74 research outputs found

    Political Contingency and the Implementation of Qatarization

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    This paper represents an exploratory study that examines political contingency in a less liberal regulatory regime such as the ‘positive state’ or the ‘developmental state’. As an example of a state-led policy, the implementation of a workforce localization policy is examined through an intensive case study on the oil- and gas-based industries (OGBI), the most significant economic sector in Qatar. In particular, the paper identifies the strategies and mechanisms that the government utilizes in its efforts to gain commitment from public enterprises to replace its expatriate workforce with nationals. The empirical analysis focuses on two main themes: state influence on public organizations and the HR practices that are used to enhance workforce localization. The findings reveal that the government has adopted some innovative control strategies that are not widely acknowledged within the literature. These include its continuous re-shuffling and replacement of decision-makers and key personnel in state enterprises. Moreover, the government dominates by playing an active role in forming OGBI strategies through appointing the Minister of Energy to the highest hierarchical positions such as chairman and managing director in the industries. However, state enterprises’ reactions to the state-led localization policy vary considerably. The study provides new evidence that public organizations do not always comply with politically-determined policies. The evaluation of the implementation of localization strategy shows that there are three approaches toward what may be called ‘Qatarization’, namely, strategic adaptation; pragmatic acceptance, and implicit avoidance. The approaches are strongly associated with understanding the policy aims and linking the policy to HR practices

    Political Contingency and the Implementation of Localisation Policies : A Case Study of the Oil and Gas Sector in Qatar

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    This thesis is an exploratory study that examines the political contingency and the implementation of workforce localisation policy through an intensive case study on the oil-and gas-based industries (OGBI), the most significant economic sector in Qatar. In particular, the thesis identifies the strategies and mechanisms that the government utilises in its efforts to gain commitment from public enterprises to replace its expatriate workforce with nationals. The empirical analysis focuses on three main themes: the state influence on public organisations, obstacles to localisation, and the HR practices used to enhance workforce localisation. The findings reveal that the government has adopted some innovative control strategies that are not widely acknowledged within the literature. These include its continuously reshuffling and replacement of decision-makers and key personnel in state enterprises. Moreover, the government is dominating an active role in forming OGBI strategies through appointing the Minister of Energy in the highest hierarchical positions, such as chairman and managing director, in the industries. However, state enterprises' reaction to the state-led localisation policy varies considerably. The study provides new evidence that public organisations do not always comply with politically-determined policies. The evaluation of the implementation of localisation strategy shows that there are three approaches toward what may be called 'Qatarisation', namely, strategic engagement; pragmatic acceptance and implicit avoidance. The approaches are strongly associated with understanding of the policy aims and linking of the policy to HR practices. According to the findings of this study, several policy implications have been suggested as strategies to enhance the implementation process of workforce localisation

    La planificación como instrumento para el desarrollo. Avances y desafíos, 2012 - 2017.

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    La planificación es un elemento clave para poder ejecutar con eficacia y eficiencia diversas acciones para el desarrollo sostenible tanto a nivel mundial como nacional, ya que permite tener una previsibilidad de la disponibilidad de recursos financieros, estructurales y humanos, así como poder dirigir esfuerzos a prioridades previamente identificadas para el desarrollo de una población y con ello mejorar las condiciones de vida de la misma. En los últimos años la planificación ha tenido un nuevo impulso dentro de la agenda de desarrollo de El Salvador y esto se ha traducido a acciones concretas en el órgano ejecutivo como lo es la construcción dentro de dicho órgano de un sistema nacional de planificación que es integrado por diversos elementos, entre ellos el máximo instrumento hasta el momento en cuanto a planificación denominado Plan Quinquenal de Desarrollo. La presente investigación busca caracterizar los avances que se han realizado con el impulso de la planificación en el Gobierno de El Salvador, así como los desafíos que aún es preciso abordar para poder continuar fortaleciendo la planificación en el país. En el siguiente apartado se brinda una reseña del estado de situación de la planificación en el país, se revisa los diversos elementos que integran al Sistema Nacional de Planificación como los actores involucrados en el proceso a nivel del órgano ejecutivo, así como los principales planes y políticas sectoriales realizadas dentro dicho proceso. A partir de esta reseña se genera un análisis de los avances que se han realizado, así como los desafíos pendientes de la planificación en el Gobierno de El Salvador (GOES). En el primer capítulo se describe una serie de definiciones que apoyarán al lector comprender desde la perspectiva de la cual se ha elaborado el presente documento, así como a describir los diversos componentes del presente trabajo. En el siguiente capítulo se realiza una descripción de la evolución en materia de planificación en América Latina y el Caribe que a pesar de su heterogeneidad estructural se ha tenido en esta región avances y retrocesos similares, no obstante, ha habido situaciones particulares que vale la pena resaltar, por ello se revisa la historia de cinco países: Cuba, Ecuador, México, Guatemala y Chile. En el tercer capítulo se realiza un recorrido en el desarrollo de la planificación en el país, sea honda en los principales actores, el marco legal, así como los principales instrumentos hasta llegar a la situación actual. En el capítulo cuatro se realiza un análisis en el cual se identifican los principales avances realizados de 2009 a 2017, así como los obstáculos que actualmente se tienen en materia de planificación, por otra parte, se identifican los retos para la planificación del órgano ejecutivo del país y finalmente, se analiza si las políticas y planes elaborados durante 2009-2017 sectoriales o territoriales están vinculados al Plan Quinquenal de Desarrollo (PQD) respectivamente. Finalmente, como resultado del análisis se plantean conclusiones y recomendaciones con el fin de poder realizar una contribución a futuras intervenciones del GOES e investigaciones que se pudieran realizar en este ámbito. Con la investigación se advierte que la economía del país enfrenta limitaciones en materia de planificación, por el tipo de modelo de desarrollo económico prevaleciente, el cual responde al plan de gobierno 1989 1994 titulado “Plan de Desarrollo Económico y Social 1989-1994”, este se ejecutó en dos grandes acciones que reformaron la economía, la primera entendida como “El plazo inmediato: Políticas de Estabilización”1, desarrolladas en 18 meses, y la segunda “El mediano plazo: Políticas para la reorientación económica 1990-1994”, ejecutada en 42 meses. De inmediato las acciones se orientaron a liberar controles en la economía, como los precios de 230 productos, las tarifas de CEL, ANDA. En el comercio externo, los derechos arancelarios y el tipo de cambio. Vale decir que las reformas fueron de ajuste estructural. Respecto al tipo de cambio, fue una medida que se puede interpretar, al menos, en dos direcciones: a) sustituir el tipo de cambio fijo por el flexible, lo cual era uno de los postulados del Consenso de Washington y b) preparar la economía para la dolarización. Posteriormente se continuó con las reformas de primera, segunda y tercera generación para transformar el rol del Estado, en particular del Órgano Ejecutivo en la economía. Consecuentemente, se impone un modelo exógeno basado en la Microeconomía dejando de lado el modelo Macroeconómico de orden Keynesiano y dela Comisión Económica de América Latina y el Caribe(CEPAL), fundamental para ejecutar la planificación en general, en su lugar se deja que sea el mercado, en teoría las fuerzas de la Oferta y la Demanda, las que solucionen las crisis económicas, lo cual es discutible, tal como aconteció en los EEUU en 2007, la crisis se solvento con la participación del gobierno y las corporaciones del sistema financiero, aerolíneas y otras recibieron salvataje. Esta crisis azotó a El Salvador en el 2009, donde el crecimiento del PIB fue de -3.1%. Tan así es la situación que, en el área de precios en el mercado de bienes y servicios, sólo existe una dependencia creada con los Acuerdos de Paz de enero 1992: “La defensoría del consumidor”, lo cual deja claro que no hay controles directos de precio por parte del gobierno. En 1994 se hizo desaparecer el Ministerio de Planificación (MIPLAN)

    Gas-Phase Ion Association Provides Increased Selectivity and Sensitivity for Measuring Perchlorate by Mass Spectrometry

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    Perchlorate (ClO4-) competitively inhibits the uptake of iodide by the thyroid gland. Trace quantities of perchlorate are being increasingly detected in food and environmental samples. There is great concern that perchlorate contamination may be far more widespread than believed until now. Increasingly sensitive and unambiguous methods are needed for measuring perchlorate. We report here an ion chromatography−ion association-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (IC/IA-ESI-MS) method of substantially greater selectivity and sensitivity than other available single-stage MS approaches. A long chain dipositive cationic agent (D2+) is added postcolumn in low concentration. This ion associates with perchlorate, even in the gas phase. Perchlorate is, thus, detected as DClO4+ in the positive ion mode at anm/z value between 300 and 400 (depending on the choice of D2+). This results in much better S/N and selectivity, as compared to detecting 35ClO4- at m/z 99, where H34SO4- also responds. We show results for various dicationic agents which vary in their selectivity and affinity for ClO4-, typically being at least 1 order of magnitude more selective for ClO4- over HSO4-. For a 100-μL injected standard, limits of detection (LOD, S/N = 3) are as good as 25 ng/L on a single quadrupole mass spectrometer. Calibration for concentrations up to 100 μg/L displays an r2 value of ≥0.9993. We show applicability to various real samples. A number of the studied reagents are suitable for such applications

    Multi-Objective Optimisation Framework for Designing Office Windows::Quality of View, Daylight and Energy Efficiency

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    This paper presents a new, multi-objective method of analysing and optimising the energy processes associated with window system design in office buildings. The simultaneous consideration of multiple and conflicting design objectives can make the architectural design process more complicated. This study is based on the fundamental recognition that optimising parameters on the building energy loads via window system design can reduce the quality of the view to outside and the received daylight – both qualities highly valued by building occupants. This paper proposes an approach for quantifying Quality of View in office buildings in balance with energy performance and daylighting, thus enabling an optimisation framework for office window design. The study builds on previous research by developing a multi-objective method of assessment of a reference room which is parametrically modelled using actual climate data. A method of Pareto Frontier and a weighting sum is applied for multi-objective optimisation to determine best outcomes that balance design requirements. The Results reveal the maximum possible window to wall ratio for the reference room. The optimisation model indicates that the room geometry should be altered to achieve the lighting and view requirements set out in building performance standards. The research results emphasise the need for window system configuration to be considered in the early design stages. This exploratory approach to a methodology and framework considers both building parameters and the local climate condition. It has the potential to be adopted and further refined by other researchers and designers to support complex, multi-factorial design decision-making

    Effect of thermal comfort on occupant productivity in office buildings : response surface analysis

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    Thermal environment is one of the main factors that influence occupants' comfort and their productivity in office buildings. There is ample research that outlines this relationship between thermal comfort and occupant productivity. However, there is a lack of literature that presents mathematical relationship between them. This paper presents a research experimental study that investigates effects of indoor environmental quality factors on thermal comfort and occupant productivity. This study was conducted by collecting indoor environmental quality parameters using sensors and online survey for twelve months. Data analysis was done using Response Surface Analysis to outline any mathematical relationship between indoor environmental quality and occupant productivity. The outlined relationships confirmed dependencies of occupant thermal comfort and productivity on various indoor environmental factors. These dependencies include the effect of CO2 concentration, VOC concentration. These relationships were analysed to rank nine indoor environmental parameters as per the degree of effect on occupant thermal comfort and productivity. These findings would help design professionals to design better office design that would improve occupants’ comfort and their productivity. Study results have different implications for professionals working in design, construction and operation of office buildings. It is recommended that design guidelines for office buildings should consider occupant productivity and incorporate recommended range for indoor environmental quality parameters in respective categories and criteria

    The utilisation of useful ambient energy in residential dwellings to improve thermal comfort and reduce energy consumption

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    Energy consumption in the housing sector, is significantly high and continues to escalate. Urbanisation due to population growth and migration from rural areas to cities are two main reasons for this rising demand. With the uncertainty in the energy market and the increasing awareness of the impact of fossil fuels on the environment, research work in efficient building design has gained momentum. Energy conservation guidelines in many countries have become mandatory. Howerver, more emphasis has been given to commercial, institutional, governmental and industrial buildings, which commonly employ more efficient HVAC systems than those deployed in houses. Thus, the push towards energy conservation in the residential sector is less noticeable. This is further compounded with the absence of will power to enforce the same energy conservation rules as the case with other sectors. In this paper five passive cooling and heating strategies have been reviewed (passive building design, night ventilation, nocturnal cooling, PCM (Phase Change Material) and IEC (Indirect Evaporative Cooling), solar thermal energy). The aim is to evaluate how to implement them better in a cost-effective way in existing and new houses. The literature review confirmed the need for further investigation of energy efficient HVAC systems with passives strategies solutions for contemporary residential dwellings is required to make a meaningful impact on the energy map of this sector. Also, the viability of an easy to deploy and configure HVAC system for retrofit and new applications for more benefits of these passive strategies either individually or in a hybrid configuration needs to be explored.Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA), European Commissio

    Impact of indoor environmental quality on occupant well-being and comfort : a review of the literature

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    Indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and its effect on occupant well-being and comfort is an important area of study. This paper presents a state of the art study through extensive review of the literature, by establishing links between IEQs and occupant well-being and comfort. A range of issues such as sick building syndrome, indoor air quality thermal comfort, visual comfort and acoustic comfort are considered in this paper. The complexity of the relationship between occupant comfort and well-being parameters with IEQ are further exacerbated due to relationships that these parameters have with each other as well. Based on the review of literature in these areas it is established that design of buildings needs to consider occupant well-being parameters right at the beginning. Some good practices in all these different areas have also been highlighted and documented in this paper. The knowledge established as part of this paper would be helpful for researchers, designer, engineers and facilities maintenance engineers. This paper will also be of great benefit to researchers who endeavour to undertake research in this area and could act as a good starting point for them. Keywords Occupant well-being; Indoor environment quality; Occupant comfort; Offices; Green building

    Occupant productivity and office indoor environment quality : a review of the literature

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    The purpose of this paper is to review the existing literature to draw an understanding of the relationship between indoor environmental quality and occupant productivity in an office environment. The study reviews over 300 papers from 67 journals, conference articles and books focusing on indoor environment, occupant comfort, productivity and green buildings. It limits its focus to the physical aspects of an office environment. The literature outlines eight Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) factors that influence occupant productivity in an office environment. It also discusses different physical parameters under each of the IEQ factors. It proposes a conceptual model of different factors affecting occupant productivity. The study also presents a review of the data collection methods utilised by the research studies that aim to investigate the relationship between IEQ and occupant productivity. The study presents a comprehensive discussion and analysis of different IEQ factors that affect occupant productivity. The paper provides a concise starting point for future researchers interested in the area of indoor environmental quality