955 research outputs found

    Frederick Montizambert et la quarantaine de Grosse Île, 1869-1899

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    Figure dirigeante dans le domaine de la santĂ© publique au Canada, le docteur Frederick Montizambert fut le principal instigateur de la rĂ©organisation du service de la quarantaine de Grosse Île qu’il dirigea de 1869 Ă  1899. Le dernier tiers du XIXe siĂšcle verra, en effet, le passage d’une quarantaine de dĂ©tention Ă  une quarantaine de dĂ©sinfection et de prĂ©vention grĂące aux acquis d’une technologie nouvelle fondĂ©e sur la thĂ©orie de la transmission des maladies.A leading figure in Canadian public health, Dr. Frederick Montizambert was the main instigator of the reorganization of the quarantine station at Grosse Île, where he was the director between 1869 and 1899. The last third of the XIXth century withnessed the passage from methods of quarantine based on detention to the use of disinfection techniques based on theories of bacteriology

    Mechanical Recording In Arnheim’s Film As Art

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    In his classic Film as Art, Rudolf Arnheim sets out to refute the claim that “Film cannot be art, for it does nothing but reproduce reality mechanically”.1 The usual argument in favor of that claim, he explains, contrasts film with realist painting, and goes something like this: There’s no doubt that what appears on the canvas depends on the way the painter sees the world, on her particular technique, on the colors she’s using, and so on. It is elements like these that justify aesthetic appreciation. What appears on celluloid, on the other hand, is the result of a purely mechanical process of light rays collecting and transforming into an image. In other words, a camera is merely a mechanical recording device, and for this very reason film cannot be art

    RĂ©flexion sur la condition de la mĂšre de l’enfant handicapé : une intervention fĂ©ministe Ă  dĂ©velopper

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    Aujourd'hui, la plupart des enfants handicapés demeurent dans leur famille et suivent activement un programme de réadaptation. Souvent, la mÚre devient la principale intervenante auprÚs de l'enfant. Mais rapidement, elle se sent essoufflée, exténuée et fatiguée. Cet article propose une réflexion féministe de la maternité et du vécu de la femme ayant un enfant handicapé. Il sera intéressant de voir comment s'est faite la transition de l'institution à la prise en charge des soins de l'enfant handicapé par la mÚre et d'évaluer le rÎle des politiques sociales à ce chapitre. Par la suite, une intervention féministe à préconiser auprÚs de ces femmes sera proposée aux travailleuses sociales

    Analyse rĂ©trospective (1992-2004) du parcours scolaire d’une cohorte d’élĂšves ayant commencĂ© la maternelle en Mauricie

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    Cet article rend compte d’une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective de 3397 Ă©lĂšves ayant commencĂ© leur maternelle dans une Ă©cole de la Mauricie (rĂ©gion 04) en 1992. Ces Ă©lĂšves ont Ă©tĂ© suivis jusqu’en juin 2004 ou jusqu’à ce qu’ils n’apparaissent plus dans les registres du ministĂšre de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport. Cette date correspond Ă  l’annĂ©e d’obtention du diplĂŽme d’études secondaires selon un parcours normatif, c’est-Ă -dire sans redoublement. Une attention particuliĂšre est portĂ©e aux Ă©lĂšves identifiĂ©s comme handicapĂ©s ou en difficultĂ© d’apprentissage ou d’adaptation (EHDAA) au moins une fois au cours de leur parcours scolaire. Enfin, parmi les jeunes de cette cohorte initiale, 47 Ă©lĂšves ont Ă©tĂ© retracĂ©s et ont participĂ© Ă  des entrevues qualitatives qui rendent compte de leurs expĂ©riences scolaires comme ayant contribuĂ© Ă  la rĂ©ussite ou Ă  la non-rĂ©ussite de leurs Ă©tudes secondaires.This article presents a retrospective analysis of 3 397 students who enrolled in kindergarten in the Mauricie region (region 04) in 1992. Their school trajectory was documented yearly until 2004 or until they ceased to appear in the “ministĂšre de l’Éducation, du Loisir et du Sport” database. This date corresponds to high school graduation following a normal progression, without any grade retention. Attention was focused on students who were identified as students with special needs at least once during their school trajectory. As well, among the original cohort, 47 were selected to participate in a qualitative interview to discuss their academic experience and how it affected their academic success or failure to obtain a high school diploma.Este artĂ­culo presenta un estudio retrospectivo de 3 397 alumnos que empezaron el nivel preescolar en una escuela de Mauricie (regiĂłn 04) en 1992. Se siguieron estos alumnos hasta junio del 2004 o hasta que no aparezcan mĂĄs en los registros del MinistĂšre de l’éducation, du Loisir et du Sport. Esta fecha corresponde al año de obtenciĂłn del diploma de la secundaria segĂșn un recorrido normativo, es decir sin repetir años. Se presta una atenciĂłn especial a los alumnos identificados, por lo menos una vez en el transcurso de su recorrido escolar, como minusvĂĄlidos o con dificultad de aprendizaje o de adaptaciĂłn (EHDAA, por su sigla en francĂ©s). En fin, entre los jĂłvenes de este grupo inicial, se hallaron 47 alumnos que participaron a entrevistas cualitativas que permitieron darse cuenta de sus experiencias escolares y de la manera que Ă©stas pudieron haber contribuido al Ă©xito o al fracaso de sus estudios en la secundaria

    Disentangling the direction of associations between sleep and temperament in toddlers

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    Objectives/Background: Although much research has investigated the associations between children’s sleep and their temperament, the direction of these associations remains unclear, largely due to a lack of longitudinal studies with repeated assessments of both sleep and temperament. Aiming to clarify the temporal precedence of these two constructs, the current study investigated reciprocal associations between toddlers’ sleep and temperament with a longitudinal design. Participants: The sample consisted of 82 toddlers (39 girls) assessed twice. Methods: At both 2 (M = 25.23 months; SD = 1.11) and 3 years of age (M = 36.81 months; SD = 0.91), toddlers' sleep duration and quality were assessed using actigraphy and their temperament was reported by their mothers with the Toddler Behavior Assessment Questionnaire. Results: Shorter nighttime sleep duration (ß = -.28, p = .03) and lower sleep efficiency (ß = -.33, p = .01) at 2 years predicted more temperamental proneness to anger at 3 years, while greater temperamental social fear at 2 years was predictive of shorter 24-hour (ß = -.44, p = .02) and nighttime (ß = -.36, p = .04) sleep duration at 3 years. Associations between temperamental activity level and sleep variables were non-significant. Conclusion: The direction of the associations between toddlers’ sleep and their temperament may vary according to which dimension of temperament is considered. These findings should encourage practitioners to identify the beginning of the causal chain leading to sleep or temperamental difficulties so as to develop well-tailored intervention plans

    Beyond homozygosity mapping: family-control analysis based on Hamming distance for prioritizing variants in exome sequencing

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    A major challenge in current exome sequencing in autosomal recessive (AR) families is the lack of an effective method to prioritize single-nucleotide variants (SNVs). AR families are generally too small for linkage analysis, and length of homozygous regions is unreliable for identification of causative variants. Various common filtering steps usually result in a list of candidate variants that cannot be narrowed down further or ranked. To prioritize shortlisted SNVs we consider each homozygous candidate variant together with a set of SNVs flanking it. We compare the resulting array of genotypes between an affected family member and a number of control individuals and argue that, in a family, differences between family member and controls should be larger for a pathogenic variant and SNVs flanking it than for a random variant. We assess differences between arrays in two individuals by the Hamming distance and develop a suitable test statistic, which is expected to be large for a causative variant and flanking SNVs. We prioritize candidate variants based on this statistic and applied our approach to six patients with known pathogenic variants and found these to be in the top 2 to 10 percentiles of ranks

    Poster Introductions II--Children’s Health Prior to School Entry and Reading Skills in the First Year of Primary School: Identifying Protective Factors

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    Background: Reading skills at school entry are one of the main determinants of future academic performance.1 Therefore, less than optimal health during the first years of life can affect the capacity for learning,2 which in turn can have an impact on health and social adjustment throughout life. The main goal of this analysis was to examine the impact of young children’s health trajectories on their reading skills in the first year of primary school (Grade 1), as assessed by their teachers. Methods: The analysis was based on data collected annually during the first eight years of the QuĂ©bec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD 1998-2010). The target population included all children (singleton births, excluding premature) born to mothers in 1997-1998 residing in QuĂ©bec, Canada. A regression analysis was conducted to examine the impact of health trajectories from birth to school entry on reading skills in Grade 1. Interactions was tested to ascertain to what degree stimulation activities in the pre-school period such as family reading habits, the mother’s verbal and emotional skills, and daycare attendance can contribute to reducing inequalities in reading skills between children with less than optimal health and their peers. Findings: The results revealed that less than optimal health, particularly in early childhood, was associated with lower reading skills in the first year of primary school. Therefore, certain health problems in young children may affect their capacity to learn well before formal education in reading has begun at school. However, the significant association with health trajectories decreased when the mother’s educational level entered into the model, the latter being revealed as one of the variables with the strongest association with children’s reading performance. All things being equal, higher verbal and emotional skills in the mother as assessed by the interviewer when the children were very young seemed to be a protective factor in children who were more vulnerable in terms of their health status. Research and policy implications: Given the importance of reading skills for success in school and future social adjustment, it will be important to conduct further analyses in order to gain a better understanding of protective factors in children at higher risk because of health problems or the low educational level of the parents. Activates designed to improve parenting skills and/or stimulate interest in reading may contribute to fostering learning skills in reading in the first year of primary school in the most vulnerable populations. 1. DUNCAN, G. J., C. J. DOWSETT, A. CLAESSENS, K. MAGNUSON, A. HUSTON, P. KLEBANOV, L. PAGANI, L. FEINSTEIN, M. ENGEL, J. BROOKS-GUNN, H.R. SEXTON, K. DUCKWORTH, & C. JAPEL (2007). “School readiness and later achievement,” Developmental Psychology, vol. 43, no. 6, p. 1426-1446. 2. DESROSIERS H., and A. DUCHARME (2008). Poverty, Child Health, and Cognitive Development at Age 6: Some results from the QuĂ©bec Longitudinal Study of Child Development (QLSCD, Canada), poster presented at the 20th Biennial ISSBD Meeting, Wurzburg (Germany), July 15, 2009

    Julie Paradis

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