1,035 research outputs found

    Assessing impacts of cropping systems on biodiversity: comparison of indicators for four systems along an intensity gradient

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    Assessing impacts of cropping systems on biodiversity: comparison of indicators for four systems along an intensity gradient. International Conference on Computational Statistic

    Issues in evaluating sustainability of farming systems with indicators

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    The growing concern about side-effects of policies focusing on economic growth or even technological innovations, as well as agriculture intensification leads more and more stakeholders to pay attention to the questions of monitoring and evaluation of agricultural practices. This step of evaluation is now essential in policy decision, in research and design of innovative solutions, in NGOs' development projects, as well as in improvement process in ISO certification. The aim of this article is to review steps in the evaluation of sustainability in agriculture, starting in a first section with the necessity to develop a conceptual indicator framework to precise evaluators' own vision of sustainability. In a second section, we address the necessity to answer preliminary questions that will guide the selection of a set of indicators or an assessment method. In a third section, after discussing the way to categorize indicators, we provide an overview of available indicators for two sustainability themes of the environmental dimension regarding respectively nitrogen management and biodiversity. In a fourth section, we highlight the diversity of evaluation methods of sustainability through six examples in France. Finally we conclude the article with a general discussion on questions that remain to address. (Résumé d'auteur

    Méthodes d'évaluation multicritère des systèmes agricoles et ACV sociale, quelle complémentarité ?

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    National audienc

    Aktivierung und biografische Erinnerungen als moderierende Faktoren auf das Wohlbefinden bei Menschen mit einer Demenz

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    Розглянуто методи діагностики та управління показниками якості палива у вигляді суміші вугілля і газу (або топкового мазуту) на теплових електростанціях. Результати досліджень можна використа- ти для автоматизації процесу оптимізації якості суміші цих палив методом математичного лінійного програмування. Рассмотрены методы диагностики и управления показателями качества топлива в виде смеси углей и га- за (или топочного мазута) на тепловых электростанциях. Результаты исследований предложено ис- пользовать для автоматизации процесса оптимизации качества смеси этих топлив методом матема- тического линейного программирования

    Measurement of sustainability in agriculture: a review of indicators

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