Elektronik Jurnal Universitas Musamus Merupakan
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    2100 research outputs found

    Problem-Based Learning to Improve 21st Century Collaborative Skills in Physical Education

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    Objective. This research delves into the implementation of a problem-based learning (PBL) model that aims to improve collaborative skills pertinent to the 21st century in the realm of physical education. The investigation measures the effectiveness of this approach in developing essential collaborative skills that are relevant to modern-day scenarios. The study assesses the impact of PBL on students' collaborative capabilities, providing valuable insights into the potential advantages of this pedagogical technique for nurturing vital skills crucial for success in the 21st century. Materials and methods. This study utilized a Classroom Action Research (CAR) approach, following the Kemmis and McTaggart methodology. The Participatory Action Research method consisted of four main stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research involved 25 students from Rumah Tahfidz Pelita Hati Klaten school. Results. According to the findings of the study, a mere 20%, or five students out of the total number of students evaluated, were able to meet the minimum competency standards (KKM) during the pre-cycle phase. However, this figure rose to 36% or nine students in cycle I, and in cycle II, the percentage of students who achieved the MCS stood at an impressive 92%, which amounts to 23 students. These results indicate a significant improvement in the academic performance of the students from pre-cycle to cycle II. Conclusions. The results obtained from the study indicate a significant improvement in the performance of students from cycle I to cycle II, thus providing evidence for the effectiveness of problem-based learning in the domain of physical education. The findings further imply that this approach fosters better teamwork and collaboration among students, thereby contributing to their overall growth and development.Objective. This research delves into the implementation of a problem-based learning (PBL) model that aims to improve collaborative skills pertinent to the 21st century in the realm of physical education. The investigation measures the effectiveness of this approach in developing essential collaborative skills that are relevant to modern-day scenarios. The study assesses the impact of PBL on students' collaborative capabilities, providing valuable insights into the potential advantages of this pedagogical technique for nurturing vital skills crucial for success in the 21st century. Materials and methods. This study utilized a Classroom Action Research (CAR) approach, following the Kemmis and McTaggart methodology. The Participatory Action Research method consisted of four main stages: planning, implementation, observation, and reflection. The research involved 25 students from Rumah Tahfidz Pelita Hati Klaten school. Results. According to the findings of the study, a mere 20%, or five students out of the total number of students evaluated, were able to meet the minimum competency standards (KKM) during the pre-cycle phase. However, this figure rose to 36% or nine students in cycle I, and in cycle II, the percentage of students who achieved the MCS stood at an impressive 92%, which amounts to 23 students. These results indicate a significant improvement in the academic performance of the students from pre-cycle to cycle II. Conclusions. The results obtained from the study indicate a significant improvement in the performance of students from cycle I to cycle II, thus providing evidence for the effectiveness of problem-based learning in the domain of physical education. The findings further imply that this approach fosters better teamwork and collaboration among students, thereby contributing to their overall growth and development

    Criminal Asset Forfeiture In The Sense Of Extraordinary Confiscation

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    The meaning of confiscation in principle explains that the proceeds of crime must be confiscated, this aims to prevent the convict from being able to utilize or benefit from the criminal acts he committed. Conceptually, confiscation is a State action that is carried out carefully and procedurally. This means that forfeiture requires a strict legal evidentiary instrument first because without it there could be abused of power in its implementation. In Indonesia, the meaning of confiscation is the efforts of law enforcement officials in their interests to prove cases and / or investigations (Article 1 point 16 of the Criminal Procedure Code), with this understanding, the intended confiscation is limitative. The procedure for confiscation is regulated in articles 128, 129 and 130 of the Criminal Procedure Code or the same points as ordinary confiscation. The goal of criminalizing behaviour that generates huge profits illegally is not enough just to punish physically, even if caught and punished, it is possible that these criminals can enjoy their illegal profits. For this reason, a set of administrative rules is needed that can be used as a foothold for deprivation in the face of criminalization

    Analisis Tingkat Pendapatan Pengusaha Penggilingan Padi

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    ABSTRAK Suatu  penelitian  untuk  mengetahui  berapa  tingkat  pendapatan  bersih  pengusaha  penggilingan  padi  dan  untuk  mengetahui  tingkat  efisiensi  para  pengusaha  penggilingan  padi  di  Kampung  Waninggap  Miraf  Kabupaten  Merauke.   populasi  dalam  penelitian  ini  sebanyak  25 usaha   dan  sampel  yang  diambil  dalam  penelitian  sebanyak  25  usaha. Alat  analisis  data  yang  digunakan  untuk  mengetahui  tingkat  pendapatan  adalah  analisis  profitability: π=RT-TC.   Hasil penelitian  menunjukkan  bahwa  seluruh  pengusaha  penggilingan  padi  tidak  memperoleh  kerugian,hal  ini  di  karenakan  seluruh  pengusaha  penggilingan  padi  mempunyai  biaya  produksi  yang  di  keluarkan  dan  mereka  memperoleh  penghasilan  atau  penerimaan  cukup  besar  sehingga  mereka  memperoleh  keuntungan. Kata Kunci: Pendapatan Pengusaha Penggilingan Pad

    FA-KNN: Hybrid Algoritma Untuk Klasifikasi Penyakit Diabetes Melitus

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    Penanganan yang tepat dan tepat waktu dari Diabetes Melitus menjadi sangat penting karena penyakit ini dapat menyebabkan berbagai komplikasi serius. Komplikasi jangka panjang meliputi gangguan pada mata (retinopati), ginjal (nefropati), saraf (neuropati), jantung dan pembuluh darah (kardiovaskular), serta risiko luka yang sulit sembuh hingga amputasi pada ekstremitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menerapkan Firefly Algorithm (FA) atau algoritma kunang-kunang dan KNN dalam melakukan klasifikasi terhadap penyakit diabetes melitus, dimana FA akan digunakan untuk melakukan pencarian parameter yang paling optimal untuk KNN. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu metode eksperimen dengan melakukan skenario perubahan pada jumlah populasi kunang-kunang dan juga perubahan nilai k-fold validation untuk melakukan pembagian dataset. Hasil akurasi terbaik didapatkan pada populasi 100 dan 150 dengan nilai k=5 yaitu sebesar 76.3% dengan parameter K pada KNN yang diperoleh yaitu 15 dan P adalah


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh beton dengan tambahan serat (serabut kelapa sawit dan kawat ikat) terhadap kuat tekan beton normal (0%), menggunakan metode eksperimen. Dengan bahan-bahan penyusun beton diantaranya yaitu kerikil, pasir kasar, pasir halus, air, semen andalas (porlant komposit type III), kawat ikat dan serabut kelapa sawit (yang berasal dari PT. Socfindo Kebun Seunagan). Benda uji dibuat berbentuk kubus (15 × 15 × 15 cm) dengan FAS 0,45. Variasi penambahan serat sebanyak 2% (serabut kelapa sawit) + 4% (kawat ikat) dan 6% (serabut kelapa sawit) + 4% (kawat ikat) dari berat semen. Pengujian kuat tekan dilaksanakan di laboratorium milik PT. Espe Makmur Beton untuk benda uji umur 7 hari (berjumlah 9 sampel benda uji) dan umur 28 hari (berjumlah 9 sampel benda uji) menggunakan mesin uji tekan beton (merek Indotest). Berdasarkan pengujian didapatkan hasil kuat tekan rata-rata untuk beton normal (0%) sebesar 16,67 Mpa. Serta untuk beton dengan tambahan serat variasi 2% (serabut kelapa sawit) + 4% (kawat ikat) didapatkan hasil kuat tekannya sebesar 9,70 Mpa terjadi penurunan sebesar 41,81% terhadap kuat tekan beton normal (0%) dan 6% (serabut kelapa sawit) + 4% (kawat ikat) didapatkan hasil kuat tekannya sebesar 4,96 Mpa terjadi penurunan sebesar 70,25% terhadap kuat tekan beton normal (0%). Maka dengan penambahan serabut kelapa sawit dan kawat berdampak negatif terhadap kuat tekan beton

    Implementation of the Legislative Function of the Village Consultative Body in Kaliki Village, Kurik District - Merauke Regency

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    This research aims to analyze how the effectiveness of the implementation of the ruling of the Administrative Court of the State and what are the factors that influence the effectiveness of the Court ruling The country. The research was carried out on the courts of The State of Makassar, data collection techniques are carried out by means of interviews and read scientific books, magazines, newspapers and other readings related to research. Results of the study showed that the effectiveness of the implementation of the ruling of the Court of The Country has not been effective, because so far there are still many Administrative Bodies and Officials of countries that are unwilling to comply with the ruling of the Court of The country, then plus the lack of participation of the parties to the dispute has led to a court could not ascertain whether a State Administrative Court ruling that has a magnitude of law has been implemented or not. As for the factors that influence the Court ruling The Country, among which is the absence of a special eksekutorial institution or institution of sanctions in carrying out the Court ruling The country, The official low awareness Countries in obeying the Court ruling The Country, the absence of more detailed provisions governing sanctions if the verdict is not implemented. Advice from the research is that, should the Government contains provisions governing the institutions executorial institutions or special sanctions ruling of The judiciary of the State, so the State Administrative Court's verdict can be run and judicial administration can emerge again in the eyes of the community

    The Impact of 12 Weeks of Moderate-Intensity Aerobic Exercise on Reducing Obesity in Older Adults

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    Objective. Obesity is a significant health concern that can affect individuals of all ages, including children and adults. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of 12 weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise in reducing complex obesity levels in older individuals. The research methodology used in this study is experimental, with a one-group pre-post test design. The study was conducted in June-July 2023 at the Jakarta State University Sports Hall, located in Rawamangun, East Jakarta. Following the participants' completion of 12 weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, a post-test was administered, which included measuring their BMI. Materials and Methods.  The study involved 30 elderly participants who were obese. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, with several criteria such as being male, aged between 55-65 years, having a body mass index (BMI) between 27-32 kg/m2, coming from a large family from the Faculty of Sports Science, Jakarta State University, and being willing to participate in research on the effects of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for 12 weeks. The research aimed to determine the effects of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for 12 weeks on reducing the level of complex obesity in elderly people. Result. The research findings indicate that the 12-week program of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, designed by researchers, is an effective approach to significantly decrease complex obesity in the elderly population. The results of the study demonstrate the potential benefits of engaging in regular physical activity to improve the health and well-being of older adults. Conclusion. The study results indicate that engaging in aerobic exercise of moderate intensity, such as running on a treadmill, for 12 weeks can lead to a significant decrease in body fat and weight, thus promoting effective obesity reduction.Objective. Obesity is a significant health concern that can affect individuals of all ages, including children and adults. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of 12 weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise in reducing complex obesity levels in older individuals. The research methodology used in this study is experimental, with a one-group pre-post test design. The study was conducted in June-July 2023 at the Jakarta State University Sports Hall, located in Rawamangun, East Jakarta. Following the participants' completion of 12 weeks of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, a post-test was administered, which included measuring their BMI. Materials and Methods.  The study involved 30 elderly participants who were obese. The sampling technique used was purposive sampling, with several criteria such as being male, aged between 55-65 years, having a body mass index (BMI) between 27-32 kg/m2, coming from a large family from the Faculty of Sports Science, Jakarta State University, and being willing to participate in research on the effects of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for 12 weeks. The research aimed to determine the effects of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise for 12 weeks on reducing the level of complex obesity in elderly people. Result. The research findings indicate that the 12-week program of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise, designed by researchers, is an effective approach to significantly decrease complex obesity in the elderly population. The results of the study demonstrate the potential benefits of engaging in regular physical activity to improve the health and well-being of older adults. Conclusion. The study results indicate that engaging in aerobic exercise of moderate intensity, such as running on a treadmill, for 12 weeks can lead to a significant decrease in body fat and weight, thus promoting effective obesity reduction

    Pengaruh Promosi Dan Brand Image Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Nikki Jaya Roti

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    This study aims to determine the effect of promotion and brand image on product purchasing decisions Nikki jaya rot.the population in this research is all costumers at Nikki jaya roti.Breand wich numbered 1201 people the sample of this researchis 92 person.The sampling product used in this study is non propolity with purposive sampling .technigue app roach version 26. The research used is a quantitative approach and using multiple linear regression analysis with SPSS toots from the result of multiple linear regression analysis that has bean processed isobtained eguation Y = 2.11 + 0.421 X1 + 0.727 X2 + e.from the fest results the hypothesis,namely uji t and uji f shows that the promation variable and brand image has influence and is significant partially or product purchase decisions at Nikki jaya roti metter this is evidenced by the thumy promation value of  5.766 < ttabel of 1.986 .with a signiticant level signifikan 0.000 < 0.05.That is accepted,Ho is rejected brand image  thitung Brand Image(X2) nilai 20.891 > nilai ttabel 1.986 with level significant  0,000 < 0,05 .that Ha is accepted and Ho is rejected .then Fhitung (511,43) > value Ftabel (3,10) with a significance level of  0,000 < 0,05 so that  Ha is accepted  HO is rejected the R-Square value 0.929 or 92.9%  means that the purchase decision is ex plained by promotion and brand varables image contributes to purchasing decisions by 92.9% with the rema 7.8 % influced by other variabels that are not examined in this study

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Terhadap Pengelolaan Dana Desa

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    Realizing people's welfare is one of the goals of national development. The Birth Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages provides new opportunities for village communities to develop their capacities and abilities as subjects of development, and one of the elements that helps improve the standard of living of village communities is the provision of village funds. The purpose of this study is to describe community empowerment in managing village funds and to analyze the factors that influence village fund management on the level of community empowerment in Erambu Village, Sota District. Purposive sampling was used to identify informants in this study, which used a qualitative descriptive methodology. The results of the study show that community empowerment in managing village funds in Erambu Village has been going well. In the planning stage, the community has participated in conveying programs, activities, and development needs that will become development priorities in village-level musrenbang activities. Furthermore, in the implementation stage, the village community also played a role; although there were still frequent miscommunications with village officials, this did not become a serious obstacle that hindered the implementation of activities. In the supervision stage, the community has also been involved, although it has not been maximized due to educational factors and public awareness of supervision over the management of village funds, which is still low. The factors that influence community empowerment in managing village funds in Erambu Village are leadership, communication, and community education.  Realizing people's welfare is one of the goals of national development. The Birth Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages provides new opportunities for village communities to develop their capacities and abilities as subjects of development, and one of the elements that helps improve the standard of living of village communities is the provision of village funds. The purpose of this study is to describe community empowerment in managing village funds and to analyze the factors that influence village fund management on the level of community empowerment in Erambu Village, Sota District. Purposive sampling was used to identify informants in this study, which used a qualitative descriptive methodology. The results of the study show that community empowerment in managing village funds in Erambu Village has been going well. In the planning stage, the community has participated in conveying programs, activities, and development needs that will become development priorities in village-level musrenbang activities. Furthermore, in the implementation stage, the village community also played a role; although there were still frequent miscommunications with village officials, this did not become a serious obstacle that hindered the implementation of activities. In the supervision stage, the community has also been involved, although it has not been maximized due to educational factors and public awareness of supervision over the management of village funds, which is still low. The factors that influence community empowerment in managing village funds in Erambu Village are leadership, communication, and community education

    Pendekatan SOAR Dalam Strategi Pengembangan Wisata SOAR dalam Strategi Pengembangan Wisata Kampung Lawas Maspati Kota Surabaya

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    The Tourism Village or Village is one of the flagship programs of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) which is carried out as an effort to restore tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kampung Lawas Maspati is one of the tourist villages that has cultural and historical values ​​for the Indonesian nation as well as various awards. Various tourism development activities have been carried out, however, the situation is not gradually improving. This study aims to determine the appropriate tourism development strategy in Kampung Lawas Maspati, Surabaya City. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method with SOAR analysis. The results show that the strength of Kampung Lawas Maspati is the existence of historical buildings. The opportunity that exists is that many people have businesses. The aspiration of the community is to mobilize UKM. The desired result is an increase in the economy. The appropriate strategy to be applied in Kampung Lawas Maspati is the SA and OR strategies. By implementing SA and OR strategies such as the existence of tour packages, the introduction of UKM and the collaboration that is carried out can increase the income of the village and the community as UKM actors. Meanwhile, through branding, tourists will be interested in visiting Kampung Lawas Maspati. This income will later help the community's economic recovery as well as better tourism development activities.The Tourism Village or Village is one of the flagship programs of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) which is carried out as an effort to restore tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic. Kampung Lawas Maspati is one of the tourist villages that has cultural and historical values ​​for the Indonesian nation as well as various awards. Various tourism development activities have been carried out, however, the situation is not gradually improving. This study aims to determine the appropriate tourism development strategy in Kampung Lawas Maspati, Surabaya City. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method with SOAR analysis. The results show that the strength of Kampung Lawas Maspati is the existence of historical buildings. The opportunity that exists is that many people have businesses. The aspiration of the community is to mobilize UKM. The desired result is an increase in the economy. The appropriate strategy to be applied in Kampung Lawas Maspati is the SA and OR strategies. By implementing SA and OR strategies such as the existence of tour packages, the introduction of UKM and the collaboration that is carried out can increase the income of the village and the community as UKM actors. Meanwhile, through branding, tourists will be interested in visiting Kampung Lawas Maspati. This income will later help the community's economic recovery as well as better tourism development activities


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