1,555 research outputs found

    Integrated 3D Hydrogel Waveguide Out-Coupler by Step-and-Repeat Thermal Nanoimprint Lithography: A Promising Sensor Device for Water and pH

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    Hydrogel materials offer many advantages for chemical and biological sensoring due to their response to a small change in their environment with a related change in volume. Several designs have been outlined in the literature in the specific field of hydrogel-based optical sensors, reporting a large number of steps for their fabrication. In this work we present a three-dimensional, hydrogel-based sensor the structure of which is fabricated in a single step using thermal nanoimprint lithography. The sensor is based on a waveguide with a grating readout section. A specific hydrogel formulation, based on a combination of PEGDMA (Poly(Ethylene Glycol DiMethAcrylate)), NIPAAm (N-IsoPropylAcrylAmide), and AA (Acrylic Acid), was developed. This stimulus-responsive hydrogel is sensitive to pH and to water. Moreover, the hydrogel has been modified to be suitable for fabrication by thermal nanoimprint lithography. Once stimulated, the hydrogel-based sensor changes its topography, which is characterised physically by AFM and SEM, and optically using a specific optical set-up

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationNew hydrogel-based micropressure sensor arrays for use in the fields of chemical sensing, physiological monitoring, and medical diagnostics are developed and demonstrated. This sensor technology provides reliable, linear, and accurate measurements of hydrogel swelling pressures, a function of ambient chemical concentrations. For the first time, perforations were implemented into the pressure sensors piezoresistive diaphragms, used to simultaneously increase sensor sensitivity and permit diffusion of analytes into the hydrogel cavity. It was shown through analytical and numerical (finite element) methods that pore shape, location, and size can be used to modify the diaphragm mechanics and concentrate stress within the piezoresistors, thus improving electrical output (sensitivity). An optimized pore pattern was chosen based on these numerical calculations. Fabrication was performed using a 14-step semiconductor fabrication process implementing a combination of potassium hydroxide (KOH) and deep reactive ion etching (DRIE) to create perforations. The sensor arrays (2×2) measure approximately 3 × 5 mm2 and used to measure full scale pressures of 50, 25, and 5 kPa, respectively. These specifications were defined by the various swelling pressures of ionic strength, pH and glucose specific hydrogels that were targeted in this work. Initial characterization of the sensor arrays was performed using a custom built bulge testing apparatus that simultaneously measured deflection (optical profilometry), pressure, and electrical output. The new perforated diaphragm sensors were found to be fully functional with sensitivities ranging from 23 to 252 μV/V-kPa with full scale output (FSO) ranging from 5 to 80 mV. To demonstrate proof of concept, hydrogels sensitive to changes in ionic strength were synthesized using hydroxypropyl-methacrylate (HPMA), N,N-dimethylaminoethyl-methacrylate (DMA) and a tetra-ethyleneglycol-dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) crosslinker. This hydrogel quickly and reversibly swells when placed environments of physiological buffer solutions (PBS) with ionic strengths ranging from 0.025 to 0.15 M. Chemical testing showed sensors with perforated diaphragms have higher sensitivity than those with solid diaphragms, and sensitivities ranging from 53.3±6.5 to 271.47±27.53 mV/V-M, depending on diaphragm size. Additionally, recent experiments show sensors utilizing Ultra Violet (UV) polymerized glucose sensitive hydrogels respond reversibly to physiologically relevant glucose concentrations from 0 to 20 mM

    Responsive Hydrogels for Label-Free Signal Transduction within Biosensors

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    Hydrogels have found wide application in biosensors due to their versatile nature. This family of materials is applied in biosensing either to increase the loading capacity compared to two-dimensional surfaces, or to support biospecific hydrogel swelling occurring subsequent to specific recognition of an analyte. This review focuses on various principles underpinning the design of biospecific hydrogels acting through various molecular mechanisms in transducing the recognition event of label-free analytes. Towards this end, we describe several promising hydrogel systems that when combined with the appropriate readout platform and quantitative approach could lead to future real-life applications

    Advances in Materials Development of Responsive Photonic Crystal Hydrogels

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    We advanced the material development of our responsive photonic crystal hydrogels, which are utilized in our polymerized crystalline colloidal array (PCCA) technology. PCCA consist of a hydrogel network that embeds an array of monodisperse, highly-charged 100-200 nm polystyrene particles. The optical properties of the embedded array are such that it Bragg diffracts visible light. Responsive materials are fabricated by exploiting the volume-responsive nature of the hydrogel network, such that the material is functionalized to respond to a specific analyte of interest by actuating a volume change in the hydrogel, resulting in a change in the color of diffracted light.We prepared a new hydrogel system for the preparation of responsive PCCA based on the biocompatible and rehydratable polymer polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). This material can be reversibly dehydrated and rehydrated, without the use of fillers, while retaining the diffraction and swelling properties of polymerized crystalline colloidal arrays. This reversibility of rehydration of this new hydrogel material enables practical storage of hydrogel-based photonic crystal sensors in the dry state, which makes them much more useful for future commercial applications.We continued the development of our PCCA glucose sensing materials for application in monitoring relatively high glucose concentrations, such as found in blood. We modified our synthetic fabrication methodologies in order to increase the reproducibility of our sensing materials. We advanced our understanding of the sensing response by utilizing independently determined variables in our modeling of the PCCA diffraction response. We characterized our material's response dependence upon environmental variations and interferences.We completed the first quantitative study of how the mechanical properties of a swollen hydrogel depend upon the size of nonbonded embedded nanoparticles. We experimentally determined the dependence of the elastic shear storage modulus for our PCCA, as a function of embedded CCA size and prepolymerization conditions, and found that the modulus increases linearly with increasing CCA size due to interaction between the embedded nanoparticles and the hydrogel matrix. The effective hydrogel crosslink densities determined from these storage modulus values indicate that we can affect the responsivity of our photonic crystal materials by controlling the included nanoparticle size

    Photonic Hydrogel Sensors

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    Analyte-sensitive hydrogels that incorporate optical structures have emerged as sensing platforms for point-of-care diagnostics. The optical properties of the hydrogel sensors can be rationally designed and fabricated through self-assembly, microfabrication or laser writing. The advantages of photonic hydrogel sensors over conventional assay formats include label-free, quantitative, reusable, and continuous measurement capability that can be integrated with equipment-free text or image display. This Review explains the operation principles of photonic hydrogel sensors, presents syntheses of stimuli-responsive polymers, and provides an overview of qualitative and quantitative readout technologies. Applications in clinical samples are discussed, and potential future directions are identified

    Photonic hydrogel sensors

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    Analyte-sensitive hydrogels that incorporate optical structures have emerged as sensing platforms for point-of-care diagnostics. The optical properties of the hydrogel sensors can be rationally designed and fabricated through self-assembly, microfabrication or laser writing. The advantages of photonic hydrogel sensors over conventional assay formats include label-free, quantitative, reusable, and continuous measurement capability that can be integrated with equipment-free text or image display. This Review explains the operation principles of photonic hydrogel sensors, presents syntheses of stimuli-responsive polymers, and provides an overview of qualitative and quantitative readout technologies. Applications in clinical samples are discussed, and potential future directions are identified

    Doctor of Philosophy

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    dissertationStimuli-responsive hydrogels are called "smart" materials because they autonomously respond to environmental stimuli. For example, pH-responsive hydrogels swell at lower pH levels and deswell as the pH increases. Hydrogel-based sensors could prove beneficial for providing continuous monitoring of bioreactors. The motivation of this project is to create a hydrogel-based sensor that can be used for bioreactor monitoring to help researchers monitor bioreactor conditions. The magnitude of the swelling/deswelling behavior can be measured by placing a sample of the hydrogel in a piezoresistive sensor. The degree of swelling/deswelling is directly proportional to the change in pH of the aqueous solution in which it is placed. In this project, an initial characterization of the hydrogel response was performed, followed by an analysis of the hydrogel components and optimization of the hydrogel response based on those components. The longevity of the hydrogel response was tested in terms of shelf life and response after multicycle testing. A hydrogel sample was then synthesized in situ in a microsensor and tested to determine the ability to transport hydrogels and how the miniaturization of the sensor may affect the stimuli response. In all experiments, the response time and magnitude results were compared to determine the effect of the noted changes on the kinetics of the swelling behavior of the material in order to find the optimal composition, thickness, and device specifications that will yield the desired response time and sensitivity

    Implementation of porous silicon technology for a fluidic flow-through optical sensor for pH measurements

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    This work presents an innovative integration of sensing and nano-scaled fluidic actuation in the combination of pH sensitive optical dye immobilization with the electro-osmotic phenomena in polar solvents like water for flow-through pH measurements. These flow-through measurements are performed in a flow-through sensing device (FTSD) configuration that is designed and fabricated at MTU. A relatively novel and interesting material, through-wafer mesoporous silica substrates with pore diameters of 20 -200 nm and pore depths of 500 µm are fabricated and implemented for electro-osmotic pumping and flow-through fluorescence sensing for the first time. Performance characteristics of macroporous silicon (\u3e 500 µm) implemented for electro-osmotic pumping include, a very large flow effciency of 19.8 µLmin-1V-1 cm-2 and maximum pressure effciency of 86.6 Pa/V in comparison to mesoporous silica membranes with 2.8 µLmin-1V-1cm-2 flow effciency and a 92 Pa/V pressure effciency. The electrical current (I) of the EOP system for 60 V applied voltage utilizing macroporous silicon membranes is 1.02 x 10-6A with a power consumption of 61.74 x 10-6 watts. Optical measurements on mesoporous silica are performed spectroscopically from 300 nm to 1000 nm using ellipsometry, which includes, angularly resolved transmission and angularly resolved reflection measurements that extend into the infrared regime. Refractive index (n) values for oxidized and un-oxidized mesoporous silicon sample at 1000 nm are found to be 1.36 and 1.66. Fluorescence results and characterization confirm the successful pH measurement from ratiometric techniques. The sensitivity measured for fluorescein in buffer solution is 0.51 a.u./pH compared to sensitivity of ~ 0.2 a.u./pH in the case of fluorescein in porous silica template. Porous silica membranes are efficient templates for immobilization of optical dyes and represent a promising method to increase sensitivity for small variations in chemical properties. The FTSD represents a device topology suitable for application to long term monitoring of lakes and reservoirs. Unique and important contributions from this work include fabrication of a through-wafer mesoporous silica membrane that has been thoroughly characterized optically using ellipsometry. Mesoporous silica membranes are tested as a porous media in an electro-osmotic pump for generating high pressure capacities due to the nanometer pore sizes of the porous media. Further, dye immobilized mesoporous silica membranes along with macroporous silicon substrates are implemented for continuous pH measurements using fluorescence changes in a flow-through sensing device configuration. This novel integration and demonstration is completely based on silicon and implemented for the first time and can lead to miniaturized flow-through sensing systems based on MEMS technologies

    Development of a nonlinear model for the prediction of response times of glucose affinity sensors using concanavalin A and dextran and the development of a differential osmotic glucose affinity sensor

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    With the increasing prevalence of diabetes in the United States and worldwide, blood glucose monitoring must be accurate and reliable. Current enzymatic sensors have numerous disadvantages that make them unreliable and unfavorable among patients. Recent research in glucose affinity sensors correct some of the problems that enzymatic sensors experience. Dextran and concanavalin A are two of the more common components used in glucose affinity sensors. When these sensors were first explored, a model was derived to predict the response time of a glucose affinity sensor using concanavalin A and dextran. However, the model assumed the system was linear and fell short of calculating times representative of the response times determined through experimental tests with the sensors. In this work, a new model that uses the Stokes-Einstein Equation to demonstrate the nonlinear behavior of the glucose affinity assay was developed to predict the response times of similar glucose affinity sensors. In addition to the device tested by the original linear model, additional devices were identified and tested with the proposed model. The nonlinear model was designed to accommodate the many different variations between systems. The proposed model was able to accurately calculate response times for sensors using the concanavalin A-dextran affinity assay with respect to the experimentally reported times by the independent research groups. Parameter studies using the nonlinear model were able to identify possible setbacks that could compromise the response of thesystem. Specifically, the model showed that the improper use of asymmetrical membranes could increase the response time by as little as 20% or more as the device is miniaturized. The model also demonstrated that systems using the concanavalin Adextran assay would experience higher response times in the hypoglycemic range. This work attempted to replicate and improve an osmotic glucose affinity sensor. The system was designed to negate additional effects that could cause artifacts or irregular readings such as external osmotic differences and external pressure differences. However, the experimental setup and execution faced numerous setbacks that highlighted the additional difficulty that sensors using asymmetrical ceramic membranes and the concanavalin A-dextran affinity assay may experience

    Development of 2-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Sensors and Pure Protein Organogel Sensing and Biocatalytic Materials

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    We developed responsive hydrogels, organogels, and ionogels for chemical sensing and catalysis applications. Gels have two components, polymer networks and solvent mobile phases. Hydrogels contain an aqueous mobile phase; organogels an organic solvent; and ionogels an ionic liquid. Different solvent types were required to target different applications, e.g. gas sensing requires solvents that resist evaporation. Colorimetric chemical sensors utilize our 2-Dimensional Photonic Crystals (2DPC) technology. 2DPC are arrays of self-assembled polystyrene nanoparticles that have close-packed, hexagonal crystal structures. 2DPC diffract wavelengths of light into discrete angles according to the 2D Bragg equation. Diffraction depends on 2DPC particle spacing and ordering. 2DPC—embedded into gels that were designed such that analytes actuate polymer volume phase transitions (VPT)—change particle spacing with the VPT, shifting diffraction angles. VPT occur when analytes cause Gibbs free energy changes, ∆G. 2DPC surfactant sensors utilized poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) (PNIPAAm) hydrogels. PNIPAAm hydrogels swell when the hydrophobic tail of ionic surfactants bind to the PNIPAAm isopropyl group. A Donnan potential created by bound charges induces ∆GIonic, causing swelling that red shifts the diffraction. 2DPC gas sensors for humidity and ammonia utilized poly(hydroxyethylmethacrylate)-based polymers in the ionic liquid ethylguanidinium perchlorate (EGP). Ionogels are suitable gas sensors—ionic liquids have negligible vapor pressures, delivering mobile phases that don’t evaporate. ∆GMixing occurs when EGP absorbs water vapor, causing ionogel shrinking that blue shifts the diffraction. Ammonia sensors incorporated acrylic acid into the polymer. Ammonia absorbed by EGP deprotonated the carboxyl groups, causing swelling that red shifts the diffraction. Responsive pure protein organogels were fabricated from protein hydrogels by exchanging water with ethylene glycol. 2DPC albumin organogels swell when the proteins bind ligands, enabling water insoluble analyte detection that utilizes protein selectivity. Organophosphorus Hydrolase organogels catalyze hydrolysis of organophosphate nerve agents ~160 times faster than their monomers in organic solvent. Organic solvents typically denature proteins. Crosslinked organogel proteins mostly retain their native protein reactivity because the proteins are immobilized—i.e. stabilized—during hydrogel polymerization. Protein polymer phase separation that accompanies the solvent exchange irreversibly changes the polymer morphology, however the proteins retain their secondary structure and solvation shell waters in pure ethylene glycol
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