23 research outputs found

    Travel agent or travel consultant? The professional profile of the Viajar Faz Bem Agency of Campo Mourão (Paraná/PR, Brazil) for travel advice acting

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    A globalização e a evolução tecnológica promovem mudanças nos mais diversos setores do mundo o tempo todo e para poder acompanhar tais transformações, a atividade turística precisou se reinventar para que deste modo pudesse se manter em um mercado de alta competitividade. Estes processos deram origem ao consultor de viagens atuando no agenciamento, porém existem algumas divergências em relação à prestação de serviço destes profissionais quando comparada aos dos agentes de viagens e diante disso, nesse trabalho se discutiu acerca de qual seria o perfil deste profissional e quais os diferenciais necessários para a sua atuação no mercado. O objetivo geral consistiu em verificar a possibilidade de atuação no segmento de consultoria de viagens pela Agência Viajar Faz Bem de Campo Mourão (Paraná/PR, Brasil) e por meio de revisão bibliográfica, observação de campo e entrevistas com a equipe do empreendimento, o estudo de caso revelou que o consultor de viagens estaria primeiramente preocupado com a segurança, satisfação e atendimento personalizado do cliente final, de modo que este poderia ser um mercado mais explorado pela agência de viagens abordada no presente trabalho.Globalization and technological evolution promote changes in the most diverse sectors of the world all the time and in order to be able to follow these transformations, the tourist activity had to reinvent itself so that it could maintain itself in a market of high competitiveness. These processes gave rise to the travel consultant acting in the agency, but there are some divergences in relation to the service rendering of these professionals when compared to those of the travel agents and before that, in that work was discussed about what would be the profile of this professional and which necessary for their market performance. The general objective was to verify the possibility of working in the travel consultancy segment of the Viajar Faz Bem travel agency in Campo Mourão (Paraná/PR, Brazil) and through a bibliographical review, field observation and interviews with the project team, the study of case revealed that the travel consultant would be primarily concerned with the security, satisfaction and personalized service of the end customer, so that this could be a market more explored by the travel agency addressed in the present work

    Planejamento participativo do turismo em comunidades rurais: Estudo comparativo entre as comunidades étnicas de Castrolanda, Entre Rios e Witmarsum no Paraná, Brasil

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    Este artigo teve como objetivo efetuar um estudo comparativo através da análise dos processos de desenvolvimento turístico envolvendo elementos inerentes a participação em três comunidades étnicas situ‑adas no Estado do Paraná (Brasil), sendo estas: Castrolanda, Entre Rios e Witmarsum. Para isso utilizou‑se como procedimentos metodológicos: a) pesquisa bibliográfica; b) busca de dados em fontes documentais e entrevistas nas comunidades; c) análise dos dados por meio do emparelhamento teórico‑prático com base nos princípios de desenho de Ostrom (2011); e d) análise comparativa a partir dos aportes de Bloch (1983). A partir da análise e cruzamento dos dados, foi possível alcançar o objetivo geral da pesquisa, inferindo sobre as peculiaridades e dificuldades que envolvem a organização e desenvolvimento do turismo de forma participativa.This article aimed to do a comparative study by analysis of the tourism development processes involving elements inherent in participation in three ethnic communities located in the State of Paraná (Brazil), Castrolanda, Entre Rios and Witmarsum. To that used as methodological procedures: a) biblio‑graphical research; b) Documental research and interviews in the communities; c) analysis of data by means of theoretical‑practical pairing on the basis of the principles of design by Ostrom (2011); and d) comparative analysis from Bloch (1983). From the analysis and cross‑it was possible to achieve the overall objective of the research, inferring on the peculiarities and difficulties involving the organization and development of tourism so as participatory

    Planejamento Participativo do Turismo e seus Desafios: A Aplicação Dos Princípios de Elinor Ostrom na Colônia Witmarsum-PR, Brasil / Participatory Planning of Tourism and Its Challenges: Application of Elinor Ostrom Principles in Colônia Witmarsum-PR, Brazil

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    RESUMO Ostrom (2011) aponta que as conquistas de uma comunidade não seriam acaso, pois elas estão apoiadas em ações de planejamento participativo com vistas a organização e fortalecimento das estruturas locais, para favor os sujeitos e o meio. Entende-se que o turismo pode se espelhar neste conjunto de orientações, para venha a contribuir com as comunidades que desejem implementá-lo. Portanto, esta pesquisa objetivou descrever os desafios no planejamento participativo da atividade turística em Colônia Witmarsum, uma comunidade formada por imigrantes alemães menonitas, localizada no Estado do Paraná, Brasil. O alcance do objetivo se deu a partir de revisão bibliográfica e documental sobre planejamento turístico, desenvolvimento local e histórico da comunidade. A isso se somou a realização de visitas in loco e entrevista semiestruturada, cujo foco foi aproximar-se da realidade e buscar entender a percepção da gestão local em relação ao planejamento participativo do turismo. Concluiu-se que há muito a ser feito no que diz respeito ao planejamento do turismo e auferiu-se que os princípios traçados por Ostrom (2011) não são postos em prática, o que torna o sucesso da atividade como vetor para o desenvolvimento, uma realidade ainda distante.PALAVRAS-CHAVETurismo. Planejamento. Desenvolvimento Local. Colônia Witmarsum. Palmeira, Paraná, Brasil.ABSTRACTOstrom (2011) points out that the achievements of a community are not only a chance, because they are supported by participatory planning actions aimed at organizing and strengthening local structures that favor subjects and the environment. It is understood that tourism can be mirrored in this set of guidelines to contribute to the communities that wish to implement it, so this research aimed to describe the challenges in the participatory planning of tourism in Colônia Witmarsum, a community made up of german mennonite immigrants which is located 60 km from Curitiba/PR. The scope of the objective was based on a bibliographical and documentary review on tourism planning, local and historical development of the community; and to this was added the realization of on-site visits and semi-structured interviews, whose focus was to approach reality and seek to understand the perception of local management in relation to participatory tourism planning. It was concluded that there is much to be done with regard to tourism planning and it has been realized that the principles outlined by Ostrom (2011) are not put into practice, which makes the success of the activity as a vector for development a reality still far away.KEY-WORDSTourism. Planning. Local Development. Colônia Witmarsum. Palmeira, Paraná, Brazil. AUTORESCarla Caroline Holm – Mestra. Professora do Curso de Turismo e Meio Ambiente da Universidade Estadual do Paraná, Irati, Paraná, Brasil. Currículo: http://lattes.cnpq.br/0678376344256478. E-mail: [email protected] Fabíula Cardozo - Doutora. Professora do Curso de Turismo da Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Irati, Paraná, Brasil. Currículo: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1834607520455691 E-mail: [email protected] Lüders Fernandes – Doutor. Professor do Curso de Turismo da Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Irati, Paraná, Brasil. Curriculo: http://lattes.cnpq.br/7468055592844265 E-mail: [email protected] Gonçalves Soares – Doutor. Professor Colaborador no Curso de Bacharelado em Turismo da Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Irati, Paraná, Brasil Currículo: http://lattes.cnpq.br/9383647597188990 E-mail: [email protected].  REFERÊNCIASAssociação Comunitária dos Moradores Proprietários de Witmarsum (ACMPW) – Site institucional.Balhana, A. P.; Machado, B. P. & Westphalen, C. M. (1969) História do Paraná, I. Curitiba: Grafipar.Barretto, M. (2005). Planejamento responsável do turismo. Campinas-SP: Papirus.Cardozo, P.; Fernandes, D.; Soares, J. & Holm, C. (2016) Cooperación y participación en el proceso de planificación y desarrollo turístico: Un estudio de caso en comunidades étnico-rurales en el estado de Paraná, Brasil. Estudios y Perspectiva en Turismo, 25(1), 88-109.Cardozo, P. (2008) Planejamento turístico participativo: para além dos discursos uma proposta para execução. Revista Virtual P@rtes, 20(10), s.p.César, P. A. B. & Stigliano, B.V. (2010) Planificación turística en áreas urbanas: la implementación del turismo cultural en el centro de São Paulo, Brasil. Estudios y Perspectivas en turismo, 19(5), 722-739.César, P. A. B. (2011). Turismo e desenvolvimento sustentável: análise dos modelos de planejamento turístico. Caxias do Sul: Educs.Enns, E. R.; Camargo, M. A. R. & Krüger, A. (2000). Permanecei em mim: 70 anos da imigração menonita. Curitiba: s/e.Holm, C. C. (2015) Desenvolvimento comunitário por meio da prática do turismo étnico: experiências em Colônia Witmarsum, Palmeira-PR. Dissertação (mestrado) – Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste, Irati, Paraná, Brasil.Kloster, S. (2013) Riscos e potencialidades da atividade de turismo rural na microrregião de Ponta Grossa. Dissertação (mestrado) – Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Ponta Grossa, Paraná, Brasil.Molina, S. (2001). Planejamento integral do turismo. Bauru-SP: Edusc.Ostrom, E. (2011).  El govierno de los bienes comunes: la evolución de las instituciones de la acción colectiva. México: FCE, UNAM, IIS.Pauls, A. (2010) Menonita, conte sua história! In: Siemens, U. (org.). Quem somos? 1930-2010: A saga menonita rompendo a barreira cultural. Curitiba: Editora Evangélica Esperança.Petrocchi, M. (2009). Turismo: planejamento e gestão. São Paulo: Pearson Prentice Hall.Soares, J. G. (2013).  Turismo na Colônia Witmarsum, Palmeira-PR: fomento externo e estrutura interna. In: Llera, Francisco J. & Bautista, Elizabeth. (orgs.). Comunidades Menonitas de México y Brasil: influencia y aportaciones. Ciudad Juárez: Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad Juárez.Soares, J. G. & Löwen Sahr, C. L. (2016). Ação coletiva, cooperativismo e turismo: estudo de caso da comunidade menonita de Witmarsum (Paraná, Brasil). Pasos – Revista de Turismo y Patrimonio Cultural, 14(1), 111-125.Souza, M. J. L. (2005) O território: sobre espaço e poder, autonomia e desenvolvimento. In: Castro, I. E. de et al (orgs.). Geografia: conceitos e temas. Rio de Janeiro: Bertrand Brasil.Vera Rebollo, J. F.; López Palomeque, F.; Gómez Marchena, M.J. & Clavé Anton, S. (2011) Análisis territorial del turismo y planificación de destinos turísticos. Valencia: Tirant Lo Blanch.Vignati, F. (2008) Gestão de destinos turísticos: como atrair pessoas para os pólos, cidades e países. Rio de Janeiro: Senac Rio.Witmarsum Cooperativa. Site institucional. Recebido: 15 AGO 2016Avaliado: SET-DEZ.Reencaminhado: 23 MAR 2017Avaliado: ABRAceito: 23 JUN 2017

    APRENDIZAGENS IN LOCO: um olhar reflexivo a partir das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais dos Cursos de Graduação em Turismo

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    FIELD TRIP: a view about brazilian national legislation on Tourism Graduation courses  Resumo: Tendo em conta a Resolução CNE/CES nº 13, de 24 de novembro de 2006, que institui as Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais dos Cursos de Graduação em Turismo - DCN, o presente artigo buscou refletir sobre aprendizagens in loco, que são representadas, dentre outras, pelas viagens de estudo, visitas técnicas e saídas de campo, uma vez que se notou que essas constam subliminarmente no documento. Por entender que a pandemia de COVID-19 jogou luz sobre a valia dessas aprendizagens como parte basilar da formação em Turismo, no decorrer do estudo e das reflexões, algumas questões emergiram referentes à própria denominação, ao entendimento conceitual, às bases epistemológico-pedagógicas, às formas de organização e implementação e à presença ou ausência nos PPCs, entre outras. De caráter qualitativo, este trabalho não tem a pretensão esgotar o tema abordado e nem apresentar resultados conclusivos expostos com fundamentação rigorosa de literatura especializada. Desenvolve-se como uma análise teórica provocativa sobre aprendizagens in loco no âmbito de cursos superiores de Turismo, constituindo assim em um olhar preliminar a partir das DCN, mas que não se encerra aí. Palavras-chave: Aprendizagens in loco; diretrizes curriculares nacionais; formação superior em turismo; Pandemia de COVID-19. Abstract: Considering Resolução CNE/CES n° 13, from November 24th, 2006, which institutes national parameters in the college curriculum of Tourism Graduation Courses, also called Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, this article aimed reflecting about the learnship process in the field – represented by field trips, among other strategies, due its mentions in the resolution, subliminally mentioned throughout the document. Taking into account that COVID-19 pandemics enlightened the relevance of the field trips, this article had brought some questions considering the concept of field trip, its epistemological-pedagogic, ways of organization and implementation, its presence or lack on Pedagogical Projects, among others. The essay-like job, with a qualitative analysis, does not intend to assume a definite position about the subject and present conclusive results with a rigorous theoretical fundamentation of specialized literature. Assuming the article is an essay, it is developed as a theoretical analysis about field trips on Tourism Graduation Courses, forming a preliminary gaze from DCNs, rather than a definite position about the subject.  Keywords: Field trip; diretrizes curriculares nacionais; tourism graduation; COVID-19 pandemics. 

    New genetic loci link adipose and insulin biology to body fat distribution.

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    Body fat distribution is a heritable trait and a well-established predictor of adverse metabolic outcomes, independent of overall adiposity. To increase our understanding of the genetic basis of body fat distribution and its molecular links to cardiometabolic traits, here we conduct genome-wide association meta-analyses of traits related to waist and hip circumferences in up to 224,459 individuals. We identify 49 loci (33 new) associated with waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for body mass index (BMI), and an additional 19 loci newly associated with related waist and hip circumference measures (P < 5 × 10(-8)). In total, 20 of the 49 waist-to-hip ratio adjusted for BMI loci show significant sexual dimorphism, 19 of which display a stronger effect in women. The identified loci were enriched for genes expressed in adipose tissue and for putative regulatory elements in adipocytes. Pathway analyses implicated adipogenesis, angiogenesis, transcriptional regulation and insulin resistance as processes affecting fat distribution, providing insight into potential pathophysiological mechanisms

    Genome-wide association identifies nine common variants associated with fasting proinsulin levels and provides new insights into the pathophysiology of type 2 diabetes.

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    OBJECTIVE: Proinsulin is a precursor of mature insulin and C-peptide. Higher circulating proinsulin levels are associated with impaired β-cell function, raised glucose levels, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Studies of the insulin processing pathway could provide new insights about T2D pathophysiology. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We have conducted a meta-analysis of genome-wide association tests of ∼2.5 million genotyped or imputed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and fasting proinsulin levels in 10,701 nondiabetic adults of European ancestry, with follow-up of 23 loci in up to 16,378 individuals, using additive genetic models adjusted for age, sex, fasting insulin, and study-specific covariates. RESULTS: Nine SNPs at eight loci were associated with proinsulin levels (P < 5 × 10(-8)). Two loci (LARP6 and SGSM2) have not been previously related to metabolic traits, one (MADD) has been associated with fasting glucose, one (PCSK1) has been implicated in obesity, and four (TCF7L2, SLC30A8, VPS13C/C2CD4A/B, and ARAP1, formerly CENTD2) increase T2D risk. The proinsulin-raising allele of ARAP1 was associated with a lower fasting glucose (P = 1.7 × 10(-4)), improved β-cell function (P = 1.1 × 10(-5)), and lower risk of T2D (odds ratio 0.88; P = 7.8 × 10(-6)). Notably, PCSK1 encodes the protein prohormone convertase 1/3, the first enzyme in the insulin processing pathway. A genotype score composed of the nine proinsulin-raising alleles was not associated with coronary disease in two large case-control datasets. CONCLUSIONS: We have identified nine genetic variants associated with fasting proinsulin. Our findings illuminate the biology underlying glucose homeostasis and T2D development in humans and argue against a direct role of proinsulin in coronary artery disease pathogenesis

    Solving patients with rare diseases through programmatic reanalysis of genome-phenome data.

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    Funder: EC | EC Seventh Framework Programm | FP7 Health (FP7-HEALTH - Specific Programme "Cooperation": Health); doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/100011272; Grant(s): 305444, 305444Funder: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness); doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/501100003329Funder: Generalitat de Catalunya (Government of Catalonia); doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/501100002809Funder: EC | European Regional Development Fund (Europski Fond za Regionalni Razvoj); doi: https://doi.org/10.13039/501100008530Funder: Instituto Nacional de Bioinformática ELIXIR Implementation Studies Centro de Excelencia Severo OchoaFunder: EC | EC Seventh Framework Programm | FP7 Health (FP7-HEALTH - Specific Programme "Cooperation": Health)Reanalysis of inconclusive exome/genome sequencing data increases the diagnosis yield of patients with rare diseases. However, the cost and efforts required for reanalysis prevent its routine implementation in research and clinical environments. The Solve-RD project aims to reveal the molecular causes underlying undiagnosed rare diseases. One of the goals is to implement innovative approaches to reanalyse the exomes and genomes from thousands of well-studied undiagnosed cases. The raw genomic data is submitted to Solve-RD through the RD-Connect Genome-Phenome Analysis Platform (GPAP) together with standardised phenotypic and pedigree data. We have developed a programmatic workflow to reanalyse genome-phenome data. It uses the RD-Connect GPAP's Application Programming Interface (API) and relies on the big-data technologies upon which the system is built. We have applied the workflow to prioritise rare known pathogenic variants from 4411 undiagnosed cases. The queries returned an average of 1.45 variants per case, which first were evaluated in bulk by a panel of disease experts and afterwards specifically by the submitter of each case. A total of 120 index cases (21.2% of prioritised cases, 2.7% of all exome/genome-negative samples) have already been solved, with others being under investigation. The implementation of solutions as the one described here provide the technical framework to enable periodic case-level data re-evaluation in clinical settings, as recommended by the American College of Medical Genetics

    Solving unsolved rare neurological diseases-a Solve-RD viewpoint.

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    Funder: Durch Princess Beatrix Muscle Fund Durch Speeren voor Spieren Muscle FundFunder: University of Tübingen Medical Faculty PATE programFunder: European Reference Network for Rare Neurological Diseases | 739510Funder: European Joint Program on Rare Diseases (EJP-RD COFUND-EJP) | 44140962

    Solve-RD: systematic pan-European data sharing and collaborative analysis to solve rare diseases.

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    For the first time in Europe hundreds of rare disease (RD) experts team up to actively share and jointly analyse existing patient's data. Solve-RD is a Horizon 2020-supported EU flagship project bringing together >300 clinicians, scientists, and patient representatives of 51 sites from 15 countries. Solve-RD is built upon a core group of four European Reference Networks (ERNs; ERN-ITHACA, ERN-RND, ERN-Euro NMD, ERN-GENTURIS) which annually see more than 270,000 RD patients with respective pathologies. The main ambition is to solve unsolved rare diseases for which a molecular cause is not yet known. This is achieved through an innovative clinical research environment that introduces novel ways to organise expertise and data. Two major approaches are being pursued (i) massive data re-analysis of >19,000 unsolved rare disease patients and (ii) novel combined -omics approaches. The minimum requirement to be eligible for the analysis activities is an inconclusive exome that can be shared with controlled access. The first preliminary data re-analysis has already diagnosed 255 cases form 8393 exomes/genome datasets. This unprecedented degree of collaboration focused on sharing of data and expertise shall identify many new disease genes and enable diagnosis of many so far undiagnosed patients from all over Europe

    A Solve-RD ClinVar-based reanalysis of 1522 index cases from ERN-ITHACA reveals common pitfalls and misinterpretations in exome sequencing

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    Purpose Within the Solve-RD project (https://solve-rd.eu/), the European Reference Network for Intellectual disability, TeleHealth, Autism and Congenital Anomalies aimed to investigate whether a reanalysis of exomes from unsolved cases based on ClinVar annotations could establish additional diagnoses. We present the results of the “ClinVar low-hanging fruit” reanalysis, reasons for the failure of previous analyses, and lessons learned. Methods Data from the first 3576 exomes (1522 probands and 2054 relatives) collected from European Reference Network for Intellectual disability, TeleHealth, Autism and Congenital Anomalies was reanalyzed by the Solve-RD consortium by evaluating for the presence of single-nucleotide variant, and small insertions and deletions already reported as (likely) pathogenic in ClinVar. Variants were filtered according to frequency, genotype, and mode of inheritance and reinterpreted. Results We identified causal variants in 59 cases (3.9%), 50 of them also raised by other approaches and 9 leading to new diagnoses, highlighting interpretation challenges: variants in genes not known to be involved in human disease at the time of the first analysis, misleading genotypes, or variants undetected by local pipelines (variants in off-target regions, low quality filters, low allelic balance, or high frequency). Conclusion The “ClinVar low-hanging fruit” analysis represents an effective, fast, and easy approach to recover causal variants from exome sequencing data, herewith contributing to the reduction of the diagnostic deadlock