación, se inicia con la escuela radiofónica bicultural shuar en la provincia de Morona Santiago, actualmente se imparte una educación bilingüe. Dentro de la brujería y enfermedad, el brujo es el tutor y defensor del grupo familiar. El poder espiritual lo obtienen a través de bebidas alucinógenas. El capítulo II se refiere a la organización y estructura, la familia Ijisam, fue la que dio inicio a la formación de la comunidad, nombraron a sus representantes, con personería jurídica reconocida por el Ministerio de Bienestar Social. Los grupos sociales estaban divididos por categorías: los Centros, las asociaciones y la federación. El capítulo IV se refiera a la vivienda y población los antepasados tenían viviendas primitivas de 18 a 20 m., de largo, por 8 m. de ancho y 7 m., de altura.Yama tesamuka itiura iruntraniun juarkiarmia nuna aujmatui, shuarka nekaska entsa paka tepakmanum chinchipia timia pastasa timiai, irutkamu samurka kapit Alonso de Mercadillo naartin najanamuiti nekaska uwi 1549, yama pujusmaka Intiankas, kakas nuya kurintsaiti, tura yama shuara uuntrinkia uunt Miguel Ijisam Taantuyayi nii newe Rosario Naanch, yama shuarka Muruna Santiaknumia armiayi, irutkamu Makas, Mente, Yumunk intiankas,wirim, kakas nuya Makumia, tura shuar iruntramunam shuar Achuarnum pachinkiamiyi muruna santiaknum nekaska waari amiania nui. Shuara najantairinkia tii nukap najanin ainiawai nii utsumamurin takakmastasar: sukun, tsatsan, tawaspan, tentemnasha yajasma nuapejai, tura arakmatniunka nuwa aramau armiayi, tura aishmanka waaka wainkiatniun, eamkatniun nuya namak achichtinian, tura unuimiartinniaka tuntuinmani unuimiatan juarkiarmiayi nekaska Muruna Santiaknumajai, tura yamaikia nakak unuimiata jimiara chichamjainiaiti, jamunmanka nekaska iwishniuiti tsuakratniuka nii shuar jainiakuinkia, tsuakratn ajastaska nekaska nateman umar ijiarmak kakaram ajawaiti, nuya tesamu jimiarnumka nekaska itiura Ijisam shuar iruntratniun juarkiarmia nuna tura yaa armia nii uuntri anamrarua nuna aujatmaji, nekaska penker pujustinian papi umpuarman takusartinian, tura juka nekaska nii shuarak tesanairar matsamsarmiayi, iruntramu, matsatkamu nuya uunt matsatkamunam, nuya kuit wainkiatniunka ajanmanian warinkiasha suratmakar taku armiayi, yamaiya juinkia shuarsha kakaram chichatainiam pachinia nisha takakmas paantin ajakiar wenawai, iruntramunam anamkar jimiara uwi takakmasar jiniainiawai, tura juka ataksha anaikiamnia ainiawai, nuya tesamu aintiukka nekaska pujusarman, urutma shuara nuya jeesha urukuya nuna, aitkiasank jeaka 18 nuya 20 nekapak armiayi esantinkia nuya wankantinkia 8 m.nuya 7 m. yakirinkia armiayi,tura yamaiya jeaka apach jea ainiawai nekaska kaya jea, nunka iniarkamujai, numijai, apachi kampankarijai nurancha irunui, nii tiura kuitrinniuit imiatrusank, yaunchuka 23 shuar juarkiarmiayi tura yamaikia 150 shuar ainiawai.Licenciado en Ciencias de la Educación con mención en Educación Intercultural BilingüeCuenc